

Salute to Veterans Air Show Records, 1990-2019 (C4720)
3.2 cubic feet (111 folders), 1 CD, 6 DVDs, 2.3 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization contain photographs, publications, correspondence, planning materials, and audiovisual material. The Salute to Veterans Air Show held an annual Memorial Day celebration to honor military veterans in Columbia, Missouri, until 2019.


Frances Asbury Sampson Collection, 1796-1958 (C3813)
12.9 cubic feet (455 folders)

 Finding Aid

Collection compiled by Francis Asbury Sampson. Includes Democratic and Republican party campaign literature for national and Missouri elections, 1838-1958; speeches and pamphlets concerning national and state political issues; materials concerning the history of Boone, Schuyler, Pettis and Ste. Genevieve counties and Sedalia; papers of Garland C. Broadhead and William Switzler; and speeches, notes, bibliographies and personal papers of F.A. Sampson.


Sanford F. Conley Home Photograph, 1886-1890 (P0351)
1 photograph

Photo of Sanford F. Conley Home, ca. 1886-1890, family sitting on porches.



Sapp Family Papers, (CA6707)
0.05 cubic feet (1 folder)

The papers of a Boone County, Missouri, family include a birth registration, marriage certificate, court documents, death certificates, wills, and stock records.


Maribeth Sapp Papers, 1931 (CA6466)
0.2 cubic feet

Scrapbooks and diploma of a student who graduated from Ashland High School in Boone County, Missouri, in 1931. Scrapbooks include photographs, report cards, commencement programs, and other material concerning Sapp's senior year.


David Blake Sasse Photographs, 1988-1991 (P0449)
1 folder

Photos of Chariton County and Boone County (Katy Trail Fun Festival), ca. 1988-1991


Kim Schafermeyer Photograph, 1989 (P0046)
1 photograph

Platinum print by Schafermeyer of University of Missouri Sesquicentennial.


Liz Schmidt Collection, 1953-1984 (CA4702)
21 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Clippings and printed material pertaining to elections, schools, fair housing, home rule, and Columbia and Boone County issues gathered by Schmidt in the course of her work with the League of Women Voters and other groups.


Liz Schmidt Interview, 2010 (CA6352)
4 CDs

Oral history interview conducted with Liz Schmidt by Doug Hunt concerning her activism in Columbia, Missouri, during the 1960s. Collection contains audio only.


Shirley Putnam Schneerer Scrapbook, 1905-1909 (CA6063)
1 volume

While living in Columbia during 1905-1909, Shirley Putnam Schneerer compiled a scrapbook of pictures and post cards of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Her father, Dr. James W. Putnam, taught in the School of Business Administration at UMC from 1906 to 1909. Also includes images of the St. Patrick Day celebrations by the School of Engineering; Columbia and the surrounding central Missouri area; and Stephens College. There are limited images of the Putnam family and family home.


John C. Schuder Papers, 1964-1975 (C3915)
0.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of John C. Schuder, an officer of the Columbia, MO, Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and member of the Anti-War Moratorium Committee. The Schuder Papers consist of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous material.


John C. Schuder Papers, 1969-2002 (CA6342)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Addition of papers of an officer of the Columbia, Missouri, Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and member of the Anti-War Moratorium Committee. The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.


Paul Schweitzer United States Citizenship Certificate, 1872 (C4298)
1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Certificate of United States citizenship for a University of Missouri chemistry professor.


Scott and Kennan, Columbia, Missouri, Ledger, 1882 (C1246)
0.16 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a record book of a grocery company.


Scott Family Papers, 1841-1936 (C3033)
0.3 cubic feet (13 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Scott Family papers consist of correspondence and miscellaneous documents relating to the Lindsey-Kemp-Reeder family of Ohio and the Scott family of Columbia, Missouri, including the Civil War correspondence of William L. Kemp and the World War I correspondence of future University of Missouri professor D.R. Scott.


Ruth Jones Scurlock Scrapbooks, 1920s-1960s (CA6415)
2 volumes

Scrapbooks of Ruth Jones Scurlock who attended Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and later lived in Columbia, Missouri.


Severance Book Review Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1931-2000 (C4364)
0.4 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of a literary club contain constitutions, minutes, and membership lists of the club.


Shannon Family Papers, 1845-1960 (C0933)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Contains baccalaureate and other addresses by President James Shannon of the University of Missouri, some correspondence on religious matters, and family history and genealogy.


Sharp End Heritage Working Group/Committee Records, 2014-2016 (CA6580)
0.1 cubic feet, 2 oversize items

Correspondence, agendas, meeting notes, proclamations, and miscellaneous material of a committee supported by the City of Columbia to mark important sites along Columbia's African American Heritage Trail.


Harlan Loy Shrader Papers, 1889-1970 (C4350)
0.4 cubic feet (10 folders), 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

The records contain papers, volumes, and photographs from the life of Harlan Loy Shrader, including his time as a student at the University of Missouri, his military service during World War I, and his career in poultry science.


SHSMO Glass Negative Collection, 1880-1930 (P0024)
363 glass plate negatives, 3 folders

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The SHSMO Glass Negative Collection is comprised of 363 4x5 glass plate negatives and a selection of corresponding prints. Images depict Missouri in the early 20th century, primarily in Columbia and St. Louis, including the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis parks and city scenes, and the University of Missouri.

Mayer, Siegel, Photographs, 1909-1911 (P0513)
20 photographs

Photos of the University of Missouri taken by Siegel Mayer, a student photographer, ca. 1909-1913


Sigma Delta Epsilon, Delta Chapter Records, 1924-1970 (C4658)
0.4 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of the University of Missouri chapter of a graduate women's scientific fraternity. Includes minutes, organizational histories, membership records, convention proceedings, newsletters, by-laws, and charter, initiation proceedings, and miscellany.


Robert H. Simpson Papers, 1916-1921 (C3824)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Diplomas of Robert H. Simpson from the public schools and University High School, Columbia, MO; photograph of Boone County Hospital where Simpson was a staff doctor; and newspaper clippings about doctors who trained at the University of Missouri.


Mrs. Lewis Sims Photograph Collection, no date (P0324)
6 photographs

b/w photographs of Van Horn Tavern in rural Boone County



Skyway Airlines Collection, 1977 (R1219)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a schedule effective April 24, 1977 for Skyway Airlines, a commuter carrier that served Columbia, Fort Leonard Wood, Lake of the Ozarks, and Rolla in Missouri, with gateway connections at St. Louis and Kansas City.

Robert C. Smith Papers, 1967-2002 (C4178)
1.6 cubic feet (55 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Columbia, Missouri lawyer involved in many civic activities. The papers include speeches from dedication ceremonies, planning documents for the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, and records of the Hinkson Investment Club.


Robert C. Smith Papers, 1950-2002 (C4179)
2.3 cubic feet (106 folders), 11 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Columbia, Missouri, lawyer involved in politics and many civic activities. The papers include campaign material from Smith's 1958 race for Congress, subject files from his time in the Missouri House, and subject files from his time as Mayor of Columbia. The papers also document issues and bills Smith worked on while in public office.


Robert C. Smith Photograph Collection, 1925, no date (P0888)
1 folder

Views of downtown Columbia, Jesse Wrench, and Robert Lee Smith Farm.



Russell E. Smith Photographs, 1957 (P0465)
39 photographs

Photos of Missouri scenes, primarily small Missouri river towns and rural scenery, ca. 1957


William H. Smith Papers, 1862-1866 (C4344)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Civil War letters from family, friends, and commanders to William H. Smith while serving in Mississippi and Virginia in General Francis M. Cockrell's 2nd Missouri Infantry, 1st Missouri Brigade.


Helen F. Smither Collection, 1888-1917 (P0466)
0.125 linear feet

Postcards, mainly of Kansas City area, and photos of the University of Missouri ca. 1890. Cabinet cards; portraits of University of Missouri students.


Smithon, Missouri, Papers, 1818 (C1654)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Smithton, Missouri, contain a contract to purchase land for the town site of Smithton and directions for laying off the town, signed by the trustees, Gerard Robinson, Thos. Duley, and R. Gentry. Smithton is now called Columbia, MO.


Solid Waste Task Force (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1990-1993 (C4207)
0.5 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records contained in the Solid Waste Task Force collection consist of pamphlets, brochures, letters, notes, newspaper clippings, and legal documents. The records display a clear path from citizen activism to the implementation of laws intended to address citizen concerns.


Sons of the American Revolution, M. Graham Clark Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1981-2008 (CA6229)
2 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

The records of the M. Graham Clark Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution contain meeting notices, newsletters, chapter yearbooks, and a scrapbook.


Noelle Soren Photographs, 1974-1975 (P0424)
18 photographs

Photos of the Missouri Theatre and Ninth Street in Columbia, MO, ca. 1975.


Isabelle Sorrels Collection, 1920-1921; 1947-1989 (C4568)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders, 1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Columbia (Mo.) woman that outlines her participation in various community activities and women’s organizations, including the Banks Mothers Club.


Special Libraries Association, Mid-Missouri Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1985-1999 (CA5957)
1.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Meeting minutes, financial records, newsletters, correspondence, and miscellaneous material of the organization.


George A. Spencer Papers, 1931-1963 (C2466)
4.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, publicity, and legislative papers of a Boone County, MO, Democrat. Spencer's election campaigns and positions as city attorney, prosecuting attorney, and state representative and senator, and candidacy for Democratic nomination for attorney general. Activities of the Columbia, MO, Chamber of Commerce.


George A. Spencer Papers, 1948-1960 (C0969)
9.0 cubic feet (954 folders), 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

Letters, reports, and legislative papers of a Democratic state representative from Boone County, 1949-1952, and state senator, 19th district, 1953-1960. In the 1960 Democratic primaries Spencer was an unsuccessful candidate for the attorney general nomination.


George A. Spencer Papers, 1970-1971 (C3309)
0.3 cubic feet (16 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, reports and pamphlets relevant to Governor's Task Force on Role of Private Higher Education in Missouri. Spencer was appointed to the Task Force by Governor Warren E. Hearnes in 1970.


St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1957-2024 (CA6262)
9.4 cubic feet, 26 oversize items, 64 computer discs, 9 video cassettes, 185 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The records of a church established in 1957 include newsletters, annual reports, directories, photographs, slides, building records, membership records, church bulletins, and a parish register.


Frank St. Clair Photograph Collection, 1900-1915 (P0438)
20 photographs

Copies of photos of Columbia (Boone County) houses, ca. 1910.



Standard Extra (Columbia, Mo.), 1861 (C4224)
1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Request for 50,000 volunteers from Civil War General Sterling Price from the Standard Extra, Columbia, Missouri, newspaper, 1861.


Scott Standifer Papers, 1990-1991 (C4681)
0.4 cubic feet (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

Research files compiled by a student reporter at KBIA Radio in Columbia, Missouri, in the early 1990s.


Anton J. Stankowski Papers, 1890-1977 (C4552)
0.4 cubic feet (14 folders, 1 oversize item)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain notes and clippings kept by Stankowski regarding University of Missouri football and intramural sports, as well as correspondence and other materials concerning the 1966 reunion of the 1916 University of Missouri football team.


STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, USS Discovery Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri, Records, 1985-2017 (S0310)
3.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, and starship schematics documenting the USS Discovery's activities as a chapter of Starfleet: the International Star Trek Fan Association, devoted to the Star Trek Franchise and making creator Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future a reality.

STARFLEET, the International Star Trek Fan Association, USS Horizon Chapter (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1986-1991 (C3064)
5 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The records of the Columbia, Missouri, chapter of an organization of enthusiasts of the Star Trek television shows and films, include chapter correspondence and memoranda, handbooks, and newsletters; newsletters of the national organization and other chapters; and miscellaneous fan magazines.
