Jon Charles Acker Collection, 1846, 1860s-1930s (C4540)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 16 oversize items)
The collection contains certificates documenting Missouri baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, along with autograph albums. The materials were collected by Jon Charles Acker, an author and historian, for research purposes. Some of the items are in German.
Adam Allendorf Collection, no date (C2546)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Songs and plays in German.
Hermann B. Almstedt Papers, 1887-1954 (C2408)
1.5 cubic feet
Correspondence with colleagues and students, articles, speeches, poems, programs, report cards and diplomas of Hermann B. Almstedt, professor of Germanic Languages at the University of Missouri.
W.F. Bek Notebook, no date (C1456)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Synopsis of a geography written in German and used by Bek in the early 1860s when he taught in St. Charles, MO.
W.F. Bek Papers, no date (C1457)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A substitute for arithmetic texts, made by Bek for use in his classes at St. Charles, MO.
William G. Bek Notebook, 1866 (C1460)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A list of legal forms in German used by an immigrant to acquaint himself with American legal documents. Receipts, vouchers, articles of agreement, notes, and mortgages.
William G. Bek Photograph Collection, 1874-1903 (P0586)
40 photographs
Photos of and relating to German immigrants in Missouri, including the Frederick Steines home and family, St. Albans, MO, the Muench family, the Goebel family, Bethel Colony, Charles Wulfing, and assorted followers of Duden.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
Bethel Community (Shelby County, Mo.) Song Books, 1859-1863, n.d. (C3876)
0.15 cubic feet (2 folders), 1 roll of microfilm
Four song books containing only the words of German songs, including folk songs and hymns (two are published and two are handwritten).
Betz Family Collection, 1981 (K0838)
0.1 c.f.
This collection contains a small booklet written by Annette Betz entitled "The Home of Carl Betz and Louise Wittig Betz." The booklet is a retelling of her family history, focusing on Annette's childhood, and her memories of her father, Carl, and her mother, Louis.
The Reverend Blumhardt Notebook, 1844 (C1455)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account, in German, of the illness of Gottliebin Dittus, dictated to the Reverend W.F. Bek by Blumhardt, a noted faith-cure advocate.
Bode Family Account Book, 1846-1962 (C2461)
1 roll of microfilm
Account book of Bode family, containing genealogical data, court records of family land in Osage and Cole counties, description of farm, inventory and expense records, William Bode's description of drowning of two sons, certificate of service in Enrolled Missouri Militia, permit to leave Germany issued to J.H. Lutkewinklemann. Entries in German and English.
Bode Family Papers, 1754-2010 (C3999)
7.0 cubic feet (228 folders), 1 audio cassette, 2 audio tapes
The collection contains the personal and professional papers of four generations of the Bode family, many of whom were ministers in the Evangelical Church Society of the West (Evangelischer Kirchen Verein des Westens), now the United Church of Christ. The collection includes correspondence, photographs, sermons, publications, and publicity clippings.
Louis Frederick Bohm Papers, 1866 (C2591)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from Bohm in Warrenton, MO, to his parents in Illinois, and a copy of a catalogue of Western Educational Institute, Warrenton.
Boonville Turn and Gesang Verein Papers, 1852-1925 (C0880)
1.2 cubic feet (1 folder, 11 volumes)
Constitution and by-laws, deed, rules for use of meeting hall, reports of secretary, receipts for dues, and application for membership of a German social organization in Boonville, Missouri. Minutes, roster of members, and account books. Written in German until 1902.
Bower Family Papers, 1858-1906, 1979 (CA6663)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)
Addition of correspondence, 1858-1906, along with transcriptions by Adolf E. Schroeder, and three photographs of Clarence and Lucille Bower, 1979. See also C4055.
Bower Family Papers, c. 1865-1974 (C4055)
0.7 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of the Bower family, who settled in Bethel, Missouri, around 1850, consist of correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Henry F. Brandt Account Book, 1859-1860 (C0266)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account book apparently of Henry F. Brandt, physician in Warren County, MO. Lists sales of medications with patients' names; also sold medicine for animals. Brandt was born in Germany and was one of the pioneer settlers of Warren County. Many of his patients were also apparently German immigrants.
Brewers, Maltsters and General Labor Departments, Local Union No. 6 Minutes, 1898-1940 (C0584)
2 rolls of microfilm
Roll 1 contains volume 1, March 14, 1898-July 14, 1918, in German. Roll 2 contains volume 2, July 28, 1918-January 1, 1940, in English. Labor-management relations, beer production prohibition, participation in politics, international union policy and relations with other trade unions; World War I, American Socialist Party, Eugene V. Debs, and Tom Mooney.
Bruhl Family Photographs, 1902-1984, 1994-1996 (CG0037)
0.2 c. f.
The Bruhl Family Photographs include individual and family portraits of this family and the related families of Ritzenthaler, Caldwell, and Anderson from 1902-1984.
John T. Buegel Civil War Diary, 1861-1864 (C1844)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains a diary, in German, with translation by William G. Bek, 1945. The diary documents Buegel's career as a soldier in Company F, 3rd Regiment, Missouri Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, including battles of Camp Jackson, Wilson's Creek and Springfield, and Sherman's march to the sea.
Catholic Union of Missouri, 17th State Convention, HISTORICAL SOUVENIR, 1909 (C2137)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Ralph Gregory's translation from German of excerpts from the HISTORICAL SOUVENIR of the 17th State Convention of the Catholic Union of Missouri. Arrival and names of the first German Catholics in Washington, MO, 1833. The church, mission and school of St. Francis Borgia Parish.
Champion City United Methodist Church (Champion City, Mo.) Diamond Jubilee Papers, 1970 (C3186)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a historical compendium of the church published for its Diamond Jubilee celebration on 31 May 1970, a bulletin for the Jubilee Service of Song and Sermon, and the Covenant Service. A short history of the church, its pastors, long-time members, and building improvements are included.
Concordia Baptist Church (Concordia, Mo.) Records, 1861-1922 (C3906)
4 folders, 1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Concordia Baptist Church consist of minute books of the congregation and the sister society, and the constitution of the church. The records are in German. A translation of the records is included in the collection.
Crede Family Papers, 1818-1939 (C3065)
1.6 cubic feet (93 folders, 8 volumes), 2 oversize volumes; also available on 4 rolls of microfilm
Personal correspondence, genealogical records, and business records of a German-American family living in Osage County, MO. The bulk of the collection concerns Hermann Crede; other papers pertain to his brothers, Wilhelm and Carl; all three immigrated in the 1850s. Much of the correspondence is in German; the business records are in English.
William P. Cutler Papers, 1912 (C3245)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Letters from German and Swiss girls to Missouri state food and drug commissioner about an article he published in German and Swiss newspapers and magazines asking for wives for American servicemen stationed in the Philippines ca. 1912. Typed translation of newspaper article, letters in German.
Delta Phi Alpha, Eta Beta Chapter Records, 1965-1981 (C4682)
0.25 cubic foot (13 folders)
Organizational records of the Eta Beta Chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, a German honorary fraternity, at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
"'Der Geist des Deutschtums' in the State of Missouri," William G. Bek, no date (C1047)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains a history of Germans in the state of Missouri. Also included are miscellaneous letters and programs.
Otto F. Dingeldein Papers, 1944-1990 (C4291)
1.0 cubic foot (19 folders), 8 oversize items
Doermann-Niebruegge Family Papers, 1865-2002 (C4368)
1.9 cubic feet (60 folders)
Papers of a German American family from Bay, Missouri, largely consist of material concerning the Henry and Elise Neibruegge Doermann and Fred Doermann families and include photographs, correspondence, financial papers, military papers, and miscellaneous material. Related and other families represented include Poetting and Mayhew.
Jacob Eggen Papers, 1833-1875 (C2698)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Jacob Eggen contain notes and reminiscences of the history of Highland, IL, as well as notes of an artillery soldier. Manuscripts are written in German script.
Eulenhorst Society (St. Louis, Mo.) Records, c. 1907-c. 1961 (CA4846)
1 volume
Meeting records, historical sketches, music, poetry, memorials and other records of the Society; the "literary branch" of a St. Louis Turner Society from ca. 1907 to ca. 1961. The Society included a women's auxiliary and kept their records in German.
Evangelical Bethel Congregation (Concordia, Mo.) Records, 1872-1947 (C1292)
0.22 cubic feet (3 folders)
The records of the Evangelical Bethel Congregation consist of minutes of congregational meetings, church constitutions, membership lists, and other church records. Recorded primarily in German, an English translation of the records is included in the collection. These records are part of the German Heritage Archives.
Eversmann Family Papers, 1810-1982 (C3743)
0.3 cubic feet
Family history and genealogy of the Eversmann family in Germany. Biographical sketches of Alexander, Ludwig, and Julius Eversmann. Correspondence, financial and legal records of Ludwig Eversmann and Gottfried Duden of Warren County, MO. Also poems, home remedies, and other miscellaneous items. Mostly in German with some English translations.
John Feldmann Account Book, 1863-1871 (C0268)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Accounts of a physician of Hermann, MO, partly in German. Lists medical services such as extractions, lancing of abscesses, vaccinations, etc. Bills were paid in such commodities as cigars, wine, sugar and potatoes.
Chauncey Ives Filley Letter, 1880 (C1824)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To D.K. Abeel, Kansas City, MO, from St. Louis, MO, Feb. 20, 1880.
Political maneuvering in Missouri for General Grant's presidential candidacy in 1880. Organization and influence of St. Louis German vote, the WESTLICHE POST, Emil Preetorius. State politics, particularly party positions. Also typed copy.
Fred E. Franke Papers, no date (C3505)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
English translation by William Wilke of Franke’s “Ein Verfehltes Leben.” News story on Franke’s death copied from the Washington, Missouri, Citizen.
Franklin County, Missouri, Tutor's Notes, 1882 (C1105)
0.16 cubic feet (1 volume)
Collection of historical and geographical facts used by a private tutor in Casco, Franklin County, MO. The sheets were mounted on cloth and placed in a frame which hung on the wall.
Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records, 1850-1974 (S0037)
1.2 cubic foot, 33 folders, 4 microfilm rolls
The Frei Gemeinde Von St. Louis Records contain correspondence, ledgers, protocol books, and articles of association about the founding and operation of this German fraternal association.
Friedens United Church of Christ (Warrenton, Mo.) Record Books, 1868-1967 (C3631)
1 roll of microfilm (3 volumes)
Record books of the Friedens Evangelical Church, Warrenton, Missouri, and the Bethany Evangelical Church, Pendleton, Missouri. The two merged to become the Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Church, later renamed the Friedens United Church of Christ. The Friedens Church was organized in 1877, but the record book has entries dating from 1868. The earliest record in the Bethany book is for 1910.
FRIEDRICH MUENCH: MAN OF LETTERS ON THE MISSOURI FRONTIER, Reader and Source Book, Siegmar Muehl, 1990s (C0952)
0.2 cubic feet
Siegmar Muehl translated and edited the writings of Muench, who immigrated to the U.S. with the Giessen Emigration Society in 1834, and was a liberal thinker. He settled in Missouri, farmed, and wrote extensively. These papers contain translations as well as photocopies of Muench's work and are part of the German Heritage Archives.
Die Gartenlaube, 1893-1904 (CA5835)
2.5 cubic feet
Issues of the German language periodical, 1893-1904.
German American National Alliance Convention, Photographs, 1913-1916 (P0864)
2 photographs
Panoramic group photos from German American National Alliance Conventions, 1913 and 1916.
German English Evangelical Friedens Church (Hamburg, Mo.) Records, 1920-1940 (C0748)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Records of the German English Evangelical Friedens Church, Hamburg, MO, consisting of an undated church history and record books from the years 1920 to 1940. The record books contain the church constitution, membership records, cash receipt accounts, expenditure and collection records, minutes of directors meetings and annual meetings, and the cemetery fund records.
German Order of Harugari Glasgow Lodge No. 499 Record Book, 1884-1887 (C1108)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)
Membership questionnaires.
German Savings Institution (Saint Louis, Mo.) Minute Book, 1853-1868 (C2329)
0.20 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains one volume including an act of incorporation, list of subscribers, election of directors, periodic examination of assets and other transactions involving purchase of bonds, stocks and notes. Correspondence and papers in book pocket relate to stockholders' meeting, tax exemption of bank, and by-laws. M. Robert Barth was president.
German Stewartsville Branch, RLDS (Stewartsville, Mo.) Records, 1877-1908 (C3054)
1 roll of microfilm
Record book of church in DeKalb County organized on April 25, 1877. Contains records of membership, ordinations, children blessed, and marriages. Protocols or minutes of business meetings are in German. Includes English transcripts of the protocols.
"The Germans in Missouri, [1818-1848]," Gustav Koerner, 1880 (C1132)
0.05 cubic feet (1 volume)
One section of a larger work by Koerner on the German element in the U.S.
Charles Gildehaus Scrapbooks, 1831-1909 (C3107)
0.4 cubic feet
Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and letters regarding the wholesale grocery business, philosophical lectures, theater programs, and other matters.
David Goebel Astronomy Notebook, 1840-1844 (C1110)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Astronomical observations, records of barometric pressure and thermometer readings. Written in German