4-H Clubs of Missouri Collection, 1925-1952 (C4613)
0.05 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains printed material, award winning ribbons for Buchanan County 4-H, Missouri State Fair, and University of Missouri Junior Farmer’s Day. Also included are 4-H buttons.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Alfred Fenton and Brother Records, 1849-1884 (K0062)
10 v (MR)
Day books and ledgers of the mercantile business of in Rushville, Buchanan County, Missouri, with information on the hemp industry, including data on volume and prices.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Henry Baker Farm Record Book, 1862-1883 (C0861)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Farm breeding records, farm sales, purchases, and general account book and farm ledger of Henry Baker, St. Joseph, Missouri. Photographs enclosed.
Larry Bauman Photograph Collection, 1894-1905 (P0473)
5 photographs
Copy photos of the St. Joseph Union Station, ca. 1894-1905
Carolyn R. Bergseid Postcard Collection, 1906-1944 (P0548)
28 postcards
Postcards of St. Joseph, Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, Bolivar, and the University of Missouri Columns.
Bartlett and Mary Boder Photographs, 1880-1962 (P0927)
8 photographs
Photos of St. Joseph: Missouri Valley Trust Co. and St. Joseph museums.
Lilburn W. Boggs Papers, 1838-1839 (C1753)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Acts of the General Assembly during the administration of Governor Boggs, concerning organization and boundaries of Clark, Buchanan, Grundy, and Platte Counties; declaration of Ni-chi-ne-ba-to-na River as a navigable stream; and payment for services of grand jurors.
Boller Brothers Architectural Records, 1910-1982 (K0065)
9.31 c.f.
Architectural drawings and other supporting documents for the Boller Brothers firm who specialized in theater design
John R. Boyd Handbill, no date (C2832)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Handbill addressed to the men of Buchanan and adjoining counties, calling for men to fight against Fremont.
Robert C. Brown Photograph Collection, 1900-1971 (P0004)
51 photographs
Photographs of Missouri railroad depots, primarily for the Chicago, Burlington, & Quincy Railroad. Photographs relating to A.F. Schliecker of Kansas City, Missouri.
Carnegie Cultural Club Records, 1903-1982 (K0143)
4 MR
Minute books, official documents, financial records, scrapbooks, and historical materials for a women's cultural club in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company Contract, 1860 (C1869)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Contract between the company and the citizens of St. Joseph, MO, by which the citizens of St. Joseph provide offices and lands to the express company as part of the agreement for mail services.
Chesmore Seed Company (St. Joseph, Mo.) Records, 1895-1998 (C4045)
2.2 cubic feet (74 folders)
The Chesmore Seed Company was founded in 1878 by Alfred M. Chesmore as a seed, farm implement, wagon, and buggy business in St. Joseph, Missouri. The collection contains historical documents, business papers, company correspondence, seed catalogs, advertisements and price lists, sales receipts, and photographs of the Chesmore Seed Company as well as photographs and personal items of the Chesmore family.
William C. Cole Papers, 1942-1947 (C0013)
8 cubic feet (1,400 folders)
Correspondence of a Republican congressman from Missouri's 3rd District dealing with topics as varied as World War II, agriculture, legislation on labor and the atom bomb, education, foreign relations, immigration, flood control, labor, housing, socialized medicine, politics and the postal service.
Corby Family Papers, 1804-1905 (C0086)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of a pioneer St. Joseph, MO, family: deeds, bills of sale for slaves, tax receipts, legal papers, stock certificates, Pony Express bills; and material on early St. Louis area. Record book of the Mercantile Company, 1856; bank book, 1861-1869; volume of clippings concerning St. Joseph, 1881-1903.
Conrad and Elizabeth Crowley Deed of Trust, 1853 (C1984)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
For sale of land in Buchanan County, MO, to John and Thomas Curd.
Romulus E. Culver Papers, 1846-1886 (C2612)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The papers of Romulus E. Culver contain letters from Culver, who marched with Doniphan in the Mexican War, from the New Mexico Territory, and from individuals gathering information about Culver's death at the hands of Mexican insurgents in Mora, NM. Also included are miscellaneous documents, an interview with William Matney, and receipts.
Jeannetta Danford Papers, 1946-2016 (K1366)
3 c.f.
Diaries and journals of Jeannetta Danford, 1947-2016
Lottie W. Davis Photograph Collection, no date (P0688)
8 photographs
Photos of Davis home and Union Steam Laundry, St. Joseph, MO.
John T. Dawson Papers, 1930s (CA5975)
1 folder
Insurance papers of the St. Joseph, Missouri resident, dating to the 1930s.
Alexander W. Doniphan Letter, 1856 (C1942)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To "John," from Liberty, MO, Dec. 15, 1856. To his nephew concerning business and banking opportunities in Liberty, Weston, and St. Joseph.
Doniphan-Moss Family Papers, 1818-1920 (C4655)
0.1 cubic foot (4 folders), 7 oversize items
Correspondence and land records concerning a family largely from the St. Joseph and Clay County, Missouri, areas. Includes land deeds, miscellaneous papers, and letters between members of the Doniphan, Moss, and Thornton families.
Eastern Missouri Collection, 1858-2009 (S1135)
3.5 cubic feet, 1 reel of 16mm film, 1 reel of microfilm, 40 oversize items
The Eastern Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The Eastern Missouri Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection. Researchers should browse the index and container lists to locate pertinent material.
Edmond Jacques Eckel Papers, 1860-1952 (K0258)
0.79 c.f.
Personal and professional paper, particularly relating to Eckel's architectural training at the Ecole Des Beaux Arts (most in French), of a prominent St. Joseph, MO architect. Includes Sketches, photos, notes and other materials and also a few drawings of residences in St. Joseph.
Economic Opportunity Corporation of Greater St. Joseph (St. Joseph, Mo.) Records, 1987-1994 (CA5583)
0.4 cubic feet
Administrative procedures, audit, performance evaluation, and board member materials, 1987-1990, 1994. Board materials include correspondence, minutes, reports, financial statements, and miscellaneous.
Robert L. Elgin Photographs, 1961, no date (P0414)
19 photographs
Photos of Rolla and St. Joseph areas, Charles Van Ravenswaay, ca. 1961, and Elizabeth (Mrs Joseph O.) Shelby. Also, Missouri postcards.
Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Institution (St. Joseph, Mo.) Stock Certificates, 1858-1861 (C1985)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Shares of stock in a St. Joseph institution.
Charles W. Fertig Collection, 1977-2001 (K0674)
5 c.f.
Fertig was actively involved in Historic Preservation projects in St. Joseph, MO. includes surveys, reports, applications, and other documentation for St. Joseph redevelopment projects.
Charles B. France Papers, 1856-1890 (C1012)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Correspondence, diaries, and papers of Charles B. France, a St. Joseph, Missouri, banker, and his family. Includes references to the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Gold Rush, and travel to the West and East Coast. Contains letter book of Overland Stage Lines.
Martha M. and Sara M. France Papers, 1878-1905 (C0874)
0.3 cubic feet (14 folders), 1 oversize volume
Diary of Martha M. France, wife of St. Joseph, Missouri, banker, Charles B. France, Jr. Diary, mementos, and photos of her daughter, Sara M. France, a student at Ogontz School near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from 1889-1892.
France-McDonald Family Papers, 1884-1996 (C4419)
0.8 cubic feet (15 folders)
Papers of a St. Joseph, Missouri, family, the France-McDonalds, and their descendants, including correspondence of Charles B. France (1900-1928) with Gladys, Albert, and Sara France.
Friends of Sacred Structures Records, 1991-2015 (K1370)
5 c.f.
The records of Friends of Sacred Structures documents, photographs, and notebooks related to religious structures assisted by FOSS, covering the period 1991 through 2015. The records also include materials related to locations targeted by the organization for assistance as well as board, council, and committee records.
George Gray Collection, 1938-1939 (P0463)
6 photographs
Photos of Pony Express mural by George Gray and its unveiling by Eleanor Roosevelt, 1938, at the Robidoux Hotel in St. Joseph. Drawing of Ft. Leavenworth. Photo of the artist.
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)
Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes one card file of reference notes.
Frederick Hauenstein Papers, 1980 (R0085)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Frederick Hauenstein Papers contains a photocopy of Frederick Hauenstein's autobiography. An engineering graduate of the Missouri School of Mines (now Missouri University of Science and Technology), he worked as a surveyor and engineer in the western United States, and was the last president of the Pine Belt Lumber Company in Oklahoma.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
John J. Riordan Papers, 1917-1990 (C4383)
2.4 cubic feet (55 folders)
The John J. Riordan Papers document the World War I military career of a veterinary officer, his career as a professional veterinarian in Tarkio, Missouri, and his efforts to record his wartime experiences through writing his memoir, Horses, Mules and Remounts: The World War I Memoir of a Veterinary Officer.
Alva F. Lindsay Constitutional Convention Papers, 1943-1944 (C0020)
0.6 cubic feet (69 folders)
Correspondence and other papers of a St. Joseph lawyer and delegate to the state constitutional convention. Papers deal primarily with convention work, especially the committee on education which he chaired and the other committees of which he was a member.
William Lofinck Papers, 1896-1901 (K0405)
0.25 c.f.
Correspondence to Gustave Andriano in St. Joseph, MO, from his brother-in-law, Lofinck, a merchant in Marysville, KS, who was involved with gold mining in New Mexico. The letters are articulately written and provide interesting insight into mining in the waning years of the Gold Rush. Some letters written in German.
Lucille Eslinger Collection, 1878-1963 (C4596)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
The collection contains historical material collected by Lucille Eslinger largely concerning Albany, St. Joseph, and Columbia, Missouri, including material on the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church in Albany; photographs of buildings in St. Joseph; and programs from schools and organizations in Columbia.
Charles M. McClain Postcard Collection, 1900-1956 (P0539)
23 postcards
23 postcards of Missouri scenes, including the Ozarks, Paseo in Kansas City, Warrenton, Troy, Hannibal, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Nevada, and Russellville.
Joseph C. Meisner Papers, 1958, 1968-1980 (C4729)
11.4 cubic feet (411 folders), 4 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes
The papers of an agricultural economist who worked for the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension and with Catholic farm groups.
George C. Miller Photograph Collection, 1910-1960 (P0081)
4 photographs
1974 color photo of Conley House, Columbia, MO. 2 b/w fashion photos, a wedding dress and "ornate" gown. B/w cabinet card of two unnamed children from St. Joseph, MO.
Virginia L. Miller Photograph Collection, 1961 (P0472)
2 photographs
Photos of the Isaac Miller house, St. Joseph.
Missouri Division of Tourism Photographs, 1945-1980 (P0452)
0.08 linear feet
Photos of Thomas Hart Benton and Missouri Historic Sites, monuments, markers, and memorials.
Missouri Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., Sacred Stones and Stained Glass Windows Project Records, 1977-1980 (C3723)
7.1 cubic feet (334 folders)
Statewide documentation of local churches by county. Includes cultural arts reports, church histories, floor plans, architectural details, clippings, slides, photographs, and miscellany.
Missouri Music Teachers Association Records, 1910-2004; bulk 1963-1995 (C4670)
7.0 cubic feet (141 folders) 4 audio tapes
The records of the organization include correspondence, financial reports, membership lists, newsletters, board meeting minutes, promotional materials, convention records, publications, audio tapes of original musical compositions, and miscellaneous material.