Institute for Peace and Justice Records, 1970-1979 (S0344)
2 cubic feet, 63 folders
The Institute for Peace and Justice records (1970-1979), document the operation of the Institute from its inception and contain material on the development of peace education courses, workshops, and seminars, including some reference material. The records also include literature and correspondence with affiliated peace groups and a small subjects file. The collection consists of correspondence, staff notes, board and staff meeting minutes, curricula syllabi, evaluations and progress reports, memorandum, textual teaching aids, literature, and some reference material.
International Association of Administrative Professionals, Lindbergh Chapter Records, 1996-2014 (S0271)
2.5 cubic feet
The International Association of Administrative Professionals, Lindbergh Chapter Records contain agendas, meeting minutes, chapter rosters, membership surveys, and photographs pertaining to the Lindbergh chapter's mission to help administrative support professionals advance in their careers. Topics of interest include fundraising assistance for members attending professional conferences, membership drives, as well as charitable causes the Lindbergh Chapter supported, including the St. Louis Area Foodbank.
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records, 1901-1965 (S0238)
3 cubic feet, 74 folders, 14 volumes, 2 microfilm rolls
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 9 Records document the district's growth, campaigns for an eight-hour workday, strikes and strike benefits, labor grievances, employment in St. Louis, jurisdictional disputes with other unions, and national union policy. Railroad machinists founded Locals 41, 85, and 394 of the International Association of Machinists in 1888-1889. They were chartered, along with Local 121, as District 9 of the International Association of Machinists in 1902.
International Institute of St. Louis Records, 1919-1960 (S0422)
14 microfilm rolls
The records of the International Institute of St. Louis contain founding papers, correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, case reports, and photographs documenting the institution's mission to assist immigrants with assimilating into American culture.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union in St. Louis Collection, 1933-1978 (S0779)
0.4 cubic feet, 1108 photographic images
The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU) organized local garment workers in St. Louis in 1933 and was active until 1995. The ILGWU in St. Louis Collection is an artificial collection combining small acquisitions pertaining to the history of the ILGWU Southwest Regional Office, the St. Louis Joint Board, and its affiliated locals. The collection contains photographs and film negatives, a contract, correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters, and theatrical programs.
International Women's Forum Oral History Collection, 2013-2015 (S1148)
3.5 cubic feet, 72 folders, 72 HDV tapes, 72 DVDs, 1 book
The International Women’s Forum Oral History Collection consists of oral history interviews conducted by Dr. Blanche Touhill with St. Louis City and St. Louis County members of the Missouri chapter of the International Women’s Forum. The collection documents the interviewee’s personal and professional lives and how they established themselves as successful, enterprising women leaders in the St. Louis region. These materials include DVD recordings of the interviews, as well as accompanying transcripts. The interviews date from 2013 to 2015.
"Interviewed Editor McCullagh," James C. Espy, 1933 (C2097)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Manuscript submitted to the MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW. Interview with Colonel Joseph Burbridge McCullagh, editor of the ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, on November 12, 1895, about his rumored senatorial candidacy. Interview was published in the ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC, November 13, 1895.
Irwin Family Papers, 1864-1997 (S0904)
4.5 Cubic Feet
This collection consists of papers and photographs of Mathew Irwin, primarily documenting his ancestors—the Storch, Wuellner, and Slavik families. The Storch and Wuellner branches immigrated to St. Louis, Missouri, from Germany and Bohemia in 1838 and settled in the St. Louis area. After their settlement in St. Louis, Magnus Storch (1825-1900) and his wife, Elizabeta Steibert (1843-1896), had Louisa Storch (1870-1934). On April 6, 1893, Louisa Storch married George Friederich Wuellner (1864-1955); their union produced Talitha Wuellner (1895-1955). Talitha subsequently married Albert Slavik (1891-1939) on April 10, 1917, which led to the birth of Marjorie Louisa Slavik (1918-1997). Marjorie married Russell Ewing Irwin (1912-1984) in 1940. From this union came Karin Louise Irwin, who had Mathew S. Irwin and Samuel White Swan-Perkins.
Lyndon Irwin Photograph Collection, 1880-1915 (P0285)
29 photographs
Late 19th century photographs of Montgomery City, Matson, and St. Louis, portraits and group photographs.
Nancy J. Irwin Postcard Collection, 1905-1930 (P0281)
11 postcards
11 postcards from the early 20th century with scenes of various places in Missouri including Joplin, Springfield, and St. Louis.
Virginia Irwin Collection, 1934-1963 (S0084)
1000 index cards, 1 cubic foot
The collection consists of annotated index cards to newspaper articles Virginia Irwin wrote for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as a feature writer.
Isgrig Baseball Collection, 1987-2005 (S1201)
5 cubic feet
This collection contains books on the history of baseball.
Benjamin Israel Papers, 1968-1975 (S0906)
2 cubic feet
Subject files from a St. Louis activist. Topics of interest include nuclear disarmament, anarchists, and labor unions.
Italian Immigrant Oral History Project Collection, 1973-1984 (S0511)
18 cassette tapes
This collection consists of interviews with Italian immigrants residing in the "Hill" neighborhood in South St. Louis, conducted by Gary Ross Mormino for his book, "Immigrants ON the Hill: Italian Americans in St. Louis 1882-1982."
Italians in St. Louis Collection, 1966-1973 (S0035)
0.25 cubic foot, 4 folders
This collection contains anniversary programs and histories of the Italian Club of St. Louis, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fratellanza and Societa Unione E Fratellanza Italiana, and an unpublished manuscript titled "Over Here: St. Louis Italo-Americans and the First World War" by Gary Ross Mormio.
J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices, 1937, 1940, 1983 (S0251)
0.01 cubic foot
The J.P. Morgan and Co. Bond Notices consists of notices to foreign bond holders, including the First National bank in St. Louis, regarding the Imperial Chinese Government 5% Hukuang Railways Loan of 1911.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Ivan James Papers, 1938-1981 (S0144)
0.8 cubic foot, 4 rolls microfilm
The Ivan C. James papers contain correspondence, reports, newsletters, souvenir programs, and announcements pertaining to St. Louis housing developments and African American churches, fraternal, and social organizations in St. Louis.
Odis and Ruby James Oral History, 1990 (S0513)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 audio cassette tape
An oral history interview regarding the lives and experiences of Reverend Odis James and Ruby James while working in the Nazarene Ministry in St. Louis.
Samuel William James Collection, 1898, 1904 (K0846)
0.03 c.f. (1 folder)
Photocopies of photographs of James, lieutenant in the Spanish-American War and later the National Guard, in uniform. Also a reenactment of a firing squad.
Walt Jaschek Papers, 1968-2019 (S0371)
0.3 cubic foot
The collection contains zines and comic books written, published, and collected by Walter Jaschek, a St. Louis-area comic book and Science Fiction/Fantasy enthusiast. Materials of interest include issues of Grafan that Jaschek helped edit as a member of the Graphic Fantasy Society of St. Louis. Also included in the collection are two issues of The Green Vomit, published by Bob Gale, a St. Louis native and co-writer of the Back to the Future movie series.
Iola Allen Jasper Papers, 1827-2020 (S0573)
8.25 cubic feet
The Iola Jasper Papers contain correspondence, photographs, histories, greeting cards, and a diary related to Jasper's interest in family history. Materials of interest include the correspondence and business papers of her Great-Grandfather, William Sumner Jewett, a Jefferson County entrepreneur who shipped fruit and sand to companies in St. Louis and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Kimberly Jayne Papers, 1985-2020 (S0503)
6 cubic feet
The Kim Jayne Papers consist of meeting minutes, correspondence, flyers, posters, pin buttons, photographs, slides, and cassette tapes that document the life of Kim Jayne, a prominent peace activist within the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. The collection contains information regarding her personal life and involvement in organizations such as the Forest Park Southeast Neighborhood Association, St. Louis Women’s Support Group, and Lentz Peace Association from 1979 to 2022.
Jazzman Project Collection, 1933-1973 (S0295)
0.01 cubic feet, 1 folder, 7 photographs
The Jazzman Oral Hisotry Project was a series of interviews with jazz musicians conducted between 1971 and 1973, which are part of the Oral History Collection (S0829). During the course of the interviews, other materials were also collected. Those photographs, newspaper clippings, and programs are in this collection.
Jefferson Barracks Engineering Plans Collection, 1941 (CA6011)
0.8 cubic feet
Engineering specifications, plans, and photographs of the construction of various buildings and infrastructure at Jefferson Barracks in 1941.
Jefferson Barracks National Register of Historic Places Research Collection, 1997-2003 (S1066)
9 cubic feet
This collection contains research materials used to prepare Jefferson Barracks nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
Jefferson Club (St. Louis, Mo.) Photograph, 1901 (C0803)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photograph of members and guests of the Jefferson Club of St. Louis at Monticello, VA, the home of Thomas Jefferson, on 12 October 1901. Included are Missouri politicians Harry B. Hawes and William J. Stone.
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Association Photograph Collection, 1933-1963 (P0811)
4 photographs
Photos of Arch site prior to and cleared for construction. Also photo of site with model of Arch inserted.
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Construction Photographs, 1960-1970 (P0090)
43 photographs
Images related to the St. Louis riverfront and the Gateway Arch, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial construction. This collection also includes several souvenir booklets of the Kansas City area, postcards of St. Louis, and photos of Bagnell Dam and the Mark Twain Shrine.
Jennings Historical Society Collection, 1843-1981 (S0081)
0.15 cubic foot
The Jennings Historical Society Collection contains photocopies of newspaper clippings, a deed of property, photographs, and the contents of a scrapbook collected by Jennings Historical Society regarding the history of Jennings, Missouri, a north St. Louis County suburb.
Jet-Lag Magazine Collection, 1980-1991 (S0748)
0.4 cubic foot, 5 folders
The Jet-Lag Magazine Collection contains magazine issues of Jet-Lag Magazine from 1980-1991. Based in St. Louis, the publication focused on punk rock and new wave music and covered the local music scene in the St. Louis area.
John Ramming Machine Company Records, 1882-1913 (S0571)
8 cubic feet, 28 volumes
The John Ramming Machine Company records contain daybooks, ledgers, billing books, check stubs, contracts, and tax documents of this company that was located on the levy. The company did repair and installation on steamboat engines and boilers as well as other machine work for the customers in the city.
John W. Gregory and Company Collection, 1950-2010 (S0351)
14.5 cubic feet
The collection contains site plans, sales brochures, floor plans, photographs, and appraisal reports for home developments in the St. Louis area, including LaSalle Park, Chateau Country Club, and Lake Saint Louis.
Johnson's Commercial College Booklet, 1882 (S0636)
0.01 cubic foot
The booklet is titled "Johnson's Commercial College for Ladies and Gentlemen, 210 and 212 N. Third Street, St. Louis, 1882."
Allen Bolles Johnson Papers, 1860-1861 (R0289)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Allen Bolles Johnson Papers contain typescript and photocopies of letters written by Allen B. Johnson from Rolla and St. Louis, Missouri during the American Civil War. A native of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, his letters include descriptions of rail travel from Birmingham, New York to Missouri, the controversy over secession at Rolla, and the Camp Jackson affair and civil unrest in St. Louis.
C.S. Johnson Genealogical Collection, 1924-1963 (C4330)
1.25 cubic feet (27 folders)
The papers of C.S. Johnson contain genealogical research material on the Johnson and other related families. The material includes genealogical correspondence, research notes, family lineage charts, wills, deeds and abstracts.
Charles P. Johnson Papers, 1871-1920 (C4229)
0.8 cubic feet (15 folders)
The papers of a criminal lawyer and lieutenant governor of Missouri, 1873-1875. Includes diaries, photographs, a scrapbook of news clippings, and miscellaneous papers.
Eddie Johnson Scrapbook of Jazz Musician, 1930-1970 (S0322)
1 microfilm roll
Scrapbook of a Jazz musician and pianist. Eddie Johnson, a piano player on the riverboat Idlewyld, took over a jazz orchestra from Oliver Cobb when Cobb died in 1931. The new band, the Crackerjacks, played St. Louis and nationally toured until it disbanded in 1931. The Crackerjacks recorded its most popular song, "Ya Yas," for the Victor label. The band included saxophonists Tab Smith and Ernest Franklin, and trumpeter Harold Baker. The scrapbooks contain playbills and newspaper clippings.
Joint Community Board Records, 1973-1974 (S0100)
0.01 cubic foot
The records contain meeting minutes, memos, evaluations, and reports of the Joint Community Board, a community service organization that was located in the Central West End neighborhood of St. Louis, Missouri. The board was comprised of three Central West End churches—Trinity Episcopal, Second Presbyterian, and First Unitarian—and oversaw the administration and funding of after-school and summer programs for neighborhood youth, as well as neighborhood revitalization projects.
Burnam R. Jones Papers, 1897-1966, 2011 (C4405)
0.4 cubic feet (7 folders)
This collection features papers by or pertaining to the life of World War I veteran Burnam R. Jones. There are photographs taken in France as well as photographs from his life before and after the war. There are sketches done by Jones and several memoirs typed by Jones.
Mary Ranken Jordan Collection, 1936-1980 (S0216)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The Mary Ranken Jordan Collection contains a booklet, correspondence, a short biography, and news articles chronicling Mary Ranken Jordan's life and involvement in the St. Louis Women's Christian Association, the Ranken-Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital, and numerous other charitable organizations from 1936 to 1980.
"Journey of the Stephanites from Saxony to St. Louis, 1838, and settlement in Perry County, 1839," C. Heinrich pub., no date (C2085)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Journey of the Stephanites from Saxony to St. Louis, 1838, and settlement in Perry County, 1839. Difficulties of ocean voyage to New Orleans and riverboat travel to St. Louis. Economic conditions, prices, religious beliefs, organization of colony, and impressions of Martin Stephan.
Joy Family Letters, 1849-1884, bulk 1864-1865 (C4601)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence between and pertaining to Lewis D. Joy and Augusta D. [Kent] Joy, 1840s-1880s. Also includes genealogical notes on the family.
Junior College District of St. Louis and St. Louis County, Missouri Records, 1957-1967 (S0692)
0.25 cubic foot, 9 folders
The Junior College District of St. Louis County, Missouri Records contain correspondence, board meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and reports regarding the governance of the organization during the 1950s and 1960s.
Junior Kindergarten Collection, 1962, 1964-1970 (S0042)
0.15 cubic foot, 7 folders
This collection includes articles of incorporation, correspondence, reports, lists, and flyers relating to the founding and operation of Junior Kindergarten from 1962, and 1964-1970. Junior Kindergarten was organized in 1965 by the Junior League of St. Louis and Page-Park County YMCA (currently Bayer YMCA) to improve the school readiness of educationally disadvantaged children around St. Louis City before their entrance into a public kindergarten.
Junior League of St. Louis Records, 1914-2005 (S0628)
25 cubic feet, 616 folders, 2 phonograph records, 1 audio tape, 1 16mm film, 2406 photographs
The Junior League of St. Louis is an educational, charitable organization that started in 1915, evolving out of the Junior Equal Suffrage League. Their mission is to promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women, and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The collection contains board minutes and committee minutes; material relating to the many programs and projects the League has sponsored over the years; the League's publications, including "Topics," "League Letter," and membership directories. Also included are a small artifact collection and an extensive photograph collection depicting all aspects of the organization.
Alfred Kahn Papers, 1959-1988 (S0907)
10 cubic feet
The Alfred Kahn Papers contain correspondence, audio cassette tapes, press releases, and conference materials pertaining to Kahn's career as an African-American environmental activist in the St. Louis region. The materials in the collection reflect Kahn's interest in urban zoning and regional planning. Other topics of interest include materials on the St. Louis Committee for Black Survival, an African American activist group concerned with the urban environment.
Kaiser-Pilgrim Family Papers, 1880s-1930s (C4339)
0.3 cubic feet (9 folders)
Assorted photographs of the Kaiser-Pilgrim families, also including genealogical notes and artistic sketches by Martin Kaiser.
Kalb Family Papers, 1909-1985 (S0272)
1 cubic foot
The Kalb Family Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, patents, and financial reports pertaining to the Kalb family and Kalb Electric Company’s establishment and operation. Founded in 1909 by Ralph Tennent Kalb, Sr., the Kalb Electric Company is a Maplewood-area business dedicated to lighting installation, chandelier and lamp restoration, and custom lighting designs. Kalb, Sr. also served as a City of Maplewood Councilman for nearly 14 years.
Louis and Bernita Anna (Quick) Kallenbach Family Papers, 1897-1960 (S1216)
1 cubic foot
The collection contains correspondence that Louis and Bernita Kallenbach and their sons, Maurice and Travis, sent to or received from relatives, friends, and business associates. The collection also contains photographs, school report cards, and a bank book.