1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection, 1889 (R1381)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The 1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection contains a history of the 25th Reiment Misouri Infantry and Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West and includes unit rosters. This history was edited and compiled by Dr. W.A. Neal, who served as the assistant sugeon in the 1st Missouri Engineers.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Muriel E. Akers Postcard Collection, 1970, no date (P0263)
14 postcards
10 color and 4 black and white postcards, with images from Bellevue Valley, Iron County and Caledonia in Washington County.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Arcadia College and Ursuline Academy Collection, no date (R1093)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet describing and promoting Arcadia College and Ursuline Academy, a school for girls located at Arcadia in Iron County, Missouri and run by the Ursuline Sisters, a Roman Catholic order. Included are photographic illustrations and descriptions of the courses of study.
Bangert Family Papers, 1923-1994 (SP0008)
.5 cubic feet (40 folders, 620 photographs)
The Bangert Family Papers chronicle two generations of the Bangert Family. They consist mostly of the personal papers of Nell Mabrey Bangert and the genealogy and family photographs of her husband’s family. Also included is material chronicling her teaching career, including photographs of her students, which have been organized by year.
Banner School, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1930-1942 (R0684)
(2 oversize volumes)
These are teachers' record books of the elementary school at Banner in western Iron County, Missouri. Included are records of individual attendance and classification, monthly summaries, inventories of school property, and records of visitors to the school.
R.L. Barger Photograph Collection, 1958-1959, no date (P0653)
4 photographs
Photos of Ironton: Centennial Marker, St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Swift home, and Courthouse. Postcards of Old Jail Museum, Vienna, MO.
"The Battle of Pilot Knob by One Who Was There", no date (C3425)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Memoir of an unknown observer (actually Theodore Pease Russell) of the 1864 Battle of Pilot Knob. He describes weapons used, skirmishes, regiments, officers, and casualties.
Bethel Association United Baptist Churches of Jesus Christ Records, 1816-1996 (R0598)
4 rolls (72 volumes)
These are the minutes of the annual meetings of the Bethel United Baptist Association of southeaster Missouri, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1816. The Association consists of churches in Crawford, Iron, Madison, St. Francois , and Wayne counties.
Elzie Brand, "History of East End and the Community" Collection, no date (R0172)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Elzie E. Brand, “History of East End and the Community” Collection contains a photocopy of a history of the community of East End, Missouri. Located in Iron County, East End was the eastern terminus of the Sligo and Eastern Railroad. It served as a shipping point for lumber and cordwood from 1912 to 1929.
John Carter Papers, 1958-2004 (R1529)
0.25 cubic foot (9 folders, 4 photographs, 2 video cassettes)
The John Carter Papers contain records and artifacts donated by John Carter, a long-time mining properties manager for the Doe Run Company, pertaining to lead mining conducted primarily by the St. Joe Mineral Corporation and the Doe Run Company in Iron, Jefferson, Madison, St. Francois, and Washington counties in Missouri.
Milton Pleasant Cayce Records, circa 1870 (R1039)
(1 oversize volume)
This is a bound volume containing information about land parcels in Madison, Reynolds, Wayne, Iron, and Sainte Genevieve Counties in Missouri, and miscellaneous clippings on such subjects as horticulture and cholera. The item has been attributed to Milton P. Cayce because his name occurs most often therein.
Cedar Grove School, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1910-1943 (R0843)
(2 volumes)
These are District Clerk's record books from Cedar Grove School in northern Iron County, Missouri. They include minutes of annual and board meetings, financial date, records of the employment of teachers and custodians, and annual enumerations of school-age children.
Central Missouri Association of United Baptists Records, 1859-1996 (R0599)
1 roll (40 volumes)
These are minutes of the annual meetings of the Central Missouri Association of United Baptists, beginning with the organizational meeting in 1859. The Association consists of churches in southeastern Missouri, primarily in the counties of Dent, Iron, Reynolds, and Washington.
Coleman Family Papers, 1862-1865 (R0619)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Coleman Family Papers contain original and photocopies of letters written to Elizabeth C. Coleman and her parents during the Civil War, by relatives and friends in the 6th Missouri Infantry. Included are letters from Otterville and Rolla, Missouri, and Vicksburg, Mississippi, one from Washington, D.C., in 1865, and two from Pilot Knob, Missouri. The letters contain camp news and information on mutual friends. The letters from Pilot Knob concern postwar employment.
Andy Collins Photograph Collection, 1884, 1985 (P0658)
11 photographs
20th century photographs of Civil War sites and monuments in Missouri, Pilot Knob area.
Franklin Spilman Denny Papers, 1853-1917 (R0548)
0.1 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Franklin Spilman Denny Papers contain photocopies and typescripts of family correspondence, a Civil War diary, and military service and pension records of Franklin Spilman Denny of Company C, 1st Missouri Cavalry.
Stephen S. Drake Collection, circa 1865 (R0572)
(1 folder)
This is a copy of a Civil War photograph of Stephen S. Drake of Company H of the 2nd Missouri Cavalry ""Merrill's Horse"". There is also a biographical sketch provided by the donor.
Waldemar M. Dressel Papers, 1946-1986 (R1490)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders)
The Waldemar M. Dressel Papers contain publications, photographs, and maps from his years working for the U.S. Bureau of Mines based in Rolla, Missouri.
Robert L. Elgin Research Collection, 1960-1993 (R1261)
2.1 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are the research files of a civil engineer, surveyor, and historian from St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes reports, scale sketches, and photographs concerning the restoration of various historic sites in Missouri, charcoal iron furnace sites in Missouri, and prehistoric petroglyphs and pictograph sites in the Missouri Ozarks.
Ellis Family Papers, 1787-1948 (R0251)
(10 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
This collection includes correspondence, business records, and legal papers, and genealogical information pertaining to two early families of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. The Ellis family came from Georgia about 1805; the Ranneys from Indiana about 1825. Other names represented in the collection are Beckham, Cobb, Giboney, Ogle, Waters, and Wathen (Warthen-Worthan).
First Presbyterian Church, Fredericktown, Missouri Records, 1880-1985 (R0322)
7 volumes microfilm
These are minutes of meetings of the Session and the congregation, church registers, and the
centennial history of the First Presbyterian Church of Fredericktown in Madison County, Missouri.
Since 1964 Fredericktown has shared pastors with churches at Cornwall and Ironton.
First Presbyterian Church, Ironton, Missouri Records, 1856-1986 (R0295)
38 volumes microfilmed
These are records of the Presbyterian Church at Ironton in Iron County, Missouri, which was
organized as part of the Potosi Presbytery in 1855. The records include minutes of meetings of the
church Session, the Board of Trustees, and the congregation, registers of membership, and records of
the women's auxiliary societies.
Alma Olivia Fletcher Papers, 1841-1968 (C3623)
0.2 cubic feet (16 folders)
Papers of the Fletcher family of Arcadia, Missouri. Included are two Civil War muster rolls; Missouri will and land deed; scrapbook of Alma's European tour, 1910; and detailed daily bird watching charts, 1960-1968.
Alma Fletcher, "Library History of Iron County" Collection, 1957 (R0150)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The collection contains a photocopy of the manuscript, “Library History of Iron County,” by Alma Fletcher written in 1957.
Franklin Baptist Association Records, 1932 (R0153)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Franklin Baptist Association Collection contains a photocopy of a report on the annual session of the Franklin Baptist Association, held at Three Rivers Church in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri on the hundredth anniversary of the church and the Association. Included are the constitution and lists of member churches of the Association, and histories of the church and the Association.
Freemasons, Iron Mountain Lodge No. 430 Records, 1877 (R0720)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet containing the by-Laws of Iron Mountain Lodge No. 430, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Iron Mountain, Missouri. It was printed by Parson & Company of St. Louis, Missouri in 1877.
Freemasons, Star of the West Lodge No. 133 Ironton, Missouri Records, 1849-1962 (R0446)
34 folders, 13 volumes MICROFILMED
These are records of the Masonic Lodge at Ironton in Iron County, Missouri. The records include
minute books, membership records, personnel files, and miscellaneous lodge papers,
1849-1962. The collection also includes the record books of the Iron Mountain Lodge, 1864-1894,
which consolidated with the Star of the West Lodge in 1894.
Thomas A. Goodman Collection, circa 1925 (R0160)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Thomas A. Goodman Collection contains a photocopy of a seven page illustrated pamphlet, “A Little Journey Through El Jane of the Ozarks,” advertising the sale of the “El Jane” property in Arcadia, Iron County, Missouri. The 500-acre estate was to have been the permanent residence of Thomas A. Goodman of Chicago, Illinois.
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)
Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes one card file of reference notes.
Leonard Hall Papers, 1946-1983 (R0408)
2.5 cubic feet (47 folders)
These are papers of a conservationist, newspaper columnist, author, and lecturer. Prominent topics include the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, the National Audubon Society, Defenders of Wildlife, and wilderness areas. There are texts and notes for many of his articles, books, and lectures, as well as scripts for several nature films.
High School Meet for Southeast Missouri Collection, 1933 (R0999)
(1 folder)
This is a program booklet for the 28th annual high school meet for Southeast Missouri, held at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, on April 28-29, 1933. The meet included competitions in academic subjects, music, and debate as well as athletics. The meet was under control of the Teachers College Athletic Committee.
Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers, 1790-1999 (R1280)
20 cubic feet (501 folders, 14 oversize folders, 27 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)
The Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers consisted of family papers, photographs, correspondence, and business records of the extended Hinchey family. Also included are the correspondence and sketches of William J. Hinchey.
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pilot Knob, Missouri Records, 1861-1982 (R0383)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pilot Knob, Missouri Records contain records of baptisms, confirmations, communicant, marriages, and deaths of members of the Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church at Pilot Knob in Iron County, Missouri. The church was formally organized in 1863 and is now part of the Missouri Synod. Most of the records are in German.
Iron County Historical Society Collection, circa 1973-1992 (R0497)
0.1 cubic foot (10 folders)
This is a group of miscellaneous papers from the collections of the Iron County Historical Society. Included are "Iron County Yesterdays," essays on the Plank Road and the Whitworth Store, and a summary history of the Pilot Knob Iron Company. Also included are a number of items concerning Baptist churches in Ironton and Belleview, the Missouri Baptist Assembly at Arcadia Heights, and the history of the Baptist Home at Ironton.
Iron County, Missouri School District No. 2 Records, 1871-1894 (C0853)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Record books of school district, giving minutes of meetings, accounts, lists of taxpayers, teachers, contracts, and other information.
Iron County, Missouri School Records, 1872-1932 (R0159)
0.1 cubic foot (6 folders)
The Iron County, Missouri School Records contain photocopies of the district clerk’s records for District No. 3, Roselle School and District No. 18, Middlebrook School. Also included are the visiting records of the county superintendent for all of Iron County and teachers’ certificates and contracts.
Ironton, Missouri, Land Office Letter Book, 1867-1871 (C1278)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Letter book of receiver of lands.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Charles E. Kiefner Papers, 1925-1931 (R0189)
3.5 cubic feet (160 folders)
The Charles E. Kiefner Papers contain the papers of a U.S. Representative from Perryville, Missouri. He represented the 13th District (Bollinger, Carter, Iron, Jefferson, Madison, Perry, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, and Wayne counties) in the 69th (1925-1927) and 71st (1929-1931) Congresses. Included are general subject files, post office files, and veterans' pension files.
Knights of Pythias, Ironton Lodge No. 244 Records, 1905-1931 (R0700)
(1 roll of microfilm)
This collection contains the minute book of Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 244 in Ironton, Iron County, Missouri. Minutes include rolls of officers, membership applications, work in the various ranks, payment of sick benefits, and financial statements.
Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
15 cubic feet
The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.
"Land Values in the Eastern Ozarks," Carville V. Earle, 1967 (C2593)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A paper written for a geography class and presented at a Missouri Academy of Science meeting.
Moses Lax Service Record, 1866 (R0023)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Moses Lax Papers contains photocopies of Moses Lax's service record. Lax served in the 62nd Regiment, United States Colored Troops during the American Civil War.
"Life Story of William Henry Webb", no date (C2946)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account of the life of William Henry Webb as told to his wife, including his adventures traveling around the country working at various jobs, and of his life in Ironton, Missouri. Also includes a record of births and deaths in the Cureton family.
Lindsay Family Papers, 1858-circa 1980 (R0352)
0.02 cuibc foot (1 folder)
The Lindsay Family Papers consists of photocopies of correspondence, biographical material, and miscellaneous material regarding James Lindsay of Ironton, Missouri, and his sons, Joseph F. Lindsay and Robert L. Lindsay. The Lindsays were prominent early residents of Iron County and were Union veterans of the Civil War.
Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)
These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.
R. J. Martin Papers, 1946-1955 (SP0095)
4 cubic feet (103 folders, 1 oversize folder, 60 photographs)
The R. J. Martin Papers contain records, correspondence, contracts, and photographs from Ralph Joseph “Joe” Martin’s tenure as Missouri-Arkansas representative for the United States Department of the Interior Southwest Power Association office in Springfield, Missouri.