

Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company Papers, 1857-1866 (C1785)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Letters about the exchange of railroad land certificates for land; includes $650 in certificates, a blank bond bearing coupons, and samples for redesign of land certificates.

Cairo and Fulton Railroad Company Seals, 1853 (C3247)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Examples of two kinds of seals to be used on wax or paper, and handwritten description of one seal.

Cantwell Aircraft Company (Bucklin, Mo.) Records, 1921-1924 (C3797)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of an aircraft parts distribution firm. Includes correspondence, invoices, price lists, and other materials concerning the purchase and sale of aircraft parts. Also includes publicity material and contracts pertaining to the company's involvement in staging aerobatic demonstrations. Arranged chronologically.


Cape Girardeau Macadamized and Plank Road Company Collection, 1852-1858 (R1133)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are receipts and certificates issued to members of the Rodney family concerning the Cape Girardeau McAdamized and Plank Road Company in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Ruth Capehart Collection, 1831-1904 (R0045)
0.02 cubic foot (2 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Ruth Capehart Collection contains two journals collection by Ruth Capehart. The first journal was written by J.W. Henderson regarding his trips from New York to the pottery manufacturing district in England. The second journal was written by Louisa Raff, a young girl living in Orange Grove, Mississippi.

Scott Carey Papers, 1917-1961 (C2336)
0.38 cubic feet (18 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Scott Carey contain correspondence, reports of arrests, affidavits, and photographs pertinent to Carey's work as a private detective and Frisco Lines agent in Scott and Pemiscot Counties. A private detective for more than fifty years, Carey was also a special officer for the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad in the Missouri Bootheel region.


Carpenters' District Council of Greater St. Louis, AFL-CIO Records, 1892-1979 (C3696)
34 rolls of microfilm (290 folders, 118 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Minutes, correspondence, financial records, labor contracts and apprenticeship records. The St. Louis District Council, one of four in the state of Missouri, worked to unionize carpenter shops, provided benefits for members, and mediated jurisdictional disputes between unions.


Charles L. Carr Papers, 1915-1951 (K0909)
2 c.f.

Carr was an attorney in Kansas City, MO and the General Solicitor for the Kansas City Public Service Company. Includes the personal and professional papers of Carr: correspondence, printed materials from various organizations, files related to the streetcar company and the Missouri State Supreme Court..


John C. Carr Papers, 1914-1920 (C0082)
0.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Papers of a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad claim agent located in Cameron, MO, concerned with injury claims and law cases.


Carthage Horse Railway Company Records, 1883-1891 (R0734)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

This volume contains corporate minutes of the Carthage Horse Railway Company and a predecessor firm, the Carthage Railway Company. The company operated a horse-drawn transit system in Carthage in Japser County, Missouri.


Terence W. Cassidy Collection, 1879-1991 (K0302)
95 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Collected materials of Cassidy, librarian and historian, concerning the history of street railway systems, interurbans, and buses in the Midwest, particularly the Kansas City area. Includes Cassidy's personal and research files: printed materials, publications, articles, and photographs. Also administrative records of the Kansas City Street Railway Company, the Kansas City Public Service Company, and the Kansas City Area Transit Authority.


Cassville and Exeter Railway Company Records, 1909-1976 (R0421)
5 folders

 Finding Aid

These are papers concerning a short-line railroad which connected the towns of Cassville and
Exeter in Barry County, Missouri, begun as the Cassville & Western Railway in 1896 and reorganized
as the C&E in 1919. The collection includes letters, documents, clippings, and photographs


William L. Catherwood Papers, 1859-1873 (C3799)
0.2 cubic feet (14 folders)

 Finding Aid

Papers pertaining to the 8th Regiment, Enrolled Missouri Militia, which Catherwood commanded during the Civil War. Incorporation papers, deeds, and correspondence of the Lander Hill Tunnel and Silver Mining Company of New York and Nevada. Detailed report and drawing for a New York City rapid transit system, 1873.


Central Plank Road Company Collection, 1855 (R0991)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a cancelled six-month promissory note due on September 1, 1855 and issued by the Central Plank Road Company of St. Louis County, Missouri. The note was signed by Treasurer, Charles L. Hunt and endorsed by George R. Harrington.


Centralia, Missouri, Centennial Celebration Papers, 1957 (C3162)
0.12 cubic feet (6 folders)

 Finding Aid

Research notes and typed drafts of histories of many of Centralia's clubs, businesses, institutions, and prominent citizens, compiled for the city's centennial celebration in 1957.


Chariton River Blockhouse Photograph, no date (C0789)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Photograph of blockhouse guarding the Chariton River, Macon County, on Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.


Chicago and Alton Railroad Collection, no date (K0910)
0.25 c.f.

Wallet of items including receipts, maps, and architectural drawings

Chicago and Alton Railroad Plat Map, 1880-1890 (K0195)
1 MR

 Finding Aid

Plat maps of towns and cities in Illinois and Missouri through which the Chicago and Alton Railroad ran. They are mostly hand drawn and show the area of the community where the tracks and depots were located.


Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad (Brookfield, Mo.) Records, 1884-1940 (C4216)
0.4 cubic feet (13 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of the freight station in Brookfield, Missouri, including train agents and conductor's records of trains on hand and trains passing through; their contents, destination, etc., 1884, 1885, 1891. Also includes the Veteran's Association Annual Reports of the Burlington Lines for 1938 and 1940.


Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company Promotional Booklet, circa 1910 (R0424)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is "Health and Pleasure in the Missouri Hills Along Rock Island Lines," a promotional
booklet featuring hotels, rooming houses, resorts, and recreational opportunities along or near the
CRI&P Railway between St. Louis and Versailles, Missouri.

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company Promotional Booklet Collection, 1916 (R0815)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is "A Good Dairy Country: Central Missouri, Along Rock Island Lines, a booklet published by the "Rock Island" railroad to promote dairy farming and other agricultural pursuits along its route between Kansas City and St. Louis in Missouri.

Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company Papers, 1868-1903 (C2564)
0.16 cubic feet (1 folder, 1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The papers of the Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company contain miscellaneous records, including stock certificates and transfers.


Chillicothe and Des Moines City Railroad Company Stock Certificates, 1868-1880 (C2121)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Certificates for three $50 shares issued to George W. Moberly, and transfer of one share to James Burrows.

Donald M. Christisen Papers, 1870-2003 (C4054)
18.1 cubic feet (409 folders), 2 audio tapes, 27 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers of a wildlife field biologist for the Missouri Department of Conservation. They include correspondence, field diaries, maps, reports, studies, publications, and photographs. Christisen specialized in the study of native prairie ecosystems, prairie chickens, squirrels, and mast (forage nuts). The papers also include railroad timetables, accident reports, photographs, worker's logs, publications, maps, and blueprints documenting his interest in railroads.

Civil War Passes, 1862-1863 (C2807)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Five railroad passes and one hospital pass.

Champ and Bennett Champ Clark Papers, 1853-1873 (C0666)
25 cubic feet (1442 folders, 25 volumes, 4 oversize volumes)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Political and personal papers of a Democratic U.S. congressman from Missouri, 1893-1895, and 1897-1921, and his son, a Democratic U.S. senator from Missouri, 1933-1945. Also includes materials of other family members. Collection contains correspondence, financial and legal documents, journals, photographs, speeches and writings, and clippings and scrapbooks.


Christopher Jackson Clark Papers, 1941-2014 (K0555)
11 cubic feet (333 folders, 1 CD, 1 DVD, 142 photographs, 67 slides, 17 items)

 Finding Aid

The Christopher Jackson Clark Papers consist of correspondence, training and operation materials, publications, photographs, and artifacts pertaining to his career with Trans World Airlines, his contribution redefining retirement within the organization, and his involvement with Save-A-Connie.


Edwin McKaig Clendening Papers, 1887-1929 (K0262)
8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, speeches, programs and brochures, meeting minutes, clippings, and photographs, of Edwin Clendening, businessman and Secretary of the Commercial Club, forerunner of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. Correspondence deals with a wide range of topics, both personal and relating to the work of the Chamber.


John J. Cochran Photograph, no date (P0318)
1 photograph

b/w photograph of Charles Lindbergh receiving the Medal of Honor after his trans-Atlantic flight; Lindbergh and President Calvin with other dignitaries in White House Garden

William C. Cole Papers, 1942-1947 (C0013)
8 cubic feet (1,400 folders)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence of a Republican congressman from Missouri's 3rd District dealing with topics as varied as World War II, agriculture, legislation on labor and the atom bomb, education, foreign relations, immigration, flood control, labor, housing, socialized medicine, politics and the postal service.


Combination Bridge Company Collection, 1890-1896 (K0200)
0.02 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Combination Bridge Company Collection contains photographic reproductions detailing the construction of the Combination Bridge over the Missouri River in Sioux City, Iowa.

Committee for Historic Preservation Collection, 1983-1985 (R1380)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Committee for Historic Preservation Papers documents the projects of a committee that makes up part of the Phelps County Historical Society. Detailed records of meetings and projects, including a two-year long fight to save a railroad depot, are included in the collection.


Conley-Myers Bank and Gillespy & Conley Lawyers (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1889-1925 (C4042)
12.8 cubic feet (413 folders)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains business correspondence, land contracts, court appeals, share-holding certificates, payment receipts, record books, warranty deeds, and other documents produced by the Conley-Myers Bank and Gillespy & Conley Lawyers through their real estate transactions in Missouri and Texas.


Joanne Coontz Photographs, 1876-1912 (P0283)
49 photographs

Photographs include: wreck of train, Engine #313 Missouri Pacific; the Gehlken Mill in Morgan County; the Curry Farm and farmhouse in Morgan County; the Gehlken Store in Pettis County, and the Gehlken and Penning families.


Ovid H. Corbin Papers, 1848-1863 (K0129)
0.12 c.f. (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Account book of the wagon maker and wheelwright business, Stone and Umbarger, and its descendant companies which operated in Liberty, Missouri. Also included are personal financial records of Ovid H. Corbin, one of the owners of the company.


Corder-Thomas Family Papers, 1867-1961 (C3697)
11 rolls of microfilm (9 folders, 56 volumes), 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

The Corder-Thomas Family Papers consist of the diaries of Leslie Walker Corder, a Waverly, Missouri, farmer and civic leader; his wife Nellie Perry Buck Corder; and her aunt Susan Buck Cooper Thomas. The diaries contain routine entries about life in Waverly; weather statistics; farm and rental accounts; expense records; genealogies; and comments on building roads and railroads. The papers also include family letters, news clippings, and miscellaneous items.


Dan Rex Cornwell Papers, 1960-2001 (K0567)
17 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Technical training materials of Trans World Airlines (TWA) mechanic and maintenance instructor. Includes technical training materials related to various aircraft and technical training guides, handbooks, service guides, base maintenance manuals, operations training, electrical/mechanical handbooks, refueling guides, customer training, and system schematics.

Cortelyou Family Papers, 1826-1964 (C2463)
1 cubic foot (40 folders)

 Finding Aid

Real estate leases, New Jersey, 1826-1846, and records of estates administered by James and Peter Cortelyou, New Jersey, 1842-1882. Personal correspondence received by Kansas banker Luther M. Cortelyou, Jr., 1895-1964; his high school papers and memorabilia; and diaries kept by him and his father, 1869-1900.

Jerry Weddell Cosley Papers, 1930-2012 (K1279)
8 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Personal papers of Cosley, corporate Vice-President of Trans World Airlines. Cosley worked in public relations for Trans World Airlines (TWA) for over 25 years, as well as other airlines and communications companies. Includes correspondence, research files on airlines and planes, publications and photographs.


Robert A. Cowling Architectural Records, 1947-1993 (K1153)
27 c.f.

Architectural drawings of buildings designed by Cowling and his associates, locally in Kansas City and nationally. He specialized in industrial facilities, particularly transportation related industries: Beechcraft, BMW, Mack Truck, and U-Haul.


Cram's Railroad and Township Map, 1874 (C0783)
0.02 cubic feet (1 oversize item)

 Finding Aid

Map of Missouri showing railroad lines throughout the state.

Thomas Francis Creamer Papers, 1910-1941 (K1220)
1 c.f.

Creamer was a railroad fireman. Includes family photographs, correspondence, and papers relating to the Creamer family in Illinois and Missouri. Also materials related to his work with the Baltimore and Ohio/Chicago and Alton Railroad.


Cresswell Family Papers, 1823-1979 (R0007)
1.25 cubic foot (51 folders, 2 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Cresswell Family Papers contain the personal, legal, and business papers of the Cresswell family of Washington County, Missouri. The papers include correspondence, land documents, legal papers, slave documents, tax receipts, account books from the furnace and store owned by the family, miscellaneous business papers, local school records, and personal papers.

J. H. Criswell Handbill, circa 1902 (R0662)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a handbill by J. H. Criswell at Owensville in Gasconade County, Missouri, soliciting ties for the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Colorado Railroad.


John Croll Photograph Collection, 1890 (P0753)
4 photographs

Copy photos of Wabash Hospital (Moberly), N. Missouri R.R. Locomotive, Hannibal railroad yards and depot.

Enoch H. Crowder Papers, 1884-1942 (C1046)
27 cubic feet (2045 folders, 7 volumes); also available on 51 rolls of microfilm

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and other papers of judge advocate general who administered Selective Service in World War I, served as ambassador to Cuba, and, after his retirement from public life, advised sugar interests.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunningham Collection, 1908-1924, no date (P0195)
8 photographs

Two real photo postcard views of train wreck near Sedalia, MO 1908 (August 21, 1986) and postcards of mid-Missouri. Photo of El Dorado Springs.


Thomas B. Curtis Papers, 1950-1969 (C3300)
5.0 cubic feet, 908 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The Thomas B. Curtis Papers contain constituent correspondence and congressional committee material during Curtis’ terms as a Republican U.S. representative from Missouri. The bulk of committee material pertains to Ways and Means and Joint Economic Committees. 



D. B. Axtell and Company Records, 1878 (R0442)
0.5 cubic foot (1 oversize volume, 1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The D.B. Axtell and Company Records contain an indexed account ledger for a grocery, general store, and tie-buying firm in southeastern Missouri. Owned by D.B. Axtell and J.P. Gabriel, the business was based in Poplar Bluff and did business in Butler and Stoddard Counties. The ledger includes accounts receivable, lists of payments for ties, and expense accounts.

John M. Dalton Papers, 1921-1965 (C2417)
130.3 cubic feet (11967 folders, 51 volumes), 4 oversize volumes, 8 card files, 1 CD

 Finding Aid

Personal and official papers of a Democratic governor of Missouri, 1961-1965. Includes some material from his term as Missouri attorney general.
