Anna Bell Tuck Papers, no date (C3321)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Genealogy of the Colonel Joseph Crockett family beginning in France in the 1600s when the family name was DeCrocketagni, and continuing into post-Revolutionary War period in America. Several sketches of individual family members.
Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1939-2024 (CA6694)
0.6 cubic feet, 7 oversize volumes
Addition of organizational records and scrapbooks. The organizational records include meeting minutes, certificates, proclamations, photographs, yearbooks, and a photo album. The scrapbooks include articles; programs; certificates; newspaper articles concerning speakers and programs at club meetings; and articles dealing with projects sponsored by the club.
Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1921-1977 (C2162)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of The Tuesday Club of Columbia, Missouri, contain newspaper articles, minute books, reports and scrapbooks of a women's social club founded in 1899. The records detail the history of the club, including meetings, activities, membership, finances, and projects sponsored.
Frank Tull Collection, 1901-1960 (C3212)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Miscellaneous bills, receipts, articles, and genealogical notes regarding the Tull and Neidermeyer families of Boone County, MO.
Turley Family Historical Research Association Records, 1740-2005 (R1068)
6 cubic feet (182 folders, 66 photographs)
The Turley Family Historical Research Association Records contain historical and genealogical materials related to the Turley family collected by the Turley Family Historical Research Association. The records include copies of family papers, genealogical research, photographs, correspondence, and financial records of the Association.
Turner Family Scrapbook, 1921-1928 (C4697)
0.15 cubic foot (2 folders)
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, greeting cards, grade cards, and miscellaneous ephemera. Material pertains to the Turner, Crane, Proctor, and related families of central Missouri.
U.S. Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey of Missouri, 1935-1942 (C3551)
302 cubic feet (24,282 folders); also available on 817 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, records, and working files. Originally designed to survey and inventory all county government records, the survey finally included inventories of church records, manuscript collections, vital statistics, American imprints, and federal archives. Incorporates records of the Federal Writers Project for Missouri.
Union Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1887-1984 (C4322)
1.25 cubic feet (35 folders)
Newsletters, books, and record minute books of the Union Primitive Baptist Church Records.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, John S. Marmaduke Chapter Scrapbook, 1935-1936 (C1431)
0.63 cubic feet (1 volume)
Newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous articles depicting Missouri history, Civil War, Robert E. Lee, Confederate veterans, history of Columbia, University of Missouri, Stephens and Christian Colleges, and other miscellaneous topics collected by Mrs. G.F. Troxell, historian of the chapter.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, John S. Marmaduke Chapter Scrapbooks, 1927-1929 (C2996)
2 volumes
The collection contains newspaper articles regarding events of the Civil War and members and activities of the chapter.
United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1915-1999 (C4327)
3.0 cubic feet (73 folders)
The records of the United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church contain minutes, reports, budgets, correspondence, record books, yearbooks, programs, activities, and photographs.
United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1998-2022 (CA6718)
2.7 cubic feet, 1 oversize item
Addition of material from the defunct New Horizons unit of the United Methodist Women, 1998-2022. Items include meeting minutes, financial records, publications, certification documents, correspondence, and miscellaneous material.
University Club Inc. (Columbia, Mo.) Architectural Drawings, 1965 (C4694)
4 oversize items
Two sets of floor plans for a proposed clubhouse for University of Missouri-Columbia faculty.
University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1975-2024 (CA6677)
1.2 cubic foot
The records include information on the Gourmet Study Group’s meetings, including member lists, agendas, correspondence, photographs of events, recipes, membership dues, dinner costs, and miscellaneous material from the organization. Also includes organizational agendas, budgets, membership records, minutes, newsletters, and an article written on the history of the Fortnightly Club. Also includes two photo albums, Fortnightly Celebrations, 2022-2023, and Year of Smiles, 2023-2024.
University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1894-2022 (C3670)
4.4 cubic feet (77 folders), 34 oversize volumes, 2 card files, 1 video cassette, 3 audio cassettes
The records of the Fortnightly Club, a women’s organization for wives of University of Missouri faculty and female faculty members, which consist of materials surrounding membership and recruitment, finances, board meetings, committees and interest groups, and events and trips. Also included are bulletins and newsletters published by the group.
University of Missouri Francis Quadrangle Panoramic Photograph, 1915 (P0339)
1 photograph
Panoramic view of the University of Missouri quadrangle, ca. 1915.
University of Missouri Horticultural Department Photographs, 1908 (P0504)
11 photographs
Copy photos of Columbia area schools, ca. 1908.
University of Missouri School of Journalism Scrapbook, circa 1909-1913 (P0162)
725 photographs
The Journalism school scrapbooks (circa 1909-1913) contain images believed to have been taken by one of the student photographers for the University yearbook, the Savitar. In addition to showing everyday academic and student life, photos depict a tour of the state prison in Jefferson City, athletic events, fraternity hazing, the Farmers' Fair, St. Patrick's Day events and homecoming parades. Other areas covered include Christian College and Stephens College, including images of students at Lake Okoboji, Iowa.
University of Missouri, Admission of Women Centennial Records, 1963-1970 (C2603)
2.3 cubic feet (82 folders)
Correspondence and lists used in preparations for commemorative activities on the centennial of the admission of women to the University. Program bulletins, posters, press releases, copies of speeches delivered, photographs, and biographical materials on distinguished alumnae.
University of Missouri, Black Theatre Workshop Records, 1982-1993 (C4710)
0.2 cubic foot (17 folders), 2 oversize items
Programs, posters, photographs, correspondence, production reviews, and other materials relating to workshop performances.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Photographs, 1912 (C0766)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Photographs of College of Agriculture faculty members and a very brief history of Sanborn Field.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Photographs, 1909-1921 (P0154)
0.25 linear feet
Various views of agriculture, buildings, students, and other related images taken from an early filmstrip developed by the college.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Resident Wives Club Records, 1941-1997 (C4436)
1.0 cubic feet (22 folders), 4 oversize volumes, 2 audio cassettes
The records of the Resident Wives Club (1941-1996) of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture include financial documents, event planning materials, membership lists, meeting minutes and reports, and photographs.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Chemistry Records, 1909-1934 (C4679)
4 cubic feet (89 folders, 42 oversize items)
The records of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, including correspondence, photographs, research records, and building blueprints.
University of Missouri, School of Journalism 50th Anniversary Papers, 1958-1959 (C0768)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Executive committee progress report and enclosures outlining events scheduled to celebrate the school's golden anniversary.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Friends of the University of Missouri Library Papers, 1976-1985 (C4320)
0.2 cubic feet (8 folders)
The papers consist of correspondence, minutes, memoranda, financial reports, notes, and clippings of the Friends of the University of Missouri Library.
UPSTREAM Records, 1983 (C4514)
0.4 cubic feet (9 folders)
The records of the University of Missouri-Columbia organization UPSTREAM-- University People Striving to Recover Excellence and Mirth--including materials surrounding governance, membership, and events.
Van Horn Tavern Collection, 1829-2013 (C4634)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders, 1 CD)
The collection contains clippings, photographs, correspondence, an appraisal, and miscellaneous material concerning the Van Horn Tavern in Boone County, Missouri, compiled by Patrick Dougherty. Includes an audio interview with Fergene Goddin Sims, whose family lived in the tavern in the early 1900s.
Fred Wappel Papers, 1938-1992 (C4674)
2.0 cubic feet (68 folders)
The papers of Fred Wappel, a former head athletic trainer at the University of Missouri, include material relating to the university’s athletic department, general correspondence, papers from the National Athletic Trainers Association, and reference materials on athletic training and rehabilitation.
John Warnock Papers, 1846-1850 (C0420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Letter to John Warnock, Columbia, MO, from his brother, describing New York City. Two letters from Warnock to his wife in Columbia while en route to California in 1850 describing conditions of road, water, grain, number of miles traveled, and Indians.
Waters Family Papers, 1860s-2021 (CA6619)
0.1 cubic feet
Photographs, correspondence, and genealogical material concerning the Joseph C. Waters family of Boone County, Missouri.
Waters Family Photograph Collection, 1900-1919 (P0164)
0.42 linear feet
Original photographs of musician John William "Blind" Boone; approx. 121 reproductions of photos of prominent citizens from Columbia and Boone County; reproductions of Waters family photos.
Ralph K. Watkins Papers, 1866-1970 (C4551)
1.4 cubic feet (31 folders)
Papers of a University of Missouri education professor including teaching resources, educational publications, information on professional activities and presentations, and family genealogy research material.
Watson-Westlake Family Papers, 1813-1949 (C0186)
0.7 cubic feet
Correspondence, receipts, legal documents, and miscellaneous items of the Watson family of Boone County. Memoir by Thomas W. Westlake of his Civil War and post-Civil War experiences.
Wednesday Study Club (Columbia, Mo.) Minutes, 1908-1935 (C0992)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Minutes of a women's organization.
Raymond Weeks Photograph Collection, 1896-1901 (P0233)
0.16 linear feet
Photos of Columbia homes in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Carla Weitzel Papers, 1970-1999 (C2154)
1.8 cubic feet (131 folders), 6 audio cassettes
The papers of Carla Weitzel, a sociology graduate student at the University of Missouri-Columbia, consist of newspaper clippings, magazine articles, correspondence, posters, pamphlets, photographs, and miscellaneous materials. The materials document civil rights issues, particularly the anti-apartheid and divestment movement that occurred on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus during the mid-1980s.
Frankie Welch Report Card, 1866 (C1888)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report card from Baptist Female College for the month ending 19 October 1866.
Mel and Barbara West Papers, 1987-2023 (CA6688)
0.2 cubic feet
Memoirs of Melvin E. and Barbara A. West. The topics include their childhood, family, missionary work, and the service programs and organizations they founded. Also included are published material from these service programs, poems written by Melvin, and biographical information on both Melvin and Barbara.
Ruth Rollins Westfall Photograph Collection, 1838-1937 (P0020)
0.5 cubic feet
Exhaustive photographic genealogy of the Rollins Family dating back to the 1860s; most photographs with accompanying names and dates.
Westmount Civic Improvement Association (Columbia, Mo.) Record Book, 1905-1945 (C1289)
0.11 cubic feet (1 volume)
Constitution, minutes, committee reports and financial records of a group organized to buy lots and make and maintain improvements in the Westmount Addition of Columbia.
Mahlon N. White Photographs, 1958 (P0051)
5 photographs
Photographs of bridges near Warsaw, Missouri.
Jerome Whitfield Papers, 1970s-1980s (C4598)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)
Ephemeral items of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, photographs, student guides, and an autobiography, collected by a University of Missouri student, c. 1970s-1980s.
Margaret Boggs Wight Collection, 1908-1918 (P0521)
5 photographs
Copy images of Boone Co Circuit Clerk's Office, Armistice day broadside, and invitation to a hanging.
Reginald P. Wilkins Photograph Albums, 1943-1944 (C4599)
0.35 cubic feet (11folders)
Photographs taken and collected by Wilkins during 1943 and 1944 while a Civil Air Patrol instructor. Includes photographs of students, aircraft, air fields, friends, and numerous communities: including Columbia, Missouri, and Pittsburg, Kansas.
Willett Family Papers, 1883-1982 (C4233)
1.5 cubic feet (34 folders), 10 volumes
The papers of the Willett Family document the professional and civic activities of Rollin and Seena Willett family of Columbia, Missouri, including their involvement with the White Shrine of Jerusalem and the Athens Rebekah Lodge.
Tim Williams Photograph Collection, no date (P0863)
0.4 linear feet
Family photos, including glass plate negatives of Columns at University of Missouri.
H. Clyde Wilson Papers, 1962-1984 (C0390)
5.6 cubic feet (321 folders)
The papers contain campaign materials from Wilson’s 1970 challenge to the 8th district’s incumbent U.S. congressman Richard H. Ichord, arranged as county files or research and reference files; Columbia City Council files arranged alphabetically by topic; and material regarding cable television coming to Columbia.
Donald A. Wise Photograph Collection, 1910, 1990 (P0569)
2 photographs
Two photographs of W.H. Crosswhite Store, Columbia, MO. 1910 and 1990.
Arthur Witt Jr. Papers, 1913-1995 (C4632)
2.6 cubic feet (73 folders, 32 oversize items)
The Arthur Witt Jr. papers document the life of a WWII pilot who served from 1942-1947. After the war, Witt became a zoology professor at the University of Missouri and ended his career as a professor of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife, retiring in 1983. The papers include military papers and ephemera, aeronautical maps of Asia and the United States, forestry projects, military training manuals, and some correspondence.