"Adair County's War Record from Pioneer Days to and Including 1942," P.O. Selby, 1943 (C1251)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Compiled by Selby for the MacDougall-Lowe Post No. 20, American Legion, Kirksville, MO.
Adair County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1898-1962 (P0087)
24 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of Yarrow, Northeast Missouri State University, and Kirksville (Adair County).
Adair County, Missouri, Railroad Bond Election Notice, 1870 (C2877)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notice of election held March 29, 1870, in Adair County on bond issue to subscribe $100,000 to the capital stock of the Quincy, Missouri, and Pacific Railroad Company. OVERSIZE.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Enoch Allred Deed, 1855 (C1882)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Deed to a tract of land in township 62 of Adair County, MO, dated November 15, 1855.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Wat Arnold Papers, 1947-1948 (C0070)
0.3 cubic feet
Remarks by Arnold printed in the Congressional Record, material for a weekly newsletter printed in local newspapers, and script for a weekly radio broadcast to the people in his district.
Henry S. Bradsher Collection, 1884-1904 (P0191)
97 photographs
One large photo album and several loose photo album pages; the second containing small portraits of students from North Missouri Normal School, c. 1885; larger album with larger photos of children and adults from Clifton Hall, Missouri
Margaret M. Brashear Papers, 1868-1962 (C3393)
6.3 cubic feet (350 folders, 1 volume, 1 card file)
The papers of Margaret M. Brashear contain correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, student papers, and articles of Margaret M. Brashear, who was a professor of English at the University of Missouri. She taught classes on Mark Twain and Missouri literature and wrote several books and articles.
Civil War Relief Meeting Notice, 1864 (C2804)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Broadside announcing mass meetings in Kirksville, county seat of Adair County, to provide widows, orphans and families of active soldiers with necessities for winter.
Collett Family Papers, 1833-1964 (C2949)
0.22 cubic feet (11 folders)
Genealogical material about the Collett family of Adair County, MO. Tax receipts, miscellaneous pamphlets and newspaper clippings, poetry and essays.
Madeline Crockett Photograph Collection, 1956, no date (P0064)
5 photographs
5 b/w photos of Sabbath Home United Methodist Church. Three exterior views of the Church, one of which shows the cemetery, and one interior view with alter. One b/w group photo of Primary Class during Vacation Church School, with individuals identified.
John Cummins Edwards Letters, 1840-1845 (C1611)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains Photostats of correspondence regarding the Missouri-Iowa Territory boundary difficulties; Senator Lewis F. Linn's position, and congressional actions; the definition of the northern boundary of Missouri by the Constitutional Convention and Surveyor General's Office; effects of a boundary dispute in Adair County, MO; Iowa land sales; Missouri politics and Edwards' gubernatorial policies.
Karleen Forbis Scrapbook, 1940-1943 (C4636)
Scrapbook kept by a student at the Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in Kirksville, Missouri, 1940-1943.
H. Roger Grant Postcard Collection, 1880-1920 (P0696)
35 postcards
Photo postcards of railroads and related images, primarily in Novinger and Adair county. Additional images of Bethel Colony, railroad depots, and locomotives.
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Hannibal Presbytery Synod of Missouri Records, 1833-1954 (C1362)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Records of the Hannibal Presbytery, formed in 1923 from the presbyteries of Salt River, McGee, and Kirksville. Pages 1-239 contain the records of the Salt River Presbytery; pages 240-460, of the Hannibal Presbytery.
Harrington Family Scrapbook, 1897-1907 (C4331)
1 oversize volume
Hensley Family Papers, 1926-1992 (K1371)
1 c.f.
This collection consists of papers and photographs related to the service of Robert Glenn Hensley and Terry Hensley.
Sarah F. Hickman Hughes Reminiscences, 1942 (C1889)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Family history, Civil War, and a journey west by wagon train in 1865.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Frances Cook Kemendo Photograph Collection, 1890-1930 (P0104)
0.42 linear feet
3 mounted photos related to St. Theresa's Church of the Little Flower, Kansas City; 88 b/w photos of people and places in and around Adair, Lewis and Knox counties, ca. 1900
Andrew J. Knight Papers, 1866-1896 (C2264)
0.21 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of Andrew J. Knight contain miscellaneous legal papers concerning the purchase and transfer of land in Kirksville, Adair County, MO, and Lawrence County, Dakota Territory. Also included are poems and essays.
Pauline Knobbs Photograph Collection, no date (P0061)
5 photographs
B/w photos of grave markers in Llewelyn Cemetery, Kirksville, Missouri, and of 2 historic Kirksville houses. Markers of 26 Confederate Soldiers killed at the Battle of Kirksville, 6 August 1862, and the gravestone of Jesse Kirk.
David F. McClay Deeds, 1868-1888 (C1884)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Deeds to two tracts of land in township 62, Adair County, MO, 8 July 1868 and 20 May 1888.
McIntosh Family Papers, 1932-2024 (S0649)
5 cubic feet
The McIntosh Family papers contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, household financial ledgers, military discharge papers, poetry, and scrapbooks pertaining primarily to Denzil and Beverly Crane McIntosh, of St. Louis, Missouri.
Joseph C. Meisner Papers, 1958, 1968-1980 (C4729)
11.4 cubic feet (411 folders), 4 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes
The papers of an agricultural economist who worked for the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension and with Catholic farm groups.
Missouri Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., Sacred Stones and Stained Glass Windows Project Records, 1977-1980 (C3723)
7.1 cubic feet (334 folders)
Statewide documentation of local churches by county. Includes cultural arts reports, church histories, floor plans, architectural details, clippings, slides, photographs, and miscellany.
Missouri Place Names Study Papers, 1927-1928 (C3459)
0.6 cubic feet (40 folders)
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
Northeast Missouri State Teachers College Photographs, 1890-1986 (P0844)
8 photographs
Photos of Northeast Missouri State Teachers College and related people and personnel
"Notes on the JOURNAL OF OSTEOPATHY, 1894-1964," Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, 1964 (C2177)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History and purpose of the JOURNAL OF OSTEOPATHY.
Charles O'Dell Collection, 1825-1997 (C4265)
4.0 cubic feet (138 folders)
The papers of a medical librarian for the Ellis-Fischel State Cancer Center, a public school and college instructor in literature, music, and performing arts, and amateur genealogist. The papers focus on genealogical research material, correspondence, notes, publications, newsletters, newspaper clippings, family group sheets, name lists, scrapbook material, photographs, slides, and other miscellaneous genealogical material.
Poehlman Family Photographs, undated (C4563)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)
Portrait views of various members of the Poehlman family of Macon and Adair Counties and related members of the Grueger family from South Bend, Indiana. Also, a group photograph of the Oakwood Community Band.
Ramsay Place Names File, 1928-1945 (C2366)
6 cubic feet (12 boxes), 4 rolls of microfilm
Card file of origins of Missouri place names, compiled by students of Robert L. Ramsay, University of Missouri professor of English. Cards are in alphabetical order by place name.
Elizabeth Jones Ratliff Photograph Collection, 1880-1924 (P0251)
94 photographs
Various images related to Macon County, specifically the town of Ethel, photos of Kirksville State Normal School, 1919-1924, including the 1924 fire and its aftermath, and portraits of identified and unidentified families and individuals.
Republican Party Posters, 1875-1884 (C2854)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Miscellaneous broadsides on Adair County, Missouri, political matters. OVERSIZE.
Wray M. Rieger Papers, 1942-1972 (C4315)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders)
The papers of a former military officer and Dean Emeritus of faculties and professor of chemistry at Northeast Missouri State Teachers College consist of military papers containing special orders, memos, reports, forms, separation papers, physical exams, service records, staff lists, and photographs of Rieger and other military officers. Additional records in the collection consist of letters of recognition upon Rieger’s retirement from Northeast Missouri State Teachers College.
Nancy K. Smith Postcard Collection, 1900-1970 (P0029)
268 postcards
Postcards, all views of hospitals and clinics and some sanitariums across Missouri.
Norton Stern Photograph Collection, 1915-1916 (P0065)
11 photographs
3 b/w photos and 2 b/w photo postcards from the College of Osteopathy depicting students and a surgery. 3 b/w photos depicting public buildings in Kirksville, MO; the College of Osteopathy (ca. 1915), the Ward Infirmary Hospital (ca. 1915), and the County Courthouse. Also includes images of Marie Stern and Dr. Andrew Taylor Still.
Cyrus R. Truitt Scrapbooks, 1893-1963 (C1432)
0.6 cubic feet (6 volumes)
Scrapbooks of photographs of Novinger and Adair County, Missouri, 1893-1963, with explanations and captions by Truitt. Pictorial history of coal mining in western Adair County. Truitt titled the scrapbooks “Mostly Ghosts.”
U.S. Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey of Missouri, 1935-1942 (C3551)
302 cubic feet (24,282 folders); also available on 817 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, records, and working files. Originally designed to survey and inventory all county government records, the survey finally included inventories of church records, manuscript collections, vital statistics, American imprints, and federal archives. Incorporates records of the Federal Writers Project for Missouri.
Whitacre Family Collection, 1890-1903 (CA6751)
0.8 cubic feet
Genealogical records, charts, publications, correspondence, booklets, legal documents, biographies, and Leviathan Exercise Books for the Whitacre family of Kirksville, Missouri.
Clarence Williams Photograph Collection, 1928-1946 (P0063)
6 photographs
3 original photos of log cabin that was the birthplace of Andrew Taylor Still, one of which shows a nearby amphitheater. 2 photos of American School of Osteopathy, established in 1892 by Andrew Taylor Still. One photo of the Churchill-Truman visit to Westminster College.
Clarence Wilson Photographs, 1936, no date (P0407)
19 photographs
Photographs of Hannibal and Kirskville, Missouri, by Clarence Wilson. Also, images of the Lake of the Ozarks, a Daniel Boone Marker, and Warren County.
Wise Family Photographs, 1893-1904 (P0874)
8 photographs
Photos of and relating to the Wise family of Kirskville, MO.