Linda McKay Papers, 1989-2019 (S0652)
1 cubic foot
The Linda McKay Papers contain articles, correspondence, magazines, memorandum, newsletters, pamphlets, and reports regarding McKay's involvement in CharacterPlus, and organization dedicated to enriching the lives of students and children by creating high-achieving school environments and encouraging students to becoming engaged with their community. McKay serves as the programming chair and was the founding executive director of CharacterPlus. McKay is also a founding member and board chair of (formerly known as Character Education Partnership).
Peggy E. McKeehan Collection, 1966-1980 (K1393)
0.12 cubic foot (4 folders, 2 oversize folders)
The Peggy E. McKeehan Collection contains Western Auto Supply Company advertisements and biographical information about Peggy E. McKeehan dated 1966 to 1980. The majority of these advertisements had hand lettering done by McKeehan.
Kathy McKemy Papers, 1975-2014 (S0501)
3.2 cubic foot
The Kathy McKemy Papers contain bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, booklets, and newspaper clippings primarily documenting her involvement with the National Organization for Women's (N.O.W.) St. Louis Chapter. Materials of interest include bylaws and correspondence for the North St. Louis County Chapter of N.O.W., one of the first St. Louis-area N.O.W. chapters.
John W. McLoed Papers, 1915-1921, 1976-1987 (C4395)
0.4 cubic feet (5 folders), 1 volume
Photographs of University of Missouri student John W. McLoed and fellow students; photographs of the Farmers Liberty Fair, 1918; scrapbook with entries by MU students along with assorted event invitations, dance cards, athletic events, commencements, and freshman humor.
Elaine Hydeman McNabney Papers, 1973-1991 (K0702)
1 c.f.
Materials gathered by McNabney, a former nurse, concerning the old General Hospital of Kansas City. She was very involved with the "Save the General Hospital" campaign.
Paula McNeill Photographs, 1989 (P0942)
33 photographs
Photos of the University of Missouri Sesquicentennial celebrations, 1989
McPherson Family Papers, 1930-2017 (R1304)
4 cubic feet (56 folders)
These are diaries and personal papers of Elizabeth J. McPherson, her daughter, Constance McPherson, and son, George McPherson Jr. They include Elizabeth's diaries of daily life in Ohio and Rolla, Missouri from 1930 to 1977; correspondence and diaries by Constance regarding her travels and Peace Corps service in the Philippines from 1960 to 1964; and George's scrapbook and personal papers regarding his family, extended circle of friends, community activities, and career at the University of Missouri-Rolla from 1969 to 1988.
Lewis E. Meador Papers, 1904-1982 (R0674)
1 cubic foot (47 folders)
These are papers of L. E. Mador, an economist, political scientist, and civic leader in Springfield, Missouri. Included are materials concerning Springfield's Charter Commission (1952) , Missouri state government, and Wiilson's Creek National Battlefield.
Media Watch Records, 1987-1993 (C4093)
0.1 cubic feet, 2 video cassettes
Medicine in the Jungle Web Exhibit Collection, 1959-2002 (S0651)
0.4 cubic foot, 8 folders, 3 CDs
This collection is a compilation of material gathered by Sonya McDonald during her research and creation of the web exhibit "Medicine in the Jungle: Dr. Thomas Dooley and Earl Rhine in Laos," using the Earl Rhine Papers and the Thomas A. Dooley Papers. Included in this collection are correspondence, articles, newsletters, web exhibit script, CD of the web exhibit, oral history interviews, and artifacts.
Medlock-Luecke Family Papers, 1873-2021 (S0039)
6.5 cubic feet
The Medlock-Luecke Family papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, family histories, and a yearbook pertaining to the Jim, Kay, Joey, and AJ Medlock; the Luecke family, primarily Robert Clarence and Louise Meers Luecke; and other branches of the family, including the Eakers and the Hodges.
Bessie Mae Spurling Megee Papers, 1935-1991 (C4433)
0.7 cubic feet (15 folders, 5 CDs)
This collection consists of material regarding a prolific promotional contest winner from Moberly, Missouri.
Meinershagen Family Papers, 1931-2003 (C4688)
1.25 cubic feet (35 folders)
Family papers and genealogical research materials compiled by Fred H. Meinershagen of Columbia, Missouri, for a published family history entitled “The Prosperous and Diligent Blacksmith from Wersen” [Meinershagen, Begemann, Hackmann, Neiweg, and Brinkmann families]. Includes correspondence, research, family reunion notes and other materials, newspaper clippings, obituaries, photographs, color slides, negatives, and genealogical charts.
Joseph C. Meisner Papers, 1958, 1968-1980 (C4729)
11.4 cubic feet (411 folders), 4 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes
The papers of an agricultural economist who worked for the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension and with Catholic farm groups.
Edwin B. Meissner Jr., Papers, 1944-1998 (S0933)
0.04 cubic feet, 2 ledgers
The Edwin B. Meissner Records contain correspondence, books, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, and a videotape focusing on the history of race relations in St. Louis from 1944 to 1998. The majority of the materials focus on Meissner’s efforts to improve race relations in St. Louis as the chairperson of the St. Louis Race Relations Commission.
Emory Melton Papers, 1920s-2000s (CA3125)
43.75 cubic feet, 8 oversize items
Papers of a Republican state senator, representing the 29th Senatorial District. Includes constituent, legislative, and general correspondence, photographs, election and campaign material, and subject and legislative files.
Emory Melton Papers, 1880-1980 (SP0065)
20 cubic feet
The Emory Melton Papers contain the personal and professional papers of attorney and long-time state Senator Emory Melton of Cassville, Missouri.
Memorial Methodist Church (St. Louis, Mo.) Records, 1844-1981 (C1071)
1.25 cubic feet
Records of the church from its beginning as the South St. Louis Mission (German Methodist) in 1844 to 1981. Includes quarterly conference reports and minutes; membership, baptism, and marriage records; church board and organization meeting minutes; Sunday School records; some financial records; and photographs.
Menorah Medical Center Auxiliary Collection, 1981-2004 (K1076)
0.5 c.f.
Photographs of various events and activities; newsletter; certificates.
Menorah Medical Center Records, 1919-2004 (K1077)
43 c.f.
Records relating to the Menorah Medical Center Auxiliary, to land transactions of the Medical Center, and to the history and public relation of Menorah Hospital, established by the Jewish community in in 1930.
Mensie Family Papers, (S0276)
0.5 cubic foot
The Mensie Family Papers contain correspondence, baptismal certificates, photographs, and scrapbooks pertaining to Vernon August Mensie's (1917-1999) service with the 4th Airdrome Squadron of the 5th Air Force during World War II; the death of Vernon's uncle, William Henry Mensie (1887-1967); and Vernon's efforts to trace the lineage of his grandfather, Johann Bernard Mensie and his descendants. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks chronicling Vernon August Mensie's (1917-1999) travels to Colorado and California and his service with the 4th Airdrome Squadron of the 5th Air Force during World War II.
Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Collection, 1980-1989 (R0454)
5.75 cubic feet (86 folders, 865 photographs)
The Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Records contains the historic site surveys, with accompanying photographs, negatives, and research materials for Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, and Washington Counties. Included in the reports are houses, churches, schools, bridges, businesses, and other structures.
Mercantile Bancorporation Records, 1859-1999 (S1242)
45.5 cubic feet
This collection contains meeting minutes, property appraisal cards, annual reports, VHS tapes, and photographs pertaining to the Mercantile Bancorporation’s mission to provide financial services to customers in the Midwest. Materials of interest include property appraisal cards for residential homes in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region. The cards contain information about the lot size, construction material, and estimated value for each individual property. The materials in this collection date from 1936 to 1999.
James H. Meredith Papers, 1961-1987 (S0472)
56 cubic feet, 1 microfilm roll
James H. Meredith was a United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Missouri. Between 1972-1981, Meredith oversaw the legal battle to desegregate the St. Louis Public Schools. In 1979, he ruled that the St. Louis City Board of Education did not hold the responsibility for racial imbalance in city schools. When the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed his ruling, Meredith became committed to voluntary desegregation. The collection includes seven scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs.
Metro Housing Resources Records, 1970-1982 (S0772)
29 cubic feet, 1 cassette, 1 videotape
The records of Metro Housing Resources contain correspondence, meeting minutes, applications, and newsletters documenting the organization's mission to advocate for fair housing and housing options for lower-income families and researching questions related to fair housing and the provisions of housing for low-income and minority families. The services consisted of developing and maintaining a listing service for clients and providing a referral and counseling service for people alleging discrimination in housing. Harry Edward Berndt, the director, closed the organization in 1982, citing declining support for housing issues under the Reagan administration.
Metro St. Louis Women's Federal Credit Union Records, 1978-1984 (S0978)
0.25 cubic foot
The Metro St. Louis Women's Federal Credit Union Records contain bylaws, a charter, newsletters, and news clippings pertaining to the group's mission to provide economic self-sufficiency for women living the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Metropolitan Area League of Women Voters Collection, 1919-1987 (S0248)
34 cubic feet, 1021 folders, 26 photographs
This collection contains reports, correspondence newspaper clippings, and meeting minutes from several St. Louis area chapters of the League of Women Voters. The chapters include Kirkwood, University City, Webster Groves, North County, St. Louis County, metro, Clayton, and Central County.
Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis Records, 1970-2011 (S0543)
17 cubic feet
The Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis was founded on October 28, 1972, with a primary mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the gay and lesbian community of St. Louis. Materials include administrative files, publications, artifacts, correspondence, and conference materials, which reflect many of the activities of the church and some of its members since its founding, as well as information concerning the gay and lesbian community in St. Louis.
Metropolitan Information Network (MINET) Records, 1976-1980 (K0518)
2 c.f.
Business and organization records of this Library network group within the Greater Kansas City area.
Metropolitan Kansas City Chapter-Older Women's League (OWL) Records, 1983-2006 (K1115)
3 c.f.
Organizational records of the Chapter concerned about the problems of midlife and older women. Includes minutes and agendas, financial records, photographs, clippings, and printed and published material concerning the Metropolitan Kansas City OWL and the national organization. "Administrative Records" folders are set up in the manner of scrapbooks, so most of these types of materials will appear in each of those folders.
Charlotte A. Metzger Collection, 1859-1871; 1971-1992 (C4546)
0.8 cubic feet (16 folders)
Genealogical research material on the Abney family--as well as the related families of Breckenridge, Davis, Geisinger, McClanahan, Shelton, and Van Lear--compiled in the writing of In Search of Kate (1978).
Alberta J. Meyer Papers, 1913-2018 (C4413)
0.8 cubic feet (19 folders), 1 computer disc, 1 DVD
Professional and family papers, including many photographs, from the life of public servant and feminist Alberta J. Meyer.
Meyn and Fennel Architectural Records, 1954-1982 (K0366)
1 c.f.
Renderings and photographs of buildings designed by Meyn and Fennel in Kansas City MO and KS. Also includes microfilm of plans and specs.
MFA/Shelter Insurance Scrapbooks, 1971-1983 (C4691)
1.0 cubic foot (6 volumes)
Scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, 1971-1983, pertaining to the employees and business activities of MFA and Shelter Insurance companies.
Mid-America Grocers Association Records, 1948-2003 (S0260)
9.75 cubic feet
The Mid-America Grocers Association (MAGA) records contain the organization’s photographs, slides, correspondence, constitution and by-laws, and in-house publications. Founded in 1905, MAGA’s mission was to promote the interests of food industry retailers through its involvement in legislative affairs, labor relations, scholarship programs, and continuing education. (MAGA was formerly known as the Metropolitan Retail Food Dealer Association). Materials of interest include photographs depicting grocery store grand openings, product shows, awards dinners, and social outings.
Mid-America Regional Council Records, 1958-1994 (K1079)
7 c.f.
Reports by MARC and other planners relative to planning and planning issues in the Greater Kansas City area.
Mid-America Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Records, 1978-2020 (CA6479)
1.4 cubic feet, 2 DVDs, 1.41 GB of digital files
The records of MIDTESOL include newsletters, photographs, conference and business files, reports, and miscellaneous material.
Mid-Missouri Alternatives to Violence Project (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1989-2009 (CA6234)
4 cubic feet
Records of the Columbia, Missouri, branch of the anti-violence organization. Includes workshop materials, grant files, newsletters, financial records, and administrative files.
Mid-Missouri Camera Club Records, 1974-1997 (C4572)
0.25 cubic feet (9 folders)
Records of the club include meeting attendance records, membership lists, correspondence, material on group field trips, material on photographic techniques, newsletters, and programs produced by the club. Also included are miscellaneous materials, which include the organization’s history, memos, forms, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, and wildlife photographs. The series has been arranged by type of material.
MidAmerican Coalition for Energy Alternatives (MACEA) Records, 1973-1981 (K0060)
1 c.f.
Minutes and agendas of the MACEA executive council; letters related to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; news releases of MACEA and other environmental organizations; newsletters for MACEA and flyers distributed to members; and other material, published and unpublished, related to energy questions.
Midtown-Westport Area Collection, 1976-2007 (KA2625)
.3 c.f.
The Midtown-Westport Area Collection contains newsletters, notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reports related to the titular Kansas City, Missouri neighborhood.
Midwest Art History Society Records, 1973-2014 (K0591)
10 c.f.
Organizational records of the regional art history society. Includes minutes, membership information, correspondence, financial records, planning materials for meetings and conferences, and newsletters
Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment Records, 1977-2019 (S0935)
22.6 cubic feet
The Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment (MCRI) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, studies, and subject files on genetically modified organisms, Monsanto, Boeing, and nuclear power. MCRI is a St. Louis area faith-based organization dedicated to investing in major corporations and using their power as shareholders to influence companies to become more socially responsible and transparent.
Midwest Council for Social Research on Aging Papers, 1961-1996 (K1080)
0.02 c.f.
Catalogs, minutes, directories, and newsletters.
Midwest Disc Sports Collection, 1950s-2023 (CA5828)
42.7 cubic feet, 227 video cassettes/films, 20 DVDs, 1 audio cassette, 1 audio tape, 4 hard drives, 466 MB of digital files
Collection of correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, books, newsletters, posters, photographs, films, video recordings, and miscellaneous instructional and promotional material documenting the development of disc sports nationally and internationally. Disc sports covered include: disc golf, guts, double disc court, freestyle, ultimate, canine events, and others. Etymology of "Frisbee" plus other disc sport history and folklore.
Milgram Food Stores, Inc. Annual Reports, 1972-1989 (K1402)
0.06 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Milgram Food Stores, Inc. Annual Reports contains six annual reports of the former supermarket chain dated between 1972 and 1989.
James R. Miller Papers, 1943-1991 (K0733)
4 c.f.
Contains files, scrapbooks, photographs and tape recordings relevant to Miller's career in law enforcement with an emphasis on the administration of the Clay County, Missouri jail and notes on his World War II intelligence work, including war crimes investigations.
Merritt F. Miller Collection, 1866-2003 (C3921)
0.8 cubic feet (40 folders)
Photographs, negatives and caption notebook of a University of Missouri professor of soils, 1904-1938; and dean of the College of Agriculture, 1838-1945; depicting scenes of the Ozarks; European landmarks and agriculture; a North American tour of the International Society of Soil Science; and various Missouri, Columbia, and University of Missouri scenes. Also included are correspondence to and from Miller, postcards he collected while visiting Europe, and miscellaneous papers.
Richard Lawrence Miller Papers, 1959-1991 (K0327)
25 c.f.
Research materials, manuscript drafts, correspondence, interviews and other recordings for historian and author Miller's work, including his book, Truman: The Rise to Power. Also personal files including on William Jewell College at which he was a student leader, and other projects and topics he researched and wrote upon.
Susan H. Miller Papers, 1960s-1980s (CA4814)
15.4 cubic feet, 5 audio cassettes, 5 film strips
Research notes, course notes, articles, correspondence, and other papers of a journalist and editor.