

James E. Mueller Papers, 1988-2012 (R1324)
4 cubic feet (140 folders, 3 video tapes, 7 audio cassettes, 213 lantern slides)

 Finding Aid

The James E. Mueller Papers contain the correspondence and printed materials assembled by James E. Mueller over the course of his years of research and volunteerism as an environmentalist in Joplin, Missouri. Included in the papers are materials concerning air quality issues, a campaign targeting emission levels of a local company, and a proposed landfill at a site in farm country north of Joplin. There are also papers pertaining to other environmental issues that interested Mueller, including hazardous waste disposal and lead poisoning.


Municipal League of Metro St. Louis Records, 1918-2020 (S0279)
1.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Municipal League of Metro St. Louis records consists of member meeting minutes relating to the organization's mission to improve St. Louis County residents' lives by fostering cooperation among St. Louis County government and municipalities. Topics of interest include the League's lobbying of state and federal government for legislation designed to help municipalities better serve their residents, including the proposed implementation of an internet sales tax and the removal of radioactive waste stored in St. Louis City and County. Interspersed throughout the meeting minutes are resolutions, reports, and policy statements regarding recreational opportunities for at-risk youth in St. Louis County, solid waste management policy, and local control of municipal affairs in light of St. Louis County Executive Sam Page's restrictions on businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Also included in the collection is a history of the League, written by Charles W. Sisler, a former Crestwood council member (1977-1991). The materials in this collection date from 1918 to 2020.



Nathan Olive Boone Homestead Committee Collection, 2003 (R0951)
0.02 cubic foot (2 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead Collection contains a First annual Nathan Boone Rendezvous booklet from 1984 and a souvenir booklet for the Twentieth Annual Nathan Boone Homestead Days Festival, held in September 2003 at Ash Grove in Greene County, Missouri.


National Audubon Society Four Seasons Chapter Records, 1982-2000 (CG0038)
0.8 c. f.

 Finding Aid

The Four Seasons Audubon Society was a chapter of the National Audubon Society that encompased members of southeast Missouri. The records include meeting minutes, financials, correspondence, and newsletters from 1982-2003.

National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs Records, 1950-2014 (CA6684)
1.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains the records of the National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs. The organization was created to promote active citizenship involvement and education through local Republican clubs across the United States. The records include correspondence, minutes, political education materials, and miscellaneous material related to the organization.

National Federation of Press Women Records, 1910-2020 (C3973)
5.0 cubic feet, 16 audio cassettes, 3 rolls of microfilm, 537 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

Records of an organization consisting of affiliated state professional associations of press women, which promotes the professional development of journalists. Includes correspondence of officers, annual convention materials, histories of the organization and its members, publications, and affiliate information.

National Federation of Press Women Records, 1945-2017 (CA6205)
6.4 cubic feet, 9 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 3 rolls of microfilm, 2 video cassettes, 4 DVDs

 Finding Aid

Addition of publications, conference materials, meeting minutes, membership rosters, and other records of an organization founded in 1937 that promotes the professional development of journalists. 

National History Day in Missouri Records, 1980-2018 (CA5958)
53.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

National History Day in Missouri (NHDMO) is a yearlong history education program, sponsored by The State Historical Society of Missouri, in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council. The program encourages young people to explore history and teaches them to understand historical issues, ideas, people and events. It is the state affiliate of National History Day. Records include office files and student entries.


National League of American Pen Women, Kansas City-Westport Branch Records, 1931-2011 (K0437)
6 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Scrapbooks, minutes, secretary's book, president's records, achievement reports, miscellaneous yearbooks, histories, and organizational newsletters.


National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records, 1954-2020 (S0291)
8 cubic feet, 229 folders, 1731 photographs, 5 scrapbooks, 16 compact discs, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

The National Society of Arts and Letters, St. Louis Chapter Records contain meeting minutes, correspondence, program booklets, photographs, and scrapbooks regarding the organization’s mission to encourage and assist young artists in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area by bestowing scholarships and awards, and holding annual competitions in drama, literature, music, art and dance.



National Women and Media Collection, 1965-2009 (C3025)
1.75 cubic feet (38 folders), 23 audio cassettes, 16 video cassettes, 531 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The National Women and Media Collection (NWMC) contains speeches, newspaper columns, advertising campaigns, articles, interviews, and audiovisual material from women in the media as well as media organizations.

National Women and Media Collection 20th Anniversary Records, 2007 (C4006)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 1 video cassette, 1 compact disc, 1 DVD

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Newspaper articles promoting lecture event, sound recording of Marj Paxson discussing founding of the collection, and video of the lecture and panel discussion featuring Tad Bartimus.

Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City Records, 1931-2011 (K0279)
34 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of a historical society for Kansas City area history. Includes minutes and Secretaries' files; President's files; Treasurers' files; membership records; Curators' files of correspondence with researchers; general correspondence; historical information; and other materials related to the operation of the organization.


Benton Naylor Papers, 1989-2006 (CA6599)
3.1 cubic feet, 1 DVD, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

The papers of a farmer and hobbyist photographer from Chariton County, Missouri, largely contain photographs, including photographs taken during his involvement with the Agricultural Leadership of Tomorrow program and for the funeral of a Civil War veteran.


Robert F. Neathery Collection, 1903-2001 (R1112)
2 cubic feet (65 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are papers of Robert F. Neathery, a developer and operator of radio stations and cable television systems at West Plains in Howell County, Missouri. They consist of personal, family, and business papers, drafts and other papers concering Neathery's memoir, 'West Plains As I Knew It', and miscellaneous topical files.


Mary Carol Neth Papers, 1927-2004 (C4040)
8.0 cubic feet (251 folders), 15 audio cassettes, 4 card files

 Finding Aid

The professional papers of Mary C. Neth, created during her research of rural women's history of the Midwest and the history of American tap dance consists of research material, essays, newspaper clippings, photographs, conference materials, professional correspondence, and other papers. The collection also includes various documents related to the activities of the Rural Women's Studies Association, of which Neth was a founding member.

Neville, Sharp, and Simon Architectural Records, 1933-2000 (K1105)
111 c.f.

Architectural drawings, job specifications, and photographs of buildings designed by the firm.


New Directions for News Records, 1970s-2000s (CA5556)
303.2 cubic feet, 38 oversize items (includes approx. 1,710 video cassettes, 725 audio cassettes, 840 computer disks, and 25 audio tapes)

 Finding Aid

Records of a project of the MU School of Journalism include project and research files; workshop and conference materials; correspondence; surveys; recordings of interviews; promotional materials; and miscellaneous material.

New Directions for Women Records, 1971-2000 (C4031)
8 cubic feet (237 folders), 23 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

The New Directions for Women collection contains the business records of a feminist newspaper based in New Jersey and published from 1972 to 1993. The records include correspondence, reader surveys, newspapers, indexes, and financial records, as well as material concerning publicity, fundraising, grants, advertising, circulation, and conferences hosted by the publication.

New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019. 

New Music Circle Records, 1959-2008 (S0483)
12 cubic feet, 8 photographs, 1 audio tape, 2 cassettes, 1 grooved single

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Founded in 1951, the New Music Circle (NMC) provides a forum for area composers and musicians. NMC is interested mainly in contemporary and avant-garde music. These records include correspondence, flyers, programs, meeting minutes, one LP recording, one 45 RPM recording, two cassettes, one reel-to-reel, and photographs of the group's activities and concerts.



New Santa Fe Historical Society Records, 1866-2009 (K0551)
15 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records and research materials of a historical society in south Kansas City, MO. Also includes information on neighboring regions, and Watts Mill.


Freda Bortnick Newton Papers, 1911-2008 (K0805)
0.01 c.f.

Personal papers of Newton, including immigration records, vital records and, discharge papers for husband William Jack Newton, both members of Congregation Beth Shalom.


Judge Ann Quill Niederlander Papers, 1978-2001 (S0950)
4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Judge Ann Quill Niederlander Papers contains correspondence, photographs, legal materials, and rewards documenting Quill's service as a magistrate and associate circuit judge for the 21st Judicial Circuit in St. Louis County from 1978 to 1985.


Nine Network of Public Media Records, 1952-2015 (S0043)
42 cubic feet, 3396 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Nine Network of Public Media records contains correspondence, meeting minutes, press releases, photographs, newsletters, and newspaper clippings regarding the organization's mission to provide community-supported educational television to the St. Louis area.   


Rose M. Nolen Papers, 1873-2004 (C4227)
1.0 cubic foot (41 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Rose Nolen contain clippings, research materials, and manuscript drafts of a Sedalia, Missouri, journalist. Topics include the Katy Depot in Sedalia, the Methodist Inner City Church in Kansas City, Black Panthers and the Black Power Movement, Bothwell Regional Medical Center, and Sedalia history.


Normandy Area Historical Association Records, 1877-2008 (S0420)
2 cubic feet, 1 microfilm roll, 1 scrapbook

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The records of the Normandy Area Historical Association contain photographs, correspondence, programs, yearbooks, and histories relating to the organization's mission to help resolve common or area-wide problems, including those of stabilizing communities, as well as increase historical awareness among Normandy residents.


Normandy School District Collection, 1960-1961, 1994-2019 (S0326)
0.5 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The collection contains issues of the Alumni Courier, a Normandy High School Alumni Association publication. The newspaper features stories about Normandy area businesses, neighborhoods, schools, and Normandy High School alumni profiles.



Normandy Seniors (NOR-SEN) Collection, 1995-2004 (S0951)
0.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains Issues of the newsletter from the group Normandy Seniors.


North Kansas City Levee District v. Forever Green of Missouri, LLC Papers, 1819-2009 (K1111)
80 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research files including legal documents, government records, corporate records, correspondence, minutes, photographs, maps, and plans.


North Side Preservation Commission Records, 1980-2010 (S0952)
16 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Northside Preservation Commission Records contain reports, photographs, and audio cassettes and videotapes pertaining to the group's mission to preserve North St. Louis, Missouri's historic properties, as well as help low-income families buy property in the area.


Shirley Ginsberg Novorr and Eugene Leslie Novorr Papers, 1976-2002 (K1185)
0.02 c.f.

Gene Novorr participated in the Michaels Golf Invitationals. Includes photographs of the tournament.



O'Bannon Homestead Collection, 1892-2007 (K1114)
8 f

Research and documentation of the restoration of the homestead located in in Garden City, Cass County, Missouri. Also photographs of the property, both exterior and interior; and of the photographs of the O'Bannon and Johnson families.


Diane Berry O'Hagan Papers, 1940s, 1979-2010s (CA6525)
0.2 cubic feet

Letters, cards, clippings, drawings, photographs, and miscellaneous material documenting a decades-long pen pal friendship between the family of Diane Berry O'Hagan of Versailles and Columbia, Missouri, and the family of Hu Keng-Seng of China. The two became pen pals after World War II and reconnected in 1979 after more than 30 years.

Thomas R. Oates Papers, 1940-2006 (CA6212)
7.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

A collection of photographs, slides, and negatives of Dr. Thomas R. Oates, a nationally known documentary photographer and Saint Louis University alumnus. He did extensive research on rural Missouri and farming, as well as the inner city environment of St. Louis.


Treva Faye Oden Collection, 1887-2010 (C4480)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

Copies of newspaper articles and photographs, biographical and historical records for Antioch Christian Church and Grand Prairie Baptist Church located in Callaway County Missouri.



Marian Ohman Papers, 1893-1935, 1960-2002, bulk 1970-1985 (C4733)
5.5 c.f. (398 folders), 1 16mm film reel, 1 v.c., 1.17 MB born digital files, 31 oversize items, 2670 photographs, 1100 slides, 2 card file boxes

 Finding Aid

Research files on Missouri courthouses and churches, including photographs. Also contains information about the National Commission on the Observance of International Women’s Year; the Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney art collection; architects Morris Frederick Bell and Harvey Ellis; and Black bandmaster and composer, Major N. Clark Smith.

Older Women's League Records, 1981-2009 (S0674)
25 cubic feet, 9 photographs

 Finding Aid

The Older Women's League (OWL), founded in 1981, is a national membership organization with more than 30,000 members and 1000 chapters. The St. Louis Gateway Chapter, one of the largest with 350 members, was founded in 1985. OWL's mission is to improve the image and status of mid-life and older women through grassroots advocacy, mutual support, and education. The collection includes correspondence newsletters, meeting minutes, reports, and photographs.


Charles and Marian O'Fallon Oldham Papers, 1913-2004 (S1112)
2 cubic feet, 38 folders, 179 photographs, 10 oversize items, 2 cassette tapes

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence, photographs, court transcripts, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the lives of Civil Rights activists Charles and Marian Oldham. Charles Oldham was instrumental in organizing picket lines and demonstrations that helped open college admission for African Americans at Washington University in St. Louis in 1948. The Oldhams were also active members of the St. Louis chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and participated in the Jefferson Bank protests in 1963. Other subjects of interest include Marian O’Fallon Oldham’s tenure as a member of the University of Missouri’s Board of Curators and Charles Oldham’s time as the National Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. The materials in this collection date from 1913 to 2004.


Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Records, 1760-2004 (CG0010)
296 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Oliver and Oliver Law Firm Papers contain case files and correspondence of the firm from the 1880s to 1980s. This collection also includes the genealogy of the Oliver and Watkins families, family correspondence, and civic involvements with the Boy Scouts of America, Rotary Club, Sons of the American Revolution, and Presbyterian Church. In addition, this collection contains material related to the Little River Drainage District, Oliver Land and Development Company, and Mingo National Wildlife Refuge.

Gregory Allen Olson Photographs, 1997-2004 (P0201)
3 folders

Photographs of a 2004 Ioway encampment during Lewis and Clark Commemoration and Mel Carnahan's funeral, 2000.


Philip G. Olson Papers, 1919-2006 (K1126)
10 c.f.

Olson is a retired University of Missouri-Kansas City professor in Sociology whose research focused on urban neighborhoods. Includes research materials, gathered by Olson, about neighborhoods in Kansas City, MO.


One-room Schoolhouse Oral History Project Records, 2008-2021 (C4051)
0.9 cubic feet (8 folders), 59 CDs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of interviews with people who attended or taught at one-room schoolhouses. Includes digitally recorded interviews and transcripts of the interviews, photographs, textbooks, as well as some biographical information on the interviewees.      

Open Space Council Collection, 1988-2005 (S0302)
1 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains photographs of events sponsored by the Open Space Council of St. Louis, including Operation Clean Stream, which seeks to protect and restore the Meramec River and its tributaries.


Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records, 1939-2023 (S0062)
51 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Opera Theatre of St. Louis Records contains correspondence, programs, and financial materials relating to the history of opera in St. Louis from 1939, including the opera productions, metropolitan opera auditions, and the efforts to raise the public's interest in opera. 



Optimist International Records, 1919-2019 (S1244)
137 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Optimist International Records contain board and convention meeting minutes, club files, publications, grant files, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting the organization’s mission to promote the common good in communities, traditionally supporting youth through various programs. Materials of interest include files on individual Optimist Clubs throughout Missouri and the world, which include membership lists and club reports sent to Optimist International. The materials in this collection date from 1919-2019.


James W. Orchard Papers, 1958-2016 (R1351)
0.5 cubic foot (10 folders, 1 CD, 4 DVDs, 1 a.c.)

 Finding Aid

The James W. Orchard Papers contains the papers of Missouri bluegrass musician Jimmy Orchard including event and festival fliers, photographs, recordings of shows, and music album information.


Oregon County Masonic Records, 1871-2018 (R1469)
3.25 cubic feet (58 folders, 10 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Oregon County Masonic Records contain materials related to the Masonic lodges and Order of Eastern Star chapters in Thomasville and Alton, Missouri. The Woodside Masonic Lodge No. 387 and the Alton Masonic Lodge No. 255 were the only lodges in Oregon County, Missouri. These materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, financial records, bylaws, photographs, and membership petitions.


Organization for Black Struggle Records, 1970-2016 (S1240)
3 cubic foot, 72 folders, 905 photographs, 35 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

The Organization for Black Struggle Records (OBS) contains correspondence, press releases, flyers, and newsletters pertaining to the group's mission to address the needs and issues of the Black working class in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. Topics of interest include housing and job discrimination cases, criminal justice reform, and apartheid in South Africa.
