1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection, 1889 (R1381)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The 1st Regiment, Missouri Engineers Collection contains a history of the 25th Reiment Misouri Infantry and Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West and includes unit rosters. This history was edited and compiled by Dr. W.A. Neal, who served as the assistant sugeon in the 1st Missouri Engineers.
3rd Missouri Volunteer Cavalry Collection, 1861 and 1864 (R1376)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The records contain papers from two members of the 3rd Missouri Volunteer Calvary. The records contain papers related to Francis M. Poore and John Harris. The two individuals are not connected and did not serve at the same time. The records of John Harris include a military court document listing charges and findings against Harris.
2nd Illinois Artillery Regiment, Battery F Records, 1865 (R0293)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The 2nd Illinois Artillery Regiment, Battery F Records contains a photocopy of the final muster roll and service history of the Battery F, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery. The battery was organized in Cape Girardeau, Scott, and Stoddard counties in Missouri.
Clayton Abbott Collection, circa 1958-1976 (R0581)
0.3 cubic foot (20 folders)
The Clayton Abbott Collection contains research materials on Cedar County, Missouri, compiled by local Stockton historian and author Clayton Abbott. The material includes newspaper clippings, transcripts of letters and documents, and drafts of Abbott’s writings.
James A. Adams Letter, 1862 (C2629)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
From Provost Marshall's Office requiring Price to furnish provisions for six Rebel prisoners.
James A. Adams Letter, 1863 (C1615)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Directive that three prisoners were being sent to the Provost Marshall General at St. Louis in charge of Lt. Newlee, 9th Cavalry, Missouri State Militia. Instructions to St. Louis Provost Guard from Brig. General Strong, June 22, 1863, to allow Newlee to pass.
Joseph Aid Papers, 1863-1921 (C0200)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
Genealogical material on Aid and Miller families; Civil War military papers; and Aid's correspondence with wife and sons, 1863-1864, concerning Civil War, rations, places of interest, battles, and home news of Chillicothe, OH. Items from race track ledger, West Plains, MO.
John H., James, and William Alker Papers, 1861-1864 (C3822)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Letters from three English brothers to their parents and various siblings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, describing everyday camp life for soldiers of the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War. Includes detailed accounts of picketing, troop movements, and guerrilla warfare. Also contains discharge papers of John Alker.
Wellington Allen Reminiscence, 1885 (C0692)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a record of the death of Alf Bowlin, a hunted Confederate soldier, near Forsyth, Missouri, in 1862, as told and recorded by a Union soldier in 1885.
Abijah and W.H. Alley Letters, no date (C2726)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains photocopies of two letters, presumably written during the Civil War, but dates are illegible.
Alley-Brewer Family Letters, 1857-1866 (C0196)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Letters to Margaret E. Brewer Alley and her husband, Hadley Alley, Mercer County, MO, from her brother James S. Brewer, a Civil War soldier with the 28th Illinois Volunteer Infantry; from George W. and John W. Deen who address her as sister; and from other brothers and sisters. Comments on army matters and family business.
Clarence W. and Idress Head Alvord Collection, 1759-1962 (C0970)
21.2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, writings, and collected materials of Alvord, professor of history at the universities of Illinois and Minnesota; and his wife, writer and former curator of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis. The collection includes territorial documents and Ste. Genevieve records; LIBERTY TRIBUNE papers; Missouri state and county records; and Civil War and military papers.
Dr. Leslie Anders Photograph Collection, 1863-1982 (P0365)
29 photographs
The photograph collection of Dr. Leslie Anders includes photographs of himself and photos of Missouri Civil War regiments and soldiers, his area of research. Dr. Anders was a professor of history at Central Missouri State University.
Frank Anderson Photographs, 1884, 1950 (P0968)
2 photographs
Photos of Missouri's Confederate Capitol and Governor's Mansion in Marshall, TX
Thomas Lilbourne Anderson Papers, 1860-1864 (C0678)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Thomas Lilbourne Anderson, lawyer, politician, and U.S. Congressman who practiced law in St. Charles and Palmyra, Missouri contain an autobiography and three letters written to Anderson in the 1860s, one describing the Battle of Springfield in 1863.
Lisbon Applegate Collection, 1819-1903 (C0996)
2 cubic feet, 18 volumes
Correspondence and business papers of Lisbon and Lewis M. Applegate of Keytesville, MO. Letters from George W. Applegate in California, 1848-1873, describing prospects for ranching, gold mining, and wine-making ventures; politics; and impact of Civil War and abolitionists. Civil War in Missouri; politics in Missouri and Chariton County; economic conditions and opportunities in Chariton County.
Robert C. Arnett Papers, 1917 (R0138)
1 folder
The Robert C. Arnett Papers contains photocopies and transcripts of a memoir of the engagement at Fredericktown, Madison County, Missouri on October 21, 1861, by a native of the town on whose farm the fighting occurred. Arnett claimed to have reported on Federal troop strength to General M. Jeff Thompson before the battle.
Gabriel Artenstine Letter, 1864 (K0532)
0.01 c.f.
Letter from Artenstine, member of the Kansas Militia to acquaintance Oscar Braecklein, a Kansas City druggist, concerning the militias deployment to the Battle of Westport.
George Clinton Arthur Papers, circa 1914-1939 (R0244)
0.3 cubic foot (3 folders)
The George Clinton Arthur Papers contain the reminiscences and personal papers assembled in connection with George C. Arthur’s work on “Bushwhacker” Bill Wilson during the Civil War in Phelps County, Missouri. There is also genealogical information concerning the Arthur and Turnure families, and correspondence regarding Arthur’s books, Backwoodsmen and Bushwhacker.
Samuel L. Asbury Diary, 1862-1864 (C0206)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Civil War diary of a Confederate first lieutenant in the 45th Mississippi Regiment, wounded and captured at the Battle of Murphreesboro, TN. Written while he was a prisoner at Fort Delaware, treatment by the "Yankees," and perils of prison life. Includes hospital lists, addresses, poems, and other miscellaneous papers.
David Rice Atchison Papers, 1837-1953 (C0071)
0.4 cubic feet, 5 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm
Correspondence and diaries of U.S. Senator David Rice Atchison. Correspondents include A.E. Hannegan, C.F. Jackson, James H. Birch, Jefferson Davis, Stephen W. Kearney, and J.W. Denver. Politics, including the slavery issue and Thomas Hart Benton; personal and family correspondence. Diaries concerning weather and farming are on microfilm.
James D. Attebery Collection, 1844-1966 (C2398)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)
St. Clair County, MO, papers relating to the Civil War Citizens Guards Company; Cole family, particularly Abraham Cole; warranty deed, homestead certificates, title bonds, land certificates and other papers involving land transactions. Also included are minute books of literary and social clubs, 1911-1914.
Francis F. and Harriet Elizabeth Audsley Papers, 1862-1912 (C2374)
0.2 cubic feet
Correspondence of Francis F. and Harriet E. Audsley during the Civil War; letters from Sarah Ann Audsley, a cousin living in Australia, and Mary Ellen Harding, a cousin in England. Miscellaneous items.
R.A. Austin Papers, 1846-1897 (C2118)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers contain a typed autobiography of the Reverend R.A. Austin, a Missouri Methodist minister and circuit rider and covers the Austin family's migration from Kentucky to Missouri, education, conversion, Civil War, Native Americans, trip west from Chillicothe, Missouri, to Montana, activities of Montana circuit ministers. Transcripts of seven letters from Austin to his wife, 1859-1866.
Edward Everett Ayer Reminiscences, 1924 (C2694)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains reminiscences of his first trip away from home, and itinerary across the plains to California, and descriptions of people met, work in the mines, enlistment in the army and subsequent service, and the return home in 1864.
Nellie F. Ayres Collection, 1860, 1948 (C2752)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Typescript done by Ayres of a diary of Lavina Priest, written while on a visit to Kentucky in 1860 and a letter to "LOML" from Ayres describing a bus trip to Idaho and Yellowstone Park in June 1948.
Alfred K. Bailey Autobiography, undated (C0222)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Life of Alfred K. Bailey up to the Civil War. Tells of trek to Illinois from Tennessee. He joined the Union Army. Also material about Joseph A. Howe and his joining the Confederate Army in 1861. His sons held the James boys' horses for five cents worth of candy.
Stephen Bailey Papers, 1865-1890 (C2611)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Stephen Bailey contain a discharge from the Civil War of Stephen D. Bailey, Pierce City, MO, 1865. Also included are miscellaneous papers relating to a veteran's pension, 1890, and information explaining Missouri military organizations.
J.H.P. Baker Civil War Diary, 1864-1865 (C1449)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The diary of J.H.P. Baker, dated October 16, 1864-June 17, 1865, discusses the war in Missouri, Price's retreat, the Southern cause, Lee, Johnston, Beauregard, Price, Shelby, Sherman, guerrillas, Lee's surrender, Lincoln's assassination, and Johnson's inauguration. Baker, a doctor with General Shelby, was in charge of a Texas Confederate hospital.
Neil A. Baker Papers, 1861-1863 (C2234)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters from Neil A. Baker, Confederate soldier, to his wife, Sarah Jane Baker, and his daughter, Emma, Chatham County, NC, November 1861 to February 1863.
G.W. Ballow Letter, 1862 (C0223)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Guerrilla warfare and recruiting of troops in Missouri.
Baltzell-Chambers Family Papers, 1857-1981 (C3995)
0.4 cubic feet (23 folders)
Papers relating to the Baltzell-Chambers family of Deer Ridge, Missouri. The papers consist of correspondence, photographs, a scrapbook, and a genealogy, as well as graduation memorabilia, land deeds, and military discharge papers from the Civil War.
John Barber Letter, 1861 (C2578)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To George Barber from a camp near Murfreesboro, TN, June 10, 1861. Written to his father during the Civil War.
William Fletcher Barnds Papers, 1900s-1920s (C3444)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)
The Barnds papers consist of an undated memoir and a scrapbook of a farmer who lived in St. Charles and Saline Counties, Missouri. Barnds writes about early Methodism, his family before and after marriage, and the hardships of farm life.
J.K. Barnes Letter, 1873 (C1871)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter from Surgeon General, U.S. Army, stating that there are no volumes of the first part of the MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY OF THE WAR available. Glover's comments.
Franklin Hoke Barnitz Papers, 1860-1894 (R0164)
(1 roll)
This collection consists of correspondence and miscellaneous papers of Franklin H. Barnitz of Lake Spring, Dent County, Missouri. He was a native of Pennsylvania and freighter who operated from the railhead of the Southwest Branch of the Pacific Railroad in Phelps County before moving to Lake Spring. The collection includes letters from his family in York, Pennsylvania, and from friends and business associates in Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri.
Thomas Akers Barr Papers, 1861-1919 (R0270)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Thomas Akers Barr Papers contain a microfilm copy of correspondence and personal papers belonging to Thomas Akers Barr, a native of Illinois and physician who started his practice in Lebanon, Missouri, around 1869. The papers include letters from Illinois soldiers serving in Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina during the Civil War. Also included are letters from physicians in Illinois and Missouri and from Harry Woodson Barr while he was at Camp Bowie, Texas, in 1918-1919.
Barth Family Papers, 1852-1907 (C0997)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Papers contain correspondence, deeds, and financial statements of the family of Moses Barth, a Rocheport, Boone County, MO, merchant. Bulk of the material is correspondence between family members concerning their general welfare and business matters. Several letters written during the Civil War describe economic conditions and confrontations with Confederate guerrillas in the Rocheport area.
Basye Family Papers, 1812-1960 (C2505)
3.9 cubic feet
Correspondence, legal documents, clippings, account books, scrapbooks, photographs, Bible records, and papers collected to establish the Basye family genealogy. Included are Bowling Green Methodist Episcopal Church and Cumberland Presbyterian Church registers, and early letters describing activities and family life in Missouri and other states, notably California and Wisconsin. Mining, the California gold rush, and the Civil War are also described. Numerous correspondents are women.
"The Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, 1862," A. Loyd Collins, 1949-1950 (C1081)
0.25 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Vol. 1, Correspondence with Senator J.W. Fulbright, Governor Sid McMath and interested citizens about establishment of a national military park on the battlefield site of Pea Ridge, and a history of the battle. Vol. 2, Correspondence and materials relating to the Battle of Pea Ridge.
Battle of Wilson's Creek Memoir, 1934 (C0757)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Memoir of the battle (1861) as told by Mrs. J.J. Bruton of Ozark, MO, to Katherine Brown in 1934.
William E. Bean Papers, 1864-1881 (C0207)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters to Bean from family while in Union army. One on election of 1864. Two from Nashville hospital complaining of illness; two from Evansville, IN, hospital, and two from Camp Dennison, OH. Discharge paper, teacher report, Masonic Lodge receipt; and biographical sketch by daughter, Mary E. Maxwell.
Bedford Family Papers, 1849-1870 (C2610)
0.2 cubic feet
Letters of an Andrew County family, Southern sympathizers during the Civil War. Early letters from Thomas Bedford describe the gold rush, travel, and life in California, abolitionist agitation and prejudice against the North. Letters from A.M. Bedford, Johnson's Island, describes life as a prisoner of war. Later letters describe Reconstruction life. 141 letters.
John B. Bell Records, 1860-1875 (R0119)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The John B. Bell Records contain photocopies of a record book kept by John B. Bell, a physician at Potosi, Washington County, Missouri. Bell was a medical examiner of Enrolled Missouri Militia and United States Colored Troops during the Civil War, and of pension applicants after the war.
Ovid H. Bell Collection, 1824-1950 (C3805)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of and materials collected by a Fulton, Missouri, resident relating to the history and residents of Callaway County. The collection is comprised of correspondence, copies of speeches and lectures given by Bell on historical topics, and documents including a typescript 1849 diary of James Tate, tax rolls for Callaway County, Callaway County Agricultural and Mechanical Society membership lists, and a regimental history and troop roster of Company B, 1st Missouri Cavalry, C.S.A.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
John Forbes and Diana Benjamin Papers, 1850-1876 (C1382)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Papers of John Forbes and Diana Benjamin. The papers consist of letters written to family in Liverpool, NY, the majority during the Civil War.
Lyman G. Bennett Papers, 1857-1865 (R0274)
0.5 cubic foot (10 folders)
The Lyman G. Bennett Collection contains photocopies and original diaries and topographic maps of a civil engineer, member of the 36th Illinois Infantry, and civilian employee of the U. S. Army. The materials concern homesteading in Minnesota in 1857; campaigning in Missouri and Arkansas with the Army of Southwest Missouri, 1861-1862; mapping in Kansas and Colorado in 1865; and the Powder River Indian Expedition in Nebraska and Wyoming in 1865.
Bentley Family Collection, 1815-1981 (C3042)
5 rolls of microfilm, 0.4 cubic feet (11 folders), 1 oversize item, 1 oversize volume
The collection contains the correspondence of Nancy V. Bentley, Jordan R. Bentley, and J. Marshall Bentley. Also included are legal papers and bills of sales for enslaved people pertaining to the Bentley family and Thomas Fristoe; reminiscences of Jordan R. Bentley and material pertaining to Bentley and other allied families; material on the Civil War in Chariton, Howard, and Cooper Counties; material on family and social life in the 1880s and 1890s; and Chariton County history.
Jacob Bess Papers, 1864-1865 (R1330)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a typescript of a journal by Bollinger County, Missouri native Jacob Bess during service with the 7th Missouri Cavalry (Confederate), September 26, 1864-June 22, 1865. Brief daily entries note the succession of camps in Arkansas and Louisiana, acquiring horses, and personal expenses.