Dean William Miller Papers, 1952-1979 (K0564)
3 c.f.
Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilot. Includes TWA pilot training guides, operations manuals, handbooks, TWA Ambassador Magazine and various publications.
Edward Minden St. Louis Streetcar Photographs, 1930-1950 (S0753)
0.25 cubic foot, 46 negatives
Edward Minden primarily was interested in the Long Island Railroad and the trolley and subway systems in Brooklyn and Queens. The Queens Borough Library received several Edward Minden photographs in the Ron Ziel Collection of Long Island Railroad Photographs. The photos Minden took of streetcars in St. Louis comprised part of that collection.
Minneapolis, Little Rock and Gulf Railway Company Map Collection, 1902 (R0849)
(1 oversize map)
This is a "Map of Part of Dent county, Mo. showing route adopted by the Minneapolis, Little Rock and Gulf Railway Co., 27 August 1902." Lewis S. Reed was president of the company; Wellington B. Johnson was chief engineer.
Rosco Miselhorn Pencil Sketches of Mississippi River Steamboats, 1946-1962 (S0406)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains six prints of pencil sketches of famous riverboats which have plied the Mississippi River and berthed at St. Louis, including Admiral Betsy Ann, Tom Greene, Golden Rod Showboat, River Queen, and Golden Eagle.
Missouri & Illinois Mineral & Land Company Records, 1834-1900 (R0058)
0.75 cubic foot (9 folders, 2 oversize folders
These are records of the acquisition and disposition of lands in a speculative industrial development scheme in Jefferson, Ste. Genevieve, Perry, Cape Girardeau, and Madison Counties in Missouri.
MISSOURI (Snag Boat) Pictures, 1923 (C0925)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Picture of deep water commissioners leaving Kansas City on the MISSOURI on the way to St. Louis, 22 May 1923. Two photographs of an unidentified man.
Missouri Board of Public Works Railroad Report, 1859 (C2850)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Report to Governor Robert M. Stewart on six railroads in Missouri: Pacific Railroad, southwest branch of the Pacific Railroad, Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, Cairo and Fulton Railroad, St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad, and North Missouri Railroad. OVERSIZE.
Missouri Bureau of Public Roads Photographs, 1920-1949 (P0196)
0.125 linear feet
Original photos of projects in Missouri for Bureau of Public Roads.
Missouri Central Railroad Company Articles of Association, 1868 (C1719)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Articles of association of a railroad to run from Laclede to an intersection with the Brunswick and Chillicothe Railroad in Chariton County. Amount of capital, stock, list of directors, and stockholders.
Missouri Central Railroad Company Resolutions, 1869 (C1718)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Resolutions to dissolve the Missouri Central Railroad Company, adopted by the stockholders. Company organized to build a railroad from Boonville to Arrow Rock. Cooper and Saline Counties and Arrow Rock failed to cooperate.
Missouri Covered Bridges Photograph Album, 1930s (C4359)
1 oversize volume
An album of 20 11x14 black and white photographs of Missouri bridges. The album is labeled ""Covered Bridges."" The first 13 images are of covered bridges and the last seven are of a variety of other bridges in Missouri. Most images are captioned with information about the location of the bridge and sometimes dates of operation.
Missouri Lives Oral History Project Records, 2014-2018 (C4249)
0.01 cubic feet (13 folder), 27 CDs, 1 DVD, 80.1 GBs
The collection consists of interviews with a wide array of Missourians who have had an interesting personal history and life. The collection consists of digitally recorded interviews, transcripts, and ephemera.
Missouri Lumber and Mining Company Records, 1853-1945 (C2557)
114.6 cubic feet (7109 folders, 194 volumes, 1 roll of microfilm)
The records of the Missouri Lumber and Mining Company contain Correspondence, minutes of board of directors' meetings, and financial and operating records of a Grandin, MO, land and lumber company, which operated in Butler, Carter, Reynolds, Ripley and Wayne Counties.
Missouri Lumber and Mining Company Photographs, 1906-1916 (C3875)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Photographs of various Missouri Lumber and Mining Company operations in and around the Ozark town of Grandin, MO. Taken and collected by Harry M. Griffith, a company physician.
Missouri National Guard Photographs, 1893-1932 (P0076)
0.2 linear feet
Images of Charles Lindbergh, aerial photos of Columbia, MO, Fort Riley (KS), Lambert Airfield, 35th Division Aviation, Digital images of Fort Riley, national guard officers under Gov. Wm. J. Stone.
Missouri Pacific Railroad Company Collection, circa 1920 (R0156)
0.1 cubic foot 1 folder
The Missouri Pacific Railroad Company Collection contains a photocopy of an illustrated promotional booklet, “The Arcadia Country.” The booklet describes the Arcadia Valley in Iron County, Missouri. Also included are photocopies of views of the railway depot at Arcadia, Missouri and a Missouri Pacific route map.
Missouri Pacific Railroad Records, 1905-1945 (CA6365)
4.7 cubic feet
Records of the railroad largely consist of field books containing survey information. Also includes valuation notes.
Missouri Pacific Railway Company Records, circa 1911 (R0459)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Missouri Pacific Railway Company Collection contains illustrated promotional booklets advertising railroad lands for sale in northeastern and central Arkansas. The booklets include descriptions and photographs of twenty-one counties, with information on agricultural production, stock raising, and railroad connections in the region.
Missouri Pacific Railway Company, Summer and Winter Health and Pleasure Resorts Collection, 1888 (R1001)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)
This is a photocopy of an illustrated promotional booklet published by the passenger department of the Missouri Pacific Railway. It concerns resorts along the rail lines in the western and southwestern states, especially those in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Texas.
Missouri Railroad Collection, 1874-1915 (R1457)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders)
The Missouri Railroad Collection is an ephemeral collection of records dealing with the railroad industry in Missouri. Included are records of railroad investments made by the J. & W. Seligman and Company and members of the Perkins, Livingston, Post Company of New York in railroad companies in Missouri and Kansas. These materials contain records for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company; Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield Railroad Company; the Memphis, Carthage and Northwestern Railroad Company; the Missouri and Western Railway Company; the Oswego and State Line Railroad Company; Pierce City and Kanas Railroad Company; the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company; and the St. Louis, Wichita and Western Railway Company.
Missouri Railroad Records, 1837-2006 (C2358)
39.3 cubic feet (441 folders)
The Missouri Railroad Records consist of reports, bulletins, pamphlets, proceedings, and other materials of railroads and related organizations that were in Missouri or its contiguous states.
Missouri Railway Construction Company Records, 1896-1901 (CA5006)
0.4 cubic feet
Ledger, minute book, and letters and statements of the company, 1896-1901.
Missouri Railway Map, 1888 (C2444)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Commissioners' official railway map of Missouri, completed to 1 January 1888.
Missouri River Commission Records, 1870-1896 (C4703)
1.0 cubic foot (25 folders), 18 oversize items
Log books and maps from U.S. Corps of Engineers survey of the Missouri River. Log books include observations of topography, hand drawn maps, and notes documenting the journeys and dredging operations along the river. The bulk of the collection relates to the upper Missouri River.
Missouri River Navigation Association Records, 1925-1943 (K0354)
0.34 cubic foot (19 folders, 204 photographs, 1 oversize photograph, 24 negatives)
The Missouri River Navigation Association Records contains photographs and negatives depicting different aspects of engineering and activities along the Missouri River.
Missouri State Labor Council, AFL-CIO Records, 1891-1975 (C0216)
21.6 cubic feet (1734 folders)
Correspondence, convention proceedings, financial and membership records, minutes, reports, and records of the Council and its Committee on Political Education, the Missouri State Federation of Labor, and Labor's League for Political Education. Subject file on topics of interest to labor including political, legislative, and civic activities of Council executive officers.
Missouri, Inland and Southern Railway Company Map Collection, 1910 (R0850)
0.25 cubic feet (2 maps)
These are route and profile maps for the Missouri, Inland and Southern Railway Company in Dent County, Missouri. The company was a short-lived organization formed to build an electric railway southward from Rolla, Missouri.
Missouri United States Highway 66 Collection, 1930-2017 (SP0080)
.5 cubic foot (10 folders)
The Missouri United States Highway 66 Collection is an artificial collection consisting of multiple acquisitions related to Missouri’s U.S. Highway 66. The collection contains brochures, maps, photographs, postcards, newsletters, and ephemera.
Missouri, Wayne County Collection, 1985 (C4673)
2 audio cassettes
Audio recordings of Wayne County, Missouri, residents concerning the settlement, education, business, transportation, religion, Civil War, and other aspects of the history of the county.
Ewing Young Mitchell Jr. Papers, 1840-1949 (C1041)
0.4 cubic feet, 101 rolls of microfilm
Papers of a Springfield, MO, lawyer active in Democratic Party politics, who served as assistant secretary of commerce in Franklin Roosevelt's first administration. Material concerns family affairs, law practice with emphasis on county indebtedness, Ozark land speculation, and Democratic politics on the state and national levels.
Montgomery and Diehl Families Papers, circa 1929-1999 (R1298)
0.75 cubic foot (19 folders, 2 CDs)
This collection contains the personal papers, postcards, and photographs of the Montgomery and Diehl families of Phelps County. The papers mainly contain family history information and photographs, images of Route 66, family business, and of Phelps County.
Roe F. Montgomery Scrapbook, 1925-1930 (P0054)
1 volume
"Columbia Caper" 8x10 scrapbook of the Allton Flying Service; aerial views of Columbia.
Charles A. Morgenthaler Papers, 1870-1981 (C3004)
3.4 cubic feet
The papers of Charles A. Morgenthaler, a commercial artist and illustrator from Hallsville, Missouri, consist of photographs, sketches, scrapbooks, account books, and correspondence relating to his artwork. Family papers and photographs are also included in this collection.
Charles A. Morgenthaler Papers, no date (CA6444)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Addition of photographs, largely of airplanes and trains. See also C3004.
MORNING STAR Records, [1856-1859 (C2392)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The records contain a bill of fare and timetable for St. Louis to St. Joseph, MO, and return of the Missouri River Thursday packet, MORNING STAR. T.H. Brierly, master, and J.B. Weaver, clerk. The MORNING STAR was built in 1856 and destroyed by fire June 21, 1859.
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
James E. Mueller Collection, 1877-2002 (SP0103)
16 cubic feet (444 folders, 719 photographs, 10,397 slides, 13 glass plate negatives)
The James E. Mueller Collection contains personal and professional photographs, negatives, and slides taken by Joplin, Missouri, photographer James Evans Mueller. The collection also includes Mueller’s personal papers.
W.B. Napton Letter, 1857 (C1879)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To C.F. Jackson, Oct. 3, 1857. Letter discussing at length the necessity of salaries to attract good Missouri Supreme Court judges; combating the growing discussion of emancipation of the slaves; Missouri politics; and the completion of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.
National Good Roads Association Records, 1903-1904 (R0990)
(1 folder)
These are printed broadside invitation to B.A. McAllaster of the Union Pacific Railroad to attend the National and International Good Roads Convention to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, from April 27 to May 2, 1903, and a letter from A. S. Mann to Charles H. Scott, dated April 11, 1904, concerning the financing of a ship canal.
Buck Nelson Collection, 1960 (R0759)
(1 folder)
This booklet was published in 1960 to be sold at subsequent annual spacecraft conventions held on Buck Nelson's ranch in Texas County, Missouri. The conventions were gatherings for flying saucer enthusiasts and persons interested in interplanetary space travel.
Newburg, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1870s-1910s (R1203)
0.05 cubic foot (41 negatives)
These are negative copies of stereoviews, photographs, and postcards from the collection of the William H. Harris family, proprietors of railroad hotels at Dixon in Pulaski County, and Newburg in Phelps County, Missouri. Included are views of hotels, businesses, street scenes, and Frisco railroad roundhouses and turntables at Dixon and Newburg.
Frederick W. Niedermeyer Photograph Collection, 1917, no date (P0700)
7 photographs
Copy negatives of Frederick W Niedermeyer, Jr. and airplane factory from a Niedermeyer photograph album.
Peter Norbeck Papers, 1921-1936 (C0149)
0.1 cubic feet
Letters to and from Peter Norbeck, senator from South Dakota from 1921 to 1936. Written mostly to fellow Republicans, the letters discuss national and state politics, with special emphasis on the farm vote and problems.
North Missouri Railroad Subscription Books, 1853-1854 (C1193)
0.01 cubic feet(2 volumes)
Boone County, Missouri, books listing subscribers to stock in the North Missouri Railroad.
Ohio Riverboat Diary, 1870 (K0089)
1 v (MR)
Small annual diary describing daily observations by an unnamed employee of a riverboat on the Ohio River. Includes descriptions of the weather, the health of his family and his evaluation of various entertainments he attended including the theater, camp meetings, and church festivals
"The Old Springfield Road," J.V. Cooper, 1962 (C2130)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a description of the history and importance of the Old Springfield Road in southwest Missouri.
Old Trails Bridge Company Papers, 1921-1924 (C0593)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence and other papers pertaining to construction of the bridge at Boonville. List of officers, subscribers, toll charges, and agreement adopted by board, July 25, 1921. T.A. Johnston was president, W.B. Nowell and John Cosgrove were vice-presidents, H.C. Neef, Secretary, and R.G. Hadelich, Treasurer.
Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Records, 1760-2004 (CG0010)
296 cubic feet
The Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Papers contain case files and correspondence of the firm from the 1880s to 1980s. This collection also includes the genealogy of the Oliver and Watkins families, family correspondence, and civic involvements with the Boy Scouts of America, Rotary Club, Sons of the American Revolution, and Presbyterian Church. In addition, this collection contains material related to the Little River Drainage District, Oliver Land and Development Company, and Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.
OSAGE FACTOR Accounts, 1813 (C1558)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Accounts of the U.S. Barge OSAGE FACTOR, ascending the Missouri, October 5, 1813, and at Arrow Rock, MO, November 4, 1813. Indian affairs and trade.
Overland Mail Centennial Scrapbook, 1958 (C3457)
0.1 cubic feet (2 folders)