Saint Francois


Freemasons, Star of the West Lodge No. 133 Ironton, Missouri Records, 1849-1962 (R0446)
34 folders, 13 volumes MICROFILMED

 Finding Aid

These are records of the Masonic Lodge at Ironton in Iron County, Missouri. The records include
minute books, membership records, personnel files, and miscellaneous lodge papers,
1849-1962. The collection also includes the record books of the Iron Mountain Lodge, 1864-1894,
which consolidated with the Star of the West Lodge in 1894.

E. M. Frentzel, History of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Collection, 1923 (R0707)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains a booklet entitled History of St. Paul’s Ev. Luth. Congregation at Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri. Compiled by Order of the Congregation for Its Golden Jubilee by E. M. Frentzel, Pastor of the Church. It was printed by the Concordia Publishing House in St. Louis, Missouri in 1923.



Grand Army of the Republic, Farmington, Misssouri Records, 1884-1902 (R0131)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Grand Army of the Republic, Farmington, Missouri Records contains a microfilm copy of minute books and a membership book of the Grand Army of the Republic’s post in Saint Francois County, Missouri. The Picket Post No. 215 chapter was organized in 1884, as the Bonne Terre Post. It was moved to Farmington, Missouri in 1887, and renamed Picket Post No. 215.

Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri.  Includes one card file of reference notes.



Mrs. William H. Harper Photograph Collection, no date (P0802)
2 photographs

Photos of Hildebrand/Boaz home near Bonne Terre, St. Francois County


High School Meet for Southeast Missouri Collection, 1933 (R0999)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a program booklet for the 28th annual high school meet for Southeast Missouri, held at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, on April 28-29, 1933. The meet included competitions in academic subjects, music, and debate as well as athletics. The meet was under control of the Teachers College Athletic Committee.

Lyndell Thomasson Highley Papers, 1941-1944, 1978 (C3654)
0.1 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

Letters from Highley to his family in Elvins, Missouri, while serving with the 375th Squadron of the 308th Heavy Bomb Group, Army Air Corps, in China and India during World War II. The papers also include an edited version of his letters by his son J. Scott Highley.

Commodore Perry Hill Collection, 1885-1982 (R0125)
2.5 cubic foot (106 folders, 3 volumes, 91 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Commodore Perry Hill Collection contains newspaper clippings, maps, miscellaneous items, and photographs pertaining to lead mining and related railroad development in the Old Lead Belt, principally of Saint Francois and Madison counties in southeastern Missouri. The collection is a result of a thirty-year avocational interest in the history of the Old Lead Belt by Commodore Perry Hill, Jr.

"Hills of Home," Mrs. W.J. Bennett, no date (C2908)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a script of a pageant for the Bonne Terre centennial, depicting the history of Bonne Terre from before the Civil War to the 1960s.


Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers, 1790-1999 (R1280)
20 cubic feet (501 folders, 14 oversize folders, 27 volumes, 3 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The Katherine J. Hinchey-Cochran Family Papers consisted of family papers, photographs, correspondence, and business records of the extended Hinchey family. Also included are the correspondence and sketches of William J. Hinchey.

Fannie P. Hobbs Student Notebook, 1900 (C2478)
0.10 cubic feet (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains notes made in the teacher training class of Miss McCullough in Bonne Terre in 1900. The notes discuss the methodology of kindergarten teaching according to Frederick Froebel, probably copied from a Froebel text.



Iron Mountain Camp Photograph Collection, 1899 (R1333)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder, 16 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Iron Mountain Camp Photograph Collection contains a photograph album. The album is a souvenir piece that depicts Iron Mountain Camp circa 1899.



Albert Karsch Photograph Collection, no date (P0803)
14 photographs

Photos of Philip Graham Long home in Farmington, MO.


Charles E. Kiefner Papers, 1925-1931 (R0189)
3.5 cubic feet (160 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Charles E. Kiefner Papers contain the papers of a U.S. Representative from Perryville, Missouri. He represented the 13th District (Bollinger, Carter, Iron, Jefferson, Madison, Perry, Reynolds, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Washington, and Wayne counties) in the 69th (1925-1927) and 71st (1929-1931) Congresses. Included are general subject files, post office files, and veterans' pension files.

Edward and Thelma Klein Papers, 1929-1931 (S0264)
2 cubic feet, 29 folders, 2 photographs

 Finding Aid

The papers of Edward and Thelma Klein consist of correspondence sent from Edward to his future wife, Thelma, during his years studying at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy from 1928 to 1930, as well as his time as a pharmacist in St. Louis City from 1930 to 1931. In the letters, Klein professed his love to Thelma, recounted attending shows at St. Louis City theaters, and noted the effect the stock market crash of 1929 had on the drugstore business and the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.

Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
15 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.  


Wayne Lindquist Photograph Collection, no date (P0804)
2 photographs

Copy photos of Bonne Terre Hospital Nurses' Home and Bonne Terre lead miners.


Lions Club Minstrel Collection, 1935 (R1450)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The flier of the Lions Club Minstrel contains advertisements and cast names for the show at the Flat River High School in 1935.


Duane Evans Lyon Scrapbooks, 1913-1958 (C4319)
0.75 cubic feet (3 oversize volumes)

 Finding Aid

The scrapbooks of a Missouri graphic artist contain original art, programs, exhibit announcements, correspondence, photographs, clippings, souvenir menu art, architectural home designs, contest ribbons, and other miscellaneous artwork.


M. P. Cayce and Sons Records, 1873-1874 (R0531)
(1 volume)

 Finding Aid

This is a daybook from a general store operated by Milton Pleasant Cayce and family at Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri. Entries begin April 21, 1873 and continue through April 17, 1874.

Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)

 Finding Aid

These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.

Cyrus T. McCormick, "The Missouri Indian Trails" Collection, no date (R0031)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a photocopy of Cyrus T. McCormick's paper, "The Missouri Indian Trails." The paper describes Indian trails and the earliest roads in Missouri, with an emphasis on the southeastern portion of the state.

Mine La Motte Company Collection, 1916 (R0930)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a report to the stockholders of the Mine La Motte Company from president A. J. Meier, dated March 31, 1916, the report presents in favorable terms the conditions and prospects of the company's mining and other operations in Madison and Saint Francois Counties in Missouri.

Missouri Baptist Associations Records, 1912-1980 (R0394)
17 folders microfilmed

 Finding Aid

This collection consists largely of printed minutes of annual meetings of United or Missionary
Baptist associations in southern Missouri. The minutes include the records of annual sessions,
committee reports, and statistical information on the associations and their constituent churches.
Also included are a few miscellaneous Baptist publications.


Missouri Historic Mining Photograph Collection, circa 1880s-1900s (R0620)
0.22 cubic foot (4 folders, 110 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Historic Mining Photographs Collection contains images concerning mining industries in Missouri, with an emphasis on the Old Lead Belt of southeastern Missouri, and the Tri-State Mining District centered on Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. The subjects include surface installations of various mines, mining equipment, mills, and general views of the mining areas.

Iron Mountain Township (St. Francois County, Mo.) Poll Book, 1860 (C1378)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Election for president and vice-president of the United States and circuit attorney for the 9th Judicial Circuit in Missouri.

Moothart College Photograph Collection, circa 1910 (R0241)
0.01 cubic foot (1 35mm slide)

 Finding Aid

The Moothart College Photograph Collection contains a photograph of the football team of Moothart College in Farmington, Missouri. The view has been copied on one 35mm slide.

Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.

Mothers and Patrons Club, Flat River, Missouri Records, 1907-1937 (R0070)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Mothers and Patrons Club of Flat River, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of a record book for the Mothers and Patrons Club in Flat River, Missouri. The records include meeting minutes, lists of officers and members, and miscellaneous documents.

Mothers and Patrons Club, Leadwood, Missouri Records, 1911-1992 (R0687)
(3 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Mothers and Patrons Club, Leadwood, Missouri Records contain the records of the Mothers and Patrons Club, a women's social and civic organization founded in 1910 at Leadwood, Saint Francois County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings, membership records, finanacial data, and miscellaneous papers, and yearbooks.

William Murphy Biographical Material, no date (C3320)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Brief biography of the Reverend William Murphy, immigrant from Ireland to Virginia; family establishment in Farmington, Missouri; genealogical notes with details on Sarah Barton Murphy and her role in organizing the first church west of the Mississippi River; short history of Farmington and Ste. Genevieve, Missouri; and local events.



Gilbert Nettleton Papers, 1848 (C1607)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Gilbert Nettleton contain materials regarding Nettleton's appointment as postmaster at Iron Mountain, MO.


P. G. Long Account Records, 1856-1860 (R1434)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Philip Graham Long Account Book consists of photo copies of the account ledger of a business located in Farmington, Missouri.

Adam Perkins Papers, 1861-1871 (R1335)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Adam Perkins Papers contain a typescript copy of Adam Perkins' journal, a farmer from Bollinger County, Missouri, is dated from January 1861 through December 1871. The journal was discovered in 1990 in Plainfield, Illinois. It was then typescript by Jean Scott of Orlando, Florida and sent to Lorena S. Eaker of Bollinger, Missouri for editing.

James R. Pettus Collection, 2001 (R0704)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders, 1 CD)

 Finding Aid

The James R. Pettus Collection contains a memoir of service in the European theater of World War II by James R. “Pete” Pettus of the 42nd (“Rainbow”) Division of the U. S. Army. Pettus saw combat with the 232nd Infantry Regiment in France and Germany, eventually ending his wartime experiences in Munich.

Plat of Principle Lead Mines in Jefferson and Saint Francois Counties, State of Missouri Map Collection, no date (R1185)
(1 oversize map)

 Finding Aid

This is a hand-drawn map entitled "Plat of the Principal Lead Mines in Jefferson & St. Francois Counties, State of Missouri." Included are Township 38 North, Range 5 East, and the eastern third of Township 38 North, Range 4 East. The creator of the map is unknown.

Presbyterian Church Farmington, Missouri Records, 1832-1982 (R0114)
(3 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Presbyterian Church of Farmington, Missouri Records contains a microfilm copy of minute books, membership rosters, papers of clerks of Session, and miscellaneous business and historical materials of the Presbyterian Church in Farmington, Missouri.


Reynolds Family Papers, 1875-1997 (CG0007)
2.6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Reynolds Family Papers contain photographs, correspondence, reel to reel films, and other papers related to the Reynolds family of Morehouse, Missouri from 1875-1997.

Roseland Theater Photograph Collection, 1940 (R1146)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 1 photograph)

 Finding Aid

This is a black-and-white exterior view of the Roseland Theater at Flat River (now Park Hills) in St. Francois County, Missouri. The photograph shows a crowd waiting to see 'The Grapes of Wrath'.

Rotary Club International District 6060 Records, 1946-2021 (S0233)
11 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence, memos, yearbooks, directories, anniversary programs, and conference materials documenting Rotary District 6060's mission to support local rotary clubs through club visits and organizing yearly district conferences. Organized in 1910 with the founding of the St. Louis Rotary Club, District 6060 is an administrative body that oversees Rotary Clubs in the Eastern part of Missouri, from Hannibal to the Missouri Bootheel.

Francis Claude Rozier Financial Records, 1875-1891 (R0465)
0.2 cubic foot (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The Francis Claude Rozier Financial Records contain financial journal kept by Francis Claude Rozier (1816-1879) of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, and after Francis Rozier’s death, by his son, Henry Louis Rozier (1849-1927). It provides periodic summaries of personal financial affairs, including lists of assets, expenses, and other financial transactions.


Saint Francois Agricultural and Mechanical Association Collection, 1891 (R1273)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a booklet containing the program, premium list, and regulations of the twentieth annual fair of the St. François county Agricultural and Mechanical Association, held September 8-11, 1891 at Farmington, Missouri.

Saint Francois Agricultural and Mechanical Association Records, 1872-1895 (R0481)
(1 rolls of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Saint Francois Agricultural and Mechanical Association Records collection contains a daybook, 1872-1873, and livestock entry book, 1882-1895, of the St. Francois Agricultural and Mechanical Association.


Saint Francois County, Missouri Collection, 1876-1951 (R0242)
0.1 cubic foot (9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Saint Francois County, Missouri Collection contains obituaries, wedding announcements, anniversary notices, and miscellaneous biographical material clipped from Saint Francois County newspapers.
