

Lewis Collins Claim, 1821 (C2078)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a statement of amount due Collins for hauling water from Columbia to Smithton for the Boone County Court.


Columbia (Mo.) Concerts and Events Collection, 1970s-2010s (C4728)
8.0 cubic feet (146 folders), 3 oversize items, 160 MB of digital files

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Posters, advertisements, and ephemera pertaining to musical and social groups and events at venues located in Columbia, Missouri, and surrounding areas. Additional materials pertaining to events in St. Louis, Kansas City, and Lawrence, Kansas. Part of the CoMo Music Project.


Columbia (Mo.) Cultural Arts Center Planning Committee Records, 1993-1998 (C4664)
0.1 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Planning documents of the organization working to create a cultural arts center in Columbia, Missouri.



Columbia (Mo.) Kiwanis Club Records, 1940-2010 (CA6035)
16.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of a Columbia, Missouri, service organization include annual reports, minutes, correspondence, and financial records.


Columbia (Mo.) Safety Council Records, 1977-1983 (C4471)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Newsletters, minutes, programs, and correspondence of a local affiliate of the National Safety Council.


Columbia (Mo.) Track Club Records, 1968-2013 (CA6209)
3.4 cubic feet, 8 computer discs

 Finding Aid

Records of a not-for-profit organization founded in 1968 in Columbia, Missouri, to promote a year-round program of race-walking and distance running for everyone. Includes clippings, correspondence, newsletters, photographs and slides, publicity materials, race results, and miscellaneous records.


Columbia Art League (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1959-2008 (CA6259)
12.8 cubic feet, 5 computer discs, 25 oversize sheets

 Finding Aid

Official records and other materials of a nonprofit organization founded in Columbia, Missouri in 1959 and dedicated to the encouragement and support of active community participation in the creation and appreciation of the visual arts.


Columbia Audubon Society Records, 1957-2019 (CA6550)
4.6 cubic feet, 1 oversize item, 1 card file

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include minutes, financial records, scrapbooks, membership lists, correspondence, newsletters, and miscellaneous material.


Columbia Brick and Tile Company (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1907-1986 (C3854)
12.8 cubic feet (771 folders, 9 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Business, financial, and manufacturing records of the Edwards Brick and Tile Company (1927-1930), the Edwards-Conley Brick and Tile Company (1930-1946), and the Columbia Brick and Tile Company (1947-1986). The collection covers such subjects as industrial health and safety, natural gas supply regulation, legislation, energy and environmental concerns. Includes advertising literature, blueprints, correspondence, photographs, maps and plats, books, and miscellaneous material.


Columbia Cemetery Association Deed, 1859 (C2620)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Deed of lot number 66 to Ann Gentry.


Columbia Cemetery Association (Columbia, Mo.) Minute Book, 1858-1946 (CA6489)
0.3 cubic feet

Handwritten and typed minutes of the association, as well as lists of lot sales for the Columbia Cemetery.


Columbia Chorale (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1978-2023 (CA6201)
8.8 cubic feet, 54 audio cassettes, 10 audio tapes, 23 CDs, 7 DVDs, 4 computer discs, 20 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of an independent, mixed ensemble dedicated to performing choral music. Founded as the Ad Hoc Singers in June 1978.



Columbia Civic Orchestra (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1995-2015 (CA6284)
1 cubic foot, 3 computer discs, 41 CDs, 2 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of a volunteer group dedicated to presenting and preserving high-quality symphonic music. Includes organizational records, publications, and audio recordings of performances.


Columbia Club Prints, 1907 (P0382)
1 folder

Prints of the interior of Columbia Club Club House, April 1907



Columbia Club (Columbia, Mo.) Account Book, 1910 (C0929)
1 volume

 Finding Aid

Financial records of a town and gown club.


Columbia Club (Columbia, Mo.) Book, 1907 (C0956)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Articles of association, by-laws, house rules, members, officers, and committees of a club to promote social intercourse and intellectual culture.


Columbia Cooperative Shipping Association (Columbia, Mo.) Certificate of Incorporation, 1924 (C3684)
1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Certificate of incorporation granted by the State of Missouri for non-profit cooperative agricultural purposes for fifty years. Signed by Charles U. Becker, Missouri Secretary of State, on April 11, 1924.


Columbia Council on Religion and Race (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1963-1970 (C3841)
0.4 cubic feet (29 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records contain minutes, committee reports, correspondence, clippings, conference materials, and housing surveys. The major emphasis of the records is on racial discrimination in housing in Columbia, but also includes information on the entire state.


Columbia Daily Tribune Photographs, 1940-1952 (P0006)
26 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Twenty-six photographs of Columbia, Missouri in the 1950s.


Columbia Equal Suffrage Association and League of Women Voters Records, 1912-1923 (C2936)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Columbia Equal Suffrage Association and League of Women Voters contain minutes of the Columbia Equal Suffrage Association, 1912-1920, and League of Women Voters, 1920-1923; a newspaper clipping, "Five Columbia Women Honored for Valor in Suffrage Campaign;" and the constitution of the League of Women Voters of Missouri, adopted October 15-17, 1919.


Columbia Female Academy (Columbia, Mo.) Papers, 1841-1853 (C0572)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Includes an address delivered March 28, 1841, by the Rev. J.L. Yantis, at the examination of the pupils of Columbia Female Academy, and an 1853 catalogue.


Columbia Free University (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1971 (CA6411)
1 card file

Records of the school include note cards with student and instructor information, as well as course titles and the students enrolled in the course. Course titles include "Peace Tactics," "Beginning Crochet," "Hitchhiking Discussion," "Mysticism," and "Community Radio," among a variety of other counterculture subjects.



Columbia Garden Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1919-1967 (C3622)
1.25 cubic feet (33 folders, 6 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Minutes, clippings, photographs, yearbooks, and scrapbooks of an organization of women interested in growing flowers and stimulating beautification of their community.


Columbia Gas Company Photograph, no date (P0126)
1 photograph

Photo of the foundations for the Columbia Gas Company building, with group of unidentified people.



Columbia Housing Authority (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1955-2006 (C4700)
17 c.f. (520 folders) 194 audio cassettes, 31 audio tapes, 6 oversize volumes, 8 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include home surveys and photographs of urban renewal areas, disposition of properties, HUD board minutes, hearings, retreats, audio cassettes, newspaper clippings, and correspondence.


Columbia Industrial School (Columbia, Mo.) Minute Book, 1894-1910 (C0601)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of board meetings. Cover formation, operation, and finances of the school. Purpose of the school was to give young girls a means of gaining a livelihood by sewing or other appropriate work. School was organized and operated by church women.


Columbia Kiwanis Club (Columbia, Mo.) Charter, 1922 (C0924)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Charter of a service club.


Columbia Kiwanis Club (Columbia, Mo.) Contest Winners, 1945 (C0608)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Contest for elementary school students sponsored by the War-Time Citizenship Committee of the Kiwanis Club.



Columbia League of Women Voters Records, 1923-1974 (C3450)
2.3 cubic feet (68 folders, 17 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Meeting minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, newspaper clippings, publications, and miscellaneous material of the Columbia, Missouri, League of Women Voters.


Columbia Lyceum Petition, 1847 (C1505)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Petition requesting use of the Boone County Courtroom as a meeting place for the Columbia Lyceum.



Columbia Military Service Center (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1961-2010 (C4687)
0.2 cubic foot (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Assorted records include correspondence, board of director meeting minutes, notes, news clippings, financial statements, and articles of incorporation of a Columbia, Missouri, serviceman’s center.


Columbia Missourian Photographs, 1895, 1920-1986 (P0102)
1.25 linear feet

 Digitized Materials

An extensive collection of photographs taken by the staff of the Columbia Missourian newspaper in the 1970s and 1980s, with a focus on Columbia people, places, and events.


Columbia Mothersingers Records, 1946-2021 (CA6623)
7.74 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes, 1 computer disc, 2 DVDs

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization consist of scrapbooks, photograph albums, meeting minutes, membership lists, president’s notebooks, histories, and miscellaneous material.


Columbia Newcomers & Neighbors Club Records, 2015-2025 (CA6753)
0.1 c.f., 41 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

Meeting minutes and newsletters for a Columbia, Mo. chapter of the Newcomers & Neighbors club.


Columbia People-to-People Sister City Corporation Papers, 1963-1973 (C3652)
0.2 cubic feet (18 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers contain correspondence, minutes, programs, financial records, newspaper clippings, and photographs of Columbia People-to-People Sister City Corporation, Columbia, Missouri, and sister city committee of Armenia, Colombia, South America. Material pertaining to membership, fund raising, exchange visits, library contributions, and sponsorship of students.


Columbia Weavers' and Spinners' Guild Records, 1941-2022 (CA5402)
13.0 cubic feet, 7 computer discs, 2 audio cassettes, 25.3 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

Meeting minutes, treasurer’s reports, constitutions, yearbooks, newsletters, photographs, weaving notes and patterns, swatches and samples, a scrapbook, and miscellaneous material.


Columbia Women's Political Caucus Records, 1971-1977 (C3550)
1 cubic foot (52 folders)

 Finding Aid

Formed in 1972, the CWPC is a multipartisan political action group affiliated with both the Missouri State Women's Political Caucus and the National Women's Political Caucus. These groups work to improve the status of women.


Columbia, ca. 1907, Tackett Film Stills, circa 1907 (P0129)
19 photographs

Images from an early film of Columbia, Missouri, ca. 1907. Includes photos of the Cottage Hotel, Hetzler Ice Plant, Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., Columbia Theater, Hotel Gordon, Church, a Maypole ceremony, men's baseball team, Broadway downtown, and cars/buggies.



Columbia, Missouri, Black Community Photographs, c. 1958-1963 (C3902)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Copies of photographs depicting black businesses and residential communities in Columbia, Missouri.


Columbia, Missouri Charter Commission Papers, 1948-1949 (C0085)
0.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a commission established by a special election on May 4, 1948.


Columbia, Missouri Real Estate Papers, 1899-1927 (C0571)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Plans and descriptive material pertaining to new additions for sale: Garth, 1899; Guitar, 1903; Beasely, 1904; Fyfer, 1907; Stewart, 1910; Westwood, 1916; Park Hill, 1927; and others. Financial report of Water and Light Company, 1904-1906, and a picture of John Belcher's store on Broadway in the 1880s.


Columbia, Missouri Telephone Exchange Directories, 1906-1909 (C0594)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

Directories of February 1906, February 1907, October 1907, October 1908, and April 1909. There is some advertising on the covers.


Columbia, Missouri, Architecture Slides, 1980 (P0556)
30 slides

35mm slides documenting samples of architecture, primarily of homes, in Columbia, Missouri, in 1980



Columbia, Missouri, Board of Trustees Minutes, 1826-1835 (C2491)
0.1 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of the meetings of the board of trustees of the city of Columbia, MO.


Columbia, Missouri, Commission on Adolescent Behavior Report, 1966 (C2420)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Commission's recommendations for adolescent behavior in dating, recreation, dress, drinking, smoking, and driving, and suggestions to parents.


Columbia, Missouri, Negatives, no date (P1216)
1 folder

photographic negatives of locations in Columbia, Missouri



Columbia, Missouri, Ordinance Notices, no date (C2818)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Town ordinances concerning prostitution, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and loitering and the fines to be levied for these offenses. Printed on cloth.


Columbia, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1875-1994 (P0078)

 Digitized Materials

An artificial collection of photographs of Columbia, MO.



Columbia, Missouri, Social and Economic Census of the Colored Population, 1901 (C1082)
0.4 cubic feet; also available on 1 roll of microfilm

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Family reports listing name, age, occupation, weekly earnings and color of husband, wife, children, married children at home, and others living with the family. Reverse side lists date and/or age at marriage, deaths within the year, property owned, amount owed, housing and sanitary conditions, education, family expenditures, and previous residence. Most questions were answered in full. Arranged alphabetically by family name.


Columbia, Missouri. Recreation Commission Report, 1945 (C0596)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Annual report to the mayor, city council and citizens of Columbia on activities and needs of the commission.
