Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Ben W. Alexander Collection, 1940, no date (P0378)
1 folder
Postcards of the University of Missouri - Columbia, Columbia MO, Chillicothe Business College, Winston Churchill Memorial Library, Missouri State Capital, Kansas City MO, Interstate 70, Windermere Baptist Assembly (Roach, MO) and Lake of the Ozarks.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. Records, 1997 (R1406)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. Records contain the book Win-Win: A Information History of Associated Electric Cooperative Inc., written by Russ Holt and published in 1997.
Thomas Swain Barclay Papers, 1912-1935 (C3938)
3 cubic feet (69 folders)
Papers of Thomas Swain Barclay, a member of the American Red Cross during World War I, and member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity at the University of Missouri. Personal and professional correspondence, wartime diary, overseas duty related papers, newsletters and programs, photographs, and miscellaneous material collected from his various associations. Also research material on Champ Clark.
Bell Family Papers, 1821, 1860s-2004 (CA6483)
5.2 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 4 cased images, 1 glass plate negative
The papers of a publishing family from Fulton, Missouri, who owned the Ovid Bell Press, contain correspondence, photographs, clippings, business records, family genealogy, and miscellaneous material. The collection largely pertains to Ovid K. Bell and his son, Ovid H. Bell.
Morris Frederick Bell Architectural Drawings, 1883-1895 (C3632)
0.2 cubic feet (1 box), 201 oversize items
Elevations, plans, and details for the buildings of the University of Missouri Francis Quadrangle, the Missouri Industrial Home for Girls at Chillicothe, churches, private and public schools, and domestic architecture in Missouri.
Ovid Bell Papers, 1899-1921 (C3224)
1 cubic foot
Business correspondence of Ovid Bell, editor of the FULTON GAZETTE. Covers letters F-W, arranged alphabetically. Some correspondents are Walter Williams, Joseph Mudd, Joseph W. Folk, David R. Francis, and representatives of other newspapers in Missouri.
Ovid H. Bell Collection, 1824-1950 (C3805)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of and materials collected by a Fulton, Missouri, resident relating to the history and residents of Callaway County. The collection is comprised of correspondence, copies of speeches and lectures given by Bell on historical topics, and documents including a typescript 1849 diary of James Tate, tax rolls for Callaway County, Callaway County Agricultural and Mechanical Society membership lists, and a regimental history and troop roster of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.
Ovid K. Bell Papers, 1808-1923 (C2507)
0.4 cubic feet (28 folders)
Papers pertaining to the early history of Callaway County, MO. Included are personal accounts of the settlement of the Cote Sans Dessein area and later proceedings and reports of commissioners of the court.
Mary L. Bennett Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0808)
21 photographs
Photos of St. Louis street scenes and the Judge & Dolph Drugstore. Photographs of the Berry family. Group portrait of a conference at William Woods College, ca. 1920.
W. Bishop Letters, 1896-1898 (C0526)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two letters to his granddaughter, Laura Benton, telling of hard times in 1896, prices at the feed store, and members of the family.
Boone-Tate Family Papers, 1941-1976 (C4205)
1 cubic foot (20 folders)
The Boone-Tate family papers consist of the research and genealogy of the Boone and Tate families, which ultimately culminated in the publication of the Boone Family Record written by Maude Tate Boone.
Trenton Boyd Collection, 1869-1970 (P0425)
0.17 linear feet
Postcards and photos of Columbia, MO, New Bloomfield, MO and Cape Girardeau County.
William Ferrell Broadhead Letter, 1913 (C1944)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Mrs. Arthur McCluer from Clayton, MO, June 27, 1913. Reminiscence about Boonslick Road from St. Louis to Fulton, MO.
B.D. Brown Account Book, 1882-1885 (C0265)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Account of sales of medicine, drugs, whiskey, tobacco, candy, and sundries of a physician and surgeon from Shamrock, Callaway County, Missouri.
Franklin Burt Papers, 1843-1905 (C0228)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders, 3 volumes); also available on 1 roll of microfilm
Land records, miscellaneous papers, tax assessment book, and diary of Callaway County, MO, farmer. Diary (1859-1872) includes brief daily entries on weather, wind direction, farming and family activities, and visitors.
Caldwell Township Democratic Convention Minutes, 1886 (C2261)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains minutes concerning the election of delegates to the Callaway County convention and of candidates for township offices.
John Boyd Caldwell Family History, no date (C2172)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains biographical sketches of John Boyd Caldwell and family, describing their trip from Kentucky to Callaway County, MO, in 1826, establishment of the first pottery business in Missouri, and pioneer life.
Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant Collection, 1970s-1990s (CA6184)
13.2 cubic feet
Collection concerning the application, licensing, approval, safety, and operation of the nuclear power plant located in Callaway County, Missouri. Includes indices and information on how to use government documents.
Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant Scrapbooks, 1975-1984 (CA6715)
2 oversize volumes
Scrapbooks containing material detailing the construction of the Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant. The scrapbooks were compiled by Morgan I. Doyne, Union Electric's general superintendent. Items include newspaper clippings, construction site photographs, correspondence, press releases, and Union Electric newsletters and meeting minutes.
Callaway County, Missouri Assessor's Records, 1830 (C0343)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Tax list for residents and nonresidents of Callaway County, James Baker, assessor. The list is divided into resident and nonresident sections. These sections are arranged alphabetically by individual and list value and location of land and includes other property such as the number of livestock and enslaved individuals.
Callaway County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1903-1942 (P1101)
An artificial collection of photographs of Callaway County, Missouri.
Calloway Nuclear Plant Public Records Collection, 1978-1990 (S0859)
48 cubic feet
This collection contains records that Union Electric was required to make available for citizen scrutiny during the application, construction, and operating of the nuclear power plant. The materials in this collection include safety and construction reports, emergency plans, and inspection reports.
Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1838 (C1306)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)
Organization, services and business meetings of church. Also two typed copies.
Cedar Creek Primitive Baptist Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1930 (C1307)
0.2 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Contains deed to lot, memberships, beliefs, rules of decorum, constitution and minutes of church business meetings. Also included are xerox copies of indentures, surveys and other documents pertaining to early transactions between the church and individuals in the area.
Christian Church (Fulton, Mo.) Records, 1848-1888 (C0585)
1 roll of microfilm
Membership, minutes of business meetings, minutes of Board of Officers' meetings, financial records, pledges, and assessments.
Christian Churches of Callaway County, MO, Photographs, no date (P0979)
25 photographs
Original photos from the book An Annotated History of the Christian Churches of Callaway Co., Mo., by I. Stanley Williams
Citizens for Reformed Electric Rates Records, 1975-1977 (S0423)
1.2 cubic foot, 78 folders
The records of Citizens for Reformed Electric (CRER) rates contain studies, speeches, and newspaper clippings relating to the group's mission to promote equitable electric rates in Missouri. CRER was instrumental in the successful passage of Proposition 1 (1976), which prohibited electric corporations form raising their rates to finance the cost of construction work in progress (CWIP).
Civil War Claims, 1865-1874 (C1493)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Monroe F. Cockrell Collection, 1864-1907 (P0297)
3 photographs
b/w drawing of New Palace Hotel, Fulton, MO, 1907. b/w photo of Cockrell Family, 1890. b/w photo with negatives of General Cockrell, Confederate Army, Civil War.
Concord Presbyterian Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Records, 1833-1935 (C1349)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Session minutes; history of the church, whose name was changed from Seven Mile Church in 1840; ministers, elders, and deacons; membership lists; and record of infant baptisms.
Cooperation of Christian Churches of Boone County, Missouri, Records, 1908-1966 (C4273)
0.4 cubic feet (17 folders)
The records contain minutes, programs, church reports, histories of some individual churches, correspondence, financial records, resolutions, and newsletters. The material largely concerns churches located in Boone County, but also includes other Missouri counties as well.
Cote Sans Dessein Township (Callaway County, Mo.) Justice of the Peace Docket Book, 1816-1827 (C0966)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Record of court proceedings, marriages, and stray livestock. Cases concern settlement of debts, loan repayments, estates, land ownership, and assault and battery. Volume was begun by William H. Dunnica, the first justice of the peace (1821-1823), as a mercantile accounts record.
Tolliver Craig Papers, 1821-1850, 1986 (C4394)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
Notebook and autobiography of Tolliver Craig; Shopping lists; Letter from Tolliver Craig to his son, Larkin Craig; Booklet: A History of The Craig Reunion, by Mary Louise Fricke.
Crawdad Alliance Records, 1979-1981 (S0097)
0.01 cubic foot
The records contain flyers, leaflets, handbooks, newsletters, meeting minutes and a newspaper pertaining to the Crawdad Alliance’s efforts to halt the proliferation of nuclear power in Missouri, including the construction of the Calloway Power Plant in Calloway County, Missouri, through nonviolent means, including civil disobedience.
Cullimore Family Collection, 1878-2020 (R1090)
10.5 cubic feet (276 of folders, 8 CDs, 2 cassette tapes, 828 photographs, 217 negatives, 1 45 record)
The Cullimore Family Papers contain the personal and family papers for Donald B. and Lee M. Cullimore and their father Donald G. Cullimore. The papers include personal correspondence, diaries, articles, family research and genealogy, photographs, and local history research. a larger portion of the collection is dedicated to genealogical materials for the family of Lee Cullimore and his wife, Marcia Craddock Cullimore’s family.
Isaac Curd Papers, 1827-1862 (C0241)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters and papers of a Fulton, MO, doctor, politician and member of the General Assembly in 1838.
R.B. Cutlip Papers, 1960-1981 (CA4341)
14 cubic feet
Papers of the president of William Woods College, Fulton, Missouri.
J. Scott Dalton Photograph Collection, no date (P0977)
3 photographs
Photos of Callaway County: Old Rock Jail, Garretts Café, and Callaway County Courthouse
Walter William Dalton Papers, 1939-1979 (C4314)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of Walter Dalton contain correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and newspaper clippings regarding Dalton, an Air Force Reserve officer, attorney, and civic leader.
Kay Drey Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Collection, 1976-1987 (S1028)
26 cubic feet
Environmental activist Kay Drey assembled this collection from the newspapers and literature of groups organized to oppose the Calloway Plant; legal documents from challenges to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric over the plant’s operating license and safety concerns; and the files of Bill Smart, an ironworker fired the plant for going public with complaints about below-standard structural steel work and defective materials used in the plant’s construction.
"Duley's Mill," Hugh P. Williamson and Arnold Bedsworth, no date (C2188)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History and description of Duley's Mill on Big Cedar Creek, Callaway County, MO. Biographical information on the Duley family.
William H. Dunnica Commission, 1821 (C1795)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains Dunnica's commission as justice of the peace, Cote Sans Dessien township, Callaway County, signed by Alexander McNair.
Robert L. Elgin Research Collection, 1960-1993 (R1261)
2.1 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are the research files of a civil engineer, surveyor, and historian from St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes reports, scale sketches, and photographs concerning the restoration of various historic sites in Missouri, charcoal iron furnace sites in Missouri, and prehistoric petroglyphs and pictograph sites in the Missouri Ozarks.
Execution Invitation, 1936 (C0984)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Invitation to attend the execution of George McKeever at the county jail in Fulton, MO. Mourning envelope addressed to Miss Annabel Brooks, New Bloomfield, MO.
Dr. Harold Fruend Photograph Collection, no date (P0978)
3 photographs
Photos of the State Hospital for the Insane No. 1 in Fulton, MO
G.P. Sanders (New Bloomfield, Mo.) Records, 1900-1937 (C0339)
12 rolls of microfilm
The records contain invoices and receipts from a general merchandising store located in New Bloomfield, Missouri. The store underwent several name changes: Sanders Brothers, Sappington and Sanders, and G.P. Sanders.
K. Bruce Goebel Papers, 1980s-2000s (CA6267)
184.3 cubic feet
Professional papers of a central Missouri architect. Includes oversize drawings and corresponding job files.
Grand Prairie United Baptist Church (Callaway County, Mo.) Minutes, 1843-1868 (C1310)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Record book of the church, containing the constitution, covenant, rules of decorum, and minutes of the business meetings.