W.T. Myers Photograph Collection, 1906-1909 (P0130)
5 photographs
Photos of the University of Missouri: the Columns, ca. 1906, Hobo Convention, ca. 1907, St. Patrick's Day, ca. 1909, and students observing machinery, ca. 1907.
National Organization for Women, Columbia Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1978-1996 (CA4732)
6 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 1 audio cassette
The records of the Columbia Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) contain chapter and leader correspondence, informational materials on women’s issues, conference materials, administrative material, membership records, news clippings, event fliers, state and national legislation updates, newsletters, financial reports, and miscellaneous material. Also includes materials from the Green Hills Area Chapter in Chillicothe, MO.
National Society of the Colonial Dames in the State of Missouri, Columbia Committee Record Book, 1928-1976 (C4713)
0.2 cubic foot (1 folder)
Secretary's minute book of committee meetings.
New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet
The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019.
New Salem Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minutes, 1828-1926 (C1317)
0.36 cubic feet (3 volumes)
Articles of faith, rules of decorum, church covenant, list of deacons ordained by New Salem, list of members, obituaries, life sketch of David Doyle, and short histories of the church written at various times.
Mary Dalton Newell Collection, 1882, 1904-1944 (P0131)
0.25 linear feet
Items from Mary Dalton Newell's scrapbook, including photos of the Dalton and and Denman families, ca. 1923-1978, the Osage and Niangua rivers, Ha Ha Tonka, Camden County, Lake Taneycomo, Cape Girardeau, and Bennett Springs. Photos of Columbia and the University of Missouri, ca. 1918-1930, include images of May Day, the Farmer's Fair, football, and the Columns. Postcard of bridges, steamboats, and from travels out-of-state.
John T. Nichols Papers, 1862-1865, 1964 (C4392)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)
Civil War diary (3 April 1863-10 May 1865) written in poetry form by a Confederate soldier from Boone County who served with Company I, 2nd Volunteers, 6th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. Nichols was assigned to hospital duty in the Meridian, Mississippi, area. Collection also includes a partial transcription of the diary and copies of a photograph of Nichols and his military papers.
Nickell Family Papers, 1920s-1940s (C4118)
0.25 cubic feet
The Nickell Family Papers contain family photographs taken from the 1920s through the 1940s. Many of the photographs are of a young L.A. Nickell, Jr. The collection also contains a depreciation summary report for the Columbia Ice Plant compiled in 1927.
Nightingale Family Papers, 1910-1957 (C4479)
0.25 (2 folders)
Financial records describing household expenses from 1910-1957 for a married couple who migrated to Columbia, Missouri, from Colorado around 1920.
North Missouri Railroad Subscription Books, 1853-1854 (C1193)
0.01 cubic feet(2 volumes)
Boone County, Missouri, books listing subscribers to stock in the North Missouri Railroad.
Northrop Family Papers, 1852-1998 (R1489)
4 cubic feet (68 folders)
The Northrop Family Papers contain correspondence between members of the Northrop family, family genealogy, and personal papers related to the family farm near Simcoe, Missouri.
Charles O'Dell Collection, 1825-1997 (C4265)
4.0 cubic feet (138 folders)
The papers of a medical librarian for the Ellis-Fischel State Cancer Center, a public school and college instructor in literature, music, and performing arts, and amateur genealogist. The papers focus on genealogical research material, correspondence, notes, publications, newsletters, newspaper clippings, family group sheets, name lists, scrapbook material, photographs, slides, and other miscellaneous genealogical material.
Joy N. Oldham Photograph Collection, 1883, no date (P0992)
1 volume, 2 folders
Photographs of the Akeman and Oliver families of Columbia, Missouri, and their extended family members. This collection also includes an album containing photographs of Belle Clayton Mitchell and members of her family.
"One Hundred Years of Journalism in Boone County," Walter Ridgway, no date (C2104)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
A brief history of newspapers in Boone County, MO, particularly Columbia, 1830-1930.
OPEN PLACES (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1968-1987 (C3068)
6 rolls of microfilm
Records of a small poetry and review magazine. Consists of general, contributor and publication correspondence. Includes materials pertaining to the magazine's last six years of publication, 1981-1987. See Collection 3705 for material relating to the magazine's first fifteen years.
Louise Stephens Otto Photograph Collection, 1867-1892, no date (P0901)
9 photographs
Photos of Stephens family members: Hugh, Edwin Sydney, and E.W. Photo of Academic Hall ruins after fire.
Stanley Owen Postcard Collection, 1905-1948 (P0436)
1 folder
Postcards of Boone County: Central Dairy, Miller Shoe Co, Wigwam Café, Wabash Railroad Depot, First Christian Church, and Hinkson Creek.
Parodies of University of Missouri Publications, 1853-1888 (C4618)
19 oversize items
Parodies of commencement programs and announcements, presumably created by the University of Missouri students.
Mary Banks Parry Photograph Collection, 1880-1920 (P0515)
12 photographs
Photos of Columbia, 1870s-1913, including an early image of Stephens College, 1913 photos of Sigma Chi fraternity, and images of the Parry family.
Patrons of Husbandry, Boone County Council Minute Book, 1873-1882 (C1196)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
Minutes of grange organized November 3, 1873. Includes some loose inserts.
Patton-Scott Family Papers, 1836-1983 (C3710)
1.2 cubic feet
Correspondence, financial and legal documents, genealogy, poetry, prose, and miscellaneous volumes of the Patton and Scott families. Describes agriculture, economic conditions, overland travel, daily life, family activities, and tragedies. Firsthand accounts of the Civil War's influence on civilian life in Missouri, Mississippi, and Indiana.
Pauley Family Genealogical Collection, 2010s (CA6602)
1 cubic foot
Family group sheets and photographs of headstones of a family from Boone County, Missouri, and Texas. Includes information on the descendants of Riley Edgar Pauley, William Joseph Pauley, Artimus Griggs Pauley, and James William Pauley, as well as the related Todd family.
Grace Price Paxton Collection, 1846-1964 (C4541)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders, 3 oversize items)
Personal memorabilia of Grace Price Paxton, including programs from Christian College, school certificates, correspondence, diplomas, and legal documents concerning the Price and Holliday families; 1872 land deeds for and in Caldwell County, Missouri, sold by the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad; bill of sale for an enslaved woman, Silvy, and her child; and World War II ration books.
Payne-Broadwell Family Papers, 1828, 1869-1870 (CA6611)
0.4 cubic feet
Addition of daybook of Moses U. Payne, 1828, and business correspondence of Moses M. Broadwell, 1869-1870. See also C0983.
Payne-Broadwell Family Papers, 1803-1903 (C0983)
4.8 cubic feet, 11 volumes
The Payne-Broadwell Family papers contain the business, personal, and legal papers of Moses U. Payne and his nephew Moses M. Broadwell. Moses U. Payne resided in Boone County, MO, from 1823 to 1895. Moses M. Broadwell's papers contain significant family letters and revealing correspondence from the Civil War and from the Reconstruction era. Also present are miscellaneous papers of the Oliver C. Roby family.
Floyd Pearman Papers, 1936-1942 (C4289)
0.3 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of Floyd Pearman contain correspondence and other papers related to his employment with the Farm Security Administration and other New Deal programs. Pearman worked in central Missouri assisting farmers in purchasing and maintaining land during the Depression and World War II.
PedNet Coalition (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 2001-2003 (C4217)
0.2 cubic feet (9 folders)
Correspondence, newsletters, and meeting minutes of the organization advocating an integrated network of bike and pedestrian routes through the city of Columbia, Missouri.
Larry and Margaret Peeno Papers, 1959-2016 (S0306)
9.5 cubic feet
The Maggie and Larry Peeno Papers contain correspondence, meeting minutes, curriculum guides, newsletters, reports, surveys, photographs, and VHS tapes documenting the Peeno’s 50+ year career in art education in Missouri and the United States. Items of interest include curricula developed by Maggie Peeno for the University City School District, including the “We Live in University City” booklet.
People's Association for Better Municipal Government (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1951-1957 (C4278)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)
Constitution, minutes, correspondence, membership lists, committee reports, financial records and miscellaneous papers of a group formed soon after the Charter-City Council form of city government was begun in Columbia.
Perche Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Minute Books, 1874-2005 (C3635)
2 rolls of microfilm
Records of the Perche Church from its founding in 1874 as the Arm of Bethlehem Church. The name was changed in 1880. Minutes of business sessions include periodic lists of members.
Perserverance Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1895-1941 (C3003)
1 roll of microfilm
The records of the Perserverance Baptist Church contain monthly meeting minutes (1895-1941) and membership lists (1895-1937) of the Perseverance Baptist Church at Old Lick Fork in Boone County. Records are incomplete.
Nelle E. Peters Architecture Photograph Collection, 2009 (P0180)
155 MB of digital files (14 TIFFs)
Digital photographs of apartment buildings designed by architect Nelle E. Peters, located in Columbia and Jefferson City, Missouri.
Walter L. Pfeffer II Photographs, 1982-1994 (P0408)
0.25 linear feet
Photographs of several Homecoming King candidates (Pete Cowgill, Kevin Avondet, and Marty Heady) for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 1977 - the first year for a king candidate. Photos of model railroad installation and Highland Park Carousel. Westcott, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Extensive photographic documentation of muscular dystrophy telethons and award banquets, early 1990s.
John L. Pfeiffer Photograph Collection, 1869-1870 (P0982)
2 photographs
Copy photos of Boone County: Exchange National Bank, Trimble, Fyfer & Co. Dry Goods
Eva Lena Anson Phillips Collection, 1921-1963 (C4651)
0.25 (5 folders)
Programs and announcements from concerts, recitals, plays, and graduation ceremonies from the 1920s and 1940s. Also includes church newsletters from the 1960s.
Nellie H. Phillips Letter, 1889 (C3232)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a letter to Maggie Sampson, Rocheport, MO, from Nellie Phillips, Columbia, MO, Dec. 30, 1889, thanking Miss Sampson for a Christmas gift.
Wesley and Peggy Platner Photographs, 1856, 1920-1990 (P0112)
1.33 linear feet
This collection primarily consists of photographs by Wesley Platner, a professor and physiologist at the University of Missouri, and his daughter, Peggy. Photographs span from the 1940s through the 2000s and include images of Columbia, the University of Missouri, people associated with the physiology department, and travel within Missouri and beyond, to Illinois and Disneyland. Peggy participated in the Jefferson City Camera Club and tours sponsored by the City of Columbia; many photos from the 1990s and 2000s are of their expeditions.
V. Poehlman Photograph Collection, 1930-1931, no date (P0928)
3 photographs
Copy prints of Lakeview School in rural Boone county, 1930-1931.
Anita Claire Pollett Papers, 1936-1939 (C4481)
0.2 cubic feet (2 folders, 1 oversize item)
Scrapbook and photograph album of a student who attended Christian College in Columbia, Missouri, during the 1930s. Includes a color illustrated map of Christian College, 1936.
S. Pommer Photograph Collection, 1886-1905 (P0056)
4 photographs
Photos of University of Missouri Columns ca. 1892, during the clean-up following the destruction of Academic Hall in a fire. Photographs of the Boone County Courthouse and Christian Female College's Main Building.
William Henry Pommer Scrapbook, 1907-1939 (C1418)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
The scrapbook of William Henry Pommer consists of newspaper clippings relating to the life and musical career of William Henry Pommer, director of music at Christian College, 1883-1887, and professor of music at the University of Missouri from 1907-1922.
Alice Potter Genealogical Collection, 1961-1971 (C4381)
1 cubic foot (34 folders)
Genealogical correspondence and notes of a professional genealogist. Correspondence from and to Mrs. Potter and other genealogists and individual researchers seeking information on numerous families for D.A.R. (Daughters of the American Revolution) acceptance and personal reasons. Personal research notes with some family group sheets.
Earl Powers Photographs, 1942-1965 (P1041)
3.6 linear feet
Photographs by Earl Powers, a photographer and farmer who lived in Columbia, MO. Coverage includes people, events, and places in Columbia and Van Nuys, CA. Additional photographs cover Powers' Air Force service in the South Pacific during WWII.
Prairie Grove Baptist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1874-1955 (C1318)
6 volumes
Records include church constitution, articles of faith, rules of decorum, church covenants, registers of officers, church minutes, membership lists, financial statements, and Women's Missionary Society minutes.
Preston Family Papers, 1827-1937 (K0135)
0.3 c.f.
Miscellaneous correspondence, papers and photographs of the Preston family while in Rocheport, Fayette, and Walker, MO.
Prewitt Family Papers, 1836-1907 (C2919)
0.2 cubic feet
Business and personal papers of Moss Prewitt, Robert T. Prewitt, and Sallie Rubey Prewitt. Contains business records, correspondence, receipts, and miscellaneous material.
Reuben C. Prewitt World War II Notes, 1945 (C3326)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notes on Air Force experiences. Cross-country trip to Seattle and description of voyage from Seattle to Iwo Jima and situation at Iwo Jima.
R.B. Price Jr. Collection, 1849, no date (P0348)
1 folder
Portraits of R.B. Price, Sr. and drawings of Bennett House at Christian College.
Robert L. Price Photograph Collection, 1919-1920 (P0060)
25 photographs
Photographs of the Farmer's Fair and a barn warming at the University of Missouri, ca. 1920.
Prisoner Advocacy and Education Project Records, 1980-1985 (C3111)
0.8 cubic feet
The papers of a Columbia, Missouri, organization which advocated prison reform and prisoner rights and sought to educate the public on prison conditions. Includes correspondence of the project and from inmates in Missouri prisons and subject files on prisons, prisoners, and the criminal justice system. See also collection 2636.