Local History


African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection, 2021-2023 (SP0078)
31 oral history interviews

 Finding Aid

The African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection contains oral history interviews, transcriptions, and photographs related to the African American Heritage in the Ozarks project coordinated by the State Historical Society of Missouri from November 2021 to November 2022. The interviews cover a wide range of topics related to the African American experience in the Ozarks including family, community, education, religion, travel and leisure, labor, and military service.

Muriel E. Furry Akers, "Caledonia Methodist Heritage" Collection, 1984 (R0379)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Richard Hundley Landrum “The Immigrant’s Guide” Collection contains a promotional newspaper published by R. H. Landrum and Euphrates Boucher at Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri. The publication contains articles promoting agriculture and stock-raising in southwestern Missouri and the opportunities for immigrants to Lawrence County.


American Red Cross, Morgan County Chapter Records, 1932-1937 (R0427)
1 volume

 Finding Aid

The Morgan County, Missouri, chapter of the American Red Cross was organized on 20 April
1932 in Versailles. It distributed flour and clothing to needy families, and contributed funds to the
national flood relief effort in January 1937. Chairpersons were Dr. H. N. Lutman and Mrs. A. J.



Mary Alice Beemer Photograph Collection, circa 1885-1955 (R0496)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder, 37 photographs)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs of the town of Newburg and vicinity in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are views of employees, equipment, and facilities of the "Frisco" railroad, businesses, buildings, and street scenes, and miscellaneous photographs of locations near Newburg including the Dana Lead Mine and Stonydell Swimming Pool.


Berry-Stewart Family Collection, 1870-2000 (SP0074)
1 cubic foot (19 folders, 130 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Berry-Stewart Family Collection contains materials related to the Berry and Stewart families of Boone and Greene County, Missouri. Items in the collection include marriage certificates, diplomas, correspondence, funeral announcements, and photographs. This collection also contains material related to businesses in Springfield, Missouri.


Butler County, Missouri Collection, 1968 (R0318)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Butler County, Missouri Collection contains photocopies of typescripts of historical interviews with residents of Butler County, Missouri, by Robert Manns of Poplar Bluff. Topics include life along the Black River and in the communities of Hamtown, Qulin, and Rombauer, logging and railroads in Butler County, and the tornado of 1927.



Central Hotel (Oak Ridge, Mo.) Register, 1910-1917 (CG0071)
0.2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the 1910-1916 guest register for the Central Hotel, located in Oak Ridge, Missouri, and operated by Henry H. Wills and his wife, Mellie. Also included are hotel inspection certificates for the hotel during the years 1914 to 1917.

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company Promotional Booklet, circa 1910 (R0424)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is "Health and Pleasure in the Missouri Hills Along Rock Island Lines," a promotional
booklet featuring hotels, rooming houses, resorts, and recreational opportunities along or near the
CRI&P Railway between St. Louis and Versailles, Missouri.

Cole Camp, Missouri Collection, circa 1887-1940s (R0530)
(3 folders)

 Finding Aid

This is a collection of miscellaneous material pertaining to Cole Camp in Benton County, Missouri. Included are a program celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the Cole Camp Municipal Band, a souvenir booklet produced for the Cole Camp Centennial, and black and white negatives of scenes in Cole Camp.



Chief Wana Dubie Papers, 1993-2017, bulk 1993-2007 (R1535)
0.75 cubic foot (7 folders, 3 volumes, 3 audio cassette tapes, 1 DVD)

 Finding Aid

The Chief Wana Dubie Papers contain personal papers, scrapbooks and audiovisual materials that document Jospeh E. Bickell’s transformation into activist, politician, and philosopher known as Chief Wana Dubie. Though Chief Wana Dubie officially changed his name to highlight his advocacy for the legalization of marijuana, many official documents still refer to him by his birth name Joseph E. Bickell. The Chief Wana Dubie Papers collection includes radio interviews, campaign materials, newspaper articles, personal correspondence, and one DVD documentary titled Wana Dubie’s War.



Eisenmayer Family Papers, 1842-1983 (SP0032)
1 cubic foot (28 folders, 12 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Eisenmayer Family Papers consist of documents pertaining to the Eisenmayer Family and the Eisenmayer Milling Company in Springfield, Missouri. The collection also includes examples of the flour sacks used by the company, genealogical research, photographs, and materials related to the history of Greene County, Missouri.    


Ethnic Heritage Studies Colloquium, Proceedings, 1975 (S0023)
0.25 cubic foot, 1 folder, 109 pages

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the transcript of the Ethnic Heritage Studies City-Wide Colloquium proceedings, which was held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on May 13, 1975.



Findley Campaign Papers, 1980 (R1346)
0.25 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Findley Campaign Papers document the contested Ward 5, Rolla City Council election of April 1, 1980, between Susan H. Findley and Jim Waterman. The collection includes materials on the campaign, election, and resolution of the election results. Circuit Court Records, sample election materials, newspaper articles, and Susan Findley's personal notes are among the items included in the collection.


Franklin and Binkley Families Papers, 1868-1955 (R1492)
0.06 cubic foot (6 folders, 27 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Franklin and Binkley Families Papers contain photocopies of correspondence, family papers, and photographs. Also included is genealogical information for the Franklin, Binkley, Myers, Herrman, Bray, and other connected families.


Carol J. M. Goggin Collection, 1844-2015 (CG0053)
0.2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This collection covers a range of items, including brochures for many of the points of interest and historical sites in and around Southeast Missouri.  There is also information on local history of Leeper, a small community in Wayne County, Missouri, including a written document on the history and the people from the point of view of Carol J. (Marler) Goggin. There is a notary book for Wayne County, 1915-1938. Various photos of trains, train workers and teachers.  Cecil Brown adds a personal account of the first post office and railroad in Leeper.  A list of residents and their nicknames as well as a list of Marriages in Ripley County and the book “Cemetery inscriptions of Wayne County Mo”

Granby, Missouri Oral History Collection, 1984 (R1459)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder, 1 DVD)

 Finding Aid

The Granby Missouri Oral History Collection consist of a DVD containing interviews of locals that lived in Granby, Missouri in October 1984. The video contains the interviews of John Hurn, Richard Eustler, and Bill Farris. John Tuggle conducted the interviews. Also included is a letter written by R.J. Savage containing background information on how the interviews were conducted.



Hinchey-Cochran Collection, 1876-1993, n.d. (CG0059)
0.4 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This is an artificially created collection of materials pulled from the Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers (R1280) which were related to the southeast area of Missouri, especially Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Missouri. Materials include photographs, excerpts of legal documents, historical preservation efforts in Cape and Jackson, three-quarters of a printed article about Kaskaskia, Illinois, and a handwritten log-book detailing roofs, fencing, and other small construction efforts at an unnamed home.

Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers, 1790-1999 (R1280)
20 cubic feet (501 folders, 14 oversize folders, 27 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers consisted of family papers, photographs, correspondence, and business records of the extended Hinchey family. Also included are the correspondence and sketches of William J. Hinchey.

Hollister, Missouri Scrapbook Collection, 1910-1920s (R1476)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

This collection consists of scrapbook pages featuring images from Hollister, Missouri in Taney County from 1910 to the 1930s. Several of the images depict Camp Hollister, a Y.M.C.A camp. There is also an aerial view of the Hollister Farm, which is four miles away from Camp Hollister.



Iron County Historical Society Collection, circa 1973-1992 (R0497)
0.1 cubic foot (10 folders)

 Finding Aid

This is a group of miscellaneous papers from the collections of the Iron County Historical Society. Included are "Iron County Yesterdays," essays on the Plank Road and the Whitworth Store, and a summary history of the Pilot Knob Iron Company. Also included are a number of items concerning Baptist churches in Ironton and Belleview, the Missouri Baptist Assembly at Arcadia Heights, and the history of the Baptist Home at Ironton.



Larry James Collection, 1874-2019 (SP0038)
1.5 cubic feet (33 folders, 6 photographs, 239 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Larry James Collection consists of photographs taken and collected by local historian and author Larry James. Photographs in this collection were also taken by freelance writer and photographer, Charles Townson Allonby. The books in this collection were written or co-written by Larry James and focus on the history of Newton County, Missouri.

Jennings Historical Society Collection, 1843-1981 (S0081)
0.15 cubic foot

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Jennings Historical Society Collection contains photocopies of newspaper clippings, a deed of property, photographs, and the contents of a scrapbook collected by Jennings Historical Society regarding the history of Jennings, Missouri, a north St. Louis County suburb.


Johnson Family Collection, 1880-1971 (SP0085)
15 cubic feet (12 folders, 24 volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Johnson Family Collection consists of photographs, postcards, personal papers, and scrapbooks related to the Johnson and Wood families of Greene and Taney counties. The scrapbooks contain materials related to development sites in southwest Missouri, including the Powersite Dam, the James River Power Station, and the town of Hollister.


Dorris Keeven-Franke Papers, 1988-2014 (S0548)
0.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Dorris Keeven-Franke Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, brochures, and newsletters documenting her career as a public historian, including her involvement with the St. Charles County German Heritage Club and Washington Preservation, Inc. 

Knight Family Collection, 1897-1923 (SP0082)
1 cubic foot (8 folders, 12 photographs, 32 glass plate negatives)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Knight Family Collection contains a scrapbook created by Pansy Knight, as well as photographs and glass plate negatives. This collection also contains the notebooks and professional papers of Springfield, Missouri, photographer, Carl W. Knight.


Richard Hundley Landrum, "The Immigrant's Guide" Collection, 1882 (R0374)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Richard Hundley Landrum “The Immigrant’s Guide” Collection contains a promotional newspaper published by R. H. Landrum and Euphrates Boucher at Mount Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri. The publication contains articles promoting agriculture and stock-raising in southwestern Missouri and the opportunities for immigrants to Lawrence County.


Levee District No. 3, Mississippi County, Missouri Collection, circa 1923 (R0326)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Levee District Number 3 Mississippi County, Missouri Collection contains a photocopy of a history of the levee district based in Mississippi County, Missouri, including a summary of levee construction prior to the flood of 1913 and improvements made after that date, with recommendations for future construction. The report was submitted to Little, Vardaman & Ditting of St. Louis, purchasers of the district’s construction bond.



Marionville, Missouri Promotional Booklet Collection, 1968 (R1441)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Marionville, Missouri Promotional Booklet contains information about the city of Marionville, Missouri.


Mark Twain National Forest Local History Collection, 1930s-1980s (R0471)
(4 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

This collection was selected from unofficial files on miscellaneous historical topics, including local histories, the CCC, the YCC, the "Irish Wilderness," and the Eleven Point River. There are transcriptions of interviews with older members of the community and Forest Service retirees.

Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.

McDonald County Secession Papers, 1961-2015 (SP0013)
.2 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The McDonald County Secession papers contain photocopied newspaper articles dealing with the publicity surrounding the McDonald County secession hoax from Missouri in 1961.        

McDonald County, Missouri High School Collection, 1971 (R1475)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The McDonald County, Missouri High School Collection contains a McDonald County high school football annual from 1971. It contains pictures of coaching staff, players, administration of the school, the band, cheerleaders, pep club, and ROTC. Also included are local business advertisements.


McDonnell Space Program In St. Louis Collection, 1957-2008 (S0759)
3 cubic feet, 125 photographs, 2 CDs, 16 mini-DV tapes, 3 DVDs, HTML files

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The McDonnell Space Program in St. Louis Collection documents the role of St. Louisans in NASA’s Project Mercury (1959-1963) and Project Gemini (1961-1966). The collection consists of video and audio interviews with eleven former McDonnell Aircraft Corporation employees and accompanying materials including photographs, documents, and digital materials.


Anderson McFall Papers, 1898-1914 (R0365)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Anderson McFall Papers contain transcripts of the journal of a resident of Phillipsburg in Laclede County, Missouri. The brief entries note marriages, births, injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the community, and contain news on fires, weather conditions, visitors, and residents moving away from or returning to the Phillipsburg area.


Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Collection, 1980-1989 (R0454)
5.75 cubic feet (86 folders, 865 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Records contains the historic site surveys, with accompanying photographs, negatives, and research materials for Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, and Washington Counties. Included in the reports are houses, churches, schools, bridges, businesses, and other structures.

Missouri Photographs Collection, 1912-1954 (SP0031)
.1 cubic foot (1 folder, 6 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Photographs Collection consists of various photographs from the state of Missouri, as well as several postcards for attractions around the state, including Meramec Caverns. The collection also contains an address book dated 1954. 

Missouri Postcard Collection, 1907-1971 (SP0016)
.5 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Postcard Collection contains postcards featuring images from around the state of Missouri. Materials continue to be added to the collection.

Rae Mohrmann Papers, 1930-1941, 1973-2005 (S0328)
0.5 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Rae Mohrmann papers contain histories of Normandy, Missouri, and newsletters from the Normandy Area Historical Association. Also included are records from Mohrmann’s father Gilbert Schenkel, such as Beaumont High School newsletters, yearbooks, and a commencement program.  


Morgan County, Missouri Collection, 1964-1982 (R0423)
5 folders

 Finding Aid

These are papers on various topics of Morgan County's history, including histories of the towns
of Fortuna, Barnett, and Laurie, a memoir of mule-buying, and an investigation of major mining


Ruth Morrison Papers, 1924-1953 (R1446)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Ruth Morrison Papers is a collection of newspaper clippings documenting the class of 1927 at St. James High School.


Munger Securities Company Records, 1916 (R0308)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Munger Securities Company Collection contains an illustrated pamphlet published by the Munger Securities Company, promoting real estate offerings in southern Missouri. The tracts were primarily in Carter County, but extended into portions of Butler, Reynolds, and Ripley counties. The local offices were in Hunter, Missouri.


Marian Ohman Papers, 1893-1935, 1960-2002, bulk 1970-1985 (C4733)
5.5 c.f. (398 folders), 1 16mm film reel, 1 v.c., 1.17 MB born digital files, 31 oversize items, 2670 photographs, 1100 slides, 2 card file boxes

 Finding Aid

Research files on Missouri courthouses and churches, including photographs. Also contains information about the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year; the Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney art collection; architects Morris Frederick Bell and Harvey Ellis; and Black bandmaster and composer, Major N. Clark Smith.

Old Courthouse Preservation Committee Records, 1991-1997 (bulk 1991-1995) (R1514)
0.75 cubic foot (20 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Old Courthouse Preservation Committee Records contain the documentation of a Phelps County, Missouri, citizen collective that created a preservation committee and later incorporated it into a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve and restore the history and heritage of the old Phelps County courthouse. These records include information about Phelps County, Missouri’s local history, meeting minutes from the Old Courthouse Preservation Committee, membership and donation rosters, plans, and schematics of both the old and new Phelps County courthouse, incorporation documents, as well as documents about state and federal preservation programs from the 1990s.


Ozark Area Amateur Film Collection, 1957-1964 (SP0021)
0.5 cubic foot (14 reels)

 Finding Aid

The Ozarks Area Amateur Film Collection contains fourteen reels of home movie footage featuring the Ozarks including Springfield, Nixa, Table Rock Dam, and St. John’s School of Nursing. 

Ozark Rivers Oral Histories Collection, 1981-1983 (R1430)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders, 7 cassettes, 7 CDs)

 Finding Aid

The Ozark Rivers Oral History collection consists of interviews done by Alex Primm of eight individuals living in Crawford, Franklin, Phelps and Washington counties in Missouri and their corresponding newspaper articles.


Palestine Cemetery Research Collection, 2014-2019 (KA2608)
0.30 cubic feet, 2.11 GB

 Finding Aid

The Palestine Cemetery Research Collection contains project materials compiled by Lou Austin and Becky Grady concerning Palestine Cemetery in Kansas City, Missouri. The purpose of the project was to determine if the cemetery was used by pioneers heading west along the Santa Fe Trail.


Parnell Family Collection, 1835-1981 (SP0090)
1.5 cubic feet (26 folders, 361 photographs, 1 oversize box)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.


Phelps County, Missouri Collection, 1921-2012 (R1303)
1.25 cubic foot (41 folders, 2 oversize, 3 photographs, 130 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Phelps County Collection is an ephemeral collection containing materials related to the history of Phelps County. Those materials include information on local businesses, civic and social organizations, schools, churches, historical information on the county and towns, and photographs.

Arthur Richard Hill Photographs, 1912-1978 (SP0067)
0.4 cubic foot

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Arthur Richard Hill Photograph collection contains photographs of various Missouri towns including Cassville, Joplin, Neosho, Pineville, Savannah, Seligman, and Springfield.

Jerry Wayne Ponder Papers, 1865-2004 (R1260)
13 cubic feet (580 folders, 1 box photographs)

 Finding Aid

These are correspondence, papers, and research materials of a genealogist and local historian from Ripley County, Missouri. The collection covers the descendants of Abner Ponder and allied families, the history of Ripley County, and the Civil War in southeastern Missouri. Much of the information was incorporated in publications by Ponder Books, 1987-1999.