William A. Hawkins Papers, 1862-1863 (R1423)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
The letters of William A. Hawkins document his stay in the Gratiot prison after his capture in Shelby County, Missouri, on September 15, 1862. Hawkins was a lieutenant in Porter's Regiment (1st Northeast Missouri Cavalry). A Confederate, he remained in Gratiot prison until his parole on February 19, 1863.
Charles Martin Hay Papers, 1919-1933 (C0039)
7 cubic feet (453 folders), 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, legal cases, speeches, clippings, and political material of a St. Louis attorney, politician, prohibitionist, and leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Several cases concern prohibition enforcement or lead companies in southeastern Missouri. Hay was three times an unsuccessful candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. senator.
Bernard Hayes Papers, 1961-1989 (S0480)
0 .4 cubic feet, 16 folders, 105 photographs, 2 audio tapes
Bernard Hayes pioneered African-American radio in Louisiana, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco before becoming an announcer at KATZ in St. Louis in April 1965. In 1972 and 1977, he helped organize efforts to ensure that local black-owned radio stations retain their black employees and programming. He became the news director of KWMU in March 1982. The collection includes scrapbooks, photographs, an oral history and a cassette and records produced or recorded by Hayes.
Lucy Reed Hazelton Papers, 1946-2003 (S0686)
1 cubic foot, 18 folders, 2 audio tapes
The papers of Lucy Reed Hazelton document her career as a poet, writer, commercial, and fine artist in Webster Groves, Missouri. The collection includes awards, booklets, correspondence newspaper clippings, poems written by Lucy Reed Hazelton. Also included is an oral history interview with Ms. Hazelton, on two audio cassettes with a transcript.
Health & Welfare Council of Metropolitan St. Louis Records, 1911-1977 (S0434)
13.6 cubic feet, 308 folders
The Health and Welfare Council (HWC) of Metropolitan St. Louis records contain reports, studies, statistical data, manuals, narratives, and histories documenting the governance and activities of the organization. Also included are histories of related charities and social service organization in the St. Louis area.
Health Planning Agency of St. Louis Records, 1952-1990 (S0898)
2 cubic feet
This collection primarily consists of reports on St. Louis area hospitals and medical care.
Heaney Desegregation Collection, 1891-2004 (S0899)
9 cubic feet
The Heaney Desegregation Collection contains oral history interviews, newspaper articles, reports, and court files Gerald William Heaney used for his book, "Unending Struggle: The Long Road to an Equal Education in St. Louis."
Friedrich Hecker Papers, 1825-1986 (S0451)
4 cubic feet, 81 folders, 7 microfilm rolls
Friedrich Hecker led an unsuccessful revolt for a German republic in 1848; emigrated to America; aided a second Baden revolt in 1849; and settled in St. Clair County, Illinois. Hecker commanded two regiments in the American Civil War and was active in Republican party politics. The papers contain correspondence, certificates, newspaper clippings, and artifacts, primarily on the German revolts, the Civil War, and Republican politics. The collection is in German and English.
Isaac A. Hedges Collection, 1936-1952 (S0900)
0.02 cubic foot
This collection consists of materials Elijah Lovejoy, as well as non-related publications and booklets, including an oversize poster for $190 real estate lots "out in the hills along Page Bld."
Joseph F. Heifner Papers, 1971-2016 (S1225)
0.4 cubic foot
The Joseph F. Heifner papers consist of family correspondences dating between 1847 and 1890. The letters, written primarily by Heifner siblings Joseph, Nancy (Ryan), Mary (Copes), and Loretto (Beatty), along with their children, detail significant events for the Missouri-based family over a half-century period, including the a scarlet fever quarantine in St. Louis, an 1866 St. Louis cholera outbreak, an 1873 Missouri state vote on liquor licenses, as well as mentions of natural disasters, political campaigns, parades and celebrations. The correspondence also includes personal family topics regarding finances, births, deaths, marriages, and baptisms. In addition correspondence, the collection also contains four photographs of Joseph Francis Heifner, his wife, Phoebe Elizabeth Bailey Heifner, and their children. The materials in this collection are arranged alphabetically, and chronologically thereunder.
Morris Henderson Newspaper Clippings Scrapbooks, 1955-1982 (S0641)
1 cubic foot
This collection consists of scrapbooks of Morris Henderson, a prominent civil rights leader and president of the St. Louis County chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (1955-1959; 1963-1964) and director of the Peoples' Hospital (1960-1964). Subjects of interest include People's Hospital and the NAACP.
Morris Henderson Scrapbook Collection, 1930-1965 (S0132)
0.15 cubic foot, 4 folders
The Morris Henderson Scrapbook Collection consists of scrapbooks chronicling prominent Civil Rights leader Morris Henderson, who served as president of the St. Louis County Chapter of the NAACP (1955-1959, 1963-1964) and director of People's Hospital (1960-1964).
William P. Hendrickson Journal, 1840 (C1643)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains field notes about the St. Louis and Bacon Ferry State Road and the St. Louis and Fenton State Road, surveyed and marked out by Commissioners Hugh Miller, Hartley Sappington, and William McCutchen, March-April 1840. William P. Hendrickson was a civil engineer and surveyor.
Thomas C. Hennings Jr. Papers, 1934-1960 (C3000)
190.5 cubic feet, 6 audio tapes, 5 films, 5 rolls of microfilm, 25 audio discs, 1 oversize volume
Personal and political papers of a Democratic congressman, 1934-1940; St. Louis circuit attorney, 1940-1941; naval officer, 1941-1944; lawyer, 1944-1950; and U.S. senator, 1950-1960. Collection focuses on senatorial years, the bulk consisting of constituent correspondence, and is arranged topically. Only Volumes on Microfilm.
Henry Tobias Brewers and Maltsters Union #6 Collection, 1873-1990 (S0615)
16.2 cubic feet, 314 folders, 2 records, 1 reel tape, 556 photographs
The Brewers and Maltsters Local #6 is the oldest labor union in continuous operation in the city of St. Louis. This collection documents the changes that the Maltsters Union #6 underwent over the years as well as the everyday details of a labor union. The collection also contains material that Henry Tobias collected on the history of brewing and St. Louis breweries. Included are materials from the Dancing Masters of America and the Dancing Teacher's Association of St. Louis.
Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary's Court No. 1 Collection, 1891-1903 (S0105)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains a history of the Heroines of Jericho, Saint Mary’s Court No. 1, and the meeting minutes of the Official Proceedings of the Grand Court of the Heroines of Jericho for the state of Missouri.
Herman T. Hesse Account Book, 1855, 1881-1884 (C1119)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Financial records of a St. Louis, MO, liquor merchant.
Maude Lupe Hewitt Papers, 1800-1968 (R1344)
2 cubic feet (26 folders)
The papers of Maude Lupe Hewlett contain the personal papers of Maude Lupe Hewlett and family photographs.
Margaret Hickey Papers, 1922-1990 (S0236)
29 cubic feet, 824 folders, 763 photographs, 2 microfilm rolls, 1 videotape
The papers of Margaret A. Hickey consist of correspondence, speech files, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks documenting her career as a lawyer, journalist, businesswoman, public servant, from the 1930s into the 1980s. An interest in women and their economic and social problems proved the motivating force behind much of her work. As a lawyer, she became conscious of the unique legal problems facing women; as a government advisor, she studied various facets of women's role in society; and as the founder and director of Miss Hickey's School for Secretaries, she helped train educated women for careers in the labor force.
Higher Education Consortium of Metropolitan St. Louis Records, 1963-2018 (S0901)
21 cubic feet
The Higher Education Consortium (HEC) of Metropolitan St. Louis Records contains meeting minutes, correspondence, agendas, and reports pertaining to HEC's mission to encourage cooperation among universities, colleges, and other institutions of higher learning in the St. Louis region.
Hill Photograph Collection, 1902 (S1151)
0.25 cubic foot
Photographs of 2 Westmoreland Place (not extant). 1902
Myra Himelhoch Papers, 1926-1975 (S0688)
1 cubic foot, 29 folders
The Myra Himelhoch Papers includes correspondence, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, lawsuits, a Senate bill, fiction writings, research notes, and academic writings. Together they chronicle the interests of Myra Himelhoch, who was a Sociology Professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Topics of interest include mental health and the African-American community in St. Louis.
Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers, 1790-1999 (R1280)
20 cubic feet (501 folders, 14 oversize folders, 27 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)
The Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers consisted of family papers, photographs, correspondence, and business records of the extended Hinchey family. Also included are the correspondence and sketches of William J. Hinchey.
Historic Sites Inventory, 2017 (S0261)
1 cubic foot
Data sheets and three ring binder of the Historic Sites inventory compiled by the East-West Gateway Co-Ordinating Council.
Historical Preservation Task Force Records, 1979-1980 (S0413)
0.15 cubic foot, 5 folders
This collection documents the work of the Historic Preservation Task Force's work as one of four citizen participation task forces of the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council. Included in this collection are correspondence, minutes, agendas, by-laws, and handbook.
History and Origin of Order of the Eastern Star of Missouri and Jurisdiction Manuscript, 1976 (S0103)
0.01 cubic feet, 1 folder
This collection contains a manuscript titled The History and Origin of the Order of Eastern Star of Missouri and Jurisdiction 1887-1976, written by John W. Thomas. The manuscript chronicles the history of the Eastern Star of Missouri, an African American masonic temple founded in 1887 in St. Louis, Missouri.
History of Central Baptist Church Manuscript, 1927 (S0028)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains a manuscript titled The History of Central Baptist Church, showing her influence upon her times by Reverend George E. Stevens. Reverend Stevens wrote the manuscript in 1927 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Central Baptist Church, an African American Baptist Church founded in 1846 in St. Louis City.
"History of Jefferson Barracks, Missouri," Harry E. Mitchell, 1921 (C1186)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
History of Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis County, MO, beginning in 1826. Includes biographies of commanders.
"History of Sappington," Sappington Junior High School History Club, 1936 (C3094)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Gives history of Sappington including early settlers, religious and educational growth, and life of U.S. Grant when he resided there from 1848 to 1859.
History of the Church Federation in St. Louis Manuscript , 1984 (S0185)
0.02 cubic foot
The History of the Church Federation in St. Louis Manuscript contains a 268-page manuscript titled Thy Kingdom Come: The History of the Church Federation in St. Louis 1909-1969, chronicling the founding and evolution of the Metropolitan Church Federation.
History of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, 1953 (S0410)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection consists of a 90-page history of the first 23 years of the St. Louis Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, an African American fraternity.
History Senior Seminar Papers Collection, 1992-1993 (S0723)
0.25 cubic foot, 12 folders
This collection contains the academic papers of 12 students of the 1992 and 1993 History Senior Seminar 393, taught by Dr. Gerda Ray of the University of Missouri - St. Louis. Topics vary from broad historical perspectives to studies of specific St. Louis ethnic communities.
Gottlieb A. Hoehn Papers, 1895-1945 (C0347)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Papers of Gottlieb A. Hoehn, a journalist and labor organization supporter from St. Louis, MO. The papers consist of printed minutes, anniversary booklets, and programs pertaining to labor organizations. They also include articles written by Hoehn and some miscellaneous materials.
Robert Hoester Papers, 1983, 1991 (C4363)
0.6 cubic feet (14 folders)
Correspondence and manuscript material used in writing the book, Judicial Tyranny, the Palmyra Incident and the Mary Susan Goodwin case. Manuscript material includes revision material, editing, and handwritten notes.
C. W. Hoffman Papers, 1887-1896 (K0122)
0.20 c.f. (6 folders)
The collection consists of six volumes written and illustrated by C.W. Hoffman. The volumes present Hoffman's interpretation of the origins of man and the earth, along with his views of evolution, religion, and ethics.
Debra Holley Photographs, 1913, 1922 (CG0028)
0.02 cubic feet
Photographs of 1922 Cape Girardeau flood and other photographs circa 1920s-1930s. Also includes certificate for Norma Etherton in 1913.
Holliday Correspondence, 1844 (S1167)
1 folder
This collection contains three letters sent from William Monroe and James Bowlin to various delegates of the Democratic Party in Missouri regarding the election of 1844 for Missouri’s 1st Congressional District. The letter writers, William Monroe and James Bowlin, were campaigning for the Democratic nomination for the seat. The letters contain details regarding the positions of the candidates on various political issues, both local and national in scope. A few of the national issues discussed include the Independent Treasury, the annexation of Texas, and the claims to the Oregon Territory.
Holman Family Papers, 1832-1918 (R1403)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The Holman Family papers contains personal papers for the Holman family including the military records of John H. Holman who served with the United States Colored Troops during the American Civil War and a letter from Private Walter J. Caffery written in Paris, France, in 1918.
Ivan Lee Holt Papers, 1835-1966 (C2553)
8 cubic feet, 6 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes, 8 records
Papers of Ivan Lee Holt, Methodist bishop and a leader of the ecumenical movement. The papers contain correspondence, speeches and sermons, church records, newspaper clippings, publications, photographs, and audio recordings of addresses by Holt. Also included are the papers of Eugene Russell Hendrix, a Methodist bishop from Missouri.
Ivan Lee Holt Jr. Papers, 1937-1981 (C0823)
11.25 cubic feet (980 folders)
The papers of Ivan Lee Holt, Jr. contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, and other papers relating to the career of Holt, a circuit judge in St. Louis, Missouri. Contains material concerning his activities in the American Bar Association including the Section of Judicial Administration; the National College of State Trial Judges; the National Probation and Parole Association; the Methodist Church; and other charitable, legal, and religious organizations.
Holy Cross Lutheran School Photographs, 1889-1897 (S1165)
0.1 cubic foot, 1 folder, 13 photographs
This collection contains thirteen sepia-tone photographs of grade school classes at Holy Cross Lutheran School, dating from 1889 to 1897.
Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church Almanac, 1976 (S0032)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder, 286 pages
The Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church Almanac includes an illustrated history of the Holy Trinity Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church and the Serbian community in St. Louis from 1900 to 1976. Holy Trinity created the almanac to celebrate the United States' bicentennial in 1976.
Hoover Family Papers, 1922-1998 (S0502)
2 cubic feet
The Hoover Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and scrapbooks documenting the lives of Samuel Christopher Hoover, Jr. and Geraldine Joy Hoover. Materials of interest include a scrapbook chronicling the Geraldine’s military service during World War II in the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve.
James Franklin Hornback Papers, 1931-1998 (S0667)
2 cubic feet, 60 folders
Born in 1919 in Clinton, Missouri, James (Jeff) Hornback joined the Chicago Ethical Society in 1941 and served as a leader-in-training in New York and Brooklyn 1942-1944. Hornback became the leader of the Ethical Society of St. Louis in September 1951, where he remained until his retirement in November 1984. The collection consists of correspondence and subject files.
A. Evan Hughes Constitutional Convention Papers, 1943-1944 (C0019)
0.5 cubic feet (51 folders)
Letters and papers of a St. Louis lawyer and delegate from the 25th Senatorial District. Convention work, especially the Committee on Local Government (City of St. Louis, St. Louis County, and Jackson County) which he chaired. He also served on Committees on Military Affairs; Miscellaneous Provisions; and Information, Submission and Address to the People.
Hutchison Family Papers, 1831-1890 (C3713)
0.18 cubic feet (9 folders)
Personal correspondence of Benjamin F. Hutchison, steamboat captain residing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; his wife, Eliza J.; and their son, William B. The letters describe daily life, behavior at school, relatives, and friends, including illnesses and deaths. Also tax records, primarily from St. Louis County, Missouri, and legal documents, including land grants, deeds, and notes.
Harry M. Hyatt Papers, 1792-1956 (C4301)
3.8 cubic feet (105 folders)
The papers contain material generated or received by Harry M. Hyatt, a genealogist. The material consists of family lineage charts, family correspondence, journals, photographs, and correspondence between Harry Hyatt and other genealogical researchers. Families researched are predominately the Richardson and Baker families, but other related families are included, such as the Miller and Walton families.
Robert Hyland Papers, 1935-1990 (S0637)
4 cubic feet, 55 folders, 281 photographs, 13 audio tapes
The Robert Hyland Papers contain correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, and audiotapes of Robert Hyland from 1935 to 1990. He was a CBS regional vice president and general manager of the radio station KMOX in St. Louis, Missouri, for four decades. Hyland was also a civic leader, serving on the boards of the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association, Downtown St. Louis, Lindenwood College Board.
Greg F. Iffrig Papers, 1977-2017 (S0710)
7.6 cubic feet, 145 folders
The Greg F. Iffrig Papers contains meeting minutes, correspondence, and newsletters pertaining to Iffrig's involvement with Missouri state and national conversation organizations, including the Sierra Club; Citizens Committee for Soil, Water, and State Parks; and the Missouri Wilderness Coalition.
Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Opening Invitation, 1874 (C1863)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Invitation to the formal opening of the Illinois and St. Louis Bridge. Invitation contains lithograph of bridge.