"Sand Run Primitive Baptist Church History," Andy J. Brown, 1945-1955 (C1304)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
140th F Club Records, 1927-1982 (K0119)
1 c.f.
The collection contains meeting minutes, financial records, membership records, annual reunion photographs, and memorabilia related to the activities of the 140th F Club.
1951 Flood Collection, 1951 (K1375)
.02 c.f.
The 1951 FLood Collection contains postcards, picture books, and a letter and envelope from the American Red Cross of the Kansas City and Jackson County Chapter.
1951 Flood Photographs, 1951 (K1390)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder, 27 photographs)
The 1951 Flood Photographs contains black and white photographs depicting flooding in the Kansas City metropolitan area in 1951.
4-H Clubs of Missouri Collection, 1925-1952 (C4613)
0.05 cubic feet (3 folders)
The collection contains printed material, award winning ribbons for Buchanan County 4-H, Missouri State Fair, and University of Missouri Junior Farmer’s Day. Also included are 4-H buttons.
A.B. Chance Manufacturing Company Photographs, 1941-1959 (P0121)
11 photographs
11 b/w photos of the A.B. Chance Manufacturing Company in Centralia, MO. Photos depict aerial and ground views of the factory's exterior, interior views of factory workers, an aerial view of the gardens, and a bust of H.A. Houston.
A.B. Hirsch Drug Store (Boonville, Mo.) Records, 1904-1963 (C4032)
3.4 cubic feet (63 folders)
The collection contains a sampling of prescription records from the A.B. Hirsch Drug Store, Boonville, Missouri. Also included are papers pertaining to Vico Salve, which was developed and sold by Hirsch.
Clayton Abbott Collection, circa 1958-1976 (R0581)
0.3 cubic foot (20 folders)
The Clayton Abbott Collection contains research materials on Cedar County, Missouri, compiled by local Stockton historian and author Clayton Abbott. The material includes newspaper clippings, transcripts of letters and documents, and drafts of Abbott’s writings.
Samuel Abend Papers, 1954 (K1177)
0.01 c.f.
Abend was founder and owner of the Exhibitors Film Delivery Service in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographic of an award sponsored by the Motion Picture Association of Greater Kansas City which details Abend's life story.
Ludwig Abt Collection, 1905-1978 (C4465)
37.0 cubic feet (161 folders, 10 architectural boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Architectural drawings, blue prints, sketches, project files, and related material of Moberly, Missouri, architect Ludwig Abt related firms Abt & Cleavinger and J. Kay Cleavinger & Associates. Includes plans for schools, post offices, and other public buildings, churches, businesses, and residences in mid-Missouri counties.
Academy of Science of St. Louis Records, 1856-1959 (S0001)
4 cubic feet, 61 folders, 3 rolls of microfilm
The records contain meeting minutes and copies of its journal, "Transaction of the Academy of Science of St. Louis." Established in 1856 by twelve prominent St. Louis residents, the Academy of Science's mission was to promote the advancement of science.
Frank Ackerman Papers, 1942-1972 (C3443)
14.2 cubic feet (958 folders), 2 audio discs
The Frank Ackerman Papers contain extensive documentation of his work on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities in Missouri. This includes his research materials on services offered to people with intellectual disabilities nationwide and his work for various organizations in Missouri. A lesser amount of material covers his farming business in Pike County, Missouri, and the funeral of Viola Ackerman. Materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, printed materials, organizational records, and handwritten notes.
Adair County, Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1898-1962 (P0087)
24 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of Yarrow, Northeast Missouri State University, and Kirksville (Adair County).
Beatrice Adams Papers, 1937-1975 (S0373)
0.15 cubic foot, 6 folders, 2 photographs, 1 scrapbook
The papers of Beatrice Adams contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, writing samples, and biographical data relating to Adams's career as an advertising executive at Gardner Advertising and her role as an officer of the Advertising Women of St. Louis.
Benjamin Cullen Adams Papers, 1906-1951 (C2161)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
The papers of Benjamin Cullen Adams contain correspondence with his mother, 1906-1914, about Adams' work for Ellis & Company of London in Brazil; biographical material on his father, Congressman Henry Cullen Adams; and material on Gas Service Company Group, Kansas City, of which Adams was president and general manager.
Adult Education Council of Greater St. Louis Records, 1932-1981 (S0844)
21 cubic feet, 83 photographs
The Adult Education Council Records contains meeting minutes, correspondence, grant proposals, personnel and contact files, surveys, and photographs pertaining to the group’s mission to provide information to adult students and professional adult educators in the greater St. Louis area with information on adult education activities and offerings. The materials in this collection date from 1932 to 1981.
Advertising Directors Records, 1878-2002 (S0728)
10 cubic feet, 169 folders
This collection chronicles the personal and professional lives of Sam and Lenore Holtzman, who established Advertising Directors, an advertising agency, in 1953. The collection contains birth, marriage, and death certificates from their families, as well as high school diplomas, drivers' licenses, and induction papers, and a survey they conducted with famous writers on the topic of inspiration. Respondents to that survey include Upton Sinclair, Betty Smith, H. L. Mencken, Ogden Nash , Dorothy Thompson, and Irving Stone. The bulk of the collection, however, consists of client account files, photographs of various shoe styles, advertising copy, artwork and catalogs, and business ledgers and financial statements about the firm.
Advertising Women of St. Louis Records, 1916-1980 (S0372)
11 cubic feet, 249 folders, 497 photographs, 6 microfilm rolls
The Advertising Women of St. Louis Records contains meeting minutes, correspondence, annual reports, flyers, photographs, and newspaper clippings, pertaining to the group’s mission to support women advertising executives in the St. Louis area. Materials of interest include files on the group’s Gridiron dinner and show, which the Advertising Women of St. Louis hosted to benefit St. Louis area charities, including the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital. The collection is divided into five series: General Files; Gridiron Dinner; Photographs; Oversize; and Scrapbooks and Newspapers. The materials in this collection date from 1916 to 1980.
African American Heroines of Jericho Guiding Star Court No. 15, Joplin, Missouri Records, 1916-1959 (R0970)
(30 folders)
These are records of the African American organizatin of the Heroines of Jericho at Joplin in Japser County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings, memership records, attendance rolls, miscellaneous papers, financial records, and communications to and from the Grand Court of Missouri.
African Americans in St. Louis Collection, 1920-1991 (S0036)
0.5 cubic foot, 21 folders
The African Americans in St. Louis Collection is an artificial collection containing histories, unpublished manuscripts, programs, directories, reports, pamphlets, and articles documenting St. Louis's African American Community from 1920 to 1991.
African-American Pioneers in Journalism Collection, 1920-1980 (S0624)
1 cubic foot, 15 cassette tapes, 15 folders with transcripts
The African American Pioneers in Journalism and Broadcasting Oral History Collection contains photographs, cassette tapes, and oral history transcripts on journalists and broadcasters from the St. Louis African-American community. Subjects of interest include Bernie Hayes and Gloria Pritchard.
Agribusiness Club of St. Louis Records, 1937-1970 (S0002)
0.5 cubic foot, 16 folders
The Agribusiness Club of St. Louis was founded in 1937 as the Farmers’ Club of St. Louis and was affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The club was established to advance research, interest, and cooperation in agricultural business. In 1960, Farmers’ Club of St. Louis was renamed the Agribusiness Club of St. Louis. A decade later, in 1970, a decision was made by the club to merge with the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce’s Food and Agriculture Committee to form the Food and Agribusiness Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis. The records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, membership rosters and cards, and the constitution and bylaws of Agribusiness Club of St. Louis.
Agricultural Institute of St. Louis Records, 1945-1983 (S0287)
1.8 cubic feet
The Agricultural Institute of St. Louis Records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, correspondence, correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs pertaining to the organization's mission to support the general welfare of the rural population of the United States through research, experiments, studies, and investigations related to agriculture. The materials in this collection date from 1945 to 1983.
Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service Aerial Photographs, 1938-1979 (P0335)
107.5 linear feet
Missouri county aerial photographs produced by the Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service.
Anna Agris Collection, 1932-1969 (S0804)
0.4 cubic foot, 100 photographs
This collection contains dance programs, photographs, newspaper clippings, and manuscripts documenting Anna Agris' career as a ballet dancer and dance instructor in Chicago, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri. Her maiden name was Anna Agress.
Tonia Morris Agron Papers, 1940-1954 (K1271)
0.01 c.f.
The collection consists of photographs of a Linwood Elementary School class; installation of officers of Norma's House; and Jewish Community Center Girls Varsity Basketball.
Mary B. Aker Papers, 1872-1968 (C3424)
0.5 cubic feet (24 folders)
The papers contain feature articles and news stories, many written by Mary B. Aker, which appeared in newspapers in the area near Parkville, Platte County, Missouri. Also includes deed of land to Female Orphan School in Camden Point and a history of the telephone company in Parkville.
Mary Bullock Aker Papers, 1930-1984 (K0115)
29 f and 2 vol.
Photocopies of short stories and newspaper/magazine articles written by Aker, both rough and final drafts. They cover a variety of topics from the Revolutionary War to household hints. Also an autobiographical story which Mrs. Aker wrote in her 91st year of memories of her childhood in and around Parkville, Missouri
Akers School, Shannon County, Missouri Records, 1910-1953 (R0480)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Akers School, Shannon County, Missouri Records collection contains records of the school at Akers on the Current River in Shannon County, Missouri. The collection includes teachers’ registers, 1910-1945, and the records of the district clerk, 1922-1953.
Albert Wenzlick Real Estate Company Records, 1924-1960 (S0190)
13 microfilm rolls
The Albert Wenzlick Real Estate Company Records contain sales statements of properties, contracts, photographs, and statistical studies on population, living standards, home ownership, and labor costs for housing in the St. Louis area.
Alexander Finance Company Records, 1941-1968 (K0866)
0.5 c.f.
Correspondence, financial records, and tax return records for the Finance Company affiliated with Alexander's furniture store in Kansas City, MO.
David Leroy Alexander Papers, 1865-2001 (K0924)
2 c.f.
Family papers of the Alexander and Graham families of Jackson County and Pettis Counties in Missouri. Includes correspondence, birth certificates, marriage licenses, funeral information and other legal papers. Also Alexander's World War II military records; Robert B. Graham's discharge papers from the Missouri State Militia (1865); scrapbooks; photographs; books; and a journal kept by James Andrew Alexander of Longwood, Missouri.
Ione Alexander Papers, 1925-1982 (K0726)
8 c.f.
Idea notes and working drafts, published manuscripts of autobiographical stories, novels, plays, short stories, and poetry written by Alexander, an accomplished and published author. Also correspondence with friends, family, and other writers and are minutes and other documents relating to various organizations to which she belonged, such as the Quill Club.
Henderson Aley Papers, 1906-1968 (C4108)
0.3 cubic feet
The papers of Henderson Aley contain personal correspondence between himself and his parents during and immediately following World War I. The collection also contains a variety of postcards from 1906-1930.
Allan Family Papers, 1897-1982 (C4454)
0.8 cubic feet (33 folders)
Papers of the Allan family of St. Louis include photographs, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers. The papers largely concern John D. Allan and his children, William J. Allan, an engineer and inventor, and Ruby Allan Shea.
Arthur Allee Collection, 1808-1992 (C4642)
1.0 cubic feet (31 folders)
Genealogical research charts, correspondence, notes, and other research materials concerning the Allee/Alley family.
Allen Chapel A.M.E. Collection, 1959-1982 (K0820)
3.6. cubic feet
The Allen Chapel A.M.E. Collection contains files related to Hazel Browne Williams’ service as a board member of the African American church in Kansas City, Missouri. The collection includes church bulletins and programs, correspondence, board and financial reports, newsletters, conference information, newspaper clippings, and board minutes.
Donna Allen Papers, 1920-1992 (C3795)
18.6 cubic feet (916 folders), 18 audio cassettes, 1 audio disc
The papers of the director of the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press and editor of Media Report to Women include professional correspondence and printed materials on sex and race discrimination cases, media stereotypes, public broadcasting, women's news, national and international women's conferences, and women in management. The papers also document Allen’s involvement in labor, civil rights, and anti-war activism.
Grace Small Allen Collection, 1903-1964 (K1411)
0.75 c.f.
This collection contains materials that belonged to Grace Small Allen, as well as members of her family, who were residents of northwestern Missouri. Materials include books, yearbooks, photographs, a slate, and a diploma.
Lafe F. Allen Papers, 1940s-1980s (CA5798)
9 cubic feet
Papers of a journalist and member of the United States Information Agency, consisting of copies of news stories, articles and other writings, correspondence, notes, background and research material, and miscellaneous personal records related to Allen's coverage of U.S. foreign policy activities in Central and South America, Europe, and Asia.
Allied Printing Trades Council Records, 1894-1990 (S0798)
1 cubic foot, 9 ledgers, 2 microfilm rolls
The records of the Allied Printing Trades Council contain secretary reports, constitution and by-laws, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and ledger relating to the Council's mission to represent printing pressmen, bookbinders, stereotypers, and photoengravers in labor negotiations with employers.
Charles Allonby Photographs, 1877-1971 (P0053)
0.19 cubic feet
Photographs of Thomas Hart Benton, the Newton County Courthouse, L. Carroll Gum, the Herman Jaeger property (near Neosho, MO), and relating to the Kansas City Southern #805 train wreck.
Hermann B. Almstedt Papers, 1887-1954 (C2408)
1.5 cubic feet
Correspondence with colleagues and students, articles, speeches, poems, programs, report cards and diplomas of Hermann B. Almstedt, professor of Germanic Languages at the University of Missouri.
Alpha Chi Omega-Mu Mu Chapter Records, 1947-1997 (K0870)
4 c.f.
Chapter of a national women's fraternity that enriches the lives of members through lifetime opportunities for friendship, leadership, learning, and service. Organizational records of the chapter includes Minutes, presidents' files, treasurers' files, annual reports, committee files, publicity, newsletters, correspondence, and scrapbooks.
Alpha Delta Kappa, Missouri Chapter Records, 1953-1974 (C3669)
2.05 cubic feet (5 folders, 7 oversize volumes)
The records contain minutes and scrapbooks containing photographs, programs, newspaper articles and memorabilia of the Missouri chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, international honorary sorority for women educators. State convention minutes for 1953-1966 and minutes of the executive board meetings for 1953-1967 are included.
Alpha Delta Pi Parents Club Scrapbooks, 1953-2009 (K0871)
2 c.f.
The Club provides tangible and monetary support to the Alpha Delta Pi sorority chapter. Includes Scrapbooks concerning activities of the organization containing newspaper clippings, correspondence, and photographs.
Alpha Gamma Rho, Theta Chapter Records, 1920-1973 (C3621)
0.5 cubic feet (35 folders)
Records, correspondence and scrapbooks of a University of Missouri agricultural fraternity and its building association.
Alpha Pi Zeta Records, 1915-1965 (C0142)
0.4 cubic feet
Minutes, constitution and by-laws, correspondence, financial reports, organizational information, membership lists, programs, and essay.
Altrusa Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1937-2006 (C2305)
5.8 cubic feet (152 folders, 9 oversize volumes)
The records contain minutes of club and board meetings, projects, membership lists, budgets, treasurer's reports, conference materials, club publications, photographs, and scrapbooks of a women's service organization. Also included are records of the Eighth District, which has clubs in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Alumnae Panhellenic Association of Greater Kansas City Records, 1925-2002 (K0824)
6 c.f.
The Association is a social group for college sorority alumnae engaged in philanthropic work. Organizational records including minutes, financial records, rush materials, committee reports, and photos and newspaper clippings. Also information on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its effect on sororities.