

Army Corps of Engineers Photographs, 1955-1979 (P0098)
0.2 linear feet

Photographs of historic sites and construction sites, 1956 and 1978-1979. Includes images of bridges, dams, roadways, churches, businesses, and other buildings.

Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company Records, 1876-1877 (R1288)
(1 oversize volume)

 Finding Aid

This Atlantic and Pacific Railroad volume is a register of warranty and quitclaim deeds by the for lands
sold by the company in Barry, Franklin, Gasconade, Greene, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Phelps,
Pulaski, Stone, and Webster Counties in Missouri.


Baptist Association Annual Meeting Records, 1882-1933 (R0644)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Baptist Association Annual Meeting Records contain microfilm copies of annual meeting minutes of Primitive Baptist associations in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, and Oklahoma. The most complete series are for the Center Creek and Ozark associations of Missouri. The minutes include the proceedings of the associations, lists of churches, officers, and representatives, the articles of faith and rules of decorum, and correspondence with other associations.


Lyman G. Bennett Papers, 1857-1865 (R0274)
0.5 cubic foot (10 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Lyman G. Bennett Collection contains photocopies and original diaries and topographic maps of a civil engineer, member of the 36th Illinois Infantry, and civilian employee of the U. S. Army. The materials concern homesteading in Minnesota in 1857; campaigning in Missouri and Arkansas with the Army of Southwest Missouri, 1861-1862; mapping in Kansas and Colorado in 1865; and the Powder River Indian Expedition in Nebraska and Wyoming in 1865.

John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection, 1889-2022 (R1551)
4 cubic feet (122 folders, 4,432 postcards)

 Finding Aid

The John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection contains postcards collected by Bradbury, containing images from the Ozarks and Southern Missouri. The postcards consist of real photograph, commercially printed, and illustrated postcards. The images mainly feature Missouri towns, railroads, Route 66, resorts, and rivers.

Douglas Ritchie Bushnell Papers, 1861-1866 (R0675)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Douglas Ritchie Bushnell Papers contain the photocopy letters of an officer of the 13th Illinois Infantry, written during campaigns in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee. Bushnell was killed in action at Ringgold, Georgia, in November 1863. There are also a few letters from his wife, Emily, and other correspondents.


Camp Blackstone, Galena, Missouri Collection, no date (R1047)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a small promotional pamphlet for Camp Blackstone, a resort on the James River near Galena in Stone County, Missouri. The proprietor was Dr. G. H. Black.


Camp Yocum, Galena, Missouri Collection, ca. 1920 (R1148)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a folded single-sheet illustrated pamphlet for Camp Yocum, a summer resort on the James River near Galena in Stone County, Missouri. Although the pamphlet is undated, Camp Yocum in known to have been active in the early 1920s.


B. F. Carney Papers, 1932-2004 (R0180)
0.25 cubic foot (2 folders, 1 cassette tape)

 Finding Aid

The B.F. Carney Papers contain one of a thousand one dollar promissory notes issued by B.F. Carney at Crane, Missouri. Carney issued the notes to prove a Depression-era theory of money. Also included, are a photocopy of a letter written by Carney's son in 1969 explaining the history of the notes and an audio cassette with transcript containing Ben Carney Jr.'s explanation of the B.F. Carney dollar.


B.F. Carney Papers, 1933-1937 (C0240)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Composition, "The Ozark Fiddler," and two promissory notes.


Civil War Veteran Homestead Ledgers, 1874 (SP0069)
0.01 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Civil War Veteran Ledgers collection contains two small volumes of handwritten notes taken in 1874 by a government land agent. The notes record information about Union veterans of the Civil War who served in the United States Army or the Missouri State Militia and had made homestead claims of 160 acres or less via the Homestead Act of 1862. The veterans resided in five Missouri counties: Douglas, Ozark, Barry, McDonald, and Stone.


William Newton Deatherage Photograph Album, c. 1910s (C4410)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder, 168 photographs)

 Finding Aid

Photograph album created by the superintendent of Fractional School District No. 1 contains photographs of school buildings and their outhouses and water facilities in Stone County, Missouri. Includes names of teachers and their salaries.




Galena Christian Church (Galena, Mo.) Records, 1887-1964 (C3820)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of Galena Christian Church in Stone County, Missouri, consist of membership lists, vital statistics information, and correspondence concerning membership in other churches. The records are incomplete and appear to have been transferred from other record books.




Dr. M.S. Harless Photograph, no date (P0573)
1 photograph

Photo of fire at the Dewey Short home, Galena, MO, ca. 1992.



Lafayette Henson Papers, 1876-1938 (C0114)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and other papers of a physician of Galena, MO, who graduated from the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, in 1882. Class notes taken while a student at Missouri Medical College. Account book containing bills for medical attendance.



James B. Inmon Collection, 1941-1979 (C4608)
0.8 cubic feet (28 folders)

 Finding Aid

Genealogical records and correspondence pertaining to the Inmon/Inman and related families.



John Inmon Appointment, 1877 (C3296)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Photostat of appointment as postmaster at Sinclair, Stone County, Missouri. Brief history of post offices and postmasters of the area on reverse.



Larry James Collection, 1874-2019 (SP0038)
1.5 cubic feet (33 folders, 6 photographs, 239 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Larry James Collection consists of photographs taken and collected by local historian and author Larry James. Photographs in this collection were also taken by freelance writer and photographer, Charles Townson Allonby. The books in this collection were written or co-written by Larry James and focus on the history of Newton County, Missouri.

Johnson Family Collection, 1880-1971 (SP0085)
15 cubic feet (12 folders, 24 volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Johnson Family Collection consists of photographs, postcards, personal papers, and scrapbooks related to the Johnson and Wood families of Greene and Taney counties. The scrapbooks contain materials related to development sites in southwest Missouri, including the Powersite Dam, the James River Power Station, and the town of Hollister.


Edna Hazel McCullough Lowery Photograph Collection, 1900-1935 (P0680)
10 photographs

Photos, mainly copy prints and photo copies, of Hendrickson School and McCullough School children, 1900-1935, Stone County. Copy photo Stone County Officials, 1913.




Henry Perrin Mann Papers, 1862-1865 (R0455)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Henry Perrin Mann Papers contain the Civil War diaries of Henry P. Mann, Co. B Cavalry, 36th Illinois Infantry. The company was later assigned to the 15th Illinois Cavalry as Co. K. The diaries cover the Pea Ridge campaign in Missouri and Arkansas, the occupation of Corinth, Mississippi, the battle of Chickamauga, the siege of Chattanooga, and the Atlanta campaign. The entries for 1865 concern personal business and finances.

Mark Twain National Forest Local History Collection, 1930s-1980s (R0471)
(4 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

This collection was selected from unofficial files on miscellaneous historical topics, including local histories, the CCC, the YCC, the "Irish Wilderness," and the Eleven Point River. There are transcriptions of interviews with older members of the community and Forest Service retirees.

R. J. Martin Papers, 1946-1955 (SP0095)
4 cubic feet (103 folders, 1 oversize folder, 60 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The R. J. Martin Papers contain records, correspondence, contracts, and photographs from Ralph Joseph “Joe” Martin’s tenure as Missouri-Arkansas representative for the United States Department of the Interior Southwest Power Association office in Springfield, Missouri.

Opal B. McCollum Collection, 1967-1993 (C4565)
4.25 cubic feet (158 folders)

 Finding Aid

Research papers of Opal B. McCollum, a genealogist, working in northeast and central Missouri. The records consist of correspondence; birth, marriage, death, and cemetery records; newspaper clippings; publications; and research forms and notes.


Missouri Broiler Festival and Barbecue, Crane, Missouri Collection, 1952-1954 (R0667)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a scrapbook concerning the annual poultry festivals at Crane in Stone County, Missouri. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, correspondence, programs and miscellandous printed materials.



Missouri Department of Resources, "The White River Country" Collection, no date (R0324)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Department of Resources, “The White River Country” Collection contains a map of the White River watershed encompassing all or parts of eleven counties in southern Missouri. Topographic features and recreational sites are shown, as are mills, mines, bridges, fords, schools, and churches.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, Sixth District Records, 1932-1943 (R1175)
(1 volume)

 Finding Aid

These are the secretary's minutes of the annual meetings of the Sixth District, Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs. The record book includes minutes of the twenty-ninth through fortieth annual meetings, 1932-1943.

Missouri Forestry Records, 1929-1994 (R1341)
2.25 cubic feet (53 folders)

The records of Missouri Forestry contain materials from the administration of directors George O. White, Osal B. Capps, and Jerry Presley. This includes materials related to Smokey Bear, fire safety, and the promotion of science, practice, and standards of forestry.

Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, White River Division Collection, 1929 (R1209)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is an illustrated promotional brochure advertising the White River Division of the Missouri Pacific Railway. It includes a route map showing towns and features along the line from Crane, Missouri, to Diaz and Newport, Arkansas, a montage entitled "Outdoor Life is Pleasant in The White River Country of the Ozarks," and a listing of representatives of the railroad's passenger and agricultural departments.


Lynn Morrow, Johnboats & Riverways Collection, 1809-2012, bulk 1871-1930 (R1523)
2.5 cubic feet (109 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Lynn Morrow, John Boat & Riverways Collection contains research, correspondence, maps, photographs, slides, newspaper clippings, published articles, interviews, and memoirs about the Missouri Ozarks with a particular emphasis on the origins of the John Boat, including the name itself and the emergence and lasting popularity of float fishing and hunting/fishing clubs at the turn of the 19th century in Missouri. This collection also includes a large selection of postcards and ephemera related to boating, hunting and fishing in Missouri.

Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.

Thomas Murray Papers, 1862-1867 (R0522)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Thomas Murray Papers are original and typescript letters addressed to and from Thomas Murray of Davenport, Iowa, by relatives serving in the Union army during the Civil War.


New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019. 


Order of the Eastern Star, Galena Chapter No. 7, Galena, Missouri Collection, 1951 (R1236)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a membership directory for 1951 for the Galena Chapter No. 7 of the Order of the Eastern Star at Galena in Stone County, Missouri. Included are the names of elected and appointed officers, the auditing committee, and every member.


Oto Public School, Stone County, Missouri Collection, 1905-1906 (R1229)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a small souvenir booklet for the 1905-1906 school year at Oto Public School in northern Stone County, Missouri. Blanche O. Pritchard was the teacher and H. B. Cox was president of the local school board.


Ozark Mountain Lakes and Rivers, Inc., "White River Lakes of the Ozarks", 1954 (R0713)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a brochure-map of the White River region of Arkansas and Missouri. Intended for tourists, it includes a map of the region, lists of sponsoring businesses, a promotional text by Charles C. Williford, and color lithographs of tourists activities and scenic views.


Ozark Mountainwood Express, 1981 (R0949)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is an issue of "Ozark Mountainwood Express", a semiannual publication devoted to Ozark music, culture, and tourism. The editor was J. T. Aubrey Roberts of Harrison, Arkansas. Although unnumbered and undated, this issue contains calendars of events for 1981.

Ozark Playgrounds Association Collection, 1929-1955 (R0854)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Ozark Playgrounds Association Records contains booklets and pamphlets published by the Ozark Playgrounds Association to promote the "Playgrounds of the Ozarks," encompassing the Ozarks regions in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. The booklets include geographical listings, maps, and lists of restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions.


Parnell Family Collection, 1835-1981 (SP0090)
1.5 cubic feet (26 folders, 361 photographs, 1 oversize box)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.


Penninger and Bolin Families Collection, 1823-2023 (R1517)
12.5 cubic feet (358 folders, 1 volume, 13 compact discs, 168 photographs, 6 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Penninger and Bolin Families Collection contains genealogical research conducted and collected by Linda Marie Penninger Henry on the Penninger and Bolin families, of whose descendants many settled in Christian, Dent, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Phelps, Shannon, and Stone counties in Missouri.

Gerald H. Pipes Photograph Collection, no date (P0681)
3 photographs

Photos of Calvin Cloud cabin and statues at Inspiration Point, Stone County, MO.



S. Fred Prince Papers, 1899-1999 (SP0005)
.5 cubic feet (12 folders)

 Finding Aid

The S. Fred Prince Papers document the work of a naturalist and illustrator who spent many years studying the geology and ecology of the Southwest Missouri Ozarks. They also include the research conducted by Suzanne Wilson, a freelance writer who published an article in the Missouri Conservationist magazine about Prince’s life and work. The collection consists of copies of Prince’s unpublished original manuscripts along with interviews and correspondence that Wilson conducted with those who knew Prince or had possession of his work. 


Prop-Riders Boat Racing Club of Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1961 (R1046)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a program booklet for boat races presented by the Pro-Riders Boat Racing Club of Springfield, Missouri, at Kimberling City on Table Rock Lake in Stone County, Missouri, on September 24, 1961. Included are a schedule of events, contestants for Miss Table Rock Lake, and advertisements for area businesses.
