

Harry Gunnison Brown Papers, 1921-1986 (C3109)
1.0 cubic feet (27 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence of economist and professor of economics at the University of Missouri in Columbia who supported the theories of Henry George and was an advocate of land value taxation. Also included are some of Brown’s papers from his time as chairman of the Department of Economics in the 1930s.


Shirley B. Brown Papers, 1964 (C4456)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

A scrapbook and memorabilia of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and childhood and family photographs.


Jacob Bruner Bond, 1834 (C1477)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

$1200 bond of Jacob Bruner as coroner of Boone County, MO, September 9, 1834, with Adam C. Reyburne and Edward Champlin as securities. Bond acknowledged September 9, 1834, before Roger N[orth] Todd, clerk, and recorded December 20, 1834.


Bruner-Dixon Family Papers, c. 1900s-1920s (CA6532)
0.2 cubic feet

Addition of Bruner-Dixon family photographs. Primarily pertains to Columbia, Missouri. See also C4137.


Buescher Family Papers, no date (CA6231)
0.8 cubic feet

Papers of the Buescher family of Hartsburg, Missouri. Includes news clippings, sheet music from the 1910s, an auto repair shop account book from the 1930s and 1940s, and minutes of the Little Bonne Femme Baptist Association meetings from the 1930s and 1940s.


George H. Burckhartt Letter, 1886 (C1516)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a letter enclosing a petition to Governor Marmaduke from citizens of Columbia recommending the pardon of George Davis, an African American, who was convicted of grand larceny and imprisoned in 1885. Davis' character "as good as the average colored man in this state."


Sue Burgdorf Photograph Collection, 1919-1920 (P0221)
106 photographs

11 photographs of St. Patrick's Day celebrations at the University of Missouri (1920-21).


Curtis Frank Burnam Letter, 1908 (C2141)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

To George M. Rollins, Columbia, MO, from Richmond, KY, Oct. 8, 1908. Burnam wrote his nephew that he had shipped "the portraits of Mr. Bingham," express charges paid. He called Bingham "Missouri's distinguished Artist and Statesman."



Business and Professional Women's Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1941-1966 (C2538)
5.73 cubic feet (209 folders, 5 volumes, 1 oversize item, 2 audio cassettes, 1 DVD, 1 video cassette)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Columbia Business and Professional Women's Club contain presidents' and secretaries' files, minutes, histories, yearbooks, committee records, photographs, memorabilia, and scrapbooks of the Columbia Business and Professional Women's Club; as well as some scattered materials from regional, state, and national instances of the Business and Professional Women's Club.



Dorothy J. Caldwell Photograph Collection, 1830-1970 (P0151)
0.33 linear feet

Photographs, primarily of Rocheport, its buildings and residents. 35mm slides of historic sites across Missouri.



J.C. Caldwell Photographs, 1959-1970 (P0426)
0.21 linear feet

Photos of Boone County: Gordon Manor, Maplewood, M.K.T. Railroad Tunnel, Schaefer's Shoes, St. George's Church. Also, photos of Chariton County historic buildings.


Calvary Episcopal Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1938-1959 (C2982)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The records of the Calvary Episcopal Church contain parish registers containing records of communicants, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials. Also included are church services books containing the date, place, and nature of services; attendance statistics; name of officiating clergy; and notes.



Calvary Lutheran Church of Columbia (Mo.) Records, 1977-1988 (CA6305)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of Calvary Lutheran Church of Columbia, Missouri, include meeting minutes, legal papers, newsletters, church bulletins, a parish register, and other miscellaneous material.


Camp Fire Girls, Shuta Group (Columbia, Mo.) Scrapbooks, 1940-1946 (C4223)
0.25 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Two scrapbooks containing roll call lists, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, letters, and photographs of the Camp Fire Girls, Shuta Group, Columbia, Missouri. The material covers various events and activities of the group from 1940-1946.


Camp Kimtu, Camp Fire Girls of America Papers, 1932-1939 (C4237)
0.2 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Camp Kimtu contain camp logs for the years of 1932, 1934, 1935, 1937, and 1939. The camp logs contain photographs, stories about the camping trip, and names of all of the camp counselors and girls who attended each summer.


Lucy Capen Postcard Collection, 1906-1932 (P0508)
19 postcards

Postcards of Missouri scenes: Lake of the Ozarks, Boone County, Kansas City, Hardin College, and Lebanon, MO.


Carpenter Family Papers, 1830-1962 (C3489)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain notes, correspondence and genealogical records compiled by Lucy Grant Carpenter Bly while tracing all branches of her family. Most of the early letters are to the Carpenter family of Boone County from relatives in Virginia.



Lenore Bea French Carroll Papers, 1975-2005 (K0446)
21 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Drafts and completed manuscripts of published and unpublished articles and books written by Carroll, and correspondence, notes and extensive research related to the 19th century American Midwest and West.


Don C. Carter Papers, 1862-1902 (C3284)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Don C. Carter contain a summary of the Sturgeon, Missouri, court of common pleas; a docket, Boone County circuit court, February term, 1893; an engineer’s story of the Civil War; and a newspaper clipping concerning the Centralia Massacre.


Carter-Hickman Family Papers, no date (CA6347)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Carter-Hickman Family Papers document the lives of William Ray Carter, associate professor at the University of Missouri, and his wife Helen Hickman. Together they had three children, Robin, William, and Lyda, and lived in Columbia, Missouri.


J. Don Cassidy Drawing, 1914 (P0376)
1 drawing

Architect's rendering of Ellis Library exterior, 1914.


Paul G. Cavicchia Collection, 1908-1910 (P0726)
8 photographs

Several early 20th century postcards of the University of Missouri and a photo of the Young Faculty Boarding Club, 1910.


"The Cecile Taylor Circle of King's Daughters, 1948-1969", 1969 (C3327)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Brief history of how the group was formed, its members, officers and projects, and the creation of an offspring chapter.


Centralia Historical Society Photographs, 1915 (P0344)
1 folder

Drawing and photographs of the Centralia Historical Museum building, as well as sites in the Centralia area.



Centralia, Missouri, Centennial Celebration Papers, 1957 (C3162)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Research notes and typed drafts of histories of many of Centralia's clubs, businesses, institutions, and prominent citizens, compiled for the city's centennial celebration in 1957.


Centralia, Missouri School District R-VI, Superintendent's Reports, 1970-1973 (C4525)
0.2 cubic feet (24 folders)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of school board meetings and related materials.



Mrs. Henry Certain Collection, 1915-1953 (P0526)
1 folder

Postcards of Cooper County schools, including Kemper Military School, and Kansas City. Photographic postcard of Conley & Myers Bank, Columbia. Photo of the Parade of Masons in Carthage.


Challis-Dysart Family Papers, 1853, 1891-1956 (C4293)
0.2 cubic feet (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain letters, expense entries, photographs, receipts, licenses, and genealogical material related to the Challis, Dysart, Wilcox, and Forbis families of Boone, Cole, and Pettis Counties.

Henry Martyn Cheavens Papers, 1846-1848 (S0690)
0.5 cubic feet

The Henry Martyn Cheavens Papers contain three diaries written by Cheavens while he lived in St. Louis and Boone County, Missouri, in the 1840s. 

Chez Coffeehouse (Columbia, Mo.) Collection, 1969-2006 (CA6306)
0.3 cubic feet, 7 computer discs, 2 audio discs, 3 oversize items

Materials collected by Lyn Wolz surrounding the Chez Coffeehouse reunion in 2006 include a binder with publications, articles about the coffeehouse, photographs, and reminiscences. Also included are computer discs with photographs, audio remembrances, and audio from the 2006 concert, as well as two copies of "Joint Effort," an album created by patrons of the Chez in 1969.


Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company Promotional Booklet Collection, 1916 (R0815)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is "A Good Dairy Country: Central Missouri, Along Rock Island Lines, a booklet published by the "Rock Island" railroad to promote dairy farming and other agricultural pursuits along its route between Kansas City and St. Louis in Missouri.

Christian College (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1836-1986 (C0038)
30 cubic feet (1,392 folders), 5 rolls of microfilm, 1 card file, 51 lantern slides, 11 audio cassettes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The records of the first women’s college chartered in Missouri, and one of the first chartered west of the Mississippi River, consists of correspondence, catalogs, yearbooks, photographs, and financial records.


Christian College Photograph, 1921 (P0244)
1 photograph

One large sized photo of Christian College women,



Christian College Photographs, 1898-1951 (P0509)
15 photographs

Photos of Christian College, now Columbia College.



Polly Allen Chung Photograph Collection, 1960s (P0141)
1 folder

Assorted color and b/w prints and negatives related to the Campbell Harrison House during the 1960s when it was connected to the MU Home Economics Department


Church of Christ (Hallsville, Mo.) Records, 1913-1923 (C3838)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of the Church of Christ, Hallsville, Boone County, Missouri. The documents in the collection include information about baptisms, marriages, funerals, expenses, visiting preachers, and dismissals. The records of the Church of Christ pertain to business meetings, church proceedings, and membership lists.



Church of Christ at Friendship (Boone County, Mo.) Record Book, 1837-1855 (C2372)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Record of membership of church located northwest of Brown's Station in Boone County, MO.



Church Women United in Missouri, Columbia Unit Records, 1945-2009 (C4183)
4 cubic feet (132 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of a Columbia, Missouri, women's church organization, which contains newsletters, reports, directories, membership materials, meeting minutes, notes, financial records, history, scrapbooks, photographs, and miscellaneous material.


City Channel (Columbia, Mo.) Videos, 1954, 1993-2011 (C4408)
28 video cassettes, 475 GB of digital files, 1 hard drive

 Finding Aid

The collection contains videos created for the City of Columbia’s government access channel.


City of Ashland, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1900-1923 (P0429)
11 photographs

Photographs of Ashland, MO ca. 1900-1920s



City of Rocheport (Mo.) Records, 1887-2017 (CA6025)
42.2 cubic feet, 83 audio cassettes, 1 computer disc

 Finding Aid

Records of the city of Rocheport, Missouri, include meeting minutes; financial records; files on sewer, street, and waste water improvements; audio cassettes of council meetings; correspondence; materials pertaining to the 1993 Mississippi/Missouri Rivers flood; and files on city hall renovation, planning and zoning, and recreational trails program.


Dave P. Clark Architectural Records, 1927-1986 (C4461)
3.0 cubic feet (161 folders, 18 oversize folders)

 Finding Aid

Sketches, blueprints, project files, and office papers of architect Dave P. Clark, including materials from the firms of Berry McAlester, Harry Satterlee Bill, and Deering and Clark.


Verna Lee Clark Collection, 1904-1909 (P0373)
1 folder

Group portrait of Centralia High School students, ca. 1910. Postcards of Centralia, Columbia, and St. Charles.


Cleveland-Gillaspy Papers, 1849-1939 (C0105)
0.4 cubic feet (22 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, legal papers, tax receipts, photographs, and miscellany of James C. Gillaspy and James Longstreet Cleveland of Boone County, MO. Includes minute book and constitution of Providence Speas (Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Social) Club, Providence, MO, an organization active during the 1930s.


Jessie Alice Cline Papers, 1920-1991 (C4459)
8.0 cubic feet (156 folders), 7 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The papers of a restaurant owner and operator and Professor of Home Economics at the University of Missouri, include correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbook material, and research materials concerning the restaurant industry and food preparation.


Edward H. Coe, Jr. Papers, 1950-1973 (C4472)
0.8 cubic feet (16 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers of a corn geneticist, including seminar information, peer reviews, correspondence, and information from the Genetics Department of the University of Missouri-Columbia.



John W. Coffman Collection of University of Missouri Postcards, 1892-1913 (P0305)
1 folder

Postcards of the University of Missouri, ca. 1910.


James M. Colby Photographic Postcards, c. 1910 (P0437)
116 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Photographic postcards, ca. 1910, of houses, schools, and churches in Queen City, Green Ridge, Higbee, Centralia, Calhoun, Windsor, Clarence, Cairo, and Kirksville. Photographs by James Colby of Wausau, WI and his Northern Photo Company.



Roger Coleman Papers, 1970-1975 (CA6724)
0.05 cubic feet

The papers of Roger Coleman include correspondence, poems, miscellaneous notes, and newspaper clippings on social issues, 1970-1975.


Elmon Laurence Collette Scrapbook, 1905-1908 (P0269)
101 photographs

Scrapbook and photographs of the University of Missouri taken by Elmon Laurence Collette while he attended the university as an engineering student, 1903-1908.
