Richard Cleghorn Overton Address, 1944 (C0735)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
"Railroad Records and Local History," a talk given on 6 November 1944 in Harrisburg, PA, before the American Association for State and Local History. The effect of railroads on the history of Harrisburg, giving sources for railroad history.
Ozark Land and Lumber Company Records, 1887-1933 (C0037)
8 cubic feet (688 folders), 100 oversize volumes
The business papers and record books of a Shannon County, Missouri, lumber company consist of correspondence, financial records, minutes of directors’ and stockholders’ meetings, store records, cutting and other lumber records, land records, and survey maps.
Pacific Railroad, Southwestern Branch Lands Book, no date (C1177)
0.09 cubic feet (1 volume)
Description and maps of 220,000 acres of iron, lead, copper, and farming lands on the southeast branch of the Pacific Railroad in Missouri. Township maps show the route of the railroad.
Quintin Papineau Photographs, 1996-1998 (CG0034)
0.01 cubic feet
35 photographs taken by Quintin Papineau of agriculture, buildings, springs, riverboats, and machinery several counties in southeast Missouri, Oregon County, Marion County, and cities in Illinois along the river.
Guy Brasfield Park Papers, 1894-1951 (C0008)
28.2 cubic feet (2,341 folders)
Official and personal correspondence and papers of Guy B. Park, Democratic governor of Missouri from 1933 to 1937. Also includes his work as an attorney for the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, 1933-1946, as well as some personal papers of Eleanora Park.
James W. Parker Records, 1851-1872 (K0148)
1 MR
Financial, medical journals (listing patient name, ailment, treatment and charge for the service), and other records of Parker, a physician in Westport, MO prior to the Civil War. The records also include information on the overland trade in which Parker invested, both in Westport and in Nebraska City, NE.
Gordon R. "Parky" Parkinson Papers, 1929-1988 (K0506)
0.3 c.f.
Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Superintendent. Includes histories of TWA, speeches and manuscripts by employees, policy and procedure information, clippings and photographs.
Parks Air College Collection, 1932 (R1412)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Parks Air College Collection contains an admission packet for Parks Air College sent to Harold S. Macreading II, in 1932. The packet includes a brief history of the school, description of school facilities, detailed flight course descriptions, and information on the ground, executive, and mechanics' schools.
Charles K. Parsons Papers, 1904-1983 (K0117)
8 f
Material related to Parsons' career as a railway mail clerk. It includes photographs of a train derailment in 1914, copies of postal laws, regulations, and schemes, as well as some railroad passes and correspondence related to his retirement in 1950
Robert Anthony Pastore Papers, 1985-2002 (K0577)
3.5 c.f.
Papers from former member of Board of Directors of Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes stockholder meeting reports, minutes, bankruptcy reports, annual reports, and miscellaneous reports.
William McClung Paxton Papers, 1760-1915 (C1025)
1 cubic foot (72 folders)
Business and personal correspondence, miscellaneous papers, and genealogical material.
Payne-Broadwell Family Papers, 1803-1903 (C0983)
4.8 cubic feet, 11 volumes
The Payne-Broadwell Family papers contain the business, personal, and legal papers of Moses U. Payne and his nephew Moses M. Broadwell. Moses U. Payne resided in Boone County, MO, from 1823 to 1895. Moses M. Broadwell's papers contain significant family letters and revealing correspondence from the Civil War and from the Reconstruction era. Also present are miscellaneous papers of the Oliver C. Roby family.
Peckenpaugh Family Papers, 1885-1967 (R1460)
0.04 cubic foot (4 folders)
The Peckenbaugh Family Papers consist of personal papers for Lura and Adah Peckenbaugh, including wedding invitations, correspondence, reception cards, and pamphlets. The collection also contains newspaper clippings concerning Peckenpaugh family and photographs.
PedNet Coalition (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 2001-2003 (C4217)
0.2 cubic feet (9 folders)
Correspondence, newsletters, and meeting minutes of the organization advocating an integrated network of bike and pedestrian routes through the city of Columbia, Missouri.
Pegasus Air Transport Records, 1981 (K0070)
1 f
Business study conducted by Pegasus Air Transport designed to assist in securing funds to implement an air cargo service in Kansas City, MO.
Phantom Flyers Newsletters, 1975-1985 (S0795)
0.25 cubic foot, 5 volumes
This collection contains issues of Phantom Flyer, published by the McDonnell Scales Modelers Club.
C.M. Phelps Railroad Photograph, 1903 (P0172)
1 photograph
Copy photo of "Ellington" locomotive on the Missouri Southern R.R. line.
Picher Lead Company Records, 1875-1918 (R0210)
2 cubic feet (2 folders, 6 oversize volumes)
The Picher Lead Company Records contain correspondence and records books of the Picher Lead Company headquartered at Joplin, Missouri. The collection includes correspondence with shipping agents and commission merchants, ledgers of expense and sales, and smelter records. The records span the period from the founding of the company in 1875 to its merger with the Eagle White Lead Company in 1916.
Pilot Knob, Missouri, Civil War Telegram Collection, 1862-1863 (R0137)
0.04 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Pilot Knob, Missouri Civil War Telegram Collection contains photocopies of telegrams sent and received by Colonel John B. Gray, commander of the Union post at Pilot Knob, Iron County, Missouri. The dispatches include communications with district headquarters at Saint Louis, and with detachments throughout southeastern Missouri, especially those at Fredericktown, Patterson, Van Buren, and Barnesville. The telegrams cover the period from November 1862 to April 1863.
R.L. (Lewis) Proctor Papers, 1942-1952 (K0570)
0.3 c.f.
Papers of TWA flight engineer R.L. Proctor include training manuals, a flight engineers handbook, Far East Survey Flight notebooks, a few photographs and biographical information.
Patrick J. Quirk Diary, 1865 (C3943)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The diary of Patrick J. Quirk relates the details of a trip made in 1865 by railroad and steamboat from Springfield, Massachusetts, to Yankton, South Dakota, on the way to the Montana Territory.
Radial Express Report, 1964-1965 (S1103)
0.25 cubic foot
This collection contains one report: "The Radial Express and Suburban Crosstown Bus Rider, St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Final Report 1964-1965." The report was commissioned by the Bi-State Development Agency to determine the potential sources of patronage for seven new radial express bus routes in the Missouri-Illinois bi-state area.
Railroad Stock Certificate Collection, 1835-1915 (R1485)
0.03 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Railroad Stock and Bond Certificates Collection consists of 70 stock and bond certificates for railroad companies in the United States and Canada.
Randolph County, Missouri, Court Order, 1830 (C2028)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Order appointing David Floyd, John Bunch, and John Clarkson to mark out an alteration to the road from Frays Mill to the Grand Prairie.
Irwin Raut Papers, 1871-1927 (C2410)
0.19 cubic feet (9 folders)
The papers of Irwin Raut contain miscellaneous material, including price lists for trunks (1874-1879), railway schedules, information on Sedalia and St. Louis, and a scrapbook of poetry.
William Recklein Papers, 1898-1902 (R0051)
0.03 cubic foot (3 folders)
The William Recklein Papers contain copies and originals of family photographs and correspondence. Included in the correspondence are news of family, friends, and daily life.
James Ross Reed Papers, 1949-1966 (K0565)
0.25 c.f.
Articles, announcements, memorandum, newsletters, agreements, reports, and newspaper clippings on Flight Engineers' International Association's (FEIA) labor disputes from a flight engineer for Trans World Airlines (TWA).
Dorothy Rethwisch Photograph Collection, 1927-1928 (P0380)
2 photographs
Two 8x10 black and white photographs of Missouri Highway Department, Division of Employees, 1927 and 1928.
Marcus Morton Rhoades Diary, 1865 (C3215)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Diary kept by Rhoades while he was adjutant of the 9th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. Concerns a boat trip from New Orleans to Ste. Genevieve, MO, after being paroled from the army.
Edwin Stanton Rice Papers, 1851-1947 (C0397)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
John Dubois' membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church, April 7, 1851; Little Miami and Columbus and Xenia Railroad Company, freight ticket, 1863; letter, 1900, concerning Springfield, MO, freight office; and letter to a Springfield daily newspaper from Rice, 1947, with early Missouri historical notes.
Richmond Heights Historical Society Records, 1900-2013 (S0274)
21 cubic feet
The Richmond Heights Historical Society (RHHS) Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, newsletters, plat maps, newspaper clippings, and correspondence collected by RHHS’s volunteers documenting the history and culture of Richmond Heights from the 1900s to the present. Materials of interest include maps of Richmond Heights’ area subdivisions, including the names of homeowners. The materials in this collection date from 1900 to 2013.
Letitia Ritchie Diary, 1878 (C1216)
0.07 cubic feet (2 volumes)
Written for her son between May and August 1878, describing her travels from London to Chicago and return. Includes a daily log reading, description of the country from New York to Chicago, clippings, postcards, and photographs. The ocean voyage was made aboard the Steamer ALSATIA.
The River and Railway Transportation Company Articles of Association, 1877 (C0905)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Copy of the notarization, recorder's statement for Cooper County, charter granted by the State of Missouri, and minutes of the board of directors' meeting, 3 March 1877.
Ann Stillwell Robards Papers, 1967-2002 (K1291)
4.5 c.f.
The papers of Ann Stilwell Robards include photographs and materials related to flight attendant training for the TWA Breech Academy. Breech Academy opened December 3, 1969 as a 34-acre training facility located at 6300 Lamar in Overland Park, Kansas, and was named after Ernest R. Breech, TWA chairman emeritus. Also included are TWA artifacts and oversize items.
C.C. Roberts Railroad Collection, 1866-1922 (C4212)
1.5 cubic feet (65 folders)
Stock transfers; receipts; meeting minutes; vouchers; invoices; certificates; business proposals; court cases; agreements; construction specifications; articles of incorporation; accounts; reports; and balance sheets, etc. of numerous railroad companies. Also includes material from the Missouri and Arkansas Lumber and Mining Company and a builder/general contractor.
Harry Rogers Photograph Collection, 1887-1921 (P0197)
0.17 linear feet
Copy photos of Chillicothe, ca. 1890-1900. Particular emphasis on the railroad and related structures, and the State Industrial Home for Girls.
Rolla, Missouri Photograph Collection, ca. 1950s (R0913)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 5 photographs)
These are five black and white photographs of Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri. They include views of the interior of the Pennant Tavern, the parts department and employees of the Ford dealership, the delivery trucks of Tucker Dairy, and a parade on Pine Street.
James S. Rollins Papers, 1546, 1809-1968 (C1026)
3.3 cubic feet (222 folders, 1 volume); also available on 11 rolls of microfilm
The papers of James S. Rollins, a Boone County, Missouri, lawyer, politician, businessman, and curator of University of Missouri include correspondence with family, business and political associates, and George Caleb Bingham and other friends. The papers cover state, national, and Whig party politics from 1830 through the 1880s, the Civil War in Missouri, internal improvements and the North Missouri Railroad, and education at University of Missouri.
Charles F. Ruff Papers, 1855-1862 (C2650)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Two notebooks of letters: An Account of My Private Pecuniary Affairs," 1855-1859, and a book of letters to and from Charles F. Ruff, 1859-1862. Collection contains two maps: a sectional of Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad and lands granted to Pacific, MO, by the Pacific Railroad.
Sainte Genevieve, Missouri Photograph Collection, circa 1880s-1920s (R0338)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders, 7 photographs, 6 negatives)
The Sainte Genevieve, Missouri Photograph Collection contains thirteen black and white views of historic homes, churches, steamboats and the Garretson family of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri.
Frances Asbury Sampson Collection, 1796-1958 (C3813)
12.9 cubic feet (455 folders)
Collection compiled by Francis Asbury Sampson. Includes Democratic and Republican party campaign literature for national and Missouri elections, 1838-1958; speeches and pamphlets concerning national and state political issues; materials concerning the history of Boone, Schuyler, Pettis and Ste. Genevieve counties and Sedalia; papers of Garland C. Broadhead and William Switzler; and speeches, notes, bibliographies and personal papers of F.A. Sampson.
Sapulpa and Oil Field Railroad Company Records, 1918-1925 (R0096)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Sapulpa and Oil Field Railroad Company Records contain a microfilm copy of a monthly record of revenues and expenses for the Sapulpa and Oil Field Railroad. The nine-mile long branch ran from a junction with the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway at Depew, Oklahoma, to Shamrock, Oklahoma.
Norbert Shacklette Collection, 1891-2023 (R1511)
3 cubic feet (53 folders)
The Norbert Shacklette Collection contains railroad financial records and correspondence, transportation publications and related labor union communications from South-Central Missouri, and Missouri Democratic Party event programs and memorabilia.
David W. Short Collection, 1902-1975 (K0690)
0.98 c.f.
Short is a collector of materials relating to interurban railroad and streetcar systems. Includes mechanical drawings, magazines, posters, maps, and photographs.
Dorothy Heckmann Shrader Papers, 1866-1976 (CA5925)
6 cubic feet
The papers of a Hermann, Missouri, writer and descendant of steamboat captain, Bill Heckmann. Includes newspaper clippings of happenings along Missouri’s waterways dating from the late 1800s to mid-1900s. Also includes genealogical information on the Heckmann family, maps of Missouri's rivers, and a few photographs of steamboats and river scenes.
SHSMO-KC Postcard Collection, 1908-1956 (K1345)
.24 cubic foot (22 folders)
The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City Postcard Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous postcard acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City Postcard Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection.
Skip Gatermann Papers, 1930s-2020 (S0347)
13.5 cubic feet
The Skip Gatermann papers contains correspondence, newsletters, curricula, reports, and newspaper clippings regarding Gatermann's career as a Social Studies teacher in St. Louis City Public Schools and as a writer for various publications focusing on St. Louis City history.
Skyway Airlines Collection, 1977 (R1219)
(1 folder)
This is a schedule effective April 24, 1977 for Skyway Airlines, a commuter carrier that served Columbia, Fort Leonard Wood, Lake of the Ozarks, and Rolla in Missouri, with gateway connections at St. Louis and Kansas City.
Forrest Smith Papers, 1940-1953 (C2220)
72.6 c.f. (6658 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 8 card files
Papers of a Democratic governor of Missouri, 1949-1953. Includes correspondence, reference material, speeches, and miscellaneous material.
George R. Smith Papers, 1835-1899 (C1028)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
The papers of George R. Smith contain correspondence, miscellaneous personal and business papers, and speeches of a Sedalia, Missouri, lawyer and businessman. Smith was influential in the establishment of the Missouri Pacific Railway.