

Agricultural Wheel No. 657, High Gate, Missouri Records, 1888_1890 (R0396)
0.01 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Agricultural Wheel No. 657, High Gate, Missouri Records contain the materials of the local chapter of the Agricultural Wheel at High Gate in Maries County, Missouri. The records include the constitution, by-laws, membership roster and minutes of meetings, and a pamphlet containing the constitutions of the National Farmers’ and Laborers’ Union of America, and the Farmers’ and Laborers’ Union of Missouri.



R.L. Barger Photograph Collection, 1958-1959, no date (P0653)
4 photographs

Photos of Ironton: Centennial Marker, St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church, Swift home, and Courthouse. Postcards of Old Jail Museum, Vienna, MO.



Belle Fair Collection, 1951-1952 (R1079)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are booklets for the 1951 and 1952 fairs held at Belle in Maries County, Missouri. They included agricultural exhibitions, entertainment, and carnivals. The fair in 1951 also celebrated Belle's fiftieth anniversary with a historical pageant.


Christian C. Bennetsen Records, 1906-1916 (R0412)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Christian C. Bennetsen Records contain an account ledger a blacksmith in the High Gate community of Maries County, Missouri. The entries list the names of customers and the nature and cost of blacksmithing work done from May 1906 to May 1916.


Berry Family Papers, 1851-1911 (R0239)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Berry Family Papers contain the photocopies and original papers of the Berry family of Maries and Osage counties in Missouri. They include correspondence from family members in California, Missouri and Tennessee, tax receipts, promissory notes, and land records.


Bourbois Baptist Association Records, 1877 (R0221)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Bourbois Baptist Association Records contains photocopies of the annual report of the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Bourbois Baptist Association. The Association included rural churches in Phelps, Crawford, Maries, and Osage counties. The minutes include statistics from the constituent churches.


John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection, 1889-2022 (R1551)
4 cubic feet (122 folders, 4,432 postcards)

 Finding Aid

The John F. Bradbury, Jr. Postcard Collection contains postcards collected by Bradbury, containing images from the Ozarks and Southern Missouri. The postcards consist of real photograph, commercially printed, and illustrated postcards. The images mainly feature Missouri towns, railroads, Route 66, resorts, and rivers.


Milton Pleasant Cayce Papers, 1849-1883 (R0498)
4 folders

 Finding Aid

These are personal and business papers of Milton P. Cayce and family of Farmington, St.
Francois County, Missouri. Included are bills of lading for goods shipped through Ste. Genevieve
(1849), family correspondence and business papers (1833-1926), and papers and correspondence
with Firmin A. Rozier regarding the St. Francois and Iron Mountain Road Company (1877-1883).


Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company Promotional Booklet, circa 1910 (R0424)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is "Health and Pleasure in the Missouri Hills Along Rock Island Lines," a promotional
booklet featuring hotels, rooming houses, resorts, and recreational opportunities along or near the
CRI&P Railway between St. Louis and Versailles, Missouri.

Citizens State Bank of Vichy Records, 1913-1921 (R0511)
0.3 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Citizens State Bank of Vichy Records are photocopies of the minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders of the Citizens State Bank of Vichy in Maries County, Missouri.


Benjamin H. Creamer Papers, 1890-1969 (R0476)
10 folders

 Finding Aid

These are papers of a farmer and stock raiser in Maries County, Missouri. The collection includes
family correspondence, obituaries and funeral home cards, election poll books, and records
pertaining to Creamer's work with the Maries County office of the Agricultural Stabilization and
Conservation Service and the Maries County Highway Commission.



Dixon Baptist Association Records, 1884 (R0220)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Dixon Baptist Association Records contain photocopies of minutes of the tenth annual session of the Dixon Baptist Association. The Association was composed of churches in Phelps, Osage, Maries and Pulaski counties. The tenth annual session was held at the Mount Zion Church in Osage County, October 9-11, 1884.


Waldemar M. Dressel Papers, 1946-1986 (R1490)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Waldemar M. Dressel Papers contain publications, photographs, and maps from his years working for the U.S. Bureau of Mines based in Rolla, Missouri.


Robert L. Elgin Photograph Collection, circa 1950s-1990s (R1015)
0.75 cubic foot (44 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are black and white photographs, color slides, plans, and detail drawings of historic structures in the northern Ozarks of Missouri. Several counties are represented, but especially Crawford, Franklin, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Osage, and Washington. The primary topics are vernacular architecture, log structures, churches, and cemeteries.


Fancher Family Papers, no date (CA6325)
1 cubic foot

Family papers and genealogical records of the Fancher and Gremp von Freudenstein families of Miller, Maries, and Boone Counties. Also includes research material on the Mountain Meadows Massacre in Utah in 1857.


Giesler and Spurgeon Families Papers, 1865-1912 (R0580)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Giesler and Spurgeon Families Papers consists of photocopies of correspondence, receipts of organizational dues, legal records, and genealogical records from the Giesler and Spurgeon families from the High Gate community in Maries County, Missouri. Much of the correspondence is addressed to John A. Giesler, concerning family, friends and events in Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri.


Greater Rolla-St. James Region, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1884-1996 (P1123)

An artificial collection of photographs of the greater Rolla-St. James region in Missouri, including Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Maries, and Pulaski counties.



Paul S. Hollenbeck Postcard Collection, 1932-1950 (P0750)
2 photographs

Postcards of Vienna: Maries County Courthouse and Old Jail Museum.



Leslie B. Hutchison Papers, 1855-1941 (R1395)
6.75 cubic feet (354 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Leslie B. Hutchison Records contain the business records of a Maries County, Missouri based lawyer. The materials include his legal papers, correspondence, some personal political papers, and records from his time as the Special Deputy Commissioner of Finance of the State of Missouri during the 1930s.



Lane's Prairie, Missouri General Store Records, 1860 (R0314)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Lane’s Prairie General Store Records contain a photocopy of a daybook from an unidentified general store at Lane’s Prairie in Maries County, Missouri, thought to have been operated by Francis M. Johnson. With the daybook is an undated letter by Maries County historian Everett M. King which contains speculation about the volume’s provenance.


Robert Lipscomb Papers, 1945-2019 (SP0053)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 1 cd)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.

Little Piney Baptist Association Records, 1837-1935 (R0283)
0.5 cubic foot (90 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Little Piney Association of Regular Predestinarian Baptists Records contain minutes of annual meetings of the Little Piney Association, which was composed of churches in Camden, Cole, Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, and Texas counties in Missouri. At various times, the organization was titled a “United” and “Primitive” Baptist association.



Clair V. Mann Cemetery Records, 1942-1949 (C2667)
0.1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Tombstone inscriptions compiled by Clair V. Mann from cemeteries in Crawford, Dent, Maries, Phelps, Pulaski, and Texas Counties in Missouri.


Maries County Teachers' Association Records, 1910-1931 (R0657)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Maries County Teachers’ Association Records are microfilmed meeting minutes of the association that include roll calls of attendees and minutes of proceedings from 1910 to 1931. Records were not recorded from 1915 to 1927.


Maries County, Missouri Medical Register Records, 1871-1909 (R0319)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Maries County Medical Register Records contain photocopies of registers, 1871-1900 and 1893-1909, of physicians, surgeons, pharmacists, and dentists in Maries County, Missouri. The registers list the dates and locations of medical training, or certificates granted by state boards in lieu of examinations.


Maries County, Missouri Scrapbook Collection, circa 1920-1950 (R0102)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Maries County, Missouri Scrapbook Collection contains a photocopy of a scrapbook compiled by Vienna Bishop. The scrapbook contains obituaries, wedding announcements, and miscellaneous articles from the Maries County Gazette.


Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.

McDonald Charcoal Company (Argyle, Mo.) Records, 1948-1971 (CA6462)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of a charcoal company operating in Argyle, Missouri, from 1949 to 1971 include correspondence, financial records, and insurance information.


T. Thistle McKinney Travel Logs, 1928-1929 (C4263)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of two travel logs kept by T. Thistle McKinney, one of an automobile trip taken in 1928 through the northeastern states, Canada, and the eastern states. The other was made in 1929, through parts of northeast Missouri and into some Ozark counties. The volumes include numerous postcards and some photographs of places McKinney visited.

Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Collection, 1980-1989 (R0454)
5.75 cubic feet (86 folders, 865 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Records contains the historic site surveys, with accompanying photographs, negatives, and research materials for Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, and Washington Counties. Included in the reports are houses, churches, schools, bridges, businesses, and other structures.

Methodist Episcopal Church South Lane's Prairie Charge Records, 1889-1893 (R0432)
1 volume

 Finding Aid

These are records of quarterly conferences of the Lane's Prairie Charge, Methodist Episcopal
Church, South. The charge consisted of congregations in Maries County, Missouri. The records
include minutes of meetings, reports on the status of churches, Sunday schools and missions, and
financial statements.



Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Vienna Circuit Records, 1887-1908 (R0302)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

These are records of quarterly conferences of the Vienna Circuit, which included churches at Vienna, Bloom Garden, Bodendick, Branson Chapel, Enterprise, and Hughes Chapel in Maries County, and Lawson in Miller County, Missouri. The reports include minutes of meetings, financial records, and statements of spiritual conditions within the circuit.



Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Vienna, Missouri Records, 1895-1898 (R0603)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Vienna, Missouri Records include microfilm copies of the Methodist Sunday School that includes attendance records, statistical summaries, and meeting minutes from 1895 to 1898.


Morrow and Skaggs Families Papers, 1843-1995 (R1520)
3 cubic feet (109 folders, 1,139 photographs, 75 negatives, 5 tin types)

 Finding Aid

The Morrow and Skaggs Families Papers contain materials related to the Morrow and Skaggs families predominantly of Miller County, Missouri. The bulk of the materials is an expansion of Joe Morrow’s genealogical compilation, Ancestors and Descendents [sic] of George & Ethel (Skaggs) Morrow, privately printed, June 1980. The materials include correspondence, family trees, photographs, certificates, and personal documents.

Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.


Osage River United Baptist Association Records, 1849 (R0286)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Osage River Association of United Baptists Records contain minutes of the fifth annual meeting of the Osage River Association, which was composed of United Baptist churches in Camden, Maries, Miller, and Morgan counties in Missouri. Included are membership statistics, summary of the Association’s business, report on evangelical work, and circular letter urging adequate financial support of the ministry.



Paydown, Missouri Records, 1862-1897 (R0303)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

These are ledgers, 1862-1869, from a bakery in St. Louis, and from Paydown Mill on the Gasconade River in Maries County, Missouri. There are also a few papers, 1881-1897, of the proprietors of the mill and store at Paydown.




Robert L. Schenker Records, 1884-1891 (R0604)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Robert L. Schenker Records contain a microfilm copy of a ledger from a mercantile business operated by Robert L. Schenker, at Vienna, Maries County, Missouri. The ledger includes a list of promissory notes and their settlements, and an inventory of stock.


J. Milton Shockley Collection, circa 1940-1959 (R0643)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The J. Milton Shockley Collection contains photocopies of “What They Said,” a compilation of stories and anecdotes regarding residents of Maries County, Missouri, by Dr. J. Milton Shockley, a local historian and past president of the Maries County Historical Society.


Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)

 Finding Aid

The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)

 Finding Aid

These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.



Vichy Normal High School and Business Institute (Vichy, Mo.) Catalogues, 1887-1888 (C0611)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Catalogues for the 1887-1888 school year giving information about tuition and courses of study, description of courses, and information about the town and area.



Vichy, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1927 (R1192)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder, 1 lantern slide)

 Finding Aid

This is a colored glass-plate lantern slide and accompanying descriptive sheet of Sunday School pioneers at Vichy in Maries County, Missouri. Believed to have been produced in 1927, the slide has been attributed to the Presbyterian National Missions Board. It shows a group of youngsters at Vacation Bible School.



Walling Family Papers, 1895-1993 (R1396)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders, 15 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Walling Family Papers include family photographs and genealogical research on the Cook, Hutson, and Walling families.
