"Adventures in Silence," Howard Leslie Terry, 1932 (C1271)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)
A novel about a deaf man.
Mary Bullock Aker Papers, 1930-1984 (K0115)
29 f and 2 vol.
Photocopies of short stories and newspaper/magazine articles written by Aker, both rough and final drafts. They cover a variety of topics from the Revolutionary War to household hints. Also an autobiographical story which Mrs. Aker wrote in her 91st year of memories of her childhood in and around Parkville, Missouri
Ione Alexander Papers, 1925-1982 (K0726)
8 c.f.
Idea notes and working drafts, published manuscripts of autobiographical stories, novels, plays, short stories, and poetry written by Alexander, an accomplished and published author. Also correspondence with friends, family, and other writers and are minutes and other documents relating to various organizations to which she belonged, such as the Quill Club.
Hermann B. Almstedt Papers, 1887-1954 (C2408)
1.5 cubic feet
Correspondence with colleagues and students, articles, speeches, poems, programs, report cards and diplomas of Hermann B. Almstedt, professor of Germanic Languages at the University of Missouri.
Bower Aly Address, 1974 (C3581)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Address on the poetry of John G. Neihardt, dedicating ground for the Neihardt building in Bancroft, Nebraska, August 4, 1974. Bower Aly, Professor of Speech at the University of Oregon, delivered the ground dedication address for the Neihardt building erected by the State of Nebraska at Bancroft.
"America," Samuel Francis Smith, 1892 (C0409)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Autographed copy of poem.
American Audio Prose Library, 1981-1993 (C3851)
578 audio cassettes, 88 audio tapes
Interviews of and readings by American prose writers. These recordings document the authors' renditions and interpretations of their works. The American Audio Prose Library of Columbia, Missouri; a grant-funded library; organized and produced the recordings for public radio stations and individual purchase.
American Audio Prose Library Records, 1979-2016 (CA6585)
91.25 cubic feet (includes 365 audio tapes, 591 audio cassettes, 91 DAT tapes, 30 CDs, 17 computer discs, 2 mini cassettes, 2 mini discs), 3 oversize items, 51.4 MB of digital files
Addition of master and edited audio recordings, administrative files, business correspondence, financial records, grant files, writer files, and miscellaneous material.
"Apple Wine", 1969 (CA6604)
1 folder
Compilation of poems by Edward Bonetti, Jerry Dethrow, and James Taylor and published by R.P. Dickey, Columbia, Missouri. Dethrow co-owned the local bar and restaurant Booches for many years. [RESTRICTED]
Vaun Arnold Papers, 1920-1958 (K1229)
1 c.f.
Poetry, writings, correspondence and music of a Kansas City poet.
Athenaean Literary Society Records, 1842-1925 (C0447)
1 cubic foot, 3 volumes
Minutes and records of the organization, constitutions, membership lists, censors' reports, a history, and scrapbook.
Clara Baldwin Papers, 1947-1993 (C3953)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The papers of Clara Baldwin, a trade reporter and published author of poetry and children’s books, consist of personal correspondence, biographical materials, published trade journal articles and poetry, and photographs.
Walter L. Bargen Papers, 1963-2012 (C4727)
7 cubic feet (194 folders), 2 oversize items
Manuscripts, publications, and subject files of Walter L. Bargen, an author and the first Poet Laureate of Missouri (2008-2010).
J. Christian Bay Book Review, 1908 (C2783)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Review of IN THE FURROW, volume of poems by Lewis Worthington Smith. Review is written in Danish but quotes parts of poems in English.
Al Beck Papers, 1930s-2018 (CA6497)
4.15 cubic feet, 3 computer discs, 10 DVDs, 8.87 GB of digital files
The papers of a visual artist and poet who taught art at Culver-Stockton College in Canton, Missouri, contain photographs, artwork, publications, business records, and miscellaneous material.
Berenice B. Beggs Scrapbook, 1935 (C3557)
0.1 cubic feet (1 oversize volume)
The collection contains newspaper clippings and photographs, feature stories and magazine articles on Mark Twain, compiled by a teacher in the English Department at Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville.
Bell Family Papers, 1875-1969 (C3045)
1 roll of microfilm
The papers of a Boonville, Missouri, family contain genealogical material, correspondence, memoirs, clippings, photographs, and Marie Bell McCoy's manuscripts.
Beth Shalom Nursery Cookbook, 1999 (K1021)
0.1 c.f.
Beth Shalom Nursery School Cookbook: A collection of recipes by Congregation Beth Shalom (1999).
Betz Family Collection, 1981 (K0838)
0.1 c.f.
This collection contains a small booklet written by Annette Betz entitled "The Home of Carl Betz and Louise Wittig Betz." The booklet is a retelling of her family history, focusing on Annette's childhood, and her memories of her father, Carl, and her mother, Louis.
Marie Daerr Boehringer Papers, 1930-1997 (C1221)
4.0 cubic feet (126 folders)
Diaries; correspondence; newspaper clippings; article; poem and story manuscripts; publications; and miscellaneous papers of a Cleveland, Ohio, journalist and poet.
Atwell Loomis Bohling, Jr. Papers, 1939-1997 (K0654)
49 c.f.
George Melville Bolling Papers, 1925-1970 (C1330)
1.4 cubic feet
Papers of George Melville Bolling, professor emeritus of Greek and Sanskrit at Ohio State University. The papers include correspondence with colleagues and family, manuscript drafts, and miscellaneous material.
Angelo Louis Bongino Collection, 1934-1997 (K0878)
1 c.f.
Research and personal papers of Bongino relating to the Italian community in the Northeast Kansas City, particularly Holy Rosary Church. Includes Bongino's published articles, photographs, and video.
Book Lovers' Club Records, 1915-2011 (K0901)
2.25 c.f.
Organizational records of the oldest African American women's club in Kansas City. Includes minutes, yearbooks, meeting programs, photographs, financial records, and other related materials.
Lenore K. Bradley Papers, 1966-1982 (K0309)
0.3 c.f.
Local author and historian Bradley's collected notes, drawings, pamphlets, maps, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs which she intended for a book on the life and work of Louis Curtiss, noted Kansas City architect.
Earl Lockridge Bradsher Papers, 1945-1954 (C3345)
0.9 cubic feet (66 folders)
The papers of Earl Lockridge Bradsher, professor of English and American literature at Louisiana State University, contain manuscript poetry of Bradsher as well as correspondence and miscellaneous material. All poetry is entitled “Starts, Parts, First Drafts,” and varies in style and content. Among topics treated are nature, philosophy, literature and geographical areas.
William C. Braislin Letters, 1934-1935 (C2757)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains originals and typed copies of two letters to J.C. Bay discussing early American fiction collections.
Organizational records of the chapter dedicated to fundraising and support of the Brandeis University libraries. Includes flyers, invites, brochures, newspaper clippings, newsletters, photographs, photo albums, scrapbooks, and directories.
Margaret M. Brashear Papers, 1868-1962 (C3393)
6.3 cubic feet (350 folders, 1 volume, 1 card file)
The papers of Margaret M. Brashear contain correspondence, manuscripts, notes, clippings, student papers, and articles of Margaret M. Brashear, who was a professor of English at the University of Missouri. She taught classes on Mark Twain and Missouri literature and wrote several books and articles.
William Clark Breckenridge Papers, 1752-1927 (C1036)
4.75 cubic feet (117 folders, 21 volumes), 1 card file, 3 rolls of microfilm
The papers of the St. Louis businessman, writer, and historian contain correspondence, scrapbooks, book sale announcements, and miscellaneous materials, with an emphasis on St. Louis and Missouri history.
Marshall Dwight Brown Papers, 1917-1992 (K1066)
5 c.f.
Includes architectural drawings by Marshall and Brown Architects; Kansas City area related books; issues of "Kansas City Happenings", a newspaper published Marshall Brown, Jr. and Jerry Plantz.; small desk blotters 1930-1950s with KC company names; a photographs album; clippings; and certificates awarded to Brown.
Kenneth L. Browne Collection, no date (K0534)
0.01 c.f.
Humorous letter concerning events in Kansas City, including a dance.
Browning Society of Kansas City Records, 1927-1980 (K0003)
2 c.f.
Correspondence, bylaws, minutes, ledgers, yearbooks, programs and other materials relating to the Brownings and poetry.
Thomas Brockway Bullene Papers, 1874-1894 (K0288)
0.3 c.f.
Diaries of a prominent business and civic leader and mayor of Kansas City, MO. Contain personal notes and writings, poetry, family history, some clippings, a few photographs, and financial records.
Burroughs Audubon Society of Greater Kansas City Records, 1905-1991 (K0665)
18 c.f.
Organizational records including by-laws, minutes, correspondence, clippings, scrapbooks, programs, pamphlets, rosters, field notes and bird censuses, photographs, and glass lantern slides. Also research materials, slides, and papers belonging to A.E. Shirling (1875-1947), noted Kansas City naturalist and author.
William S. Burroughs Newspaper Clippings Collection, 1936-1951 (S0575)
0.01 cubic foot
The William S. Burroughs Newspaper Clippings Collection contains newspaper accounts of incidents from St. Louis author William S. Burroughs’s life.
C.M. Burton Letter, 1913 (C2772)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To Theodore W. Koch, from Detroit, MI, Feb. 14, 1913. Letter regarding C.M. Kirkland, school teacher and author of books about life on the frontier. "Mrs. Mary Clavers" was a pseudonym for Caroline Matilda Stansbury (Mrs. William C.) Kirkland.
Mattie P. Burton Papers, 1958 (K0144)
0.01 c.f.
A letter, undated and unsigned, presumably by Miss Burton's mother describing her experiences as a pioneer in Indiana and Nebraska; a biographical statement on Mattie Burton, owner of the Burton Publishing Company in Kansas City; and drafts by Mattie Burton of Westport Branch of the National League of American Pen Women activities.
Howard V. Canan Papers, 1970-1971 (C3288)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Howard V. Canan contain research notes on James Craig.
Avis Dungan Carlson Papers, 1940-1979 (S0463)
0.8 cubic foot, 32 folders
The Avis Dungan Carlson Papers contain manuscripts, articles, genealogy, appointment book, and newspaper clippings primarily documenting Carlson's drafting of her two books, Small World…Long Gone: A Family Record of an Era and In the Fullness of Time: The Pleasures and Inconveniences of Growing Old and participation in groups such as the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan St. Louis.
Lenore Bea French Carroll Papers, 1975-2005 (K0446)
21 c.f.
Drafts and completed manuscripts of published and unpublished articles and books written by Carroll, and correspondence, notes and extensive research related to the 19th century American Midwest and West.
Mary Hartwell Catherwood Poem, no date (C2760)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a farewell poem addressed to Roswell Field by M.C.H. Typewritten copy included.
Corinne Gould Chamberlain Poems, circa 1950-1963 (C3178)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Missouri-themed poems written by Corinne Gould Chamberlain.
Children's Literature Scrapbook, 1870s (K0402)
0.1 c.f.
The Scrapbook of Children’s Literature consists of a single scrapbook containing newspaper clippings of children’s stories, poems, and pictures that appeared in The Youth’s Companion, an American Children’s magazine. The clippings are undated and were pasted over a business ledger from Cleveland, Ohio. The Youth’s Companion, later known as The Companion-For All the Family, was an American children’s magazine, which began publication in 1827 and ran until its merger with The American Boy in 1929. The magazine was published in Boston, Massachusetts, by the Perry Mason Company.
Cyril Clemens Photograph Collection, 1934, no date (P0330)
1 folder
Photographs of a model of a Mark Twain memorial by artist Walter Russell, Mark Twain, and a Mark Twain impersonator. Additional images of Missouri politicians and businessmen.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens Papers, 1895-1901 (C2007)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Poem entitled "Contract with Mrs. T.K. Beecher, Quarry Farm," by Mark Twain, 2 July 1895.
Mark Twain circular letter to W.L. Howard from New York, 2 May 1901, regretting he could not accept lecture engagement. Added personal note stating he would have made trip but was permanently tired of travel and hoped he had made his last journey.
Alta Simpson Coggins Manuscripts, no date (C2226)
0.9 cubic feet (45 folders)
Tom Collins Papers, 1908-1985 (K0830)
0.5 c.f.
Collins was a noted humorist and author. Includes newspaper clippings, brochures, magazines, photographs and a phonograph record relating to Collins career.
Community Children's Theatre Records, 1947-1999 (K1255)
19 c.f.
Organizational records of Kansas City area Children's Theatre group made up of a number of local theater companies: presidents files, committee notebooks, minutes, rosters, financial records, programs, publications, newsletters, and photographs. Also plays/scripts and performance photographs. scrapbooks, various books, catalogues, and professional publications.
Congregation Ohev Shalom Collection, 1977-2007 (K0682)
0.1 c.f.
Books commemorating the 100th and 130th anniversaries of Congregation Ohev Shalom, and video recording of program honoring Rabbi Daniel Horowitz.