Academy of Science of St. Louis Records, 1856-1959 (S0001)
4 cubic feet, 61 folders, 3 rolls of microfilm
The records contain meeting minutes and copies of its journal, "Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis." Established in 1856 by twelve prominent St. Louis residents, the Academy of Science's mission was to promote the advancement of science.
Beatrice Adams Papers, 1937-1975 (S0373)
0.15 cubic foot, 6 folders, 2 photographs, 1 scrapbook
The papers of Beatrice Adams contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, writing samples, and biographical data relating to Adams's career as an advertising executive at Gardner Advertising and her role as an officer of the Advertising Women of St. Louis.
Advertising Women of St. Louis Records, 1916-1980 (S0372)
11 cubic feet, 249 folders, 497 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls
The Advertising Women of St. Louis Records contains meeting minutes, correspondence, annual reports, flyers, photographs, and newspaper clippings, pertaining to the group’s mission to support women advertising executives in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include files on the group’s Gridiron dinner and show, which the Advertising Women of St. Louis hosted to benefit St. Louis area charities, including the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital. The collection is divided into five series: General Files; Gridiron Dinner; Photographs; Oversize; and Scrapbooks and Newspapers. The materials in this collection date from 1916 to 1980.
Agribusiness Club of St. Louis Records, 1937-1970 (S0002)
0.5 cubic foot, 16 folders
The Agribusiness Club of St. Louis was founded in 1937 as the Farmers’ Club of St. Louis and was affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The club was established to advance research, interest, and cooperation in agricultural business. In 1960, Farmers’ Club of St. Louis was renamed the Agribusiness Club of St. Louis. A decade later, in 1970, a decision was made by the club to merge with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce’s Food and Agriculture Committee to form the Food and Agribusiness Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, membership rosters and cards, and the constitution and bylaws of Agribusiness Club of St. Louis.
Allied Printing Trades Council Records, 1894-1990 (S0798)
1 cubic foot, 9 ledgers, 2 microfilm rolls
The records of the Allied Printing Trades Council contain secretary reports, constitution and by-laws, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and ledger relating to the Council's mission to represent printing pressmen, bookbinders, stereotypers, and photoengravers in labor negotiations with employers.
Altrusa Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1937-2006 (C2305)
5.8 cubic feet (152 folders, 9 oversize volumes)
The records contain minutes of club and board meetings, projects, membership lists, budgets, treasurer's reports, conference materials, club publications, photographs, and scrapbooks of a women's service organization. Also included are records of the Eighth District, which has clubs in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Altrusa Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1969-2014 (CA2749)
1 cubic foot
Addition to records of the club include articles on incorporation, by-laws, policies, membership directories, nomination materials for the Mamie L. Bass service award regarding the clubs involvement in the Shelter for Battered Women and Children, a scrapbook commemorating “Our Golden Years of Service,” and highlights of the clubs histories and events entitled, “Year by Year.”
American Association of University Professors, Missouri Conference Records, 1958-1987 (C0746)
2.0 cubic feet (144 folders)
American Association of University Professors, Stephens College Chapter Records, 1970-1988 (C4645)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
The records of the Stephens College Chapter of the American Association of University Professors contain their constitution and bylaws, meeting minutes, financial records and reports, correspondence, newsletters, and material on collective bargaining.
American Association of University Professors, University of MO-Columbia Chapter Papers, 1964-1976 (C3606)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)
Correspondence, including local and national committee reports, newsletters, bulletins and statements, and clippings from a variety of publications on topics such as faculty participation in government, academic freedom and tenure, and students rights.
American Association of University Professors, University of Missouri-Columbia Chapter Papers, 1960-1970 (C3400)
0.8 cubic feet (54 folders)
Correspondence, minutes of meetings, resolutions, reports, membership lists. Material on tenure, vested retirement plans, academic freedom, students' rights, economic status of profession, faculty participation in political affairs and in university government, national and state annual meetings.
American Association of University Women, Missouri Division Records, 1925-1986, 2007 (C2734)
12.7 cubic feet, 1 card file, 1 roll of microfilm, 164 MB of digital files
Records of the state division, including meeting minutes, officers' and committee correspondence, membership information, publicity, legislative and program and conference files, and local branch materials. Also includes materials from the Southwest Central Region and the national organization.
American Association of University Women, Missouri Division Records, 1920s-2023 (CA5689)
55.45 cubic feet, A/V material
Addition of records of the state division, including board and annual meeting minutes, officers' and committee correspondence, membership information, publicity files, legislative work, program and conference files, and local branch materials.
American Association of University Women, Missouri Division Records, 1921-1977 (C3521)
7.6 cubic feet (451 folders, 1 volume), 1 roll of microfilm
Primarily records of the Missouri Division, but also material from the Southwest Central Region, AAUW, and the International Federation of University Women.
American Business Women's Association, Ozark Paradise Chapter Records, 1979-2008 (C4458)
4.0 cubic feet (28 folders, 9 volumes, 2 oversize items)
The American Business Women’s Association, Ozark Paradise Chapter Records include meeting minutes, financial records, membership rosters, social event materials, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, and banners.
American Business Women's Association, Show-Me State Chapter Records, 1965-1996 (C4016)
2.7 cubic feet (120 folders), 2 oversize volumes
The records of the Show-Me State Chapter of the American Business Women's Association include meeting minutes, membership rosters, correspondence, memos and announcements, photographs, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.
American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section Records, 1903-2009 (S0004)
24 cubic feet, 14 photographs
The records of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis Section, contain correspondence, meeting minutes, subject files, and issues of the “The Chemical Bond,” documenting the group’s mission to promote the field of chemistry. Founded in 1907, the St. Louis Section’s members have included pioneers in chemistry who helped make St. Louis a chemical manufacturing center.
American Chemical Society-Kansas City Section Records, 1899-1987 (K0641)
15 c.f.
Organizational records and publications of the Kansas City chapter of the American Chemical Society. Includes by-laws, minutes, correspondence, financial records, annual reports, awards files, brochures, photographs, articles, and publication, the Kansas City Chemist.
American Dialect Society Records, 1859-2007 (CA6105)
37.6 cubic feet, 13 audio discs
Papers and organizational records of the American Dialect Society. Charged with investigating spoken English of the United States and Canada, the Society was established in 1889 at Harvard University. Includes correspondence, treasurer reports and material, general organizational records, and research on words.
American Guild of Organists, Greater Kansas City Chapter Records, 1934-2008 (K0605)
12 c.f.
Organizational records including scrapbooks, minutes, membership records, and printed and published materials, programs, clippings, and photographs.
American Guild of Organists, St. Louis Chapter Records, 1921-2021 (S0363)
6 cubic feet
This collection consists of correspondence, photographs, chapter yearbooks, program booklets, handbooks, and financial materials documenting the American Guild of Organists, St. Louis Chapter's mission to nourish appreciation and interest in organ music through education, mutual support, and networking for current and future organists.
American Insitute of Mining Engineers, War Minerals of the Joplin-Miami District Collection, 1917 (R0896)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a booklet prepared for the Joplin-Miami portion of the annual meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, held on October 11-13, 1917. It features a narrative report on the district by Otto Ruhl, with maps and data compiled by G. B. Corless.
American Institute of Architects/Kansas City Chapter (AIA/KC) Records, 1917-1999 (K0636)
76.6 c.f.
Organizational records of the Kansas City chapter of the national professional organization for architects. Includes correspondence;, officer and committee files; financial records; meeting minutes; printed and promotional materials; clippings; membership records; files for the yearly awards for achievement in local design, allied arts, and craftsmanship containing planning materials for the awards programs, slides, and photos of entries and winners; and slides and photos of local architecture and design (including early Kansas City), international sites, and AIA functions; and audio and videotapes of oral histories, guest speakers, lectures, journal reviews, and business self-improvement, as well as recordings of a community television program on architecture AIA/KC produced. Also the business and social records of the KC/AIA Women's League.
American Public Works Association Records, 1895-2006 (K0651)
756 c.f.
Organizational records of the association that provides technical and educational resources for the public works professional community. Includes a wide range of material relating to the various functions and programs of the association, including membership, awards, finance, administration, departments, chapters, Congresses, and events.
Organization records of the ASPA Awards Committee including meeting announcements and summaries, nominations, and notices of award recipients. Also videotapes of workshops and seminars.
Ancient Order of United Workmen Certificate, 1885 (C1965)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Certificate issued to Enoch G. Deskin, Moberly, MO.
Anti-Horse Thief Association, Missouri Division Papers, 1882-1925 (C1915)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Minutes of meetings; memoir of John J. Suter, former president; and correspondence of W.W. Graves.
Armour Hills Homes Associaiton Records, 1922-2005 (K1395)
0.16 cubic foot (10 folders, 1 oversize folder)
The Armour Hills Homes Association Records contains charter documents and maps related to the association dated between 1922 and 2005.
Arts and Education Council of Greater St. Louis Records, 1960-2006 (S0848)
85 cubic feet
The Arts and Education Council of Greater St. Louis Records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, news releases, reports, and photographs pertaining to its mission to support and fund cultural and educational organizations in the St. Louis area. The materials in this collection date from 1960 to 2006.
Associated Industries of Missouri Photographs, 1926-1928 (P0315)
2 photographs
Group photo of the first annual meeting of the Missouri Committee of Women in Industry of the Associated Industries of Missouri, St. Joseph, Mo., May 7, 1926.
Group photo of the third annual meeting of the Missouri Committee of Women in Industry of the Associated Industries of Missouri, St. Joseph, Mo., May 24, 1928.
Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) Records, 1964-1998 (K0886)
1 c.f.
Organizational records of the Association including bylaws, reports, brochures, and correspondence, and publications.
Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) Records, 1979-1998 (K0887)
6 c.f.
Organizational records of the Association including constitution, membership lists, election ballots, brochures, and correspondence. Also articles published by members of the group.
Association of Fundraising Professionals Records, 1974-2003 (K0451)
5 c.f.
Presidents' files including history and bylaws, topical files, correspondence, and printed materials for the organization and its predecessor, the Greater Kansas City chapter National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE).
Association of Records Managers and Administrators, Columbia/Jefferson City Central Missouri Chapter Records, 1990s-2018 (CA5540)
5.25 cubic feet
Records of a chapter of the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) include by-laws, constitution, meeting minutes, correspondence, membership and financial records, workshop and training materials, administrative files, newsletters, photographs of the organization, seminar information, and miscellaneous material.
Association of St. Louis Area Archivists Records, 1971-2015 (S0849)
3.5 cubic feet
The Association of St. Louis Area Archivists Records contains meeting minutes, bylaws, correspondence, annual reports, financial records, membership surveys, and newsletters relating to the organization's mission to promote cooperation among archival professionals in the bi-state region and disseminate archival best practices through workshops and educational programs. The topics covered in this collection include the organization’s programming, design, and dissemination of membership surveys; hosting archival education workshops; developing new membership packets and brochures; and the Midwest Archives Conference held in St. Louis in 1981.
Frank Ely Atwood Papers, 1888-1943 (C3131)
21 cubic feet
Correspondence, reports, case records, judicial opinions, speeches, articles, news clippings, pamphlets and books covering Atwood's professional and political careers and his work as an active layman in the Southern Baptist Church.
J. Christian Bay Collection Scrapbook, 1942 (C4256)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Scrapbook of photographs, newspaper clippings, and letters concerning the acquisition of the J. Christian Bay Library by the State Historical Society of Missouri in 1942.
Benton County Medical Society Records, 1915-1954 (R0278)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Benton County Medical Society Records contain a photocopied volume that includes a roster of members, financial records, and meeting minutes of the Benton County Medical Society. Also included are several applications for membership. The records date from 1915 to 1954.
Beta Phi Mu, Psi Chapter Records, 1971-2001 (C4370)
1 cubic foot (41 folders)
Records of the Psi Chapter of Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society. The Psi Chapter is located at the University of Missouri School of Library and Information Science. The records include meeting minutes, correspondence, chapter newsletters, membership and mailing lists, treasurers' reports, and accounting information.
Bertha Bless Papers, 1894-1985 (C1740)
4.3 cubic feet (273 folders)
The papers of Bertha Bless consist of correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, convention materials, and other miscellaneous materials related to her participation in various press organizations, including the Missouri Press Women and the National Federation of Press Women. Bless, along with her husband, B.J. Bless, Jr., published the Weston Chronicle, Weston, Missouri.
Boone County Medical Society Records, 1902-1953 (C2475)
0.29 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Vol. 1 Minutes of meetings, June 28, 1902- December 21, 1921; lists of members, 1902-1922. Vol. 2 Minutes of meetings, February 1, 1922-December 2, 1947; lists of members, 1934-1940, 1946. Vol. 3 Minutes of meetings, January 6, 1948-December 15, 1953; lists of members, 1948-1949, 1953.
Boone County Medical Society Records, 1999-2017 (CA5972)
0.8 cubic feet
Addition of the Society's publication, "Prescriptions." See also C2475.
Boone County Related Agencies Association Records, 1997-2006 (CA6606)
2 cubic feet
Board material, membership forms, financial records, newsletters, conference material, and miscellaneous material of an organization dedicated to enhancing social services in Boone County, Missouri, through networking, collaboration, and professional development.
Boone County Retired Teachers Association Records, 1973-2014 (C4299)
1.0 cubic foot (29 folders)
The records of the Boone County Retired Teachers Association contain meeting minutes, membership directories, newsletters, obituaries, photographs, and scrapbooks.
David Lawrence Boutros Papers, 1975-1999 (K0689)
7 c.f.
Collection was removed from SHSMO and returned to donor on 7/2/2014
Business and Professional Women's Club (Clinton, Mo.) Scrapbook, 1929-1933 (CA6646)
1 oversize volume
Scrapbook of the organization includes clippings, programs, photographs, ephemera, and hand-drawn color illustrations by Mary Shoe and C.W. Kimball.
Business and Professional Women's Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1941-1966 (C2538)
5.73 cubic feet (209 folders, 5 volumes, 1 oversize item, 2 audio cassettes, 1 DVD, 1 video cassette)
The records of the Columbia Business and Professional Women's Club contain presidents' and secretaries' files, minutes, histories, yearbooks, committee records, photographs, memorabilia, and scrapbooks of the Columbia Business and Professional Women's Club; as well as some scattered materials from regional, state, and national instances of the Business and Professional Women's Club.
Business and Professional Women, St. Louis League Records , 1936-1988 (S0231)
3 cubic feet
The records of the Business and Professional Women, St. Louis League Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and scrapbooks relating to the league's mission to promote the interests of women in business.
Central Industrial District Records, 1920-2000 (K0671)
17 c.f.
Organizational records of the business association for Kansas City's industrial district in the West Bottoms. Includes minutes, membership information, studies, reports, and research data relating to the District and Kansas City generally. Also included are documents relating to historic preservation.
Central Labor Union, Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1939 (R0953)
(1 folder)
This is a program for the Central Labor Union's Minstrel and Revue, held at the Shrine Mosque in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri, on April 3, 1939. Produced and directed by Emmett McAtee and featuring Lasses White Minstrels, the show included 100 entertainers and featured minstrel, vaudeville, and night club scenes.