

Prisoner Advocacy and Education Project Records, 1980-1985 (C3111)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Columbia, Missouri, organization which advocated prison reform and prisoner rights and sought to educate the public on prison conditions. Includes correspondence of the project and from inmates in Missouri prisons and subject files on prisons, prisoners, and the criminal justice system. See also collection 2636.


Professional Secretaries International, Missouri Division, University Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1980s (CA6206)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of a Columbia, Missouri, chapter of an organization for the advancement of the secretarial/administrative support profession. Professional Secretaries International changed its name to the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) in 1998.


William Pyle Photographs, 1930-1955 (P0026)
181 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Columbia photographer William Pyle worked in the advertising department of Central Dairy, which was owned by his step-father, Dot Sappington. Central Dairy-related images, including interior and exterior views of the building, children’s field trips, “Central Baby” portraits by Peterson Studios, and photos of the Merchandettes and a sponsored baseball team.



Quarry Heights Owners' Association (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1951-1987 (C4157)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Bylaws, correspondence, rules, membership lists, and president's material of Wesley S. Platner, Quarry Heights Owner's Association, Columbia, Missouri, 1960s.



Ragtag Cinema Café (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1977-2002 (CA6023)
2.3 cubic feet, 55 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Collection of film catalogs, publications, promotional material, posters, and advertisements for film showings and other events at the theater.


Rainbow Diamond Optimist Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1991-1993 (C4526)
0.3 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of the Rainbow Diamond chapter of Optimist International--a service club organization focused on youth development--including governance and membership materials; event information and photographs; and newsletters.


Beulah Ralph Photograph Collection, 1946-1970 (P0516)
10 photographs

Copy photos of Boone County, with focus on the African American community, including images of Douglass School and early black police officers.


Robert L. Ramsay Papers, 1918-1953 (C3230)
2.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, notes, rough drafts, revisions, and proof sheets for place names series with emphasis upon Missouri place names. Newspaper clippings about Ramsay and the place name articles. Small volumes of notes and prints pertaining to his academic classes, and sample student themes and bibliographies.

The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1926-2024 (CA6651)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Addition of correspondence, minutes, membership lists, programs, constitutions, memorials, and miscellaneous material, 1926-2022. See also C3638.


The Readers (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1925-2012 (C3638)
0.8 cubic feet (23 folders)

 Finding Aid

The origins, history, minutes, and memorials of The Readers, a Columbia, Missouri, club for women started in 1925. The club’s emphasis is the reading and discussion of books.  Profiles of women from this club give a useful comment on the concerns of educated women in the early twentieth century.


Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection, 1932-1990 (R0616)
(8 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Rebekah Assembly of Missouri Collection contains microfilm copies of printed minutes of the annual meetings of the Rebekah Assembly of Missouri. The minutes include lists of state officials, delegates and alternates, financial information and committee reports, matters concerning the Odd Fellows Home in Liberty, Missouri, and a listing of the names and local addresses of all Rebekah lodges in Missouri.

Red Hat Mamas (Boone County, Mo.) Scrapbook, 2002-2005 (C4702)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Scrapbook of the Boone County chapter of the Red Hat Society, 2002-2005. Items include the chapter's charter certificate, newspaper clippings, photographs, and flyers for group gatherings.


Red Top Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) Deed, 1835 (C1333)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Deed to one acre of land, sold to the church by Nathan and Priscilla Roberts.



Red Top Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) Deed, 1868 (C1334)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Deed to approximately seven acres of land, sold to the church by Richmond T. and Polly Roberts.



Red Top Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) History, no date (C1335)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Brief history of the church, the bulk of it describing the controversy which resulted in its division into two congregations in 1914.



Red Top Christian Church (Boone County, Mo.) Membership Directory and Historical Sketch, 1922 (C1336)
0.02 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Membership lists; lists of elders, deacons, and ministers; church buildings; and traditions of the congregation.



Frederic D. Redeker Collection, 1900-1938 (P0410)
0.125 linear feet

Photos of Stark Brother's Nurseries and Delicious Apple Monument, photos and postcard of SGT Floyd Army Corps tow boat ca 1975, postcards of Missouri fishing and farming, University of Missouri Columbia, St. Louis, and Plano, MO

Earl J. Reeves Papers, 1933-2001 (C4378)
5.4 cubic feet (143 folders)

Correspondence, reports, newsletters, teaching material, diaries, education material, genealogical material, military service, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, travel and newsletters of a professor of Political Science, former president of Missouri Valley College, and co-director of Community Bible Study International (CBSI) for Asia.

The Research, 1915-1916 (C0826)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains three issues of a University of Missouri student newspaper for November 1915 and January and April 1916. Articles include information on athletics department, sportsmanship, and fraternity and sorority activities.


Richard Price Rider Letter, no date (C1752)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To Pearl Mitchell, Rocheport, MO, from Liberty, MO, n.d. Letter refers to an address made by Miss Mitchell at a Stephens College commencement when she presented a picture of former President Rider to the college. Miss Mitchell was a student at Stephens College, 1877-1880.



Zadok Riggs Stray Notice, 1840 (C1476)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Stray notice posted by Zadok Riggs before Y.E. Hicks, justice for Rocky Fork Township, Boon[e] County, MO. Stray steer appraised at $12 by James Bryson and Samuel Riggs.


Rippeto-Sapp Family Papers, 1924-1927 (C4619)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

Love letters written between Ina L. Rippeto of Boone County, Missouri, and Virgil E. Sapp of Jefferson City, Missouri, before their marriage. Also includes an award certificate of Ina Rippeto.


George A.S. Robertson Papers, 1918-1987 (C4312)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a former World War I fighter pilot and later Deputy Superintendent of Insurance contain biographical and genealogical data on George A.S. Robertson and the Robertson and related family.


Virginia Hunt Robertson Photograph Collection, 1927 (P0327)
13 photographs

Four framed photographs: John Wormeley Carter; Rear Admiral (Ret.) Joel Bright; W.A. Bright; Joel Haden. Nine photos of islands in Missouri River between Huntsdale and Rocheport.



Harry B. Robinson Collection, 1921-1955 (C4109)
0.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection of Harry B. Robinson contains a mix of materials concerning Columbia and mid-Missouri. Robinson focused on collecting diaries and account records of Columbia locals, dating primarily from 1905 to 1953.


John M. Robinson Bond, 1822 (C1478)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

$5000 bond of John M. Robinson as surveyor of Boone County, MO, 18 November 1822, with Thos. Duley and John Henderson as securities.


Rocheport Roller Mills (Rocheport, Mo.) Records, 1882-1937 (C0344)
10 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Records of the grain mill established in 1875, originally called Monitor Mills. It produced Tuberose and Snowflake flour, as well as meal, ship stuff, and bran.


Rocheport, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1890-1962 (P0089)
83 photographs

 Digitized Materials

An artifical collection of photographs, including many copy photos, of Rocheport, MO.



Rocheport, Missouri, Town Board Records, 1885-1900 (C2633)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of meetings of town board.


Rock Bridge Memorial State Park (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1963-1970 (C4206)
0.7 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Rock Bridge Memorial State Park records contain documentation of the founding of the park, the fundraising campaign, the acquisition of property, and the correspondence of the Park Board.


Rocky Fork Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minutes, 1821-1921 (C1319)
0.34 cubic feet (3 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Articles of faith, rules of decorum, letters of admission and dismission, membership lists, and minutes of church meetings.


Charles Roemer Collection, 1905-1919 (P0447)
1 folder

Postcards of Missouri scenes in Audrain and Boone Counties. Photographs of returned WWI Soldiers luncheon, Columbia.


Ann Rogers Photograph Collection, 1860-1914 (P0086)
2 folders

Assortment of postcards, snapshots and prints from across Missouri, including Excelsior Springs, the University of Missouri, and Kansas City.


Joseph Kirtley Rogers Journal, 1858-1882 (C1223)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Personal journal containing remarks about weather, marriages and funerals performed by Rogers, and list of students enrolled in a Bible class. Rogers was president of Christian College, Columbia, MO, 1858-1877.


Joseph Kirtley Rogers Notebook, 1858 (C1222)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

History notebook containing dates, facts, and biographical sketches. Rogers was president of Christian College, Columbia, MO, 1858-1877.



Kate Ellen Rogers Papers, 1954-2003 (C4660)
0.35 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of Kate Ellen Rogers, professor emeritus of the Department of Environmental Design.  Includes correspondence, photographs, a scrapbook, professional writings, and newspaper clippings.


C.B. Rollins Photograph Collection, no date (P0338)
2 photographs

Portrait of David H. Hickman and group portrait of University of Missouri law students, ca. 1913.


Curtis Burnam Rollins Papers, 1902-1911 (C3255)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Curtis Burnam Rollins contain two letters concerning Emanuel Lasker's application for appointment as mathematics professor at the University of Missouri, 1902, and a certificate appointing Rollins to the board of curators, University of Missouri, 1911.


James H. Rollins Papers, 1961-1981 (C3056)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

James Henry (Jimmy) Rollins was a black civil rights activist and University of Missouri law student who was convicted of dispensing marijuana in 1968, jumped bail to avoid prosecution and was subsequently caught and imprisoned in 1974 for that and other crimes. The papers consist primarily of letters from the imprisoned Rollins to one of his supporters, and of notes, newspaper clippings, case files, and other printed material related either to his case or to contemporary political and racial conditions in Columbia and at the University of Missouri.


James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.


James Sidney Rollins Letter, 1885 (C1637)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a letter to Grover Cleveland, from Columbia, MO, Aug. 7, 1885. Rollins endorsed General Firman A. Rozier, applicant for appointment as U.S. marshal of the eastern district of Missouri.


James Sidney Rollins Letters, 1870-1885 (C3014)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Letters discussing Missouri and national politics written by James S. Rollins, a Missouri politician, lawyer, and businessman, to Carl Schurz, U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1869-1875, and Secretary of the Interior, 1877-1881.


James Sidney Rollins Record Book, 1834-1868 (C2150)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Rollins, a Boone County, MO, lawyer, businessman, and politician, was influential in securing the location of the University of Missouri at Columbia. Record book contains personal and business accounts.


Russell J. Rosier Papers, 1910-1990 (C4376)
3 cubic feet (104 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, photographs, genealogical, and other miscellaneous personal papers , and assorted organizational material of a secretary of the Missouri Farmer's Association (MFA), Columbia, Missouri, and his wife, Bessie Rosier, and related family.


Rotary Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1968-1998 (CA6650)
0.4 cubic feet

Addition of "Rotary Speak" newsletters and directories. See also C4230.


Rotary Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1922-1996 (C4230)
7 cubic feet (302 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Columbia, Missouri, Rotary Club, District 605, which contain correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, newsletters, publicity material, membership records, activities, conference material, and photographs.


Round Table Club, Columbia, Missouri, Records, 1926-1932 (C1233)
0.29 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Signatures of members and guests of a men's luncheon group loosely modeled after King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table. Some correspondence, clippings, and miscellany.


Francis T. Russell Botanical Specimens, 1850-1891 (C2334)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a volume of botanical specimens. Russell, a Columbia, MO, attorney and curator of the University of Missouri, collected most of the specimens on a trip to California and return via the Isthmus in 1850.


Lela Jean Howat Rutherford Papers, 1909-1976 (C4127)
1 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The Lela Jean Howat Rutherford Papers document the life and family of Mrs. Rutherford from her time as a University of Missouri student to the early 1970s. The papers consist of photographs, diaries, correspondence, and other miscellaneous items.
