Saint Louis


Larry Lowic St. Louis Architecture Collection, 1803-1995 (S0565)
14 cubic feet, 161 folders

 Finding Aid

This collection contains secondary source material and notes Lowic accumulated for his book "The Architectural Heritage of St. Louis, 1803-1891." Subjects of interest include St. Louis neighborhoods, buildings, churches, and the cultural influences of the French and Germans on the city's built environment.



Gus Lumpe Papers, 1966-1990 (S1041)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains materials on the Missouri Teamsters and Ernest Calloway.



M.D. Heltzell & Company (St. Louis, Mo.) Market Report, 1874 (C2806)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

"St. Louis Daily Market Reporter," 24 June 1874, giving prices for cotton, baling stuffs, hemp, tobacco, lead, produce, meats, etc. in St. Louis and volume of exports and receipts.


Machette-Scott Family Papers, 1791-1940 (C4486)
2.8 cubic feet (81 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, financial records, postcards, journals, scrapbooks, photographs, genealogical records, and chapters of an unpublished book regarding a middle-class Victorian family from Fulton, Missouri.

Agnes Cady MacNutt Scrapbook, 1913-1929 (S0018)
0.01 cubic foot, 5 folders

 Finding Aid

The Agnes Candy MacNutt scrapbook book includes newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and a biographical sketch documenting McNutt's pioneering efforts promoting the dance movement in the Playground of the Parks and Recreation System in the City of St. Louis.


Ken MacSwan Papers, 1968-2002 (S0414)
3 cubic feet

The collection primarily contains photographs taken by MacSwan documenting his career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis Metro region. Subjects of interest include St. Louis Cardinals Games, street scenes, and a Billy Graham Crusade held as the St. Louis arena. 


"Made-in-St. Louis" Exposition Scrapbook, 1910 (C1410)
0.21 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The scrapbook contains newspaper clippings covering events of a "Made-in-St. Louis" Exposition, from St. Louis newspapers, August 1910.



Madill Family Correspondence, 1866-1867 (S0634)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence to and from William and George Madill, who were brothers who lived in St. Louis in 1866 and 1867. They had a brother, H.J. Madill, who lived in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. In the letters, the brothers discuss H.J.'s running for political office on the Republican Party ticket and William's bout with cholera.


Maffitt Family Papers, 1900-1953 (S1132)
0.5 cubic foot

The Maffitt Family Papers contain financial correspondence, a map of St. Louis, as well as a street guide. 


Esther Maggi Collection, circa 1910 (R1010)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is an undated postcard view showing Esther Maggi and a group of young women in a drawing class in front of the Phelps County Courthouse in Rolla, Missouri. Also included are copies of the funeral card and obituary of Maggi, who died of burns suffered at St. Louis in 1912

Louis T. Maguire Jr. Scrapbooks, 1906-1938 (P0007)
2 volumes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Two scrapbooks depicting life in Maguire's hometown of St. Louis and his hiking tours around Missouri, mostly in the eastern part of state.


Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Histories, 1966 (S0569)
0.01 cubic foot, 3 folders

This collection consists of narrative histories written as part of Mallinckrodt Chemical Works' centennial. Included in this collection are "Mallinckrodt: A Company in Transition, 1867-1967," "Our Cake has 100 Candles," and "A Good Place to Work."


Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Papers, 1798-1981 (S0452)
25 cubic fet, 1321 folders, 268 photographs, 39 glass slides, 17 volumes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Edward Mallinckrodt was an Industrialist, scientist, and philanthropist in St. Louis. He Served as Mallinckrodt Chemical Works director (1901-1965), vice-president (1918-1928), and board chairman (1928-1965). The collection Documents family and business history, Mallinckrodt’s contributions to medicine, conservation, and education. Included in the collection are correspondence, reports, biographies, speeches, notes, scrapbooks, publications, blueprints, patents, and photographs.


Ora Lee Malone Papers, 1940-1990, bulk 1973-1990 (S0670)
1.6 cubic feet (53 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection documents activist and Labor leader Ora Lee Malone’s career from 1970 to 1990. Malone’s involvement in the Labor movement began in 1956 when she organized St. Louis workers to join the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). In 1970, the ACWA hired her as their first Black international business representative. Malone merged the interests of the civil rights movement and women’s rights movement into the Labor movement, and was foundational in the organization of national Labor unions dedicated specifically to the interests of female and Black workers. In the 1980s, she became a key figure in the transnational anti-apartheid movement.  The Ora Lee Malone Papers include Malone’s personal notes and speeches, correspondence, organizational papers, and reference materials.


Harry F. Malseed Photographs, 1955-1960 (P0812)
5 photographs

Photos by Malseed ca. 1955-1960 of St. Ferdinand's Church, and the Old Courthouse, St. Louis, and Cold Water Creek, and St. Stanislaus Seminary, Florissant.



Gerry Mandel Papers, 1958-2020 (S0393)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Gerry Mandel Papers consists of correspondence, journals, photographs, and story drafts chronicling Mandel’s career in advertising and as a freelance writer and producer. Also included in the collection are video biographies of the elderly in St. Louis.




Sam Maronie Papers, 1960-2022 (S0396)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains correspondence, story drafts, photographs, and storyboards documenting Sam Maronie's career as a freelance photographer, journalist, and writer for various science-fiction fandom publications, including Starlog Magazine. Also included are original story boards for Maronie’s comics.


Susan L. Marsh Photographs, 1941 (P0819)
2 photographs

Photos of Rock Hill Presbyterian Church, St. Louis County.



Susan Louise Marsh Scrapbooks, 1920-1935 (C1414)
0.22 cubic feet (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The scrapbooks of Susan Louise Marsh contain letters, poems, and newspaper clippings of Susan Louise Marsh describing her campaign to save Eugene Field's childhood home, appointment as first poet laureate of Missouri, and club activities.


R. J. Martin Papers, 1946-1955 (SP0095)
4 cubic feet (103 folders, 1 oversize folder, 60 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The R. J. Martin Papers contain records, correspondence, contracts, and photographs from Ralph Joseph “Joe” Martin’s tenure as Missouri-Arkansas representative for the United States Department of the Interior Southwest Power Association office in Springfield, Missouri.

Marvin Memorial Methodist Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Records, 1875-1962 (C1239)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records consist of quarterly conference journals and reports; notes and minutes of church boards and committees; financial records; membership, baptismal, and marriage records; and records of Sunday school and social organizations.



Masonic Home of Missouri Reports, 1887-1907 (S0648)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains annual reports of the Masonic Home of Missouri, an organization founded to provide a home for deceased Missouri Masons. 

Masonic Home of Missouri Agreement of Incorporation, 1886 (C1739)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains an agreement for the incorporation of the Masonic Home of Missouri, St. Louis, MO. The agreement established the membership, board of directors, and officers. The purpose of the corporation was to establish and maintain a home for indigent Masons and widows and orphans of Masons.


Gerald R. Massie Photographs, 1860-1980 (P0016)
0.83 cubic feet (497 photographs)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Photographs of scenes across Missouri, many taken as part of Massie's work as Missouri's state photographer. Events highlighted include Winston Churchill's visit to Fulton, Governor Hearnes' inaugural celebrations in 1965 and 1969, and the Battle of Pilot Knob Centennial commemoration in 1964. The collection includes extensive coverage of the Missouri State Capitol building. Geographically, the collection covers much of Missouri, with particular focus on tourist destinations: St. Louis, Kansas City, Hannibal, Ste. Genevieve, and the Ozarks.

Mathews-Dickey Boy's Club Records, 1960-1992 (S0189)
2 cubic feet, 24 photographs, 3 scrapbooks, 1 cassette tape, 1 roll microfilm

 Finding Aid

The Mathews-Dickey Boys' and Girls' Club was founded in Handy Park, St. Louis by two neighborhood baseball coaches, Martin Luther Mathews and the late Hubert "Dickey" Ballentine in 1960. The club's mission is to produce physically active, well-educated, and hopeful youth by stimulating the pursuit of knowledge, attainment of a healthier life, and the skills of greatness. The Mathews-Dickey Boys' and Girls' Club Records primarily document the growth of the club from its incorporation to the construction of its $2.5 million sports complex. Most of the material is from the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Materials include correspondence, annual banquet programs, meeting minutes, enrollment sheets, sports schedules, financial records, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and photographs.


William Mathis Papers, 1968-2011 (S0662)
38 cubic feet

The William Mathis Papers contain photographs, posters, brochures, booklets, and conceptual drawings created by Mathis throughout his career with MathisJones Communications, a photography and graphic design company based in St. Louis. Materials of interest include photographs of Union Station during its initial rehabilitation during the early 1980s.

John Wesley Matthews Papers, 1861-1863 (R0039)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The John Wesley Matthews Papers contain photocopies of letters written by John W. Matthews to his family relating his experiences in the 32nd Regiment, Missouri Volunteers. The letters contain descriptions of provost duty in St. Louis, and the condition of the regiment after the surrender of Vicksburg. There is also a poem describing the Vicksburg campaign.


Leonard Matthews Family Papers, 1861-2003 (S0841)
1 cubic foot, 38 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Leonard Matthews Family Papers contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and Leonard Matthews's autobiography "A Long Life In Review," pertaining to the lives of Leonard Matthews, Leonard Matthews Jr., and William Matthews.


Sherman Matthews Papers, 1923-1930 (C4275)
0.4 cubic feet (16 folders)

 Finding Aid

Kansas City Bridge Company business correspondence of Sherman Matthews and H. M. Jopling, Jopling’s Nelson High School physics experiment workbooks, and a standard two-week time book to calculate wages owed, 1923-1930.

Matthews-Chambers Papers, 1860-1970 (S0440)
0.4 cubic foot, 29 folders

 Finding Aid

The Matthews-Chambers papers document the work, social activities, and travels of the Chambers family from 1811-1974. The collection also reflects social and political conditions in St. Louis, England, and India during the 19th century and early 20th century. Included in the collection is Correspondence (1877-1884) among members of the Chambers family reveals inter-familial tensions over child rearing, education and finances. These letters also describe military duties, social activities, living conditions, and attitudes toward natives among British Army officers and British planters living in India during the late 19th century.


Lawrence "Max" Maxeiner Papers, 1920-2014 (S0453)
19.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Lawrence "Max" Maxiener Papers primarily consists of photographs documenting Maxiener's career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include photographs of the flood of 1993, Union Station, and Michael Dukakis and Bill Clinton's visits to the St. Louis area during the 1988 and 1992 presidential campaigns.


May Department Stores Company Records, 1883-2004 (S1130)
8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The May Department Stores Company Records contain annual reports, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks relating to the Railway Exchange Building and David May, the founder of the company. May founded the May Department Stores Company in 1878 to buy and merge retail stores throughout the country. Some of May's most notable acquisitions occurred in 1911 when he purchased the famous Clothing Store and the William Barr Dry Goods Company and merged them into Famous-Barr. Macy's purchased the May Department Stores Company in 2006.


Jacob May Diary, 1863 (C2426)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Diary concerning U.S. military action in the Shenandoah Valley and West Virginia. References to marches, scouting parties, guard duty, grand review and inspection, prisoners, Union and Confederate deserters, traitors, pay allowances, food rations, weather, West Virginia's constitutional election, colleagues, and military action elsewhere.


Mayes-McMahon Family Letters, 1815-1816 (C0940)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Two letters written by B.V. Mayes, St. Louis, to his cousin Nancy McMahon in Henderson, KY. Both letters concern family matters and Mayes's dislike of St. Louis. He remarks on the absence of any American women in the city and on the poor living and working conditions he faces as a clerk in a mercantile house.


"The Mayor, the Magazine, and the Truth", 1970 (C3332)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Mayor Cervantes' refutation of an article in LIFE magazine (May 29, 1970) attacking St. Louis and himself. Includes copies of telegrams, lawsuit filed, excerpts from article, profiles of those whom article attacks, and editorials by St. Louis news media.


W. H. McCamish Papers, 1900 (R1102)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a letter dated October 25, 1900 from W. H. McCamish, a lawyer in Kansas City, Kansas, to Charles H. Namendorf in St. Louis, Missouri. The letter concerns mineral properties in Oregon County, Missouri.

Nathan H. McCausland Papers, 1858-1864 (C2013)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Nathan H. McCausland contain a receipt for share of estate of Nathan Heald; an oath of loyalty, 1862; and two letters from Gratiot Street Prison, St. Louis, 1864.


Charles M. McClain Postcard Collection, 1900-1956 (P0539)
23 postcards

23 postcards of Missouri scenes, including the Ozarks, Paseo in Kansas City, Warrenton, Troy, Hannibal, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Nevada, and Russellville.


Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers, 1916-1980 (S0288)
2 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Chester and Agnes McCord Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, postcards, yearbooks, and a scrapbook, pertaining to the family's ownership of the Western Candy Company and LaVerre Grim's service in the United States Armed Forces during World War II.


Joseph McCoy Papers, 1815-1908 (C2144)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Eight land deeds (3 to land in St. Louis, 1815-1820; 5 to land in Clark County, 1856-1866). Power of attorney and land purchase receipt, 1844. Daybook of McCoy's business transactions in Waterloo, MO, 1841-1842.

George McCue Addenda, 1902-2002 (S0718)
23.5 cubic feet, 583 folders, 10,918 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

This addenda to the George McCue Papers contains the research files compiled by St. Louis Post Dispatch urban design critic George McCue, as well as manuscripts and related documents for the books and articles he authored. Also included in the addenda are 10,918 photographs taken by McCue to document the buildings, people, and art he wrote about during his career.

George McCue Papers, 1948-1985 (S0495)
15 cubic feet, 456 photographs, 21 audio cassette tapes

 Finding Aid

The George McCue papers contain information on the preservation of the Old Post Office in downtown St. Louis and personal correspondence regarding George McCue's role as an art critic and editor for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Also included in the collection is an oral interview with McCue recorded on August 21, 1990.


George McCue Papers Addenda, 1933-2002 (S1116)
10 cubic feet, 439 photographs, 21 cassette tapes

 Finding Aid

This addenda to the George McCue Papers contains correspondence, memos, notebooks, book manuscript drafts, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to McCue's career as a journalist, author, and architectural critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Materials of interest including correspondence between Joseph Pulitzer Jr. and McCue, as well as McCue's editorial comments for "The way We Came: A Century of the AIA in St. Louis."


George McCue Photographs, 1940-1980 (S1043)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains slides of architecture from cities outside Missouri



McDaniel Family Diaries, 1836-1843 (C2628)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Reuben E. McDaniel diary of a trip from Virginia to St. Louis, MO, 1836. Delia Richerson McDaniel diary of a trip from Caroline County, VA, to Boonville, MO, 1841. Also her diary of a trip from Boonville to Virginia in 1843.

James R. McDearmon Letters, 1830-1831 (C0490)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letters to wife Martha in Buckingham County, VA, from St. Louis County, MO, describing trip west and conditions in the area.


Thomas F. McDonald Papers, 1912-1971 (S0928)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The papers of Thomas F. McDonald contain correspondence, yearbook pages, and personal papers pertaining to McDonald's law career and presidency of the St. Louis Bar Association.


McDonnell Airscoop Newsletters, 1963-1966 (S0758)
0.015 cubic foot, 1 microfilm roll

 Finding Aid

This collection contains 31 issues of the Airscoop newsletter of the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation of St. Louis. These newsletters date from 1963 to 1966 and have articles on the production of space craft, jet fighters, and announcements about company events and employees.


McDonnell Space Program In St. Louis Collection, 1957-2008 (S0759)
3 cubic feet, 125 photographs, 2 CDs, 16 mini-DV tapes, 3 DVDs, HTML files

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The McDonnell Space Program in St. Louis Collection documents the role of St. Louisans in NASA’s Project Mercury (1959-1963) and Project Gemini (1961-1966). The collection consists of video and audio interviews with eleven former McDonnell Aircraft Corporation employees and accompanying materials including photographs, documents, and digital materials.
