"John Smith T" Slide Presentation, no date (P0940)
80 slides
Slides and commentary about John Smith T, Missouri pioneer in the lead industry, and Selma Hall, by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Francois Valle Chapter.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
American Iron Mountain Company Records, 1849-1855 (R0003)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The American Iron Mountain Company Records contain the shipping records for the American Iron Mountain Company located in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Included are accounts of pig iron received from Iron Mountain and shipments to buyers, and a tally book of ore delivered to the company over the plank road.
American Iron Mountain Company Records, 1855-1858 (R0439)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a "List of Hauling of Metal paid by Janis & Valle for a/c Am.[erican] Iron Mountain
Co.," between 22 September 1855 and 30 January 1858. Included are the date, name of hauler,
weight of load, and toll paid, presumably over the "plank road" from Iron Mountain to Ste. Genevieve,
Missouri. The haulers' names have been indexed.
American Revolution Bicentennial, Missouri Committee for Agriculture Papers, 1974-1976 (C4276)
1.2 cubic feet (42 folders), 1 audio tape
The papers of the committee contain correspondence, newsletters, reports, updates, events awards programs, lists of elected members, historical information on “Centennial Farms” and “Liberty Trees,” meeting minutes, announcements, newspaper clippings, and audiovisual material for a slide presentation entitled “The Spirit of ’76.”
Hans Peter Andersen Papers, 1909-1920 (R0832)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders, 5 photographs)
The Hans Peter Andersen Papers contain the personal correspondence of Dr. Hans Peter Andersen, a physician who graduated from Washington University Medical School in St. Louis. An immigrant from Denmark, most of the letters addressed to Hans are from family members back home, but also include letters from fellow medical students serving in the United States Army Medical Corps during World War I.
Architecture Collection, 1928-1989 (S1051)
0.2 cubic feet
The Architecture collection contains three booklets published in 1928 written about the use of marble in various types of buildings found within the urban landscape. The supplemental materials include an architectural bibliography, photographs of various buildings, and a portrait of an unidentified woman.
Brickey's Landing Store Records, 1937-1943 (R0032)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Brickey’s Landing Store Records contains a microfilm copy of an account ledger for a general merchandise operation at Brickey’s Landing on the Mississippi River in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. John Compton Brickey Jr. operated the business.
Will C. Carr Letter, 1807 (C1843)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a copy of a letter to Thomas Carr, from St. Louis, MO, Oct. 23, 1807, to his uncle discussing political difficulties in Louisiana Territory, family news, and his engagement to the daughter of Dr. Aron Elliott of Ste. Genevieve, MO. Original in possession of the University of Georgia.
Milton Pleasant Cayce Records, circa 1870 (R1039)
(1 oversize volume)
This is a bound volume containing information about land parcels in Madison, Reynolds, Wayne, Iron, and Sainte Genevieve Counties in Missouri, and miscellaneous clippings on such subjects as horticulture and cholera. The item has been attributed to Milton P. Cayce because his name occurs most often therein.
Chadwell and Leavenworth Families Papers, 1837-1944 (R0883)
(5 folders)
These are photocopies of the correspondence and business papers of the Chadwell and Leavenworth families of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The papers concern family news and business matters, and include the Civil War letters of Alexander H. Chadwell, a Confederate soldier, and Joseph H. Leavenworth and N. H. Leavenworth regarding the lumber business in Mississippi in the 1870s and 1880s.
Chester, Perryville, Sainte Genevieve and Farmington Railroad Company Collection, 1894 (R0861)
(1 folder)
This is a numbered, blank, stock certificate for the Chester, Perryville, Ste. Genevieve & Farmington Railroad Company. Organized in 1894, the company was part of Louis Houck's railroad network in southeastern Missouri.
Elise Guignon Collins Collection, 1861-1986 (K0704)
0.25 cf
Clippings, correspondence, photographs, and papers concerning the history of Kansas City, the area around Visitation Church at 52nd and Main, researched by Collins; and pamphlets, newspaper clippings, regarding the Guignon and Boussier families.
Counts Family Papers, 1797-1926, 1954 (CG0002)
0.2 cubic feet
The Counts Family Papers contain Bible records, tintypes, correspondence, and a family history book of the family that lived in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri.
Alfred B. Cree Papers, 1862-1863 (R0301)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Alfred B. Cree Papers contain the letters of Capt. Alfred B. Cree of Co. F., 22nd Iowa Infantry. Cree wrote of family matters, camp life, and regimental politics from Benton Barracks at St. Louis, and from camps at Rolla, Salem, Iron Mountain, and Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, 1862-1863. There is also a single letter from Charlestown in what is now West Virginia, in 1864.
Loretta M. Davis Papers, 1965 (C3100)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of Loretta M. Davis contain three letters between Mrs. Davis and Leonard Hall regarding her great-grandfather, Pierre Charles De Luziere St. Vrain, and some of his family, and discussing the family's prominence in France and the U.S. Also included are brief historical sketches of some towns in the Ste. Genevieve County area.
Julia Ann Dearing Letter, 1839 (C0494)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To James Jones, High Hill, Missouri, from Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, September 19, 1839. Letter to her father describing river travel on a wedding trip on the Mississippi.
Durand-Thomure Family Papers, 1792-1938 (R1527)
0.5 cubic foot (12 folders, 2 photographs)
The Durand-Thomure Family Papers contain correspondence, financial records, property deeds, and legal documents related to the Durand and Thomure families of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The collection also includes similar documents concerning the LaRose family, as well as Ste. Genevieve land records and French songs.
Eighth Census of the United States for Ste. Genevieve County, Missouri, 1860 (CA6517)
1 volume
Schedules of Free Inhabitants, Slave Inhabitants, Mortality, Agriculture, Industry, and Social Statistics, 1860.
Robert L. Elgin Research Collection, 1960-1993 (R1261)
2.1 cubic feet (65 folders)
These are the research files of a civil engineer, surveyor, and historian from St. James in Phelps County, Missouri. The collection includes reports, scale sketches, and photographs concerning the restoration of various historic sites in Missouri, charcoal iron furnace sites in Missouri, and prehistoric petroglyphs and pictograph sites in the Missouri Ozarks.
Ellis Family Papers, 1787-1948 (R0251)
(10 folders, 1 roll of microfilm)
This collection includes correspondence, business records, and legal papers, and genealogical information pertaining to two early families of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. The Ellis family came from Georgia about 1805; the Ranneys from Indiana about 1825. Other names represented in the collection are Beckham, Cobb, Giboney, Ogle, Waters, and Wathen (Warthen-Worthan).
Patricia Shively Elmore Papers, 1878-2015 (CG0013)
2.4 c. f.
The Patricia Shively Elmore Papers contain diaries, correspondence, genealogy, scrapbooks, and photographs related to the donor’s family. This collection also contains diplomas, commencement programs, military documents, photographs, souvenir postcards, films, and funeral memorabilia of the donor’s second husband, William “Bill” Elmore.
Federal Lead Company, Mining Department Records, 1907-1913 (R0520)
2 cubic feet (17 volumes)
These are letterbooks of outgoing correspondence maintained by Harry Adelbert Guess, general
manager of the Federal Lead Company's mine and mill at Flat River in St. Francois County,
Missouri. Topics include production, exploration, shipping, labor relations, and environmental pollution.
Felix Janis & Company Daybooks, 1854-1855 (R0451)
0.4 cubic foot (4 volumes)
The Felix Janis & Company Daybooks are from the general merchandise firm of Felix Janis & Company of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Account entries include the date, name of patron (an individual or another firm), items purchased, and the amount charged or credited.
Felix Janis and Company Business Records, 1854-1857 (R0435)
(2 folders)
Felix Janis and Henry Janis operated a general store, styled as "Felix Janis & Co.," at Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, 1852-1855. Included here are a list of "metal" hauled for the Madison Iron & Mining Company, 1854-1855, and an inventory of notes and accounts due the firm at the time of Felix Janis's death and the dissolution of the firm in 1855, with payments noted through 1857.
Franklin Baptist Association Records, 1932 (R0153)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Franklin Baptist Association Collection contains a photocopy of a report on the annual session of the Franklin Baptist Association, held at Three Rivers Church in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri on the hundredth anniversary of the church and the Association. Included are the constitution and lists of member churches of the Association, and histories of the church and the Association.
Betty Valle Gegg Papers, 1966-2015 (CG0046)
0.01 cubic feet
The Betty Valle Gegg Papers contains original and photocopied newspaper clippings of articles written by her in the Ste. Genevieve Herald from 1966 to 2015.
Hugo Graf Papers, 1924-1994 (S0776)
58 cubic feet, 158 folders, 29 photographs
This collection contains correspondence, reports, drawings, and photographs from architect Hugo K. Graf and the architectural firm “Kramer and Harms.” The photographs are primarily of completed businesses and residences, while the drawings depict conceptual images of buildings, residences, and one drawing of a streamlined automobile from Lawncraft Incorporated. Also included in this collection are plans, specifications, and photographs of restorations of historic buildings in Missouri, including but not limited to Arrow Rock Tavern and the Governor Fletcher House restoration.
Sarah Guitar Collection, no date (C3391)
1.5 cubic feet (5 card files), 2 rolls of microfilm
Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)
Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri. Includes one card file of reference notes.
H. Wilder and Company Records, 1856 (R0336)
(1 folder)
These are individual accounts of drivers hauling barrels of sand for H. Wilder & Company at
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, May-November 1856. The firm may have been operated by Henry Wilder
in association with his brothers, August, Mathew, and Peter. Payments to the drivers were made
through the firm of Janis & Valle in Ste. Genevieve.
Harris & Janis Records, 1874-1884 (R0467)
1.4 cubic feet (10 folders, 1 volume, 2 oversize volmumes)
The Harris & Janis Records are account books and draft stubs for Harris & Janis, a “banking house” in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Oliver D. Harris and Jules F. Janis were the proprietors.
Harris and Janis Ledger, 1874-1876 (R0006)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Harris and Janis Business Ledger is a standard banking ledger of individual accounts from a firm at Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Credits and debits are enumerated and dated, with the earliest being in 1874 and the latest in 1876. Also included are nineteen Harris and Janis printed checks signed by Janis and Cox.
Harris and Janis Records, 1874-1882 (R0434)
(2 volumes)
These are two letter press volumes, 1874-1875 and 1881-1882, for "Harris & Janis, Bankers
and Exchange Dealers," of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The letters are copies of routine outgoing correspondence, usually to other financial institutions, often written to accompany bank drafts and
other financial instruments. There are alphabetical and chronological lists of addressees for each
High School Meet for Southeast Missouri Collection, 1933 (R0999)
(1 folder)
This is a program booklet for the 28th annual high school meet for Southeast Missouri, held at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, on April 28-29, 1933. The meet included competitions in academic subjects, music, and debate as well as athletics. The meet was under control of the Teachers College Athletic Committee.
David A. James Papers, 1790-2008 (C4126)
5 cubic feet
The research material of a hotel management instructor, whose work resulted in the publication Historic Hotels of Missouri: Hotels, Inns, and Taverns of 19th Century Missouri.
Janis and Cox Records, 1873-1874 (R0002)
0.1 cubic foot (1 roll of microfilm)
This collection is a chronological account of daily transactions, with neither index nor pagination. The entries begin on June 4, 1873 and end in December 1874. Entires for items on account to May 20, 1874 are listed by date, name of buyer, and description and prices of items purchased; after that date entires are monthly rather than daily.
Janis and Cox Records, 1853-1873 (R0437)
(1 volume)
This book has two distinct sections. One, probably kept by Felix Janis & Company of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, is a record of sand hauled to Little Rock landing on the Mississippi River, 1853-1854. The other contains three inventories (1868, 1870, 1873) of the general store run by Janis & Cox at Sainte Genevieve
Janis and Valle Business Records, 1856-1858 (R0001)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Janis & Valle day book contains a microfilm copy of one volume for the Janis & Valle general mercantile in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Entries in the volume, date from 1856 to 1858 include account entries, listing purchasers, and items purchased.
Janis and Valle Daybooks Collection, 1855-1859 (R0452)
(3 volumes)
These are daybooks of a general merchandise firm in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The principals were Henry L. Janis (who died in 1856), Jules F. Janis, and L. Bert Valle. The firm was a successor to Felix Janis and Company (q.v.).
Charles E. Kiefner Papers, 1925-1931 (R0189)
3.5 cubic feet (160 folders)
The Charles E. Kiefner Papers contain the papers of a U.S. Representative from Perryville, Missouri. He represented the 13th District (Bollinger, Carter, Iron, Jefferson, Madison, Perry, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, and Wayne counties) in the 69th (1925-1927) and 71st (1929-1931) Congresses. Included are general subject files, post office files, and veterans' pension files.
Koetting's Store Records, 1905-1915 (R0030)
(3 rolls of microfilm)
The Koetting Store Records contains microfilm copies of day books and individual account ledgers from the Koetting's store in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. Koetting's handled dry goods, groceries, and hardware.
August Kreilich Papers, 1886 (R0022)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The August Kreilich Papers contain a photocopy of a contract with instructions for August Kreilich regarding being lighthouse keeper. Kreilich was the keeper of the lights at the Saline Rocks on the Mississippi River in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The contract was issued on March 27, 1886 by the U.S. Light House Establishment.
Lebanon Baptist Church Records, 1890-1983 (R0201)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Lebanon Baptist Church, Bloomsdale, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the records for the Lebanon Baptist Church located seven miles north of Bloomsdale in Sainte Genevieve County, Missouri. The records include minutes of meetings of the congregation and board of deacons, membership records, a church history, and miscellaneous historical material.
Les Amis, Ste. Genevieve Diorama Photographs, no date (P0370)
5 photographs
Photographs of diorama of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri as it appeared in 1832, commissioned by Les Amis and given to the Division of State Parks, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The diorama is 9 feet by 11 feet and was hand-crafted by Lewis Pruneau, master model-maker, of Ste. Genevieve. It is on view at the Amoureux House in Ste. Genevieve. Photographs by Sam Fentress.
Little Rock Landing Records, 1854-1856 (R0438)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
This daybook was kept at Little Rock landing on the Mississippi River just north of Sainte
Genevieve, Missouri, from 5 January 1854 to 22 March 1856. Listings include the person or firm
and amount charged, commodities brought ashore or shipped, and the name of the steamboat. The
proprietor might have been Francis Claude Rozier. Large quantities of iron and lead were shipped
from the landing.
Joseph Lucky Letter, 1806 (C1587)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
From Ste. Genevieve, Jun. 24, 1806.
Lucky, a Revolutionary War veteran, angered at rude treatment he received.
Gerald R. Massie Photographs, 1860-1980 (P0016)
0.83 cubic feet (497 photographs)
Photographs of scenes across Missouri, many taken as part of Massie's work as Missouri's state photographer. Events highlighted include Winston Churchill's visit to Fulton, Governor Hearnes' inaugural celebrations in 1965 and 1969, and the Battle of Pilot Knob Centennial commemoration in 1964. The collection includes extensive coverage of the Missouri State Capitol building. Geographically, the collection covers much of Missouri, with particular focus on tourist destinations: St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal, Ste. Genevieve, and the Ozarks.
"The Melting Pot," Ralph D. Killian, no date (C2895)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a history of Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, and Cape Girardeau Counties, MO, describing the geology, natural resources, and early settlers.
Meramec Basin Resources Committee Collection, 1950 (R0777)
(1 folder)
This is "A Shameless Sham": The Army Engineer "Plan" for the Meramec Basin, published by the Meramec Basin Resources committee in cooperation with the Conservation Federation of Missouri and the Ozark Protective Association. The groups opposed plans by the Army Corps of Engineers to build three multiple purposes high dams on the Meramec, Bourbeuse, and Big Rivers in Missouri.