Phyllis Langsdorf Papers, 1977-2018 (S0383)
0.3 cubic foot
The Phyllis Langsdorf Papers contains photographs, newsletters, and program booklets documenting Langsdorf volunteer work with the Craft Alliance Center for Art and Design and Barnes Jewish Hospital.
Lankford Family Papers, 1904-1976 (S0523)
0.2 cubic foot, 78 photographs
The Lankford Family Papers contain family photographs, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra bulletins and tickets, a Turner Hall certificate, and family vacation journals. The materials in the collection date from 1904-1969.
Robert Larouche Photograph Collection, 1948-1985 (S1172)
5 cubic feet
The Robert LaRouche Photograph Collectioncontains newspaper clippings and photographs LaRouche took for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, featuring scenes of the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Frederick H. Laas Collection, 1935-2001 (R1323)
4 cubic feet (197 folders)
The collection of railroadiana consists primarily of printed memorabilia such as timetables, station maps, ticket stubs, and other memorabilia. Most pertains to passenger operations in the United States and Canada, especially those by Amtrak, but there are also brochures and printed materials from passenger railroads in Europe and Asia. The bulk of the material dates from the 1960s to the 1990s.
Laube Home Movies, 1960-1970 (S1139)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains 8mm family films of the Laube family, including scenes from the St. Louis Zoo.
Jesse F. Lauck Architectural Records, 1919-1971 (K0730)
18.37 c.f.
Architectural drawings by Lauck and his firm of buildings in the Kansas City area and in the Midwest.
Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers Union, Local 108 Records, 1945-1977 (S0429)
0.01 cubic foot, 3 folders, 4 photographs
This collection consists of labor agreements, constitutions, photographs and bylaws of Laundry, Dry Cleaning and Dye House Workers, Local 108.
Edwin F. Lawler Jr. Papers, 1924-1991 (C4371)
1.25 cubic feet (40 folders)
Military documents and photographs, travel and family photographs and slides, college yearbooks, personal correspondence, and miscellaneous material.
League of Women Voters of St. Louis Records, 1916-1985 (S0530)
57.2 cubic feet, 1747 folders, 289 photographs, 4 film strips, 9 audio tapes, 3 16mm films, 6 phonographic records
The League of Women Voters evolved from the suffrage movement and was initiated to educate the voters of the United States. A non-partisan organization, the League has been involved in most of the political issues in St. Louis since the ratification of the nineteenth amendment. The collection includes correspondence, financial records, subject files, radio scripts, and publications relating to a wide variety of issues and personalities. Also included in the collection are photographs, films, audiotapes, and artifacts.
Leather Goods, Plastics and Novelty Workers' Union Records, 1941-1970 (S0240)
0.15 cubic foot, 6 folders, 73 photographs
The collection contains photographs and newspaper clippings of the activities of the Leather Goods Union and its predecessor, the Fur and Leather Workers' Union. Included in the collection is a scrapbook on the successful 1941 strike against Gardner Pocket Book Company of St. Louis and photographs of the 1958 strike against Hartmann Luggage.
Alfred Lee Papers, 1827-1931 (S0605)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains narratives and correspondence on the life of Alfred Lee and his family. Lee was a partner at Shapleigh Hardware in St. Louis and lived in Webster Groves.
F. Ray Leimkuehler Slide Collection, 1940-1962 (S1068)
0.02 cubic foot
This collection contains slides of St. Louis architectural landmarks, some of which no longer exist, such as the St. Louis Club at Locust and Ewing. F. Ray Leimkuehler was an architect for the St. Louis City Public School Board and used the slides for a presentation on St. Louis architecture. Also included in this collection are notecards describing the images and newspaper clippings recounting Leimkuehler's career.
Austin Porter Leland Papers, 1954-1991 (S0202)
5.4 cubic feet, 186 folders, 1 oversize folder, 64 photographs, 10 volumes, 1 reel-to-reel, 1 16mm film reel
The papers of Austin Porter Leland document his time as the Chairman of the Old Post Office Landmark Committee. The committee successfully campaigned to preserve the Old Post Office in St. Louis, which led to national legislation allowing for commercial use of historic buildings. Included in the collection are articles, correspondence, legislation, newspaper clippings, presentations, reports, statements, TV documentary transcripts, and photographs. The collection also contains material on other civic projects, including the Wainwright building.
Theodore F. Lentz Papers, 1926-1983 (S0435)
11 cubic feet, 565 folders, 32 microfilm rolls, 2 audio tapes
Known as the father of peace research, Lentz began his career as an educational psychologist at Washington University in 1924. He resigned from full-time teaching in 1948 and devoted the rest of his life to scientific peace research. His 1955 Towards a Science of Peace led to further research and the establishment of peace research centers around the world. The papers includes material from the Character Research Association and Peace Research Laboratory.
Lesbian Alliance of St. Louis Records, 1973-1981 (S0129)
0.15 cubic foot, 4 folders
This collection contains newsletters, flyers, and poetry produced and collected by the Lesbian Alliance of St. Louis, a Lesbian-Feminist organization dedicated to advancing equal rights for women and lesbians. Materials of interest include Moonstorm, a magazine (and later a newsletter), written by and about the Lesbian community in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Lesbian and Gay News Telegraph Records, 1981-1990 (S0445)
1 cubic foot, 3 microfilm rolls, 1 audio tape
The Lesbian and Gay News-Telegraph was a local LGBTQ newspaper founded in 1981 to encourage communication with St. Louis' LGBTQ community. The Lesbian Gay News Telegraph reported on local, regional, and national issues affecting the LGBTQ community and also published a calendar and directory of gay organizations. The collection contains unpublished articles, newspaper clippings, newsletters, a poster, and issues of the Gay-News Telegraph. Also included in the collection is an oral history interview with Gay News-Telegraph editor, Jim Thomas.
Frank Lessmann Jr. Papers, 1917-1927 (C4695)
0.4 cubic feet (27 folders), 1 oversize item
World War I letters, postcards, and clippings of a soldier from St. Louis, Missouri, who served overseas.
"THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES (1802-1890), 1834-1840," Norma Steines Cunningham, 1999 (C2364)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
THE LETTERS OF FREDERICK STEINES by Norma Steines Cunningham is a translation of correspondence, poetry, and songs written by a Missouri immigrant who was the first German schoolmaster west of the Mississippi River.
Charles L. Leven Desegregation Collection, 1969-1987 (S0920)
1 cubic foot
This collection contains research Charles L. Leven conducted for St. Louis County Schools to assess the Economic Impact of Desegregation. The materials in this collection include maps, statistics, and legal materials.
Lewis Memorial Chapel (Crescent, Mo.) History, [1963] (C3496)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two-page history of one of the first Methodist churches west of the Mississippi, written on occasion of its centennial.
Edward G. Lewis, University City Mayor Manuscript, 1974 (S0330)
0.01 cubic foot
A paper on Edward Gardner Lewis (1869-1950), the founder and first mayor of University City.
Edward Gardner Lewis Mail Fraud Collection, 1945-1907 (S1102)
0.25 cubic foot
This collection consists of photocopies of Library of Congress holdings on the mail fraud trial of E. G. Lewis, founder and first mayor of University City.
Jesse Lewis Photograph Collection, 1915, no date (P0691)
12 photographs
Copy photos of Wellsville and Mineola, MO. Photograph of trolley car in St. Louis
Nina Lewis Papers, 1894-1926 (S0099)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains newspaper clippings and the bylaws, a constitution, and rituals of St. Louis Black Lodges, and the August 1909 Negro Educational, that were collected by St. Louis resident Nina P. Lewis in her lifetime.
Library of Congress, Missouri Historic American Buildings Survey, Photograph Collection, 1925-1963 (P0123)
0.834 linear feet
Photos of historic Missouri homes, mainly from the HABS/HAER project. This collection focuses geographically on mid-Missouri and St. Louis.
Harrison J. Liebrum Papers, 1928-1972 (S0049)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection contains correspondence, labor agreements, union identification cards, ballots, and programs of Harrison J. Liebrum. Liebrum was an employee of Laclede Gas Company from 1925 to 1971, and a charter member of the Gas House Workers Union, Local 18799.
Life and Equality Collection, 1974-1981 (S0131)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains newsletters, newspapers, speeches, and correspondence produced and collected by Life and Equality, a St. Louis, Missouri-based women’s organization that was dedicated to the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and pro-life legislation.
LifeBridge Partnership Records, 1952-2021 (S0280)
2 cubic feet, 1.9 GB
The LifeBridge Partnership Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and histories documenting its mission to help individuals with disabilities become independent and active members in their communities. Materials of interest include a feasibility and need analysis commissioned by LifeBridge in 1983 to evaluate and recommend a centralized recreational facility for the St. Louis Region’s disability community. Also included in the collection are LifeBridge Partnership's born-digital files, including board meeting minutes and resolutions, newsletters, and strategic plans. Topics of interest consist of LifeBridge's reevaluation of its mission, name, and logo; program support services, including transportation services for clients; and LifeBridge's updated health policies and fundraising strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The materials in this collection date from 1952 to 2020.
LifeWise StL Records, 1902-2019 (S0352)
37 cubic feet
The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and VHS tapes chronicling LifeWise StL's (formerly Kingdom House) 120-year history of providing social welfare services to St. Louis's poor and immigrant population. Materials of interest include photographs of the Syrian Pioneers,' a LifeWise StL boy's club that catered to the Syrian youth in the early 1900s.
Lift Every Voice and Sing, Oral History Project, 1990-1999 (S0609)
4.8 cubic feet, 47 folders, 104 audio cassettes and transcriptions, 100 photographs
The Lift Every Voice and Sing Oral History Project, conducted between 1990 and 1998, documents the lives of Black community leaders in the St. Louis area. Interviewees include politicians, such as St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr., and political activists like Percy Green and Ora Lee Malone. The collection includes oral history tapes, transcripts, and photographs of the interview subjects.
Lincoln War Production Bulletin Newsletters, 1943-1944 (S0793)
0.4 cubic feet
This collection contains World War II era employee newsletters of the Lincoln Engineering Company, St. Louis, Missouri.
Linton Family Scrapbook, 1860-1872 (C4429)
0.31 cubic feet (1 volume)
Scrapbook primarily consists of newspaper clippings, often written by Linton himself, that reflect his political views. The contents of this scrapbook display a strong sympathy to the Union and often argue against the Missouri Constitution of 1865.
Adolph Gustav Lipp Papers, 1839-1944, 1958 (S0046)
0.05 cubic foot, 32 folders, 13 photographs
The Adolph Gustav Lipp Papers contain marriage certificates, photographs, newspaper clippings, and theater programs documenting the life of Adolph Lipp, who immigrated from Germany to St. Louis, Missouri, between the late 1880s and 1890s.
Clarissa Start Lippert Papers, 1939-1976 (S0470)
0.8 cubic feet, 14 folders, 1 photograph, 36 volumes on 4 microfilm rolls
The papers contain scrapbooks, correspondence, and newspaper clippings documenting Clarissa Start Lippert’s career as a features writer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Winifred Lippman Papers, 1930-2007, bulk 1954-2001 (S0188)
5 cubic feet, 377 photographs, 5 video tapes
The papers of Winifred Lippman contain correspondence, photographs, video tapes, an oral history interview, newspaper clippings, and organizational records documenting Lippman's seventy-year career as a Labor activist and her work for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Living Treasures Oral History Collection, 1983-1985 (S0456)
0.4 cubic foot, 32 folders, 112 photographs
The St. Louis Living Treasures Project documented the life and artwork of older folk artists in the St. Louis area. The folk artists shared techniques learned from their cultures of origin in oral history interviews conducted by OASIS. The 31 artists who participated include African Americans, Native Americans, Asian immigrants, and European immigrants.
Mark Loehrer Papers, 1900-1920 (S1200)
0.25 cubic foot
The Mark Loehrer Papers contains 48 postcards of Kansas City, St. Louis, Hannibal, Fredericktown, and St. Joseph, Missouri. Items of interest include Union Station (St. Louis), Mark Twain Bridge (Hannibal), the Madison County Courthouse (Fredericktown) and Hyde Park Christian Church (Kansas City). The verso of some of the postcards contains correspondence form non-Missourians, dating from 1905 to 1950.
Loire-Kuzmich Family Papers, 1916-2006 (C4267)
0.5 cubic feet (10 folders)
The Loire-Kuzmich family papers consists of items collected by Barbra Kuzmich, including photographs and letters, as well as documents chronicling the lives of Genevieve Loire and the Kuzmich family.
J.H. Long Photographs, 1910-1941 (P0554)
24 photographs
Photos by Long of boats, particular emphasis on steamboats. Images of the St. Louis waterfront, Tower Rock in Perry County, and levee (mattress) construction near Birds Point.
James A. Long Papers, 1819-1848 (C3241)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of James A. Long contain letters from Long to his family in Manchester, St. Louis County, MO, while in the University in Columbia, describing everyday student life, professors, preachers, the Whig party in Columbia, James S. Rollins' gubernatorial campaign, and family news.
Loosely Identified Records, 1974-2012 (S1096)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders)
The Loosely Identified Collection contains flyers, membership lists, newspaper clippings, and poems of Loosely Identified, a St. Louis-based women’s poetry group formed in 1974 to promote the cause of women’s equality through progressive and empowering poetry.
Lorenzen Family Papers, 1927-2002 (S0286)
0.5 cubic foot
The Lorenzen Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and a scrapbook, primarily pertaining to the lives of Dorothy and Robert Lorenzen and their daughter, Georgia Lorenzen Kay. The materials in this collection date from 1927 to 2002.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Photograph Collection, 1904 (P1153)
An artificial collection of photographs of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, the 1904 World's Fair held in St. Louis, MO.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Collection, 1902-1904 (S0085)
6 volumes
The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Collection is an artificial collection of publications chronicling the World's Fair in St. Louis. Publications of interest include three volumes of the Worlds Fair Bulletin, published from 1900 to 1904 to promote the fair.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition Photograph Collection, 1904 (P0093)
87 photographs
Snapshots, 87 at 3"x4", of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition (World's Fair) in St. Louis, MO.
Visitors' register for Missouri's dairy exhibition, 25 June-1 December 1904.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, Mo.) Pictures, 1904 (C0806)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Twenty-four views of various buildings and exhibits of the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. Consists of black and white miniatures in the form of a souvenir booklet.
Lowe Family Papers, 1922-1970 (S0123)
0.01 cubic foot, 2 folders
Born in St. Louis, Walter Lowe, Sr. attended Sumner High School and was a 1909 graduate. He was the second African-American to serve on the St. Louis Board of Aldermen in 1945 (19th ward). A veteran of World War I, he continued to serve his community, state, and nation by serving as Past Commander of Tom Powell Post of the American Legion (all black post named after a WWI veteran from St. Louis), and as Past Vice-Commander of the Missouri Department.
Bessie Lowenhaupt Collection, 1961-1999 (S0614)
0.4 cubic foot, 12 folders, 33 photographs, 2 audio tapes
This collection consists of notes, newspaper clippings, announcements, and photographs documenting the life and work of St. Louis painter Bessie Lowenhaupt. Also included in the collection is an audio cassette of an interview with Lowenhaupt conducted by Ernest and Judy Saul Stix on December 20, 1961.
Willie Mae "GRACY" Lowery Scrapbook, 1957-1958 (S0719)
0.4 cubic foot, 1 scrapbook
Willie Mae "Gracy" Lowry, a pioneer African-American female radio announcer and community servant. Gracy Lowery was born in Little Rock, Arkansas on April 28, 1916. She was the first female African-American radio announcer in St. Louis, and was a regular radio announcer at KATZ Radio Station for twenty-five years until her retirement. The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings documenting her career in broadcasting.