
"Sand Run Primitive Baptist Church History," Andy J. Brown, 1945-1955 (C1304)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Brief history of Old Sand Run Primitive Baptist Church, founded in 1815 as Upper Cuivre Baptist Church and called Old School Baptist Church at Sand Run after 1849. Located in Lincoln County, Missouri. Includes excerpts from church records and list of members.



"A Check List of Missouri Baptist Imprints, 1817-1850," Dayton W. Canaday, 1817-1850 (C2178)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

History of Missouri Baptist and early newspapers. Short biographies of Joseph Charless, Joshua Norvell, Duff Green, and Nathaniel Patten, Jr. Bibliography of Missouri Baptist imprints.

A.M.E. Church (Paris, Mo.) Record Books, 1880-1933 (C4722)
0. 2 cubic foot (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Quarterly conference minutes and financial records of the A.M.E. church.


Clayton Abbott Collection, circa 1958-1976 (R0581)
0.3 cubic foot (20 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Clayton Abbott Collection contains research materials on Cedar County, Missouri, compiled by local Stockton historian and author Clayton Abbott. The material includes newspaper clippings, transcripts of letters and documents, and drafts of Abbott’s writings.


Jon Charles Acker Collection, 1846, 1860s-1930s (C4540)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 16 oversize items)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains certificates documenting Missouri baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, along with autograph albums. The materials were collected by Jon Charles Acker, an author and historian, for research purposes. Some of the items are in German.

African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection, 2021-2023 (SP0078)
31 oral history interviews

 Finding Aid

The African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection contains oral history interviews, transcriptions, and photographs related to the African American Heritage in the Ozarks project coordinated by the State Historical Society of Missouri from November 2021 to November 2022. The interviews cover a wide range of topics related to the African American experience in the Ozarks including family, community, education, religion, travel and leisure, labor, and military service.

Muriel E. Furry Akers, "Caledonia Methodist Heritage" Collection, 1984 (R0379)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Richard Hundley Landrum “The Immigrant’s Guide” Collection contains a promotional newspaper published by R. H. Landrum and Euphrates Boucher at Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri. The publication contains articles promoting agriculture and stock-raising in southwestern Missouri and the opportunities for immigrants to Lawrence County.


Akinsville Baptist Church (Morgan County, Mo.) Records, 1884-1897 (C1295)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Meeting held at the McDaniel schoolhouse, May 3, 1884, when an independent Baptist church was formed. List of members listed in the record book for the period between May 3, 1884, and 1897.


Jamon Aldrich Letter, 1838 (C1446)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

A Mormon immigrant wrote his brother about Missouri. Geographical location of his homestead, fertility of land, crops, prices, wages, Indians, U.S. military forts and troops, anti-Mormon sentiment, Joseph Smith, and news of family and friends.


Allen Chapel A.M.E. Collection, 1959-1982 (K0820)
3.6. cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Allen Chapel A.M.E. Collection contains files related to Hazel Browne Williams’ service as a board member of the African American church in Kansas City, Missouri. The collection includes church bulletins and programs, correspondence, board and financial reports, newsletters, conference information, newspaper clippings, and board minutes.


Clarence W. and Idress Head Alvord Collection, 1759-1962 (C0970)
21.2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, writings, and collected materials of Alvord, professor of history at the universities of Illinois and Minnesota; and his wife, writer and former curator of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis. The collection includes territorial documents and Ste. Genevieve records; LIBERTY TRIBUNE papers; Missouri state and county records; and Civil War and military papers.

American Sunday-School Union Records, 1917-1930 (R0565)
0.2 cubic foot (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

The American Sunday-School Union Records are photocopied field work records created by missionaries for the American Sunday-School Union in Christian, Douglas, Howell, Ozark, Texas, Webster, and Wright counties in Missouri.


Amish Scrapbooks, 1989-1999 (SP0022)
1 cubic foot (56 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Amish Scrapbooks collection consists of the writings of Noah Gingerich about the lives of his family and friends. The bulk of his work was created for Budget newspaper, a paper specializing in reporting the experiences of Amish and Mennonite community members in Sugarcreek, Ohio, and across the nation.    



Joseph Anderson Family Letters, 1873-1908 (C0199)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters in Swedish to an immigrant who settled in Buffalo, MO, with his brother. The letters are from relatives in Sweden and from a brother in Hermitage, Missouri, Illinois, and Michigan, giving early wages, positions, settlements, prices of voyages, crops, and farm animals. Also included is a Lutheran catechism and biblical reference sheet.


"Apple Creek Presbyterian Memorial Association," Allen L. Oliver, 1964 (C2913)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Address delivered 24 May 1964 at the site of the church and cemetery, giving the history of Apple Creek Church and cemetery.


Arcola Christian Church (Arcola, Mo.) History, 1982 (C0928)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Printed history of church located in Dade County, MO, compiled at time of the centennial celebration. Includes lists of members, ministers, and elders and deacons. Also contains photographs and reminiscences of church events by members.



O.K. Armstrong Papers, 1912-1987 (C4056)
150.75 cubic feet (151 boxes), 2 audio discs, 1 film strip, 9 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of O.K. Armstrong, a journalist, author, and politician from Springfield, Missouri, contain correspondence, manuscript drafts, subject files, speech material, research notes, and political material.


Leann Arndt Collection, 1931-1970 (R1507)
0.25 cubic foot (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Leann Arndt Collection contains pamphlets and brochures collected by Leann Arndt. The collection includes records for the Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Missouri State Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, booklets printed by Charles H. Evers, and brochures for Iberia College.

Frank Ely Atwood Papers, 1888-1943 (C3131)
21 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, reports, case records, judicial opinions, speeches, articles, news clippings, pamphlets and books covering Atwood's professional and political careers and his work as an active layman in the Southern Baptist Church.


Aulsbury Chapel Free Will Baptist Church (Bonne Terre, Mo.) Records, 1889-1944 (C2977)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Record book of a church organized in 1889 in St. Francois County, by John Wood and W.R. Aulsbury. Record book contains membership lists, often including dates of baptism, death, or dismissal, and meeting minutes (1890-1933) dealing with the running of the church.

R.A. Austin Papers, 1846-1897 (C2118)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers contain a typed autobiography of the Reverend R.A. Austin, a Missouri Methodist minister and circuit rider and covers the Austin family's migration from Kentucky to Missouri, education, conversion, Civil War, Native Americans, trip west from Chillicothe, Missouri, to Montana, activities of Montana circuit ministers. Transcripts of seven letters from Austin to his wife, 1859-1866.


Bacon Chapel (Shelby County, Mo.) Account Book, 1870 (C3372)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains an account book of money collected by Bacon Chapel church subscription and kept by William O. Lowman. The subscription was for a new building.



Ray Baird Papers, 1897-1985 (C0749)
0.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Missouri professional youth work director, 1925-1956; businessman, 1956-1974; and amateur band leader, 1974-1982. Includes personal papers, genealogical materials on the Baird family, diaries, correspondence, poetry, award presentations, photographs, and newspaper clippings.

Baptist Association Annual Meeting Records, 1882-1933 (R0644)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Baptist Association Annual Meeting Records contain microfilm copies of annual meeting minutes of Primitive Baptist associations in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma. The most complete series are for the Center Creek and Ozark associations of Missouri. The minutes include the proceedings of the associations, lists of churches, officers, and representatives, the articles of faith and rules of decorum, and correspondence with other associations.


Barker Chapel Methodist Church (Benton County, Mo.) Records, 1893-1968 (C3717)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Includes four Sunday school record books for a church near Windsor. The dates for these books are December 3, 1893-August 27, 1897, October 24, 1915-December 30, 1917, November 3, 1935-July 28, 1940, and May 3-September 20, 1942. Also includes photograph of Southwest Missouri Conference Methodist Episcopal Church South delegates, Warrensburg, Missouri, 1908, and brief church history written in 1968.



William Fletcher Barnds Papers, 1900s-1920s (C3444)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Barnds papers consist of an undated memoir and a scrapbook of a farmer who lived in St. Charles and Saline Counties, Missouri. Barnds writes about early Methodism, his family before and after marriage, and the hardships of farm life.

Amanda Bingham Barnes Will, 1900 (C2052)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Will exhorting children to live Christian lives and disposing of 120 acres of land originally granted to Henry V. Bingham.


Jesse William Barrett Papers, 1905-1953 (C0009)
21.75 cubic feet (1,902 folders), 11 volumes, 2 card files

 Finding Aid

The papers of a St. Louis lawyer and politician; attorney general of Missouri, 1921-1925; Republican candidate for governor in 1936; commander of the Missouri Department of the American Legion, 1932-1933; and president of the Missouri Bar Association, 1933-1934. The collection includes material about the American Legion, Methodist Episcopal Church, Culver-Stockton College, Barrett’s St. Louis law practice, term as attorney general, Missouri Bar Association, business and family, and Republican Party campaigns and elections.


Barry County (Mo.) Baptist Association Annual Meeting Reports, 1885-1889 (C2978)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Printed reports of the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th meetings of the association. List of delegates, and membership statistics.


Barry County Baptist Association Records, 1937-1945 (R0875)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are published booklets containing the minutes of annual meetings of the Barry County Baptist Association, held at Cassville, Missouri, in 1937 and 1945.



Barry County Baptist Association Records, 1897-1898 (R0908)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of photocopies of published booklets of the minutes of two consecutive annual meetings (1897 and 1898) of the Barry County Baptist Association in Missouri. Included are minutes of sessions, reports of committees, ministerial rosters, and statistical reports.



Violet Bartlett Papers, 1907 (SP0086)
0.20 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Violet Bartlett Papers contain a letter and prayer book written by Violet Bartlett, a native of Niangua, Missouri.


Basye Family Papers, 1812-1960 (C2505)
3.9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, legal documents, clippings, account books, scrapbooks, photographs, Bible records, and papers collected to establish the Basye family genealogy. Included are Bowling Green Methodist Episcopal Church and Cumberland Presbyterian Church registers, and early letters describing activities and family life in Missouri and other states, notably California and Wisconsin. Mining, the California gold rush, and the Civil War are also described. Numerous correspondents are women.


Beaver Creek United Baptist Church Records, 1866-1888 (R0219)
2 volumes microfilmed

 Finding Aid

These are minutes of meetings and membership records of the Beaver Creek Baptist Church in
Phelps County, Missouri. The church was founded in 1866 as Willow Spring Baptist Church, and
was relocated and renamed in 1874.



"The Beginning of Protestantism in Trans-Missouri," Don Wendell Holter, 1934 (C1120)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Ph.D. dissertation prepared at the University of Chicago in the Department of Church History.


Belchamber Family Papers, 1892-1993 (CG0041)
3.2 c. f.

 Finding Aid

The Belchamber family papers contain photographs, correspondence and scrapbooks from the Belchamber family and its various branches. This collection also includes photographs and memorabilia relating to Will Mayfield College in Marble Hill, the Iron Mountain Railroad, and regional buildings and environs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

John W. Bell Record Book, 1820-1870 (C0232)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

List of books, including prayer book, Bible, theological works, grammars, foreign language dictionaries, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, the classics, and poetry; prices of books, clothing, and goods in the 1820s; tuition payments; allowances to children for furniture and sundries; and cash, 1832-1847.

Ovid H. Bell Collection, 1824-1950 (C3805)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of and materials collected by a Fulton, Missouri, resident relating to the history and residents of Callaway County. The collection is comprised of correspondence, copies of speeches and lectures given by Bell on historical topics, and documents including a typescript 1849 diary of James Tate, tax rolls for Callaway County, Callaway County Agricultural and Mechanical Society membership lists, and a regimental history and troop roster of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.


Bellarmine Conference of the Manresan Society Records , 1943-2011 (S0357)
1.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection consists of meeting minutes, correspondence, and a constitution of a Catholic men's group, documenting their mission to attain spiritual perfection based on the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 


Bellflower Presbyterian Church Records, 1901-1952 (C1343)
0.01 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Typed copy of session minutes and church register.



H.B. Benedict Proclamation, 1853 (C2829)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Proclamation issued by H.B. Benedict, Mayor of Boonville, MO, July 16, 1853, forbidding the riotous and unlawful assemblies arising from the lectures of Billy Ross. Printed on cloth.


Bentley Family Collection, 1815-1981 (C3042)
5 rolls of microfilm, 0.4 cubic feet (11 folders), 1 oversize item, 1 oversize volume

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The collection contains the correspondence of Nancy V. Bentley, Jordan R. Bentley, and J. Marshall Bentley. Also included are legal papers and bills of sales for enslaved people pertaining to the Bentley family and Thomas Fristoe; reminiscences of Jordan R. Bentley and material pertaining to Bentley and other allied families; material on the Civil War in Chariton, Howard, and Cooper Counties; material on family and social life in the 1880s and 1890s; and Chariton County history.

Marian F. Berkowitz Collection, 1942-1943 (K0802)
0.07 cubic foot (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection includes a memorial service booklet, armed forces prayer book, and songbook. The memorial service booklet and songbook are both from Congregation Keneseth Israel-Beth Shalom.


Berry-Thomson-Walker Family Papers, 1830-1893 (C0074)
0.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Biography of David Thomson, founder of Georgetown and Sedalia, MO; correspondence of his son, Milton T. Thomson, in Pettis County and California gold fields; James T. Walker and Charles W.C. Walker in Boonville, KY, and North Carolina; William and Thomas Berry's California gold mining expense accounts; and miscellaneous papers.


Bethany United Baptist Church, Madison County, Missouri Records, 1829-1992 (R0725)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

These are minute books, membership registers, and papers of Bethany United Baptist Church at Roselle in Madison County, Missouri. Records exist from the founding of Bethany Church in 1829 as an arm of Providence Church of Washington County.


Bethel Association of Regular Baptists Records, 1851 (R0288)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Bethel Association of Regular Baptists Records contain the minutes of the twenty-second annual meeting of the Bethel Association, which was composed of Regular Baptist churches in Franklin, Jefferson, Perry, Union, and Williamson counties in Illinois. The minutes include membership statistics and a summary of business taken up at the annual meeting.


Bethel Association United Baptist Churches of Jesus Christ Records, 1816-1996 (R0598)
4 rolls (72 volumes)

 Finding Aid

These are the minutes of the annual meetings of the Bethel United Baptist Association of southeaster Missouri, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1816. The Association consists of churches in Crawford, Iron, Madison, St. Francois , and Wayne counties.


Bethel Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1817-1927, 1858-1859, 1898 (C4491)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Record book of Bethel Baptist Church from 1817-1827, includes founding articles; membership information; monthly business meeting notes; and records on the establishment of Walnut Grove Academy from 1858-1859. Two letters of dismission provided by members of the church, and three letters to a member of the church or academy, with unknown relevance.


Bethel Baptist Church Records, 1840-1980 (K0178)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of regular meetings of the Church in Cosby, Andrew County, MO, lists of members, pastors who served the Church, and other information on the activities of the Church.

