Clarence W. and Idress Head Alvord Collection, 1759-1962 (C0970)
21.2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, writings, and collected materials of Alvord, professor of history at the universities of Illinois and Minnesota; and his wife, writer and former curator of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis. The collection includes territorial documents and Ste. Genevieve records; LIBERTY TRIBUNE papers; Missouri state and county records; and Civil War and military papers.
Hans Peter Andersen Papers, 1909-1920 (R0832)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders, 5 photographs)
The Hans Peter Andersen Papers contain the personal correspondence of Dr. Hans Peter Andersen, a physician who graduated from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis. An immigrant from Denmark, most of the letters addressed to Hans are from family members back home, but also include letters from fellow medical students serving in the United States Army Medical Corps during World War I.
Joseph Anderson Family Letters, 1873-1908 (C0199)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)
Letters in Swedish to an immigrant who settled in Buffalo, MO, with his brother. The letters are from relatives in Sweden and from a brother in Hermitage, Missouri, Illinois, and Michigan, giving early wages, positions, settlements, prices of voyages, crops, and farm animals. Also included is a Lutheran catechism and biblical reference sheet.
Claude I. Bakewell Papers, 1946-1952 (C2346)
1.6 cubic feet
Correspondence and congressional material of a Republican representative from Missouri's 11th congressional district to the 80th and 82nd Congresses.
Benecke Family Papers, 1816-1989 (C3825)
90.8 cubic feet (7592 folders, 62 volumes, 413 glass plate negatives), 4 audio tapes, 5 audio discs
Correspondence, business and law firm records, civic, political, legislative, and personal papers of a German American family of Brunswick, Missouri.
Marion Tinsley Bennett Papers, 1941-1948 (C1043)
14.0 cubic feet (1492 folders), 69 audio discs
Congressional papers and correspondence of Philip Allen Bennett (1881-1942) and his son and successor, Marion T. Bennett. M.T. Bennett served from 1943 to 1948. His committees were Census, Territories, Veterans, and Foreign and Interstate Commerce.
Bittersweet Papers, 1973-1983 (R0669)
27 cubic feet (761 folders)
These are papers of "Bittersweet: The Ozark Quarterly," a journal of Ozark culture published by Ellen Gray Massey and her English classes at Lebanon High School. Included are tape recordings, transcripts, and photographs of interviews. Subjects include fiddling, making railroad ties, one-room rural schools, social customs and more, the African-American experince, and handicrafts.
William C. Cole Papers, 1942-1947 (C0013)
8 cubic feet (1,400 folders)
Correspondence of a Republican congressman from Missouri's 3rd District dealing with topics as varied as World War II, agriculture, legislation on labor and the atom bomb, education, foreign relations, immigration, flood control, labor, housing, socialized medicine, politics and the postal service.
Crede Family Papers, 1818-1939 (C3065)
1.6 cubic feet (93 folders, 8 volumes), 2 oversize volumes; also available on 4 rolls of microfilm
Personal correspondence, genealogical records, and business records of a German-American family living in Osage County, MO. The bulk of the collection concerns Hermann Crede; other papers pertain to his brothers, Wilhelm and Carl; all three immigrated in the 1850s. Much of the correspondence is in German; the business records are in English.
Enoch H. Crowder Papers, 1884-1942 (C1046)
27 cubic feet (2045 folders, 7 volumes); also available on 51 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence and other papers of judge advocate general who administered Selective Service in World War I, served as ambassador to Cuba, and, after his retirement from public life, advised sugar interests.
Thomas B. Curtis Papers, 1950-1969 (C3300)
5.0 cubic feet, 908 rolls of microfilm
The Thomas B. Curtis Papers contain constituent correspondence and congressional committee material during Curtis’ terms as a Republican U.S. representative from Missouri. The bulk of committee material pertains to Ways and Means and Joint Economic Committees.
Czechs in St. Louis Collection, 1929-1974 (S0034)
0.03 cubic foot, 4 folders
The Czechs in St. Louis Collection contains anniversary programs, histories, and unpublished manuscripts, relating to Czech-American life in St. Louis, including Bohemian Hill, St. John's Nepomuk Parish, and Sokol St. Louis.
Development and Roles of Ethnic Groups in St. Louis Manuscript, 1966 (S0022)
0.25 cubic foot
"The Development and Roles of Ethnic Groups in St. Louis" is an unpublished manuscript written by Harry Nadler for a graduate seminar in sociology at Washington University.
Ethnic Heritage Studies Colloquium, Proceedings, 1975 (S0023)
0.25 cubic foot, 1 folder, 109 pages
This collection contains the transcript of the Ethnic Heritage Studies City-Wide Colloquium proceedings, which was held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on May 13, 1975.
Fellowship of America's Loyal Irish Record Book, 1928-1930 (S0025)
0.25 cubic foot
The Fellowship of America’s Loyal Irish Record Book contains a constitution, by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, and membership list of a St. Louis Irish organization. The organization was founded to promote “good fellowship” amongst St. Louis Irish Americans.
French Heritage Project Collection, 1948, 1985-1999 (C4735)
0.2 cubic feet (12 folders), 28 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 283 KB of digital files, 15 oversize items
Audio and video recordings of interviews and performances; audio logs and transcripts; field notes; posters; and miscellaneous material related to French settlement and culture in Missouri and the Mississippi valley.
Gigous Family Papers, 1875-1877 (C0325)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letters written to George and Mary Gigous by M.E. Wagner, sister of Mary; Amos Castle, friend of George; and Daniel Stull, cousin of George. The letters describe farming, agricultural prices, immigration, rural education, and rural life in Otter Creek, IA, and Maryville, MO. Includes typed notes on the family.
Gourgas Family Papers, 1815-1843 (C2699)
0.21 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of the Gourgas family contain letters of Adele Gourgas, daughter of a Swiss immigrant, to her brother John Mark Gourgas relating her impressions of and experiences in the Millersburg-Lexington, KY, region and Cincinnati, OH, where she moved with her husband John Dubois in 1819. Also included are letters from Jacob Gourgas to his brother John Mark and other papers of family interest. The letters are in French.
Herbert Spencer Hadley Papers, 1830-1943 (C0006)
15.2 cubic feet (1,062 folders), 35 oversize volumes; also available on 60 rolls of microfilm
The papers of a Missouri Republican lawyer, politician, educator, and author. Attorney general, 1905-1909; governor, 1909-1913; professor of law, University of Colorado, 1917-1923; and Washington University chancellor, 1923-1927. Includes letterbooks, scrapbooks, manuscripts, photographs, cartoons, and miscellaneous material. Originals in storage.
Peter M. Hannibal Papers, 1935-1939 (C2766)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two letters in Danish to J.C. Bay from Hannibal in Dannebrog, NE, and typed translations. Also a Danish newspaper clipping.
Haren Family Collection, 1831, 1968 (S0077)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection includes an 1831 farewell pamphlet for the German families of Geiger, Haren, and Von Leveling, a photocopy of Haren Family Reminiscence written by William A. Haren, and a photocopy of an excerpt from German Americans: An Informal History by Richard O’Connor.
Thomas C. Hennings Jr. Papers, 1934-1960 (C3000)
190.5 cubic feet, 6 audio tapes, 5 films, 5 rolls of microfilm, 25 audio discs, 1 oversize volume
Personal and political papers of a Democratic congressman, 1934-1940; St. Louis circuit attorney, 1940-1941; naval officer, 1941-1944; lawyer, 1944-1950; and U.S. senator, 1950-1960. Collection focuses on senatorial years, the bulk consisting of constituent correspondence, and is arranged topically. Only Volumes on Microfilm.
Charles F. Hinrichs Papers, 1862-1902 (C0335)
2 rolls of microfilm
Papers and records of a German American who lived in Cape Girardeau and Butler Counties in Missouri. Records concern Hinrich's Civil War service in Company L, 10th Missouri Volunteer Cavalry. Other papers document his agricultural interests, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and his efforts to establish a German colony at Carola, Butler County, Missouri.
Holm Family Papers, 1873-1920 (R1311)
(1 folder)
The collection consist of Anton Holm's declaration to become a United States citizen at Manitowoc County, Wisconsin in 1873, and a receipt to Holm regarding a Phelps County civil court case in 1905. There is also a letter from an attorney for the University of Missouri regarding a sale of sixty acres to the University by Anton J. Holm in 1920.
Ivan Lee Holt Papers, 1835-1966 (C2553)
8 cubic feet, 6 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes, 8 records
Papers of Ivan Lee Holt, Methodist bishop and a leader of the ecumenical movement. The papers contain correspondence, speeches and sermons, church records, newspaper clippings, publications, photographs, and audio recordings of addresses by Holt. Also included are the papers of Eugene Russell Hendrix, a Methodist bishop from Missouri.
Elijah Preston Howell Diary, 1849 (C1675)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 roll of microfilm)
The collection contains a diary, May 6-September 24, 1849, of a journey across the plains from Athens, Gentry County, MO, to the Sacramento Valley during the California gold rush. Topics include members of company, description of wagon trains, countryside, wild game, vegetation, provisions, Native Americans, cholera, travel guides, landmarks, defense, wagon train problems and Mormons.
Huber Family Papers, 1839-1977 (C4607)
0.4 cubic feet (13 folders)
Deeds, receipts, correspondence, news clippings, and genealogical material of the Huber family of Howard County, Missouri, and the related Salzer and Sigmund families, 1830s-1970s.
Huiskamp Family Papers, 1858-1990 (C3009)
1.6 cubic feet
Correspondence of Gerard L. Huiskamp, his future wife, Lillian M. Barr, and various other family members and friends. Also included are letters written by Henrik Huiskamp, while on a trip to Europe in the late 1800s, genealogical information and photographs of the Werth family, patents for an airplane wing, and various writings by Gerard L. Huiskamp, including an unpublished text about government, labor, and communism.
Huynh Quang Nhuong Papers, 1956-2000 (C3997)
4.4 cubic feet (246 folders)
The papers of Huynh Quang Nhuong, a Vietnamese author who lived in Columbia, Missouri, consist mainly of Huynh's writings and include drafts of plays, novels, short stories, poetry, and screenplays. The collection also includes photographs, newspaper clippings, book reviews, and correspondence with publishers, as well as fan letters from children regarding his book, The Land I Lost.
International Institute of St. Louis Records, 1919-1960 (S0422)
14 microfilm rolls
The records of the International Institute of St. Louis contain founding papers, correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, case reports, and photographs documenting the institution's mission to assist immigrants with assimilating into American culture.
Italians in St. Louis Collection, 1966-1973 (S0035)
0.25 cubic foot, 4 folders
This collection contains anniversary programs and histories of the Italian Club of St. Louis, the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fratellanza and Societa Unione E Fratellanza Italiana, and an unpublished manuscript titled "Over Here: St. Louis Italo-Americans and the First World War" by Gary Ross Mormio.
Paul C. Jones Papers, 1943-1969 (C3604)
60.6 cubic feet (5142 folders)
Constituent and legislative correspondence from Jones's terms as a Democratic congressman from Missouri's 10th district, 1948-1969. Jones's major committee assignments included the Agriculture and the House Administration Committees.
"Journey of the Stephanites from Saxony to St. Louis, 1838, and settlement in Perry County, 1839," C. Heinrich pub., no date (C2085)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Journey of the Stephanites from Saxony to St. Louis, 1838, and settlement in Perry County, 1839. Difficulties of ocean voyage to New Orleans and riverboat travel to St. Louis. Economic conditions, prices, religious beliefs, organization of colony, and impressions of Martin Stephan.
James Preston Kem Papers, 1946-1952 (C2700)
157 cubic feet (also available on 550 rolls of microfilm), 2 audio discs
Papers from Kem's term as Republican U.S. senator from Missouri. Bulk of material is constituent correspondence.
Klingsporn Family Papers, 1855-1865 (R1383)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Klingsporn Family Papers contain Lutheran devotional booklets, notes on scriptures, poems, and birthday notes mostly written to William/Wilhelm Klingsporn. The Klingsporn family lived in the Freistatt, Lawrence County, Missouri.
Koehler and Jorn Families Papers, 1886-1980 (R0230)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
The Koehler and Jorn Families Papers contain a microfilm copy of the correspondence, biographical materials, and personal papers of Emma Koehler and Charles G. Jorn of Naylor, Ripley County, Missouri. The correspondence, mostly in German, was received from relatives and friends in southern Illinois coal mining towns and from relatives in Bad Tennstedt, Germany.
Konenszewski Family Papers, 1816-1862 (R0208)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Konenszewski Family Papers contains photocopies of baptismal and educational certificates, medical records, and immigration papers of Johann Konenszewski and his sons, Ladislaus and Edmund. There is also a Civil War letter by Lieutenant Edmund Konenszewski, November 1861, and a diary by Major Ladislaus Konenszewski, February-July 1862. Both men served in the 26th Missouri Infantry in General John Pope’s Army of the Mississippi.
Henry Kuck Letters, 1861-1865 (S0242)
0.15 cubic foot, 5 folders
This collection consists of letters written by Henry Kuck to his wife, Metta Kuck, while he served in Company G, 31st Missouri Volunteers, during the Civil War. In the letters, Kuck describes the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Atlanta, and military actions in Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia.
Frederick August Kullman Papers, 1855-1980 (R0120)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Frederick August Kullman Papers contain photocopies of the miscellaneous papers and Civil War diary of Frederick A. Kullman, a resident of Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri, and a soldier in the 13th Missouri Cavalry. His papers include confirmation and emigration certificates from Bavaria, military service records, correspondence, photographs, and genealogical information on the Kullman family. The wartime diary covers service at Rolla and Licking, Missouri in 1865.
"THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES (1802-1890), 1834-1840," Norma Steines Cunningham, 1999 (C2364)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES by Norma Steines Cunningham is a translation of correspondence, poetry, and songs written by a Missouri immigrant who was the first German schoolmaster west of the Mississippi River.
THE LIFE WORK OF A PLAIN MAN, Niels Brons, 1938 (C2753)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Autobiography, written in Danish.
LifeWise StL Records, 1902-2019 (S0352)
37 cubic feet
The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and VHS tapes chronicling LifeWise StL's (formerly Kingdom House) 120-year history of providing social welfare services to St. Louis's poor and immigrant population. Materials of interest include photographs of the Syrian Pioneers,' a LifeWise StL boy's club that catered to the Syrian youth in the early 1900s.
Living Treasures Oral History Collection, 1983-1985 (S0456)
0.4 cubic foot, 32 folders, 112 photographs
The St. Louis Living Treasures Project documented the life and artwork of older folk artists in the St. Louis area. The folk artists shared techniques learned from their cultures of origin in oral history interviews conducted by OASIS. The 31 artists who participated include African Americans, Native Americans, Asian immigrants, and European immigrants.
LIVSERINDRINGER, Jorgen Jorgensen, 1938 (C2754)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a copy of Livserindringer written in Danish, and a letter of Jorgensen to J. Christian Bay from Reserve, MT.
LOGAN Passenger List, 1833 (C1850)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains photostats of the passenger list of the ship LOGAN, arriving in New York 20 June 1833, John Atkins, master. The list gives names, ages, sex, profession, and nationality of the passengers. Many Germans listed Missouri as area of intended settlement.
Ralph F. Lozier Papers, 1855-1945 (C2655)
65.75 cubic feet, 5 volumes
Correspondence, pamphlets, speeches, and newsclippings related to Lozier's legal, agricultural, and political careers. Research notes for and copies of Lozier's two historical novels (check contract if publication request occurs). Campaign papers of Lue C. Lozier.
Karl Friedrich Meyer Diary, 1833 (C1713)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary of a voyage on the WESER from Tundern, Germany, to New Orleans, 11 August-16 October 1833 or 1834. Translated by Helen Evers, Lindenwood College, St. Charles, MO. Meyer recorded accounts, a list of the passengers, the crew, appearance of the coasts of Santo Domingo and Cuba.
Missouri Association for Social Welfare Records, 1908-1971 (C3475)
79.0 cubic feet (6,647 folders), 23 oversize volumes, 6 card files
Records of an association organized to improve and extend the health and welfare of the people of the State of Missouri, and to promote the improvement of public and private social services and the prevention of poverty, crime, and disease in the state. The records consist of correspondence, minutes, committee records, newsletters and conference materials.
Missouri Immigration Oral History Project, 2023 (C4649)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders), 8.79 GBs
Interviews with immigrants to Missouri, their descendants, and people who had interactions or relationships with immigrant communities in Missouri.
Missouri. Board of Immigration Report, 1875-1876 (C1557)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Sixth biennial report of the Board of Immigration to the 29th General Assembly. Includes list of members, official report, statistics, minutes of meetings, remarks by Fred Muench, and letter from M. O'Dowd.