Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Mary Joan Boyer Photograph Collection, no date (P0713)
11 photographs
Copy photos of historic structures and monuments in Jefferson County.
Mary Joan Boyer Scrapbook, 1957-1959 (C1386)
0.03 cubic feet (1 volume)
Newspaper articles on history of Jefferson County, MO, from DAILY NEWS-DEMOCRAT, Festus, MO (1957-1959), and JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORD, Hillsboro, MO (1959). Interviews with long-time residents and a poem by M.J. Boyer, "Autumn in Jefferson County."
John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection, 1889-2022 (R1551)
4 cubic feet (122 folders, 4,432 postcards)
The John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection contains postcards collected by Bradbury, containing images from the Ozarks and Southern Missouri. The postcards consist of real photograph, commercially printed, and illustrated postcards. The images mainly feature Missouri towns, railroads, Route 66, resorts, and rivers.
John Carter Papers, 1958-2004 (R1529)
0.25 cubic foot (9 folders, 4 photographs, 2 video cassettes)
The John Carter Papers contain records and artifacts donated by John Carter, a long-time mining properties manager for the Doe Run Company, pertaining to lead mining conducted primarily by the St. Joe Mineral Corporation and the Doe Run Company in Iron, Jefferson, Madison, St. Francois, and Washington counties in Missouri.
Christian Women's Benevolent Association Records, 1899-2011 (S1235)
7.5 cubic feet, 12 oversize volumes, 4 VHS tapes
The Christian Women’s Benevolent Association Records contain Christian Women Benevolent Association (CWBA) Board Meeting Minutes (1899–1952); Christian Old People’s Home Ledgers and Meeting Minutes (1915–1949); Christian Hospital of St. Louis Board Meeting Minutes (1923–1959); and scrapbooks, photographs, videotapes, and ephemera relating to the CWBA’s activities from 1899 – 2011. Most notably, the records include admittance ledgers from the Christian Orphan’s Home as well as the Mothers and Babies Home of St. Louis from 1899 to 1933. The admittance ledgers are a particularly rich source of genealogical information, as they contain applications for entry into the home. Details such as date and place of the child’s birth; vaccination records; parents’ full names, birthplace and occupation, and nationality and religion; and location of the nearest living relative are listed.
DeSoto Public Library Photograph Collection, 1938, no date (P0176)
8 photographs
Unidentified photographs from the DeSoto area.
BIll Dobkins Collection, 1968-1995 (R1505)
2 cubic feet (58 folders)
The Bill Dobkins Collection contains genealogical publications and research regarding the Dobkins, Compton, Harmon, Blanton, Edward, Williams, Byrd, Cook, White, Dawson, and Bailey family lines. The materials focus mainly on Crawford, Franklin, and Washington counties in Missouri with supplemental materials tracing family lines back to Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Georgia.
Downing and Whinrey Families Papers, 1837-1929 (R0049)
0.25 cubic foot (11 folders)
The Downing and Whinrey Families Papers contain photocopies of receipts and correspondence of the Downing and Whinrey families of southwestern Missouri. Both families had members who went to California to mine gold in the 1850s, some of whom remained to settle in the West. Most of the collection consists of letters written to relatives in Missouri.
Kay Drey Hematite Addenda, 1945-2011 (S1045)
5 cubic feet, 232 folders
This collection contains legal materials, reports, and newspaper clippings documenting the hazards posed by dumping nuclear waste in the town of Hematite in Jefferson City, Missouri. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works built a commercial uranium-fuel processing plant in Hematite in 1956 that the company used to produce nuclear fuel rod assemblies for commercial power plants. The plant closed in 2001.
Duncan and Lambeth Families Genealogical Collection, 1880s, 1918-2019 (R1494)
4.5 cubic feet (72 folders, 330 photographs)
The Duncan and Lambeth Families Genealogical Collection contains the genealogical research for the Duncan and Lambeth families of central Missouri. Dr. Betty Jo White and Carolyn Lou Ranft compiled the collection with many contributions from Sharon Kay Beckham, Norma Jean Endersby, Carman Sue Grimes, Robert C. Haefner, Ellen Denise Karr Seevers, Cordell Henry Webb, Dorothy Ann Williams, and Shirley Ann Wyatt, descendants of the Lambeth and Duncan families. Included in the collection are vital records, photographs, correspondence, family lineages, contextual research, family stories, and articles on local history topics.
Robert L. Elgin Research Collection, 1960-1993 (R1261)
2.1 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are the research files of a civil engineer, surveyor, and historian from St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes reports, scale sketches, and photographs concerning the restoration of various historic sites in Missouri, charcoal iron furnace sites in Missouri, and prehistoric petroglyphs and pictograph sites in the Missouri Ozarks.
Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection, 1905-1917 (SP0075)
.2 cubic foot (2 folders, 62 postcards)
The Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection contains postcards sent to Jennie (Raymond) Ellis and her family between 1905 and 1917. The postcards include images of various cities and landmarks throughout Missouri and the United States.
William Emerson Photographs, no date (P0714)
11 photographs
Photos of Jefferson County historic homes, Byrnes Mill, and monuments, 1959.
Flucom, Missouri, Railroad Depot Photograph Collection, no date (R1336)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 1 photograph)
This collection contains an undated, 3_" x 4 _", sepia photo is of the depot which was located at the historic town of Flucom, Jefferson County, Missouri. It is a small, square building, serving as a depot for passengers and a drop location for mail in the Flucom area.
Franklin Baptist Association Records, 1932 (R0153)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Franklin Baptist Association Collection contains a photocopy of a report on the annual session of the Franklin Baptist Association, held at Three Rivers Church in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri on the hundredth anniversary of the church and the Association. Included are the constitution and lists of member churches of the Association, and histories of the church and the Association.
Frost Family Papers, 1862-1988 (R1404)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Frost Family Papers contain photocopies of compiled correspondence of Luther and Orville Frost from 1862 to 1889. Also include is a brief family history and genealogical information for the Frost family.
Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association Records, 1853-2020 (S0473)
87 cubic feet
The Gateway Region Young Men's Christian Association was founded in St. Louis on October 20, 1853. Initially, the organization focused on young men's spiritual development but later expanded to include the mental, social, physical, recreation, and vocational needs of both sexes. The collection consists of by-laws, correspondence, meeting minutes, schedules, press releases, and photographs.
George B. Cole, Commission and Forwarding Merchant (Selma, Mo.) Record Book, 1854-1856 (C2976)
1 roll of microfilm
Shipping records showing date, sender, recipient, type of freight, and name of steamboat on which freight was shipped. Freight includes lead, hides, grains and fruit, and personal possessions.
Glasstown, U.S.A., A Brief History of Glassmaking at Crystal City, Missouri, Paper, 1981 (S0080)
1 folder, 64 pages, 0.01 cubic foot
This collection consists of Glass Town USA, A Brief History of Glass Making At Crystal City, Missouri, 1868-1981, a 64-page manuscript chronicling the history of Crystal City, Missouri, and the Crystal Plate Glass Company.
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Leon Hall Photographs, no date (P0715)
2 photographs
Photos of the John L. Thomas-Leon Hall Home, Hillsboro, MO
High School Meet for Southeast Missouri Collection, 1933 (R0999)
(1 folder)
This is a program booklet for the 28th annual high school meet for Southeast Missouri, held at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, on April 28-29, 1933. The meet included competitions in academic subjects, music, and debate as well as athletics. The meet was under control of the Teachers College Athletic Committee.
Abraham Hildebrand Promissory Note, 1835 (C1555)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Promise to pay sixty dollars or to return borrowed botany and medical books within six months to Joseph L. Craft, St. Louis, MO.
Commodore Perry Hill Collection, 1885-1982 (R0125)
2.5 cubic foot (106 folders, 3 volumes, 91 photographs)
The Commodore Perry Hill Collection contains newspaper clippings, maps, miscellaneous items, and photographs pertaining to lead mining and related railroad development in the Old Lead Belt, principally of Saint Francois and Madison counties in southeastern Missouri. The collection is a result of a thirty-year avocational interest in the history of the Old Lead Belt by Commodore Perry Hill, Jr.
Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers, 1790-1999 (R1280)
20 cubic feet (501 folders, 14 oversize folders, 27 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)
The Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers consisted of family papers, photographs, correspondence, and business records of the extended Hinchey family. Also included are the correspondence and sketches of William J. Hinchey.
J. M. White and Company Records, 1835 (R0378)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The J. M. White & Company Records contain a photocopy of a receipt for 3,094pounds of lead received by the J. M. White & Company, commission and forwarding agents at the “Cliffs of Selma” on the Mississippi River in Jefferson County, Missouri. The lead was credited to the account of John Parkinson.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Iola Allen Jasper Papers, 1827-2020 (S0573)
8.25 cubic feet
The Iola Jasper Papers contain correspondence, photographs, histories, greeting cards, and a diary related to Jasper's interest in family history. Materials of interest include the correspondence and business papers of her Great-Grandfather, William Sumner Jewett, a Jefferson County entrepreneur who shipped fruit and sand to companies in St. Louis and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Jefferson County, Missouri, Papers, 1818-1826 (C1897)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains miscellaneous papers pertaining to the establishment of Jefferson County, including papers establishing Herculaneum as the county seat, 1818; division of the county into townships, 1819; and a petition for removal of county seat from Herculaneum, 1826.
Jefferson County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, no date (P1133)
An artificial collection of photographs of Jefferson County, Missouri.
John W. Gregory and Company Collection, 1950-2010 (S0351)
14.5 cubic feet
The collection contains site plans, sales brochures, floor plans, photographs, and appraisal reports for home developments in the St. Louis area, including LaSalle Park, Chateau Country Club, and Lake Saint Louis.
Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
15 cubic feet
The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.
Hazel Lee Collection, no date (P0980)
2 drawings
Drawings by Hazel Lee of Jefferson County landmarks
Christopher J. Lewandowski Papers, 2003-2016 (R1358)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders)
This collection of bluegrass related materials included souvenir programs, booklets, magazines, festival flyers, personal band posters, newspaper articles, band photographs, photo albums related to bluegrass performers.
Howard C. Litton Photograph Collection, no date (P0398)
1 folder
Photos of Valle Mines, MO, tornado, April 13, 1911. Photo of Jun 1938 flooding, Jefferson County, MO. Photographic postcard of Festus Armory.
McCormack Family Papers, 1777-1873 (C2338)
0.21 cubic feet (10 folders)
Letters from John Burgoyne to Horatio Gates about treatment of wounded and noncombatants during the Revolutionary War, 1777. Correspondence about immigration to Texas from Missouri, 1842-1844; economic conditions; politics; J. Cox estate in Jefferson County, MO; business accounts, 1841-1852; weather and farm labor journal; marriage and death records; and diary of James McCormack.
"The Melting Pot," Ralph D. Killian, no date (C2895)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a history of Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, and Cape Girardeau Counties, MO, describing the geology, natural resources, and early settlers.
Meramec Basin Resources Committee Collection, 1950 (R0777)
(1 folder)
This is "A Shameless Sham": The Army Engineer "Plan" for the Meramec Basin, published by the Meramec Basin Resources committee in cooperation with the Conservation Federation of Missouri and the Ozark Protective Association. The groups opposed plans by the Army Corps of Engineers to build three multiple purposes high dams on the Meramec, Bourbeuse, and Big Rivers in Missouri.
Mercantile Bancorporation Records, 1859-1999 (S1242)
45.5 cubic feet
This collection contains meeting minutes, property appraisal cards, annual reports, VHS tapes, and photographs pertaining to the Mercantile Bancorporation’s mission to provide financial services to customers in the Midwest. Materials of interest include property appraisal cards for residential homes in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region. The cards contain information about the lot size, construction material, and estimated value for each individual property. The materials in this collection date from 1936 to 1999.
Eddie Miller Photograph Collection, 1852-1922 (P0608)
0.23 linear feet
Photographs of the Truman Presidential Library, ca. 1974. Copy photos, the bulk of which depict DeSoto, Jefferson County, MO. Also images of Washington County and Old Mines, MO.
Missouri & Illinois Mineral & Land Company Records, 1834-1900 (R0058)
0.75 cubic foot (9 folders, 2 oversize folders
These are records of the acquisition and disposition of lands in a speculative industrial development scheme in Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Cape Girardeau, and Madison Counties in Missouri.
Missouri Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., Sacred Stones and Stained Glass Windows Project Records, 1977-1980 (C3723)
7.1 cubic feet (334 folders)
Statewide documentation of local churches by county. Includes cultural arts reports, church histories, floor plans, architectural details, clippings, slides, photographs, and miscellany.
Missouri Place Name Survey Papers, 1954-1982 (C4390)
1.2 cubic feet (35 folders)
Correspondence, newsletters, notes, research material, papers, proposal, and publications of a committee of professors who undertook a Missouri Place Name Survey, building largely on the work of Professor of English Robert L. Ramsay, whose students compiled a survey of Missouri places in the 1930s. The survey was intended to produce a dictionary of Missouri place names.
Missouri Place Names Study Papers, 1927-1928 (C3459)
0.6 cubic feet (40 folders)
Morisse Family Papers, 1854-2023 (S0269)
22.3 cubic feet
The Morisse Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, reel-to-reel tapes, and citizenship papers of the Morisse, Zimmerman, Walter, and Rosenthal families of St. Louis, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as well as Quincy, Illinois. Materials of interest include photograph albums compiled by Herbert Ernest Morisse, documenting the Morisse families' involvement with Boy Scout Troop 21 of the Ethical Society of St. Louis and their outings at Herb Ella cabin along the Black River. The albums also contain photographs chronicling Herbert Ernest Walter Morisse's years as a student at Washington University in the early 1930s. Other materials of interest include correspondence between Marian Morisse and her brothers, Walter and Henry Hoener, during World War II.
Lynn Morrow Map Collection, 1885-2016, bulk 1936-1981 (R1519)
6 cubic feet (16 folders, 194 maps)
The Lynn Morrow Map Collection contains copies and original Missouri related maps collected by Lynn Morrow. The collection includes atlases, waterway maps, road and train maps, tourist and highway maps, and geological maps.
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet
The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019.