1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection, 1889 (R1381)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The 1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection contains a history of the 25th Reiment Misouri Infantry and Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West and includes unit rosters. This history was edited and compiled by Dr. W.A. Neal, who served as the assistant sugeon in the 1st Missouri Engineers.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
American Legion, Gideon-New Madrid Post No. 324 Collection, 1967 (R0705)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The American Legion, Gideon-New Madrid Post No. 324 Collection contains a program booklet for the 21st Annual Cotton Festival and Homecoming, sponsored by Gideon-New Madrid American Legion Post No. 324 and its Auxiliary, held at Gideon in New Madrid County, Missouri, September 1-3, 1967.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Audibert Family Papers, 1816-1932 (R0473)
(3 folders)
This collection contains papers of the Audibert and Tickell families of New Madrid, Missouri. Included are miscellaneous papers, 1816-1932, the store ledger of Aime Audibert, 1850-1860, and shipping receipts of M. J. Tickell and Son, 1872-1880.
Kenzie Kenneth Baker Scrapbooks, 1882-1934 (C1380)
0.1 cubic feet (2 volumes)
The collection contains scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on the history of New Madrid; biographical sketches of the first European American settlers to the area and their descendants; and information on historical events, including an account of the earthquake of 1811-1812, and descriptions of Baker’s archaeological discoveries.
Charles Merlin Barnes Papers, 1892-1965 (C2802)
8 cubic feet
The Barnes Papers consist of the diaries, correspondence, photographs, financial records, and miscellaneous material of a Marston, Missouri, businessman and University of Missouri graduate. The Barnes family owned and operated a series of successful business enterprises in southeastern Missouri during the early twentieth century.
Richard F. Baynes Papers, 1938-1940 (C4192)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of a New Madrid, Missouri, attorney who worked for Democratic Party candidates for the governor's office. The papers consist of correspondence, a list of judges, and notarized affidavits regarding voting procedures, violation of rights, and corruption.
Bird Family Papers, 1831-1959 (R0170)
0.1 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Bird Family Papers contain photocopies of miscellaneous correspondence, estate papers, land records, business records, and biographical materials pertaining to the Bird, Byrd, Moore, and Hunter families of southeastern Missouri. The papers concern the business and estates in Mississippi, New Madrid, and Scott counties in Missouri and the Bird estate in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
H. Riley Bock Collection, 1853-1970 (CA6725)
0.2 cubic feet
Material collected by H. Riley Boch, of New Madrid, Missouri. The bulk of the items are oversize and concern the city of New Madrid and New Madrid County, Missouri. They include a special car bill, c. 1921; Sheriff commission certificates, 1892-1919; circuit and county court appointment certificates, 1865-1942; land deeds and records, 1853-1857. Also included are certificates and miscellaneous records for members of the Bock family; reproductions and photographs of the New Madrid County Courthouse and jail house, the city of New Madrid, and of H. Riley Bock. Lastly, the collection includes Civil War letters sent to Colonel A. C. Riley, 1862-1864; miscellaneous material collected by Helen Wilson from the University of Missouri, 1936-1938; and personal items of H. Riley Bock.
Lynn Bock Research Collection, 1856-2000 (CG0062)
4.0 c.f.
This collection contains mostly copied materials and excerpts from published materials, nearly all relating to the creator’s research on the Battle of Island No. 10 and New Madrid, Missouri, in 1862. It also includes two manuscript versions of his book, “Island No. 10: Struggle for the Mississippi Valley” (co-authored with Larry J. Daniel, published in 1996,) and materials related to his efforts to get that book published. There are also folders of correspondence, related to his research, several reissues of newspapers that dealt with the battle for Island No. 10, and some materials related to his research for the article “Constitutional Warfare in Missouri.”
Bootheel Project Records, 1993-1997 (C3928)
3.2 cubic feet (122 folders), 157 audio cassettes, 9 audio discs, 2 video cassettes
The records of the Bootheel Project document the art, culture, and heritage of the Missouri Bootheel. The records include photographs, color slides, audio cassettes, transcripts, and video cassettes of interviews with Bootheel residents. Sound recordings, planning documents, field workers’ notes, and miscellaneous items collected throughout the project are also included.
Xenophon Caverno Papers, 1917-1941 (C0059)
1.4 cubic feet
Personal correspondence and information and correspondence about cotton organizations, farm organizations, and transactions concerning his plantation and plantation store. General expenses of the plantation, purchase of cotton seed, and records of accounts.
Common School District, Gideon, Missouri Collection, 1937 (R0706)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Common School District, Gideon, Missouri Collection contains a program for the “Dedication of the Junior-Senior High School Building, Gideon, Missouri,” dated September 17, 1937.
Community Woman's Club of Gideon Records, 1929-1990 (R0477)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
These are record books and scrapbooks of the Community Woman's Club of Gideon in New
Madrid County, Missouri. The record books contain minutes of meetings, membership rosters, and
treasurer's records, 1929-1975. The scrapbooks include printed material, photographs, and miscellaneous
items concerning the club's activities, 1940-1990.
J.V. Conran Papers, 1940-1982 (C4067)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)
The papers of J.V. Conran, an attorney and political leader in Southeast Missouri, contain correspondence, newspapers clippings, and photographs.
Kenneth E. Coombs Papers, 1960s-1970s (CA5865)
5 cubic feet
Project files of a Kansas City architect related to historic restoration projects in Missouri. Includes correspondence, photographs, survey material, planning documents, financial records, and architectural drawings.
Marshall Dial Oral History Collection, 1980s-1990s (CA6033)
275 audio cassettes, 44 CDs
Collection of interviews between Marshall Dial and various residents of the Bootheel for Dial's radio show, "Stories They Tell."
Dixie Greyhound Lines Collection, 1944 (R0986)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet of timetables for July 1944 for Dixie Greyhound Lines, Inc., which operated in southeastern Missouri between St. Louis and Arkansas through Flat River, Farmington, Fredericktown, Jackson, Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, New Madrid, Portageville, Hayti, Caruthersville, and Steele.
Wellington Eldred Papers, 1862 (R0532)
1 folder
These are letters describing the campaign against New Madrid and Island No. 10, written by a Union cavalryman in the 3rd Michigan Cavalry. Eldred described the damage to the town of New Madrid and operations against Island No. 10, and reported shortages of rations and an outbreak of smallpox in camp.
Ellis Family Papers, 1787-1948 (R0251)
(10 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
This collection includes correspondence, business records, and legal papers, and genealogical information pertaining to two early families of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. The Ellis family came from Georgia about 1805; the Ranneys from Indiana about 1825. Other names represented in the collection are Beckham, Cobb, Giboney, Ogle, Waters, and Wathen (Warthen-Worthan).
Gideon-Anderson Lumber and Mercantile Company Records, 1901-1938 (R0290)
2 rolls
This collection consists of correspondence and business papers of the Gideon-Anderson Lumber
& Mercantile Company concerning the lumber trade in southeastern Missouri and northeastern
Arkansas. Based in Gideon, Missouri, the company operated primarily in Dunklin, New Madrid,
and Pemiscot counties in Missouri. The collection includes papers from two subsidiary operations,
the Gideon Cooperage Company and the Gideon & North Island Railroad Company.
Gideon-Anderson Lumber and Mercantile Company Records, 1901-1985 (R0449)
21 folders MICROFILMED
This is an addition to the business records of the Gideon-Anderson Lumber & Mercantile
Company (see also R290), which operated at Gideon in New Madrid County, Missouri. Most of the
papers concern operations in 1901-1919, but there are also papers of a subsidiary operation, the
Gideon and North Island Railroad Company, 1903-1932, and historical materials on the firm to
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Warren G. Harber Photographs, 1942-1946, 1992, 2011-2012 (CG0009)
0.2 cubic feet
The Warren G. Harber Photographs contain 124 photographs of Warren G. Harber in Texas, Oklahoma, and Italy during his service in World War II with the 42nd Infantry Division from 1942-1946. This collection also includes photographs of Harber and his wife, Jewel, from 1992 and 2011 to 2012.
W.P. Headlee Photographs, 1958 (P0703)
2 photographs
Photos of Bloomfield Military Pole Road and Great Mound near New Madrid, ca. 1958.
Himmelberger-Harrison Land Selling Company Records, 1915-1920 (R0893)
(1 folder)
These are typescript copies of letters dated November 27, 1915 and May 27, 1920 from John H. Friant, President of the Himmelberger-Harrison Land Selling company at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, to the Himmelberger-Harrison Lumber company in Cape Girardeau and A. W. Wilkey at Risco in New Madrid County, Missouri.
Holmes Family Papers, 1919-1936 (CG0044)
0.02 cubic feet
The Holmes Family Papers contain correspondence, a business ledger, and photographs of tenant farming and farm land owned by Manfred James Holmes and his son, Parker Manfred Holmes from 1919 to 1936.
Houts and Stallcup Records, 1816-1817 (R1128)
(1 folder)
This collection contains photocopies of a journal or daybook of a mercantile operation at the village of Winchester in what was then New Madrid County (now Scott County), Missouri. The proprietors were Christopher C. Houts and Mark Hardin Stallcup. Entries begin on December 13, 1816 and continue through December 27, 1817.
Howard Family Papers, 1859-1975 (R1375)
0.25 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Howard Family Papers contain documents from several generations of the Howard family. The Howards were a prominent family from New Madrid County in the 19th century. Many of the documents in the collection relate to their involvement on the Confederate side of the Civil War. The papers include a deed for a slave, letters written during the Civil War, receipts from the Missouri State Guard, and essays and newspaper
clippings about family members.
Laura P. Hunter Photographs, no date (P0704)
3 photographs
Photos of Robert Hatcher house "Bloomfield Place", Hunter-Dawson House, and New Madrid Memorial Library, ca. 1950s.
W. J. Ivie, "A Message To The Homeseeker", 1939 (R0679)
(1 folder)
This is a booklet published to promote economic development in southeastern Missouri. Sections are devoted to the communities of Sikeston, Charleston, Dexter, Malden, East Prairie, and New Madrid. Numerous businesses are profiled including information on proprietors, locations, services, and their histories.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Konenszewski Family Papers, 1816-1862 (R0208)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Konenszewski Family Papers contains photocopies of baptismal and educational certificates, medical records, and immigration papers of Johann Konenszewski and his sons, Ladislaus and Edmund. There is also a Civil War letter by Lieutenant Edmund Konenszewski, November 1861, and a diary by Major Ladislaus Konenszewski, February-July 1862. Both men served in the 26th Missouri Infantry in General John Pope’s Army of the Mississippi.
Lesieur Family Papers, 1795-1866 (C3449)
0.15 cubic feet (1 oversize volume)
Mark Twain National Forest Local History Collection, 1930s-1980s (R0471)
(4 rolls of microfilm)
James E. McGhee Civil War Research Papers, 1848-2020 (CG0047)
6.0 c.f.
Research materials, mainly reproductions of originals, accumulated by James E. McGhee, who was a preeminent historian and Civil War scholar from Missouri. Photocopied material includes journals, correspondence, maps, images, chapters from books, essays, newspaper articles, and so on. There are also 11 CDs, two microfiche rolls, two panoramic photos, a WWI-era journal, and one flash drive containing research materials.
Missouri Baptist Associations Records, 1912-1980 (R0394)
17 folders microfilmed
This collection consists largely of printed minutes of annual meetings of United or Missionary
Baptist associations in southern Missouri. The minutes include the records of annual sessions,
committee reports, and statistical information on the associations and their constituent churches.
Also included are a few miscellaneous Baptist publications.
Missouri Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., Sacred Stones and Stained Glass Windows Project Records, 1977-1980 (C3723)
7.1 cubic feet (334 folders)
Statewide documentation of local churches by county. Includes cultural arts reports, church histories, floor plans, architectural details, clippings, slides, photographs, and miscellany.
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
Lynn Morrow Publications Collection, 1976-1978 (CG0051)
0.4 c.f.
The Lynn Morrow Publications Collection includes three cultural resource and soil reference books related to the southeast Missouri region from 1976 to 1978.
New Madrid Civic Club Records, 1950-1966 (R0504)
7 folders
These are minutes of meetings, attendance records, scrapbook, and miscellaneous printed materials
of the New Madrid Civic Club in New Madrid, Missouri. Included with the collection is the
corporate record book of the New Madrid Community Building, Inc., a joint organization of the
Civic Club, the New Madrid Women's Club, and the New Madrid Rotary Club formed in 1959 to
build a community center.
New Madrid County, Missouri Land Claims, 1820-1846 (C3365)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Plat, description, and letters regarding land claims in New Madrid County entered by Henry Masters, George Ruddle, and Joseph Gravier.
New Madrid Woman's Club Records, 1965-1978 (R0488)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The New Madrid Woman’s Club Records collection contains annual scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and papers compiled by the New Madrid Woman’s Club of New Madrid, Missouri.
New Madrid, Missouri Motion Picture, circa 1940s (R0384)
0.2 cubic foot (1 videocassette)
The New Madrid Motion Picture Collection contains a compilation of home movies, transferred to one-half inch videotape (VHS), featuring street scenes, community events, and fairs at New Madrid, Missouri.
Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Records, 1760-2004 (CG0010)
296 cubic feet
The Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Papers contain case files and correspondence of the firm from the 1880s to 1980s. This collection also includes the genealogy of the Oliver and Watkins families, family correspondence, and civic involvements with the Boy Scouts of America, Rotary Club, Sons of the American Revolution, and Presbyterian Church. In addition, this collection contains material related to the Little River Drainage District, Oliver Land and Development Company, and Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
Quintin Papineau Photographs, 1996-1998 (CG0034)
0.01 cubic feet
35 photographs taken by Quintin Papineau of agriculture, buildings, springs, riverboats, and machinery several counties in southeast Missouri, Oregon County, Marion County, and cities in Illinois along the river.
Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)
The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.
Adam Perkins Papers, 1861-1871 (R1335)
(1 folder)
The Adam Perkins Papers contain a typescript copy of Adam Perkins' journal, a farmer from Bollinger County, Missouri, is dated from January 1861 through December 1871. The journal was discovered in 1990 in Plainfield, Illinois. It was then typescript by Jean Scott of Orlando, Florida and sent to Lorena S. Eaker of Bollinger, Missouri for editing.
Phillips Family Papers, 1853-1942 (C4008)
0.3 cubic feet (13 folders)
The papers of the Bryan and Phillips families of New Madrid, Missouri, include various wills, deeds, accounts, genealogy, miscellaneous material, and photographs.