1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection, 1889 (R1381)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The 1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection contains a history of the 25th Reiment Misouri Infantry and Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West and includes unit rosters. This history was edited and compiled by Dr. W.A. Neal, who served as the assistant sugeon in the 1st Missouri Engineers.
American Public Works Association Records, 1895-2006 (K0651)
756 c.f.
Organizational records of the association that provides technical and educational resources for the public works professional community. Includes a wide range of material relating to the various functions and programs of the association, including membership, awards, finance, administration, departments, chapters, Congresses, and events.
Army Corps of Engineers Photographs, 1955-1979 (P0098)
0.2 linear feet
Photographs of historic sites and construction sites, 1956 and 1978-1979. Includes images of bridges, dams, roadways, churches, businesses, and other buildings.
Arthur and Bull Family Papers, 1842-1996 (SP0061)
0.75 cubic foot (22 folders, 1 volume, 224 postcards, 17 photographs)
The Arthur and Bull Family Papers consist of the correspondence and business papers of John Arthur, the World War I correspondence of Harrison Bull, the World War II correspondence of his son Joseph Bull, the postcard collection of Belva “Bess” Lee Estes, and the music lesson ledgers of Elizabeth Hodges Bull.
Barton Development Corporation Photograph Collection, 1929 (R1411)
0.01 cubic foot (17 photographs)
The Barnett Development Corporation Photograph Collection contains photographs documenting the town of Barnett, Missouri and the surrounding area where the Lake of the Ozarks would be with the completion of the Bagnell Dam on the Osage River. Included are images of the early stages of construction on the river.
William C.E. Becker Structural Drawings, 1913, 1930s-1960s (CA6429)
3 cubic feet
Structural drawings of a St. Louis structural engineer who worked with Frederick C. Taxis includes drawings mostly of Mid-Missouri buildings, including buildings at Stephens College and the University of Missouri. Also included are drawings done by Morris F. Marks. Many of the buildings were designed by the architects Jamieson and Spearl of St. Louis.
Benson Manufacturing Company Records, 1920-1970 (K0105)
30 c.f.
Research notes and reference materials, color sketches and drawings and catalogs relating to lighting equipment and architectural details designed, manufactured and distributed by the Benson Manufacturing Company, a brass, metal, and plastics fabrication company in Kansas City.
Black and Veatch Engineers/Architects Records, 1917-1954 (K0236)
1 c.f.
Engineering project files, including reports, maps, technical drawings, and contracts pertaining to roads, bridges, waterworks, utilities and sewerage in various Missouri cities and counties, particularly Jackson County.
Richard Charles Blanchard Collection, 1890-1940 (K0787)
35 c.f.
Architectural and engineering drawings for various track and yard layouts for Kansas City area railroads.
Charles E. Boulson Papers, 1928-1990 (R0404)
2.5 cubic feet (55 folders, 2 oversize folders, 3 VHS)
The Charles E. Boulson Papers contain the personal and professional papers of an electrical engineer in Missouri. Boulson was the general manager of the Sho-Me Power Corporation from 1954 to 1974 and a member of the Board of Directors of Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. The collection includes correspondence, scrapbooks, professional and historical writings, speeches on rural electrification in Missouri and corporate manuals and annual reports of Sho-Me Power Corporation and Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Octave Chanute Papers, 1860-1890 (K0292)
0.2 c.f.
Selected microfilm of the Papers of Octave Chanute from the Library of Congress covering the periods when Chanute, renowned engineer and bridge builder, was active in Kansas City. Correspondence, family papers, articles, patents, photographs, sketches, kite diagrams, plans for Chanute's railroad bridge across the Missouri River (Kansas City Bridge), and clippings.
Chippewa Bridge Drawing, 1943 (C2070)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Drawing of proposed bridge across the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
Combination Bridge Company Collection, 1890-1896 (K0200)
0.02 c.f.
The Combination Bridge Company Collection contains photographic reproductions detailing the construction of the Combination Bridge over the Missouri River in Sioux City, Iowa.
Dan Rex Cornwell Papers, 1960-2001 (K0567)
17 c.f.
Technical training materials of Trans World Airlines (TWA) mechanic and maintenance instructor. Includes technical training materials related to various aircraft and technical training guides, handbooks, service guides, base maintenance manuals, operations training, electrical/mechanical handbooks, refueling guides, customer training, and system schematics.
Frank Morgan Cortelyou Papers, 1855-1976 (K0042)
1 c.f.
Personal, family, and business papers of civil engineer Frank M. Cortelyou, co-founded the firm of Harrington and Cortelyou, including financial notes and records, some correspondence, photographs, and field notes.
Charles E. Dare Papers, 1964-1993 (R1326)
0.4 cubic foot (14 folders)
These are professional papers and printed matter of a civil engineer and highway transportation specialist. Most of the material concerns traffic patterns, parking studies, and road planning around Rolla, Missouri, including the United States Highway 66 by-pass and the North-South Arterial Road. The collection includes Dare's work, reports of consultants, and publications of Missouri State Highway Department planners.
Harold B. DeGood Scrapbook, 1949-1964 (K0401)
0.1 c.f.
De Goode was one of the engineers who helped build WDAF-TV. Newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photos on all aspects of the opening and running of the television station in Kansas City, MO.
Donald A. Dietrich Papers, 1953-2000 (K0933)
7 c.f.
Traffic and transportation studies
Robert L. Elgin Research Collection, 1960-1993 (R1261)
2.1 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are the research files of a civil engineer, surveyor, and historian from St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes reports, scale sketches, and photographs concerning the restoration of various historic sites in Missouri, charcoal iron furnace sites in Missouri, and prehistoric petroglyphs and pictograph sites in the Missouri Ozarks.
Engineers Club of St. Louis Records, 1882-2000 (S0621)
89 cubic feet, 209 photographs, 72 glass negatives
The Engineers Club of St. Louis was established in 1868 by a small group of local engineers whose goal was the general advancement of professional knowledge and the interchange of ideas and the formation of a library for reference. The records contain the journals of the club as well as administrative files, photographs, and membership files.
Henry Emmett Gross Papers, 1921-1981 (R0837)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
These are the professional papers of Henry Emmett Gross, an engineer, inventor, and map-maker from Webster Groves, Missouri. Most of the collection concerns his patents for deep ocean oil drilling and marine salvage.
Frederick C. Gunn Papers, 1840s-1986 (K0305)
2.5 c.f.
The collection contains the papers of the Kansas City architect Frederick C. Gunn. These papers generally consist of personal papers and diaries, family papers relating to Gunn's parents, Major Otis Gunn and Mary Gunn, and papers related to Gunn's architectural business.
R. Haarstick Photographs, 1930-1931 (P0965)
6 photographs
Aerial photos of Bagnell Dam, 1930-1931, during construction
Harrington, John Lyle (1868-1942), Biographical Material, 1969, 1969 (C2731)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
The collection contains correspondence between Frank M. Cortelyou, Sr., and Edwin Layton, Case Western Reserve University, concerning John Lyle Harrington, a Kansas City civil engineer and member of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation during Hoover's administration.
Charles Lewis Harrison Papers, 1901-1913 (C0112)
0.3 cubic feet
Papers of a New York City consulting engineer, horse breeder, and club member. Harrison assisted in the construction of the East River tunnels and the Cheesman Dam, Denver, CO.
Commodore Perry Hill Collection, 1885-1982 (R0125)
2.5 cubic foot (106 folders, 3 volumes, 91 photographs)
The Commodore Perry Hill Collection contains newspaper clippings, maps, miscellaneous items, and photographs pertaining to lead mining and related railroad development in the Old Lead Belt, principally of Saint Francois and Madison counties in southeastern Missouri. The collection is a result of a thirty-year avocational interest in the history of the Old Lead Belt by Commodore Perry Hill, Jr.
Howard, Needles, Tammen, and Bergendoff (HNTB) Records, 1931-1985 (K0268)
51 c.f.
Architectural records, both original and microfilm for Kivett and Myers, the premier post World War II architectural firm in Kansas City which merged with HNTB in 1975, and later drawings done by HNTB architects.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Records, 1958-1989 (K0988)
3 c.f.
Planning materials for MAECON, the annual trade conference; section officers' files including correspondence, financial information, and minutes; membership materials; and other administrative information.
Instrument Society of America (ISA)-Kansas City Section Records, 1943-1954 (K0989)
2 c.f.
Includes general correspondence, meeting notices, meeting minutes and regional and national conference materials. Also information about the Electric Association of Kansas City and the Kansas City Industrial Instrumentation Society.
Kansas City and Memphis Railway and Bridge Company Records, 1888-1894 (R0090)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Kansas City and Memphis Railway and Bridge Company Records contain a microfilm copy of financial records. Organized in 1887 to bridge the Mississippi River at Memphis, Tennessee, this company was controlled by the Kansas City, Fort Scott, and Memphis Railroad system.
Kenneth Balk and Associates, Inc. Records , 1959-2000 (S0309)
4.02 cubic feet
The Kenneth Balk and Associates (KBA), Inc. Records contain photographs, slides, newsletters, and reports pertaining to the company's mission to provide structural, mechanical, and electrical engineering and architectural, interior, and landscape design services to companies.
Karl L. Koelker Papers, 1896-1948 (R0011)
2 cubic feet (52 oversize folders)
The Karl L. Koelker Papers contain the negative photocopies of the mining pages form the Sunday issues of the Joplin Daily Globe (later the Joplin Globe), dated from 1896 to 1948. They contain news and production figures for the lead and zinc mining region in southwestern Missouri.
George E. Ladd Papers, 1890s-1939 (R1493)
0.5 cubic foot (5 volumes)
The George E. Ladd Papers include photograph albums containing images and engineering reports of landslides and property destruction caused by soil erosion including images of failed railroad lines and train wrecks in Missouri, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, California, Tennessee, New York, Ohio, and southern Italy.
Levee District No. 3, Mississippi County, Missouri Collection, circa 1923 (R0326)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Levee District Number 3 Mississippi County, Missouri Collection contains a photocopy of a history of the levee district based in Mississippi County, Missouri, including a summary of levee construction prior to the flood of 1913 and improvements made after that date, with recommendations for future construction. The report was submitted to Little, Vardaman & Ditting of St. Louis, purchasers of the district’s construction bond.
Clair V. Mann Collection, 1821-1973 (C3556)
5.25 cubic feet (560 folders, 23 volumes)
Papers pertaining to the Meramec Iron Works, James family, Frisco Railroad, School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, engineering education, testing of students, and other subjects of interest to Mann as an historian and engineer.
Marlam Construction Company Records, 1908 (K0384)
1 c.f.
Engineers' field books and documents relating to the surveying and construction of the Kansas City & Kansas Southwestern Railway, and electric interurban between Independence, KS, Topeka, KS and Kansas City, MO.
Sherman Matthews Papers, 1923-1930 (C4275)
0.4 cubic feet (16 folders)
Kansas City Bridge Company business correspondence of Sherman Matthews and H. M. Jopling, Jopling’s Nelson High School physics experiment workbooks, and a standard two-week time book to calculate wages owed, 1923-1930.
Eugene McAuliffe Papers, 1906-1948 (R0409)
0.3 cubic foot (6 folders, 217 photographs)
The Eugene McAuliffe Papers contain the personal correspondence and photograph album of mining and railway engineer Eugene McAuliffe. The album contains views of the construction of the Panama Canal and a tour of the canal by a group from the American Institute of Mining Engineers in 1910.
McDonnell Airscoop Newsletters, 1963-1966 (S0758)
0.015 cubic foot, 1 microfilm roll
This collection contains 31 issues of the Airscoop newsletter of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation of St. Louis. These newsletters date from 1963 to 1966 and have articles on the production of space craft, jet fighters, and announcements about company events and employees.
Walter McGuire Photographs, 1906-1908 (P0588)
7 photographs
Photos of construction employees from construction of the Panama Canal, 1906-1908. Walter McGuire (1883-1974), a resident of Carrollton, MO, was employed in the building of the Panama Canal March 1, 1906 to May 1908 and these seven photographs pertaining to this event were found in his personal belongings.
Missouri River Commission Records, 1870-1896 (C4703)
1.0 cubic foot (25 folders), 18 oversize items
Log books and maps from U.S. Corps of Engineers survey of the Missouri River. Log books include observations of topography, hand drawn maps, and notes documenting the journeys and dredging operations along the river. The bulk of the collection relates to the upper Missouri River.
Bennett J. Patrick Papers, no date (C3746)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 74 oversize items
The papers contain oversize mechanical drawings and literature for the Patrick Four-Wheel-Drive Roadster, the Auto Farm Wagon, and the Patrick Truck, as well as architectural drawings for church, domestic, and other architecture.
Eugene Joseph Peltier Papers, 1934-1991 (K0417)
19 c.f.
Rear Admiral Peltier Chief of Civil Engineers of the U.S. Navy and prominent Public Works civil engineer. Includes scrapbooks, photographs, personal and professional correspondence and related papers.
R.L. (Lewis) Proctor Papers, 1942-1952 (K0570)
0.3 c.f.
Papers of TWA flight engineer R.L. Proctor include training manuals, a flight engineers handbook, Far East Survey Flight notebooks, a few photographs and biographical information.
Frank Reynolds Photograph Collection, circa 1925-1942 (R0796)
0.1 cubic foot (3 folders, 34 photographs)
These are postcards and photographs collected by Frank Reynolds when he worked on construction projects including Bagnell Dam in Missouri, Lock and Dam No. 14 on the Mississippi River at LeClaire, Iowa, and Camp Crowder, Missouri.
Rocketdyne Photographs, 1962 (P0981)
5 photographs
Photos of Rocketdyne, a division of North American Aviation, Inc., plant in Neosho where engines are made, 1962
Schaberg Family Papers, 1894-1974 (C3665)
3.0 cubic feet (193 folders)
The personal and professional papers of Benjamin F. Schaberg, Sr., who worked as an engineer on the Panama Canal, St. Louis sewer projects, World War II army post construction, and Missouri Public Service Commission studies, include family correspondence between Schaberg and his wife, sisters, and sons. Ben Jr. and John George Schaberg were in China during and after the 1937 Japanese invasion.
William Henry Sherman Papers (collection removed by donor 7/2/2014), 1924-1992 (K1239)
5 c.f.
Sherman was a career officer with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers and a World War II veteran. Includes slides, 8 mm film, and photographs taken during World War II in Germany, France, Belgium and North Africa. Also materials pertain to Sherman's responsibilities in the Philippines during the early 1950's: correspondence with Princess Tarhata Kiram of Jolo, Sulu, Philippines; and a journal kept by Sherman while in Jolo.
St. Charles County, Missouri, Survey Notes, 1825 (C1691)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Field notes of T.P. Robbins' survey of the prison bounds for St. Charles County, May 1825.