"Free Health Clinic" Nursing Honors Project Records, 1993 (K1248)
0.08 c.f. (1 folder)
two videotapes:"Free Health Clinics-Honors Nursing-Dolores Halbin/Caroline Crowle -Sam Rogers- Cabot Clinic"; "Free Health Care Services- Nursing Honors Project Spring 1993"
Academy of Science of St. Louis Records, 1856-1959 (S0001)
4 cubic feet, 61 folders, 3 rolls of microfilm
The records contain meeting minutes and copies of its journal, "Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis." Established in 1856 by twelve prominent St. Louis residents, the Academy of Science's mission was to promote the advancement of science.
Agribusiness Club of St. Louis Records, 1937-1970 (S0002)
0.5 cubic foot, 16 folders
The Agribusiness Club of St. Louis was founded in 1937 as the Farmers’ Club of St. Louis and was affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The club was established to advance research, interest, and cooperation in agricultural business. In 1960, Farmers’ Club of St. Louis was renamed the Agribusiness Club of St. Louis. A decade later, in 1970, a decision was made by the club to merge with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce’s Food and Agriculture Committee to form the Food and Agribusiness Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, membership rosters and cards, and the constitution and bylaws of Agribusiness Club of St. Louis.
Alliance for the Construction of Telescopes Records, 1983-1989 (C1399)
0.4 cubic feet
Records of the Alliance (ACT) consisting of correspondence, proposals, technical design and site studies, meeting announcements, newsletters, brochures, notes, and magazine articles.
American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section Records, 1903-2009 (S0004)
24 cubic feet, 14 photographs
The records of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section, contain correspondence, meeting minutes, subject files, and issues of the “The Chemical Bond,” documenting the group’s mission to promote the field of chemistry. Founded in 1907, the St. Louis Section’s members have included pioneers in chemistry who helped make St. Louis a chemical manufacturing center.
American Chemical Society-Kansas City Section Records, 1899-1987 (K0641)
15 c.f.
Organizational records and publications of the Kansas City chapter of the American Chemical Society. Includes by-laws, minutes, correspondence, financial records, annual reports, awards files, brochures, photographs, articles, and publication, the Kansas City Chemist.
E.G. Anderson Papers, 1905-1975 (C4046)
5.7 cubic feet (232 folders, 30 lantern slides)
The papers of E.G. Anderson, a plant geneticist who spent most of his career researching corn genetics, including studying the effects of high energy radiation on corn, mainly contain professional material. The collection largely consists of correspondence, research material, and publications.
Astronomical Society of Kansas City Records, 1983-1991 (K0853)
0.1 c.f.
Includes an incomplete set of the newsletter, "Cosmic Messenger" and revised bylaws, membership registration and questionnaire, brochures, an observation calendar, and meeting invitations.
Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center Auxiliary Records, 1946-2003 (K0656)
17 c.f.
Organizational records of the Auxiliary including annual reports, bylaws, board minutes, financial records, medical reports, surveys, newspaper clippings, commemorative booklets, newsletters, flyers, event programs, brochures, photographs, slides, photo albums, calendars, and VHS tapes.
Barnes Medical College Notebooks, 1902-1905 (S1075)
0.4 cubic foot
The Barnes Medical College Notebooks document the classroom experiences of students who attended Barnes Medical College from 1902 to 1905.
James Newton Baskett Letters, 1900-1901 (C1451)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To J. Christian Bay, Ashland College, Grant, MI, from Mexico, MO. Baskett, an ornithologist, novelist, and popular scientific writer, thanks Bay for compliments on his writings. Discussion of their work, Baskett's writings and teaching. Interview with William Dean Howells. Comments on H.H. Boyeson and Bjorneson.
Edwin Bayer Branson Papers, 1892-1954 (C2404)
1.1 cubic feet
The papers of Edwin Bayer Branson contain correspondence, memorabilia, field books, and miscellaneous papers of a University of Missouri geologist (1910-1947), including information on the development of the Department of Geology during the 37 years he served as chairman.
Garland Carr Broadhead Papers, 1853-1908 (C1000)
1.0 cubic foot (27 folders, 3 volumes)
Correspondence and miscellaneous geological and historical notes of an engineer, geologist, and professor of geology at the University of Missouri. Scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings relating to the history of Texas and Missouri.
H. Clifford Brown Chemistry Laboratory Notebook, 1920 (C0652)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A notebook kept by a student in chemistry, describing experiments and giving equations.
Harry E. Brown Papers, 1932-1971 (C4475)
2.0 cubic feet (80 folders)
The papers of a University of Missouri-Columbia entomology professor, including his teaching materials, B.S. coursework, military information, and research project data.
Evans W. Buskett Papers, 1937 (R1088)
(1 folder)
These are two letters, dated April 5 and June 2, 1937, from Evans W. Buskett, a chemist and metallurgist in Joplin, Jasper county, Missouri, to A. F. Wilson, president of Stillfilm, Inc., in Los Angeles, California. The letters deal with the selection of images for education filmstrips.
Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant Collection, 1970s-1990s (CA6184)
13.2 cubic feet
Collection concerning the application, licensing, approval, safety, and operation of the nuclear power plant located in Callaway County, Missouri. Includes indices and information on how to use government documents.
Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant Scrapbooks, 1975-1984 (CA6715)
2 oversize volumes
Scrapbooks containing material detailing the construction of the Callaway County Nuclear Power Plant. The scrapbooks were compiled by Morgan I. Doyne, Union Electric's general superintendent. Items include newspaper clippings, construction site photographs, correspondence, press releases, and Union Electric newsletters and meeting minutes.
Ronald Paul Carver Papers, 1952-2004 (K1162)
50 c.f.
Research materials and writing of Ronald Carver, Ph.D. and pioneer in scientific reading research. Included also is material relating to the American Humanist Association in which Carver was active.
Citizens for Reformed Electric Rates Records, 1975-1977 (S0423)
1.2 cubic foot, 78 folders
The records of Citizens for Reformed Electric (CRER) rates contain studies, speeches, and newspaper clippings relating to the group's mission to promote equitable electric rates in Missouri. CRER was instrumental in the successful passage of Proposition 1 (1976), which prohibited electric corporations form raising their rates to finance the cost of construction work in progress (CWIP).
Lloyd H. Coale, Sr. Collection, no date (K0615)
0.07 c.f.
Photographs relating to Coale's service in WWII as a doctor and his family in Kansas City, KS.
James S. Cullison Photograph Collection, 1940s (R1462)
0.25 cubic foot (5 folders, 109 photographs)
The James S. Cullison Photograph Collection is comprised of images of geological formations produced by James S. Cullison. The photographs were used in geological papers produced by James S. Cullison during his work as a professor of geology at the Missouri School of Mines now (Missouri University of Science and Technology) in the 1930s and 1940s.
Winterton Conway Curtis Papers, 1892-1962 (C2528)
2.5 cubic feet
The papers of Winterton Conway Curtis contain correspondence, reprints, autobiographical notes, photographs and miscellaneous material of a University of Missouri professor of zoology and dean of the College of Arts and Science. Also included is professional correspondence, 1904-1911, of George Lefevre, professor of zoology at the University of Missouri.
Winterton Conway Curtis Papers, 1898-1958 (C3423)
0.75 cubic feet (39 folders)
Lecture notes and related material for the protozoology course given by Curtis in the zoology department of the University of Missouri. Published articles by other authors from Curtis’ collection, a few personal letters, and photographs. Also, by-laws and business correspondence of the Westmount Civic Improvement Association, 1908-1917.
Winterton Conway Curtis Papers, 1890s-1940s (CA5187)
0.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize item
Addition of correspondence, writings, publications, and photographs to the papers of a professor of zoology at the University of Missouri. Includes some papers of zoology professor George Lefevre.
Drey Family Papers, 1933-1992 (S0872)
4 cubic feet
This collection consists of newspaper clippings about Kay Drey's Family, as well as nuclear power and the Meramec River.
Kay Drey Papers, 1943-2012 (S0241)
98 cubic feet
The papers of Kay Drey contain correspondence, notes, newspaper clippings, and subject files documenting Drey's work to integrate University City Housing in the early 1960s and her anti-nuclear power activism from the 1970s to the 2010s.
Kay Drey Callaway Nuclear Hazards Collection, 1975-1993 (S1029)
106 cubic feet
Subject files collected by Kay Drey pertaining to nuclear hazards in the United States.
Kay Drey Callaway Nuclear Power Plant Collection, 1976-1987 (S1028)
26 cubic feet
Environmental activist Kay Drey assembled this collection from the newspapers and literature of groups organized to oppose the Calloway Plant; legal documents from challenges to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Union Electric over the plant’s operating license and safety concerns; and the files of Bill Smart, an ironworker fired the plant for going public with complaints about below-standard structural steel work and defective materials used in the plant’s construction.
Kay Drey Fort Leonard Wood Collection, 1971-2004 (S1123)
8 cubic feet, 256 folders, 21 books
This collection contains reports, legal materials, Kay Drey's notes, and photographs pertaining to the Coalition for the Environment's efforts to prevent Fort Leonard Wood, a United States Army base located 130-miles from St. Louis, to move its gas, germ warfare, chemical weapons center and "obscurant" training program, into the Missouri Ozarks. Also included in this collection are books Kay Drey collected on arms control, landmines, germ, chemical, and nuclear warfare and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Kay Drey Hematite Addenda, 1945-2011 (S1045)
5 cubic feet, 232 folders
This collection contains legal materials, reports, and newspaper clippings documenting the hazards posed by dumping nuclear waste in the town of Hematite in Jefferson City, Missouri. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works built a commercial uranium-fuel processing plant in Hematite in 1956 that the company used to produce nuclear fuel rod assemblies for commercial power plants. The plant closed in 2001.
Kay Drey Subject File Collection, 1971-2012 (S1122)
9 cubic feet, 396 folders, 93 photographs
The Kay Drey Subject File collections consist of photographs, newspaper clippings, reports, and Kay Drey's notes, reflecting a variety of topics related to the St. Louis area, including the St. Louis Art Museum, the health effects of cell phone towers on the residents of University City, and nuclear waste.
Kay Drey Toxic Chemicals and Nuclear Waste Collection, 1980-2005 (S0842)
14 cubic feet, 543 folders
This collection contains reports, newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and Kay Drey's notes on the environmental impacts of chemicals and nuclear waste. Topics of interest include Dioxin, Weldon Springs, and waste disposal.
Russell Vincent Dye Family Papers, 1850-1980 (K0225)
2 c.f.
Correspondence, photographs, business records and other material of the Dye family of Liberty, MO including Alexander V. Dye, U.S. diplomat in Europe and Mexico during and following World War I; his wife Ida Miller; daughter, Margaret Louise (Luisita); but mostly son Russell, a would-be inventor, entrepreneur.
Eastern Missouri Collection, 1858-2009 (S1135)
3.5 cubic feet, 1 reel of 16mm film, 1 reel of microfilm, 40 oversize items
The Eastern Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The Eastern Missouri Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection. Researchers should browse the index and container lists to locate pertinent material.
Electric Rate Payers Protection Project Records, 1976-1984 (S0200)
4 cubic feet, 2 audio tapes
In 1984, a coalition of civil rights activists, religious organizations, social service agencies, and environmentalists organized to place a voter-initiated anti-nuclear proposition on the November 1984 ballot. Proposition B, which was defeated, would have inhibited Union Electric from charging customers for the Callaway County nuclear plant. The collection includes proposed legislation, meeting minutes, press releases, correspondence, memorandum, taped radio announcements, and petitions.
Emmaus Homes Papers, 1903 (S1234)
20 oversize display panels, 1 cubic foot
The Emmaus Homes Papers contain 20 display panels depicting photographs, artwork, and articles and created in 1903 by clients of and staff of Emmaus Homes on the St. Charles and Marthasville campuses. Emmaus Homes is a faith-based, nonprofit organization providing full time care services to more than 300 adults with developmental disabilities in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Hans Fantel Papers, c. 1925-2006 (C4003)
3.2 cubic feet (188 folders), 5 video cassettes, 1 DVD, 565 MB of digital files
The papers of Hans Fantel, a freelance writer, contain the articles he wrote for the New York Times and many other publications about high fidelity, home electronics, and music. Correspondence, photographs, and audiovisual materials make up the remainder of the collection.
Joseph Ficklin Papers, 1851-1908 (C0100)
0.4 cubic feet (19 folders, 1 volume)
Correspondence pertaining to mathematical science, publication of mathematical books, astronomy, and personal affairs. Also an algebra copybook.
John Bailey Gage Papers, 1943-1964 (K0254)
0.60 c.f.
Correspondence of Gage, a prominent attorney and mayor of Kansas City, MO, relating to the Midwest Research Institution (MRI) and other organizations and issues in which he was involved. Many letters have attachments, most of which are the agendas and the minutes of the meetings of the MRI's Executive Committee of the Board of Governors, income and expenses, and a variety of reports. Also awards and certificates received by Gage.
David Goebel Astronomy Notebook, 1840-1844 (C1110)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Astronomical observations, records of barometric pressure and thermometer readings. Written in German
Greater Kansas City Chapter of Hadassah Records, 1916-2010 (K0593)
25 c.f.
Organizational records of a Jewish women's organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the United States and Israel.
A.P. Green Papers, 1926-1958 (C2960)
29 cubic feet (2576 folders) 1 volume
The papers of A.P. Green contain business and personal papers of a Mexico, MO, fire brick manufacturer. The collection includes correspondence with family members; business associates in Europe, and South America; as a trustee of Westminster College and member of the Board of Visitors of the University of Missouri; and with miscellaneous business and charitable organizations.
Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Family Papers, no date (CA4253)
6 cubic feet
Addition of scientific writings and professional and personal correspondence of Charles Claude Guthrie, Sr., Fannie Guthrie, and Richard Emberson. Includes family photographs and negatives, postcards, clippings, and journals. See also C3549.
Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Scientific Papers, 1898-1970 (C3108)
23 cubic feet, 87 volumes
Correspondence, research notes, manuscripts, family history, reprints, and microscope slides of a physician, professor of physiology, inventor, and pioneer researcher in the field of vascular surgery with Alexis Carrel.
Stuart T. Hadden Papers, 1931-1967 (C3845)
0.6 cubic feet (45 folders)
The papers of Stuart Tracey Hadden, a chemical engineer whose research included the statistical mechanics of liquid hydrocarbons, consist of correspondence, memos, copies of reports and professional papers, some printed material, and scientific notes, graphs, lists, and tables.
Edwin L. Harpham Notes, no date (C2769)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notes for dinner speech on ballistics prepared for a Technological Club banquet. Also a typed copy.
Allen W. Hatheway Papers, 1915-2013 (R1392)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders, 3 VHS, 6 DVDs, 2 photographs, 10 lantern slides)
The Allen Hatheway Papers contain correspondence, videos, and photographs concerning the Carondelet Coke Works in St. Louis, Missouri. The papers include correspondence of Hatheway, John Buchanan, and Erwin Blind, the latter two worked at the coke works. Also included are videos and photographs dealing with the history and workings of the coke works.
Health Planning Agency of St. Louis Records, 1952-1990 (S0898)
2 cubic feet
This collection primarily consists of reports on St. Louis area hospitals and medical care.
“Historical Sketch of the Department of Physics, University of Missouri, 1839-1954”, 1954 (C0633)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
History of the physics department and its work, 1839-1954. Includes photographs of physics lab equipment and one image of the chancellor's home on the University of Missouri campus.