A.E. Jones and Company (Green City, Mo.) Records, 1895-1903 (C0346)
2 rolls of microfilm
Daybooks and ledger for a lumber and building supply business. The accounts show the sale of lumber, windows, shingles, line, hair, cement, plaster, paint, and numerous other items. Quantities purchased, prices, amount and type of payment, and disbursements are shown. Disbursements also indicate freight charges and employees' salaries.
Jon Charles Acker Collection, 1846, 1860s-1930s (C4540)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 16 oversize items)
The collection contains certificates documenting Missouri baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, along with autograph albums. The materials were collected by Jon Charles Acker, an author and historian, for research purposes. Some of the items are in German.
Robert E. Acock Papers, 1838-1866 (C4101)
0.1 cubic feet
The papers of Robert E. Acock contain correspondence, a Polk County plat, and legal papers pertaining to the Acock and Robinson families of Polk County, Missouri.
Paul Acsay Papers, 1975-2011 (S0303)
2 cubic feet
The Paul Acsay Papers contain newsletters, program booklets, and flyers pertaining to Acsay's interest in historic preservation, including the redevelopment of the Hyde Park neighborhood. Materials of interest include issues of Landmarks Letter, published by the Landmarks Association of Saint Louis, and meeting minutes of Hyde Park Renovation Effort, Inc.
Adamson Family Papers, 1848-1942 (C4238)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders)
The papers of the Adamson family contain Edmund James Adamson's business correspondence and records, including taxes, deeds, promissory notes, and receipts, family correspondence, and some family genealogy. The Adamson family lived in Dade and Lawrence Counties.
Advertising Directors Records, 1878-2002 (S0728)
10 cubic feet, 169 folders
This collection chronicles the personal and professional lives of Sam and Lenore Holtzman, who established Advertising Directors, an advertising agency, in 1953. The collection contains birth, marriage, and death certificates from their families, as well as high school diplomas, drivers' licenses, and induction papers, and a survey they conducted with famous writers on the topic of inspiration. Respondents to that survey include Upton Sinclair, Betty Smith, H. L. Mencken, Ogden Nash , Dorothy Thompson, and Irving Stone. The bulk of the collection, however, consists of client account files, photographs of various shoe styles, advertising copy, artwork and catalogs, and business ledgers and financial statements about the firm.
African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection, 2021-2023 (SP0078)
31 oral history interviews
The African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection contains oral history interviews, transcriptions, and photographs related to the African American Heritage in the Ozarks project coordinated by the State Historical Society of Missouri from November 2021 to November 2022. The interviews cover a wide range of topics related to the African American experience in the Ozarks including family, community, education, religion, travel and leisure, labor, and military service.
Kamau Agyei a/k/a Carroll L. Jenkins Collection, 1986 (K1023)
0.2 c.f.
Kamau Agyei was a musician, as secretary-treasurer the Musicians Protective Union Local No. 627 and president of the Mutual Musicians Foundation as well as other organizations. Includes photocopies of articles about him.
Ahern Real Estate Records, 1873-1928 (S1128)
0.4 cubic foot, 21 folders, 8 photographs
The Ahern Real Estate Records contain deeds of trust, correspondence, and photographs that document the financial dealings of the Ahern family. The Ahern family lived in the city of St. Louis and county during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and engaged in real estate sales. Transactions took place with the Builder’s Investment Company, various individuals, and Washington University.
Joseph Aid Papers, 1863-1921 (C0200)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
Genealogical material on Aid and Miller families; Civil War military papers; and Aid's correspondence with wife and sons, 1863-1864, concerning Civil War, rations, places of interest, battles, and home news of Chillicothe, OH. Items from race track ledger, West Plains, MO.
Frank William Aiken Papers, 1936 (C1814)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of Aiken's birth certificate, the first issued in Missouri; photograph; and newspaper clipping.
Mary Bullock Aker Papers, 1930-1984 (K0115)
29 f and 2 vol.
Photocopies of short stories and newspaper/magazine articles written by Aker, both rough and final drafts. They cover a variety of topics from the Revolutionary War to household hints. Also an autobiographical story which Mrs. Aker wrote in her 91st year of memories of her childhood in and around Parkville, Missouri
Alexander and Darr Family Genealogical Papers, 2008 (C4637)
0.4 cubic feet (7 folders)
Genealogy of the Alexander, Darr, and related families of central Missouri.
David Leroy Alexander Papers, 1865-2001 (K0924)
2 c.f.
Family papers of the Alexander and Graham families of Jackson County and Pettis Counties in Missouri. Includes correspondence, birth certificates, marriage licenses, funeral information and other legal papers. Also Alexander's World War II military records; Robert B. Graham's discharge papers from the Missouri State Militia (1865); scrapbooks; photographs; books; and a journal kept by James Andrew Alexander of Longwood, Missouri.
Ione Alexander Papers, 1925-1982 (K0726)
8 c.f.
Idea notes and working drafts, published manuscripts of autobiographical stories, novels, plays, short stories, and poetry written by Alexander, an accomplished and published author. Also correspondence with friends, family, and other writers and are minutes and other documents relating to various organizations to which she belonged, such as the Quill Club.
Katherine Alexander Memory Book, 1916-1917 (C4445)
0.1 cubic feet (1 folder)
Memory book kept by a student at Central College for Women in Lexington, Missouri, 1916-1917.
Allan Family Papers, 1897-1982 (C4454)
0.8 cubic feet (33 folders)
Papers of the Allan family of St. Louis include photographs, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers. The papers largely concern John D. Allan and his children, William J. Allan, an engineer and inventor, and Ruby Allan Shea.
Caddie Bolton Allbritain Reminiscences, no date (C2090)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Article about the William Bolton family of Jefferson City, MO, submitted to MISSOURI HISTORICAL REVIEW for publication.
Grace Small Allen Collection, 1903-1964 (K1411)
0.75 c.f.
This collection contains materials that belonged to Grace Small Allen, as well as members of her family, who were residents of northwestern Missouri. Materials include books, yearbooks, photographs, a slate, and a diploma.
Maynard Dale Allen Autobiography, 1963 (K1074)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Maynard Dale Allen Autobiography consists of a single spiral bound notebook outlining the Allen family's genealogy as well as Allen's life from 1893 to 1937. Allen recalls his first interactions with automobiles and telephone service, visiting Kansas City as a teenager, moving, the Great Depression, politics, and war.
Allen-Derbius Family Papers, 1877-1888 (C0197)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Material from Monticello, IA. Two letters; 1885 farmer's diary; two promissory notes; receipts; two compositions; poem; and miscellaneous items.
Alley-Brewer Family Letters, 1857-1866 (C0196)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Letters to Margaret E. Brewer Alley and her husband, Hadley Alley, Mercer County, MO, from her brother James S. Brewer, a Civil War soldier with the 28th Illinois Volunteer Infantry; from George W. and John W. Deen who address her as sister; and from other brothers and sisters. Comments on army matters and family business.
Henrietta Ambrose Papers, 1887-1999 (S0698)
3.5 cubic feet, 96 folders, 3 oversize folders, 666 photographs, 7 volumes
The Henrietta Ambrose Papers includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, awards, memorial service programs, scrapbooks, graduation programs, meeting minutes, and photographs. Together they chronicle Henrietta Ambrose's interest in the public life of Webster Groves, Missouri.
American Family Records Association (AFRA) Records, 1978-2004 (K0455)
8 c.f.
Organizational records of a national family genealogical society based in Kansas City. Includes meeting minutes, conference records, and financial materials. Also includes correspondence, newsletters, event programs, and membership information
Hans Peter Andersen Papers, 1909-1920 (R0832)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders, 5 photographs)
The Hans Peter Andersen Papers contain the personal correspondence of Dr. Hans Peter Andersen, a physician who graduated from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis. An immigrant from Denmark, most of the letters addressed to Hans are from family members back home, but also include letters from fellow medical students serving in the United States Army Medical Corps during World War I.
Joseph Anderson Family Letters, 1873-1908 (C0199)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Letters in Swedish to an immigrant who settled in Buffalo, MO, with his brother. The letters are from relatives in Sweden and from a brother in Hermitage, Missouri, Illinois, and Michigan, giving early wages, positions, settlements, prices of voyages, crops, and farm animals. Also included is a Lutheran catechism and biblical reference sheet.
William James Anderson, Jr. Papers, 1840-1965 (K0058)
10 c.f.
Diaries, letters, business ledgers and records, manuscripts, photographs, and other materials created and collected by Anderson and his family which relate to the history of the Kansas City metropolitan area. Anderson was a local historian and descendant of Thomas Johnson and John Wornall
Melvin E. Anglin Papers, 1943-2010 (SP0052)
1 cubic foot (33 folders, 140 photographs, 410 slides)
The Melvin E. Anglin Papers consist of letters, awards, photographs, and other memorabilia collected by Melvin E. Anglin during his career in the army and into retirement.
Appelbaum Family Papers, 1942-1946, 1971-1975 (S0088)
1 cubic foot
The Appelbaum Family Papers contain a scrapbook created by Marie C. Hamacher Appelbaum, documenting her son Lawrence T. Appelbaum's service in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. The scrapbook consists of correspondence, photographs, greeting cards, and newspaper clippings Lawrence T. Appelbaum sent her from 1942 to 1946. Additionally, the collection includes World War II Marine Corps photographs and two genealogical books written by Marie Hamacher Appelbaum.
John Appleby Letter, 1848 (C0498)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Typescript copy of a letter to his parents, Berlin, Tennessee, from Dade County, Missouri, January 2, 1848. The letter describes local prices of land, enslaved persons, stock, and grain; national and local politics. Sketch of Appleby by his great-nephew, A.B. Appleby.
Applegate and Smith Families Papers, circa 1873-1992 (R1302)
1 cubic foot (30 folders)
These are the papers of the Applegate and Smith families of Sikeston, Scott County, Missouri. The collection consists of family correspondence, miscellaneous business papers, ephemeral items of historical interest, and selected photographs from family albums.
Ken Applegate Papers, 1946-2016 (CA6552)
3.2 cubic feet, 3, computer discs, 3 oversize items, 1.11 MB of digital files
The papers of a restaurant manager and entrepreneur in Columbia, Missouri, contain menus, a scrapbook, photographs, and material concerning Jack’s Gourmet Restaurant and Memorial Union Catering.
Vera Edith Armil Papers, no date (C3244)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain miscellaneous notes of Vera Edith Armil taken from various records concerning the history of sales of her house at 305 Hitt Street, Columbia, Missouri, accompanied by a photograph of the house.
Vaun Arnold Papers, 1920-1958 (K1229)
1 c.f.
Poetry, writings, correspondence and music of a Kansas City poet.
Arthur Family Photograph Album, 1896-1919 (K1262)
Photograph album inscribed, "Miss Willie Arthur, Kansas City, Kansas Jan. 4, 1896". Includes Arthur, Broadwell, Orbison, Holt and other families.
George Clinton Arthur Papers, circa 1914-1939 (R0244)
0.3 cubic foot (3 folders)
The George Clinton Arthur Papers contain the reminiscences and personal papers assembled in connection with George C. Arthur’s work on “Bushwhacker” Bill Wilson during the Civil War in Phelps County, Missouri. There is also genealogical information concerning the Arthur and Turnure families, and correspondence regarding Arthur’s books, Backwoodsmen and Bushwhacker.
Arthur E. Asel Papers, 1971-1992 (K0885)
1 c.f.
Asel was a Kansas City, MO Councilman for the Sixth District and chaired several committees. Includes his district news releases, news articles and letters to the Kansas City Star, and other organizational materials.
James D. Attebery Collection, 1844-1966 (C2398)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
St. Clair County, MO, papers relating to the Civil War Citizens Guards Company; Cole family, particularly Abraham Cole; warranty deed, homestead certificates, title bonds, land certificates and other papers involving land transactions. Also included are minute books of literary and social clubs, 1911-1914.
James D. Atwater Papers, 1980s-1990s (CA5691)
20 cubic feet
Papers of a journalism educator and dean of the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. Includes correspondence, talks, subject files, teaching materials, papers related to writing projects,and other materials.
Audibert Family Papers, 1816-1932 (R0473)
(3 folders)
This collection contains papers of the Audibert and Tickell families of New Madrid, Missouri. Included are miscellaneous papers, 1816-1932, the store ledger of Aime Audibert, 1850-1860, and shipping receipts of M. J. Tickell and Son, 1872-1880.
Aull Family Business Papers, 1841-1843 (C0592)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
List of merchandise bought from James Aull by Woodson Manion, 1837-1842. Article of agreement on the sale of land signed by Robert Aull, Samuel Owens, I.S. Allen, Wm. H. Russell, S.W. Waddell, and Alexander M. Ramsey. I.O.U. blanks. A deed of Robert Aull, 1841.
Austin Family Papers, 1944-1946 (S0474)
0.2 cubic feet
The Austin Family Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, a pamphlet, and a newspaper clipping documenting the military service of the Austin, Campbell, and Myers families. Materials of interest include photographs of Private James David Campbell (1920-1967) serving overseas in Germany during World War II.
James H. Avery Letter, 1915 (C2054)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Enclosing picture of their grandfather's house.
Frank Olin Babcock Papers, 1916-2003 (K0977)
2 c.f.
Personal papers of former Executive Vice-President of the Associated Plumbing Contractors and Mechanical Contractors of Greater Kansas City. Includes personal papers, photographs and other materials relating to the life, family, and work of Babcock.
Jean Coover Babcock Papers, 1944-1996 (K0740)
5.5 cubic feet
Family, personal, and professional materials of Babcock, a ballerina and dance instructor. Family papers include photographs, printed materials, ephemera, and material regarding her father's his job as a railroad engineer. Personal and professional papers include correspondence; photographs; clippings; programs from dance and theatre performances; material documenting her ballet career in Germany and Canada; and administrative and financial records of her Kansas City dance schools.
Robert B. Bacon Papers, 1850-1883 (C1903)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Tax receipts, notes, bills, miscellaneous receipts, and other business papers, mainly of Robert B. Bacon but also of George E. and Edward G. Chambers and others.
Lindsay Bagnall Collection, 1900, 1994-1995 (R1510)
0.5 cubic foot (7 folders, 1 photograph)
The Lindsay Bagnall Collection contains materials collected by Lindsay Bagnall. The materials include the family Bible with genealogical information of the Brown and Burton
families of Kansas and Missouri, copies of The Good Life, and a photograph of women in a garment factory.
Bailey Family Photographs, no date (P0922)
3 photographs
Photos of Edward and Permelia Bailey. Edward operated Bailey's stage stand on Butterfield Overland Mail Route.
Alfred K. Bailey Autobiography, undated (C0222)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Life of Alfred K. Bailey up to the Civil War. Tells of trek to Illinois from Tennessee. He joined the Union Army. Also material about Joseph A. Howe and his joining the Confederate Army in 1861. His sons held the James boys' horses for five cents worth of candy.
Baird-Welsh-Chisholm Family Papers, 1894-1922 (K0655)
0.5 c.f.
The papers contain various scrapbooks such as photograph albums, baby books, and commemorative books of other events such as deaths and weddings. Also contained are personal papers such as letters and certificates pertaining to the family and family-friends as well as individual photographs of members of the family.