

Grandview Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1869-2005 (C3049)
1.16 cubic feet (3 folders, 6 oversize volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

Record books containing monthly reports of the church business meetings, 1869-1994, and church histories, 1994-2005. This country church faithfully recorded its religious activities, pastors, financial transactions, membership, mission contributions, and social gatherings.


Grant School PTA (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1944-1973 (C3451)
1.4 cubic feet (27 folders, 15 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks; minutes of general and executive meetings; bylaws; and miscellaneous papers and correspondence kept by secretary. Includes state convention folders; national PTA manual; and miscellaneous informational brochures and flyers.



Lorenzo Thomas "Tommy" Greene Family Papers, 1930-2024 (CA5520)
4.9 cubic feet, 1 audio tape, 5 DVDs, 20 video cassettes, 90 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The family papers of a musician and music teacher. 



Flora Hartley Greene Papers, 1905-1931 (C0050)
2.75 cubic feet (216 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a club woman pertaining to work of Missouri Federated Clubs, Eugene Field Foundation, Missouri Society for Crippled Children, and Council for National Defense. Also includes her MA thesis submitted in 1909 at the University of Missouri.


Lena G. Greenlaw Papers, 1950-1977 (C3600)
0.8 cubic feet (56 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a journalism librarian at the University of Missouri-Columbia and active worker in the peace movement. Magazines, tracts, and financial and activity records of world, national, and local organizations are included.


Grindstone Development Corporation (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1963-1975 (C2730)
0.2 cubic feet (13 folders)

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Grindstone Valley Development Corporation include by-laws, meeting minutes, financial records, stockholders' agreements, research reports, and business correspondence. These records document the corporation's real estate investments, sale of stocks, sale of bonds, organization, potential development of the area now encompassed by Grindstone Valley Nature Area, and the sale of that area to the City of Columbia in 1975.


Randall and Regina Gross Photographs, no date (P0390)
12 photographs

Twelve color 3.5x5" photograph prints taken at the Teddy Bear Picnic, which took place before the 1989 Little Miss Columbia Pageant. The gathering was in the home of Randall and Regina Gross. In addition to the young participants, Debbye Turner, reigning Miss America, was present.



The Guardians, Inc. (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1971-1985 (C3878)
0.4 cubic feet (30 folders)

 Finding Aid

By-laws, corporation records, corre­spondence, financial records, meeting minutes and notices, photographs, and miscella­neous records of a Black men’s social and service organiza­tion founded in Columbia, Missouri, in 1971.


Guitar Building (Columbia, Mo.) Account Book, 1914-1961 (C3060)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Account book detailing rental of office space, maintenance, and taxes for a building located in the downtown business district. Clearly enumerated are tenants, rental fees, operating expenses, assets and liabilities.


Mary Jane Guitar Letters, 1846-1851 (C2952)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains two letters, one to Jane Austin, Carrollton, MO, 1846, regarding health of family and friends and the changes taking place in Columbia; and one to Odon Guitar, 1851, regarding deaths of friends and family news.


Odon Guitar Article, 1855 (C2817)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Article written by Odon Guitar to refute charges of Mr. Peabody that he was an abolitionist. Two copies.


Odon Guitar Papers, 1832-1865 (C0882)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Correspondence of Odon Guitar, including love letters to Kate Leonard in 1865; letters from his mother, Emily Guitar, while Odon was in the Army; correspondence of John and Emily Guitar, 1832-1846, and letter from Odon to his parents from Fort Leavenworth, 1843. Also copy of letter of J.H. Ellis criticizing Odon's conduct as provost in St. Joseph, 1863.


Odon Guitar Collection, 1836-1906 (C1007)
1.33 cubic feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Guitar collection is comprised of correspondence, military papers, account books and ledgers, and a scrapbook generated by Union Army General Odon Guitar.


Odon Guitar Photographs, 1862-1864 (P0270)
2 photographs

Copy photos of a carte de visite of Odon Guitar and an older woman, standing, and a carte de visite of Odon Guitar, bust view in uniform. Photographer: N. Brown, St. Louis.


Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri.  Includes one card file of reference notes.


Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Family Papers, no date (CA4253)
6 cubic feet

Addition of scientific writings and professional and personal correspondence of Charles Claude Guthrie, Sr., Fannie Guthrie, and Richard Emberson. Includes family photographs and negatives, postcards, clippings, and journals. See also C3549.


Charles Claude Guthrie Sr. Family Papers, 1896-1978 (C3549)
2.8 cubic feet (202 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Charles Claude Guthrie, Sr. contain college essays and notes, correspondence, and miscellaneous personal papers of Guthrie. The bulk of the collection is letters written between Guthrie and his mother and sisters living in Columbia and Marthasville, Missouri.



Allean Hale Collection, 1940-1970 (P0156)
1 folder

Various images of Columbia and views of sororities and fraternities.


Harris Family Photographs, c. 1880s-1960s (C2415)
1.0 cubic foot (60 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Photographs of family, friends, employers, church, and schools collected by Julia Warren Harris. Two folders contain postcards, a few letters, and announcements. The collection is a vivid portrait of black family and social life in Boone County, MO.


Althea M. Harris Papers, 1968-1979 (C4654)
0.3 cubic feet (8 folders)

 Finding Aid

Scrapbook kept by a University of Missouri Columbia student during the 1960s and 1970s. Photographs, histories, correspondence and memorabilia, primarily relating to the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.


E. Harris Invitation, 1838 (C1550)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Invitation to a Christmas ball at Mr. Peebel's Saloon, Columbia, MO.


Frank G. Harris Papers, 1915-1945 (C4195)
0.4 cubic feet (13 folders), 4 oversize items, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks, clippings, photographs, correspondence and miscellaneous material pertaining to former Lt. Governor Frank G. Harris of Missouri.


Grace Sims Harris Photograph Collection, 1909, 1934 (P0328)
2 photographs

Boone County officials on steps of old court house, 1909; studio portrait of Grace Sims Harris, 1920s



Harshbarger Family Papers, 1800s-2010s (CA6178)
104.8 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes, 16 audio cassettes, 8 CDs

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, diaries, U.S. Naval records, farm records, real estate records, clippings, songbooks, sheet music, and audio recordings of a Boone County, Missouri, family. Includes genealogical materials on the Aydelotte, McVicker, Mossholder, and Tourtillott families.


J.E. Hawley Letter, 1855 (C1548)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To his wife from Columbia, MO, June 10-12, 1855. Hawley, a Massachusetts physician, traveled to Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas to select a town in which to establish a practice. Trip from St. Louis to Columbia, state university, slavery, medicine in Missouri, cost of living, land prices, climate, weather, business matters, and family and friends.


Sister Ruth Heaney Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA6138)
2.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of Ruth Boylston Heaney, Benedictine sister of Our Lady of Peace Monastery in Columbia, Missouri. Widow of Larry Heaney (founder of the Milwaukee Catholic Worker) and a social activist, Heaney raised her six children on a Catholic Worker farm in Starkenburg, Missouri. She volunteered with the Benedictine sisters and eventually joined the order in 1979. Includes correspondence with prisoners, notebooks, and limited photographs.


William R. Hechler Papers, 1911, 1920 (C4639)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters written to a University of Missouri graduate who worked as a professor of Agriculture at Iowa State College in Ames. The letters are largely from colleagues and friends in Missouri.


Dr. Laurence Hedlund Photographs, 1975 (P0510)
18 photographs

Photos of Boone, Cole, Cooper, and Osage counties, ca. 1975.


Dorothy Hart Riley Heinkel Papers, 1915-1973 (C4132)
0.6 cubic feet (24 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Dorothy Hart Riley Heinkel contain materials documenting the life of a musician, businesswoman, and wife of MFA president Fred Heinkel, including music education notebooks; files of her first husband, John W. Riley; Alpha Phi sorority materials; correspondence from family and friends; and Cora Hart's funeral materials.


A.J. Henley, et al. Deed of Trust, 1880 (C3740)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain a deed concerning the purchase of band instruments by A.J. Henley and eight associates, all of Boone County, Missouri, on a monthly installment plan, from James F. Hurt.


Henninger Jewelry Store, Columbia, Photographs, 1889-1907 (P0430)
3 photographs

Photographs of Henninger Jewelry Store, Columbia, MO 1899, ca. 1902, ca. 1907



Ethelda Henry Genealogical Collection, 1671-1988 (C3881)
34.6 cubic feet (2,364 folders)

 Finding Aid

Family histories and genealogies of over 400 Boone County and central Missouri families, including the Asbell family. The collection also includes cemetery, census, marriage, school, will, Bible, and church records; clippings, photographs, family and genealogical correspondence, source materials, abstracts, and manuscripts; and miscellaneous.


Mary Jo Herde Photograph Collection, 1949-1970 (P0223)
21 photographs

Original photos of the "Early Freak Movement in Columbia" and Vietnam War protests.


Ezekiel Comer Hickam Papers, 1835-1904 (C3610)
0.2 cubic feet (12 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Boone County, Missouri, farmer and mule trader, including several ledgers of mule breeding and sale records. Also contains a book of Lycurgus P. Hickam, his son, listing construction workers on a Boone County road, 1868-1869.


Hickman-Bryan Family Papers, 1796-1920 (C0045)
2.8 cubic feet (297 folders, 3 volumes; also available on 13 rolls of microfilm)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the papers of two families named Hickman, one of Boone County, Missouri, and the other of Alexandria, Louisiana. Related by marriage, the families had business dealings in slaves, agriculture, and livestock. The papers of the Bryan family, related to the Boone County Hickmans by marriage are also in this collection.


Adam Hill Papers, 1892-1897, 1957 (C3540)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders), 8 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers contain certificates, a diploma, ephemera, and photographs pertaining to Hill's activities as a cadet at Marmaduke Military Academy in Sweet Springs, Missouri, and his career as a football player for the University of Missouri Tigers.


Richard M. Hill Postcard, 2003 (P0374)
1 postcard

Photo postcard of Memorial Union Tower, University of Missouri, Columbia.


Darwin Hindman Papers, 1984-1994 (C4372)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, reports, propositions, and miscellaneous material largely pertaining to the Columbia 2000 Development Task Force.


Hinton and Walker Records, 1855-1856 (K0212)
0.01 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Bills of lading for shipments of various goods by steamboat. Gives name of the boat, its master, the name of the receiver of the shipment, a description of the goods and the cost of freight are indicated on the form.


William Hirth Papers, 1925-1934 (C0042)
3.5 cubic feet (276 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of William Hirth, a farm leader, organizer, and president of the Missouri Farmers Association (MFA), consist of correspondence, newspaper articles, and radio speeches. The material pertains to Missouri Farmers Association business activities, state and national politics, and The Missouri Farmer, official publication of the Missouri Farmers Association.


Historic Inventory of Columbia, Missouri Photographs, 1978-1979 (P0052)
0.33 linear feet

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Survey of downtown Columbia architecture, conducted in 1978. Includes negatives and listing of locations/businesses.


"A History and Description of Persia, Missouri," Stephen Clark, 1964 (C2897)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a history describing the location, businesses, and early settlers of Persia, MO. The collection also includes a copy of the FRANKLIN INTELLIGENCER, April 1, 1820, photographs, and maps of the town site.


"History of Christian College 'Old Main' Building, 1851-1967," Judith Payne, 1967 (C2527)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains an architectural history of the original building of Christian Female College (later Christian College, then Columbia College), Columbia, MO.


"A History of the First 20 Years of the Resident Wives Club, 1941-1961" , no date (C3534)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

A history of the organization including its founding, membership, projects, and social functions. The club was comprised of wives of the agricultural resident faculty of the University of Missouri.


Dan B. Hoagland Photographs, 1983, no date (P0150)
0.58 linear feet

580+ photos of mid-Missouri towns, including many small and abandoned locales, and Boone County churches, ca. 1983.


Rev. Robert Hodkins Photograph Collection, 1971 (P0501)
2 photographs

Copy photos of Red Top Christian Church, Hallsville, MO.



Marie Hoffman Photograph Collection, 1940 (P0243)
2 photographs

Two large mounted photos showing University of Missouri St. Patrick's Day ceremonies with engineering fraternity kneeling before St. Patrick, March 1904.


Percy A. Hogan Papers, 1915-1957 (C0824)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain correspondence of Percy A. Hogan, law librarian at the University of Missouri. Percy A. Hogan served as law librarian and lecturer in legal bibliography for the University of Missouri Law Library, 1915-1956. Percy and his wife Florence rented an apartment in the Conley home at 602 Sanford and his papers were found there in 1981.


Holm Family Papers, 1873-1920 (R1311)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection consist of Anton Holm's declaration to become a United States citizen at Manitowoc County, Wisconsin in 1873, and a receipt to Holm regarding a Phelps County civil court case in 1905. There is also a letter from an attorney for the University of Missouri regarding a sale of sixty acres to the University by Anton J. Holm in 1920.
