

Lee Clarence Smith Papers, 1889-1954 (K1045)
0.5 c.f

Correspondence, photographs, clippings, and printed/published materials concerning the Highway Post Office, Katy Railroad, and mail routes.


Thad Snow Papers, 1923-1955 (CG0027)
1.31 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Thad Snow Papers include writings, correspondence, scrapbooks, memorabilia and photographs. Snow was a prolific writer during his life. He is best remembered for his column, “Letters from the People” for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch beginning in the 1930s. The topics covered in this collection include politics, foreign affairs, farming, Snow’s family, economics and human nature.

Abram Sortore Memoirs, 1909 (C2357)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains memoirs of Abram Sortore, in which he describes trips west from Scio, NY, to Keokuk, IA, 1845; from Keokuk to California, 1850; and back to Iowa via South America, Jamaica, and New York, 1851-1852. There are comments on Mormons, Indians, cholera, weather, the Black Hills, alkali water, Brigham Young, gold rush, mining, religion, U.S. mint, and railroads.

South-West Railroad Records, circa 1914-1916 (R0516)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The South-West Railroad Records are notes, maps, and draft of a pamphlet concerning construction of a railroad from Saint Louis, Missouri, to Lewisville in Lafayette County, Arkansas.

South-Western Stage Company Papers, 1867 (C2238)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Copies of form letters and contracts used by the South-Western Stage Company. Includes rules and regulations for road agents, station agents, drivers, shop men, and barn men.


Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)

 Finding Aid

The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.

Southwest Missouri Railroad Company Records, 1891-1941 (R0052)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Southwest Missouri Railroad Company Records contains microfilm copies of corporate minute books of the Southwest Missouri Railroad Company and its predecessors, the Joplin and Galena Electric Railway Company, and the Southwest Missouri Electric Railway Company. There is also one folder of miscellaneous correspondence between A.H. Rogers and Edgar Z. Wallower regarding financing of the road.


Edward W. Sowers Papers, 1942-1980, bulk 1961-1979 (R0135)
2 cubic foot (107 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Edward Walter Sowers Papers contains correspondence, business papers, and miscellaneous printed materials of a newspaper editor and publisher at Rolla, Phelps County,
Missouri. Topics include the Sowers family, journalism and the newspaper business, the University of Missouri, and United States politics and foreign relations.

Spirit of St. Louis Region Classic Car Club of America Collection, 1989-2009 (S0993)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Annual meeting minutes and Spring Grand Classic and Caravan files of the Spirit of St. Louis Region Classic Car Club.


J. Orville Spreen Papers, 1900-1982 (S0486)
27.7 cubic feet, 524 folders, 4690 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

James Orville Spreen was a Wabash employee and railroad executive for 50 years (1912-1962). Most materials in this collection pertain to Spreen's involvement with the Junior Chamber of Commerce Historic Markers Committee. The collection consists of pamphlets, tourist information, and photographs. The photographs document several areas in St. Louis, which were later razed for the Mansion House, JNEM, and Stadium project.


Orville Spreen Railroad Papers, 1830-1982 (S0485)
24.4 cubic feet, 914 folders, 3591 photographs, 8 microfilm roll

 Finding Aid

Orville Spreen was a Wabash Railroad employee and executive for 50 years (1912-1962). His papers include newspaper clippings, freight receipts, invoices, articles, patents, providing information on general railroad history, specific railroad lines, railroad museums, railroads in St. Louis, and railroad societies and associations. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks, cash books, and photographs of centennials and locomotives.


Springfield Wagon Company Collection, 1878-1888 (R1188)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains photocopies of papers dealing with the Springfield Wagon Company at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. Included are letters to the company from wagon dealers and parts suppliers in Arkansas and Missouri.


Springfield Wagon Company Records, 1873-1972 (R0059)
(9 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Springfield Wagon Company Records contain microfilm copies of twelve volumes and fifty folders of records for the Springfield Wagon company. These records include account books and ledgers, correspondence from travel agents, dealers, supplies and customers. Also included is the master's thesis documenting the history of the company written by Steven L. Stepp in 1972.


Springfield Wagon Company Time Book, 1888-1891 (SP0105)
0.5 cubic foot (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The Springfield Wagon Company Time Book contains names, hours worked, and wages paid to employees of the Springfield Wagon Company in Springfield, Missouri, from October 6, 1888, to December 12, 1891. The time book also records contract works such as woodworking, painting, and blacksmithing.


St. Charles County, Missouri, Portage des Sioux Township Public Road Work List, 1817 (C1693)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

List of persons under overseer Asa Griffith subject to work on the public roads.

St. Charles County, Missouri, Road Commissioners' Report, 1829 (C1689)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Oath of office and report to the St. Charles County court from road commissioners Osborn Knott, William Eckert, and Benjamin Emmons, appointed to view and mark out a public highway from St. Charles to Elm Point.

St. Charles County, Missouri, Road Commissioners' Report, 1828 (C1690)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Report to the St. Charles County court by road commissioners Benjamin Emmons and Osborn Knott, appointed to view and mark out a road from St. Charles to the Maumelles, 11 March 1828.

St. Clair County, Missouri, Bond, 1870 (C1641)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a $1000 bond issued by St. Clair County to aid construction of the Clinton and Memphis branch of the Tebo and Neosho Railroad. The bond is signed by Wm. A. Mitchell, presiding justice, and Thos. J. Monroe, clerk, St. Clair County court.


St. Francois County Railroad Company Collection, 1914 (R1123)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is certificate number 319 for $100 for a 5% first mortgage gold bond issued by the St. Francois County Railroad Company on July 1, 1912 and due on July 1, 1914. It was stamped cancelled on October 12, 1914. Edward A. Rozier, secretary, and F. J. Rozier, vice-president, signed the bond.

St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company Certificate, 1873 (C2441)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Certificate of indebtedness for $100 issued to T.M. Hamilton by St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company, and transferred to John D. Hill.

St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company, Passenger Traffic Department Collection, 1905 (R1139)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are rate circulars concerning special passenger fares and other matters concerning fare collection and routing issued in March, April, and May of 1905 by the Passenger Traffic Department of the St. Louis and San Francisco (Frisco) Railroad company. For the most part they dealt with special rates for meetings, conventions, and home seekers excursions.


St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Letter Book, 1879-1883 (C1229)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

Letters concerning the Mississippi River and Bonne Terre Railroad. R.L. Van Sant, assistant engineer. Largely illegible.

St. Louis Metropolitan Reference Collection, 1957-1984 (S0526)
1.0 cubic foot, 44 folders

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis Metropolitan Reference Collection is an artificial collection containing newsletters, reports, brochures, and maps regarding St. Louis City and County government agencies and organizations.


St. Louis Mississippi Bridge Company Articles of Association, 1867 (C1721)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains Photostats of the articles of association of a company that was organized to construct a bridge over the Mississippi River from St. Louis, MO, to St. Clair or Madison County, IL. Capital, stock, and directors.


St. Louis Rapid Transit Study Long-Range Program Reports, 1971 (S0403)
0.01 cubic foot

This collection contains two reports prepared by government and private organizations to study the feasibility of a rapid transit system fo the St. Louis area.


St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Booklet, 1913 (R0460)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Booklet is an advertising booklet on the “Cotton Belt Route” in Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, and Texas. The booklet includes timetables, a map of the system, and material on the passenger, freight, and agricultural services of the railroad.


St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection, 1852, 1916-1984 (R1506)
18 cubic feet (14 folders, 81 volumes, 33 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company Collection contains records of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Company “Frisco.” These records include AFE completion reports, ICC valuations, equipment registers and inventories, and materials on corporate history.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection, 1920-1980 (R1491)
0.5 cubic foot (19 folders, 1 photograph)

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Collection contains a sales kit, business records, and photographs for the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" Railway Company. The collection includes train and freight schedules, specifications for rail cars and lines, promotional materials, maps, sales manuals, and images of railcars and stations.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Map Collection, 1917-1962 (R1486)
1 cubic foot (3 folders, 5 maps)

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Maps contain six maps featuring St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company land, railroad lines, stations, and buildings, located in Fort Leonard Wood, Lebanon, Newburg, and Rolla, Missouri.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)

 Finding Aid

These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.

St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records, 1930-1977 (SP0057)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records contain Seniority Rosters and Employee Line-Ups from 1930 to 1977. The records include the names and seniority rank of the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" railroad employees throughout Missouri, as well as Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Ida K. Staggers Papers, 1936-1972 (K0501)
0.3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Photographs, scrapbook and other memorabilia related to Staggers' 35-year career with Trans World Airlines (TWA) as an Air Hostess.

Frances Sarah Stark Papers, 1942-1946 (K0503)
0.2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) hostess. Includes photographs, a passport, World Health Organization (WHO) certificates, and hostess training manuals.


George Stark Photographs, 1890-1903 (P0546)
3 photographs

Photos by Stark of steamboat William McClellan ca. 1903, cotton bales in a Pemiscot Co warehouse, and Washington Ave in St. Louis, ca 1890s.

Lloyd Crow Stark Papers, 1905-1941 (C0004)
170 cubic feet (12,401 folders), 5 oversize volumes, 2 card files

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Democratic governor of Missouri, 1937-1941. Material relates to official business, campaigns, and personal affairs.


State Historical Society of Missouri Historical Road Markers Scrapbook, 1930s (C1434)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The scrapbook contains clippings and photographs of State Historical Society historical markers along U.S. Highway 36 in northern Missouri.

State of Missouri Photograph Collection, 1903-1904 (P0018)
0.36 cubic feet (486 photographs)

 Digitized Materials

Over 400 original photos created for the 1904 publication on Missouri at the time of the World's Fair by Walter Williams; shows all aspects and counties in Missouri.


Ste. Genevieve, Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob Plank Road Company Stock Certificate Collection, 1854 (R0747)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a certificate for one share of capital stock in the Ste. Genevieve, Iron Mountain and Pilot Knob Plank Road Company, which built and operated a toll road in St. Francois and Sainte Genevieve Counties in Missouri. Philip Stapp acquired the certificate on February 3, 1854.

Steamboat Cargo Record, 1859-1963 (C0644)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

A record of the boat, master, destination and cargo of vessels leaving the port of Cambridge on the Missouri River. Most of the cargo was tobacco, hemp, potatoes, hides, and wheat. The book was used as a scrapbook by John B. Land and was recovered by removing most of the clippings. See also the Land, John Braxton (1860-1949), Papers, 1918-1939, (C0359).


Steamer Planter Freight Book, 1860-1893 (CA6554)
1 oversize volume

Ledger listing freight carried by the steamboat Planter, 1860-1861. Charles V. Wells was the steamboat's master. Also includes land lease agreements, 1880-1893.

Stotts City Bank (Stotts City, Mo.) Records, 1891-1929 (C0170)
2 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Papers from a southwest Missouri bank which was liquidated in 1929. Collection also contains material on the Lawrence County Land and Mining Company and the Stotts City Special Road District.


Sverdrup & Parcel And Associates Land Use Report, 1976 (S0408)
0.01 cubic foot

A report commissioned by the St. Louis Port Commission.


Warren Swain Papers, 1820-1842 (C0173)
0.13 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Diary mentions weather, plantation, sugar, corn, Negroes; high Mississippi River, 1821; Andrew Jackson's arrival in New Orleans on April 24, 1821; the 33-day sail from New Orleans to Boston; sickness of 1825. Two letters by Freegrace Raynolds discussing religious feelings; questions about Clarksville, MO; comments on slavery, 1837; and loss of bank money, 1842.

W. Stuart Symington Papers, 1918-1995 (C3874)
316.25 cubic feet (6937 folders, 321 boxes), 86 ephemera items, 41 audio discs, 11 audio cassettes, 64 audio tapes, 32 reels of 16mm film, 2reels of 35mm film, 3 video tapes, 2 video cassettes, 2 CDs, 5 DVDs

 Finding Aid

The papers of William Stuart Symington, U.S. Senator from Missouri (1953-1976), include constituent correspondence, family and personal correspondence, limited genealogical and family materials, appointment books and calendars, audio and video recordings, campaign materials, editorial cartoons, select invitations and itineraries, limited pre-senatorial materials, photographs, photographic negatives and slides, press files, scrapbooks, selected Congressional testimonies, speeches, staff memoranda, voting records, and miscellaneous ephemera.


T. J. Moss Tie Company Records, 1898-1925 (S0655)
21.2 cubic feet, 486 folders, 34 volumes, 2 rolls of film, 2 video cassettes, 1 audio disc

 Finding Aid

The T. J. Moss Tie Company Records contain correspondence, reports, publications, and business ledgers relating to the company’s business functions throughout its tenure as a railroad tie producer. T. J. Moss Tie Company was founded in 1879 by Thomas Jefferson Moss. After spending 15 years in an exploding railroad market, T. J. Moss Tie Company became one of the largest producers of railroad ties in the country, employing around 3000 men with 40 sawmills running on almost 40,000 acres in southeast Missouri.


A.G. Taubert Photograph Collection, 1882-1920 (P0184)
1 folder

Series of four original photos showing aftermath of train wreck on Frisco Railroad, circa 1920. Additional postcards of Cape Girardeau and Southeast Missouri State University, and photos of Ha Ha Tonka.

Joseph Herbert Tedrow Transportation Collection, 1850-1987 (K0754)
9 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Collected data on transportation, particularly railroads operating in the Mid-west. Includes photographs, time-tables, notes, and other items.


James A. Tharp Photograph Collection, 1923 (P0739)
11 photographs

Photos of Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Train Wreck, 1923, Meadville, MO.
