Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team Collection, 1988, 1998-1999, 2014 (KA2626)
.04 c.f.
The collection contains a certificate of recognition, correspondence, and a book related to the Lee’s Summit Underwater Rescue and Recovery Team.
Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers, 1932-2006 (K0972)
0.09 cubic foot (6 folders, 3 CDs, 11 photographs)
The Eugene E. Leibson and Shirley Dunn Leibson Papers contain correspondence, audio, and video related to Dunn family history, correspondence about a family reunion, undated photographs of relatives, and a group photograph, as well as three items related to the Harvey Jacobson family and Jacobson's Strictly Kosher grocery store.
Austin Porter Leland Papers, 1954-1991 (S0202)
5.4 cubic feet, 186 folders, 1 oversize folder, 64 photographs, 10 volumes, 1 reel-to-reel, 1 16mm film reel
The papers of Austin Porter Leland document his time as the Chairman of the Old Post Office Landmark Committee. The committee successfully campaigned to preserve the Old Post Office in St. Louis, which led to national legislation allowing for commercial use of historic buildings. Included in the collection are articles, correspondence, legislation, newspaper clippings, presentations, reports, statements, TV documentary transcripts, and photographs. The collection also contains material on other civic projects, including the Wainwright building.
Theodore F. Lentz Papers, 1926-1983 (S0435)
11 cubic feet, 565 folders, 32 microfilm rolls, 2 audio tapes
Known as the father of peace research, Lentz began his career as an educational psychologist at Washington University in 1924. He resigned from full-time teaching in 1948 and devoted the rest of his life to scientific peace research. His 1955 Towards a Science of Peace led to further research and the establishment of peace research centers around the world. The papers includes material from the Character Research Association and Peace Research Laboratory.
Janet Deborah Katz Lerner Papers, 1989-1994 (K1004)
0.4 c.f.
Lerner was a teacher and coordinated a celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday called Project HEART. Includes a scrapbook documenting the Project
Paul L. Lerner Papers, 1958-2001 (K1122)
0.3 c.f.
Personal papers of Lerner, member of Congregation Beth Shalom, and volunteer chairman or coordinator for several major community events. Includes invitations, programs, correspondence, clippings, and photographs of events held at Beth Shalom, and family members of Lerner.
Sandra Davis Lerner and Kenneth D. Lerner Papers, 1940-2000 (K1178)
.5 c.f.
The Lerners were active in Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) and B'nai B'rith youth organizations, and with the Beth Shalom Synagogue in Kansas City, MO. Includes photographs, programs, video, and artifacts.
Robert Leroy Papers, 1963-1996 (S0579)
0.2 cubic foot, 6 folders, 1 cassette tape, 4 photographs
Born in Ellensberg, Washington in 1923, Robert Leroy grew up in the Tacoma area and became involved in populist-right political causes. He served as a paratrooper in the South Pacific during World War II and worked briefly as a public school teacher afterward. In 1962 he joined the Minutemen. LeRoy later split from the group and started another anti-Communist ministry, Christian Sons of Liberty, in 1970, in Liberty, Missouri. The collection includes correspondence, newsletters, photographs, and a copy of LeRoy's autobiography "From My Foxhole to Tokyo."
Lesbian Alliance of St. Louis Records, 1973-1981 (S0129)
0.15 cubic foot, 4 folders
This collection contains newsletters, flyers, and poetry produced and collected by the Lesbian Alliance of St. Louis, a Lesbian-Feminist organization dedicated to advancing equal rights for women and lesbians. Materials of interest include Moonstorm, a magazine (and later a newsletter), written by and about the Lesbian community in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Lesbian and Gay News Telegraph Records, 1981-1990 (S0445)
1 cubic foot, 3 microfilm rolls, 1 audio tape
The Lesbian and Gay News-Telegraph was a local LGBTQ newspaper founded in 1981 to encourage communication with St. Louis' LGBTQ community. The Lesbian Gay News Telegraph reported on local, regional, and national issues affecting the LGBTQ community and also published a calendar and directory of gay organizations. The collection contains unpublished articles, newspaper clippings, newsletters, a poster, and issues of the Gay-News Telegraph. Also included in the collection is an oral history interview with Gay News-Telegraph editor, Jim Thomas.
Betty Pfeffer Lesky and J. Louis Lesky Papers, 1954-1999 (K0664)
3.25 c.f.
The Lesky's were active members of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes programs for the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award commemorative luncheons and the Purim Balls sponsored by Kehilath Israel Synagogue of which the Lesky's were planners..
Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers, 1960-2007 (K0959)
0.09 c.f.
The Leo and Helen Edelbaum Lesky Papers include Leo Lesky's obituary, a sales book from Lesky's dry-cleaning business, and a CD of family videos of the Lesky family and their friends.
Chris R. Lester Papers, 1970-1999 (K0912)
15 c.f.
Lester was an investigative reporter for the Kansas City Star. Includes Lester's research materials for his Star series on banker Frank Morgan, Kansas City sprawl, and other articles.
Robert Ridenour Lester Papers, 1874-1997 (K1158)
5 c.f.
Correspondence, photographs, ephemera, and some printed and published material related to Lester and the Ridenour Family. Seventeen scrapbook volumes depict travel in the U.S. and Europe, as well as Lester's involvement in France in WWI.
Carolyn and David Leuthold Papers, 1960s-1990s (CA5951)
10 cubic feet
Addition of papers of David Leuthold, a professor of political science at the University of Missouri-Columbia and consultant, includes teaching material, reports, studies and surveys, campaign literature and other research material related primarily to public attitudes, voting patterns, and mass media impact in Missouri state politics.
Carolyn and David Leuthold Papers, 1964-1996 (C3960)
3 cubic feet
Papers concerning the community and state-wide activities of Carolyn and David Leuthold of Columbia, MO, relating to politics, mental health, energy, and other issues. Includes committee and organizational records, personal papers, publications, and miscellaneous.
Charles L. Leven Desegregation Collection, 1969-1987 (S0920)
1 cubic foot
This collection contains research Charles L. Leven conducted for St. Louis County Schools to assess the Economic Impact of Desegregation. The materials in this collection include maps, statistics, and legal materials.
Emelie Levin Papers, 1969-1994 (K0363)
0.11 cubic foot (8 folders, 10 photographs, 2 oversize photographs)
The Emelie Levin Papers contain materials related to Emelie Levin's career in social services, her experience as the executive director of Jewish Family and Children's Services, and her affiliation with the National Council of Jewish Women. Also included in the collection are unidentified photographs and obituaries for Samuel Sosland.
Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers, 1940-2010 (K1211)
0.09 cubic foot (5 folders)
The Marian Sunie Sherman Levin Papers contain articles and books with advice for grandparents and senior citizens written by Sunie Levin, as well as a copy of the 1940 Congregation Keneseth Israel Beth Sholom Synagogue Schools yearbook.
Rose Shapiro Levine Papers, 1920-2000 (K1167)
1 .5 c.f.
Levine was a choral director at Beth Shalom Synagogue. Includes Musical programs of Levine, her son-in-law, Tiberius Klausner, news-clippings, photographs, and memorabilia.
Andrea Levitan Papers, 1978-2011 (K1293)
0.25 c.f.
The collection contains material relating to the youth, education, community leadership, and extracurricular activities of Andrea Levitan. The collection also includes material relating to Levitan family history.
Norman Hadley Levitan Papers, 1969-2008 (K1108)
0.5 c.f.
Personal papers of Levitan including photographs, a scrapbook, school records, and publications, particularly relating to his amateur theater work as a youth.
Sharon Bitner Levitan and Howard Steven Levitan Papers, 1929-2008 (K0803)
2.5 c.f.
Personal and family papers of teacher, small business owner, and leader of local Jewish women's organizations, Sharon Bitner Levitan. Also includes materials concerning Esther Gottlieb Bitner's career as a professional dancer and scrapbooks and items from Howard Levitan.
Dorothy Roe Lewis Papers, 1926-1984 (C2233)
1.2 cubic feet (72 folders)
Papers of a feature writer for Universal News Service, women's editor for Associated Press, columnist for Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, assistant professor of journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia, editor of the Missouri Republican, and freelance writer. Material on ghostwriting assignments and freelance articles for newspapers and magazines.
LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection, 1986-2014 (S1177)
5 cubic feet
The LGBTQIA+ Periodicals Library Collection contains national publications pertaining to LGBTQIA+ parenting, political and legal groups, travel, and HIV/AIDS.
Liberty Christian Church Records, 1824-1987 (K0235)
0.25 c.f.
Administrative records including minute books, treasurer's records, building fund drive records, scrapbooks, correspondence, roll books and miscellaneous printed materials, and other items relating to the Liberty Christian Church, Liberty, MO.
Libra Club, Lebanon, Missouri Scrapbook Collection, 1950-2003 (R1153)
(2 rolls of microfilm)
These are scrapbooks of the Libra Club, a women's club at Lebanon in Laclede County, Missouri. The scrapbooks include newspaper clippings, annual booklets, photographs, and miscellaneous papers.
Grace Lichtenstein Papers, 1960s-1986; bulk dates 1970-1986 (C4666)
1.5 cubic feet (24 folders) 28 audio cassettes
The papers of a journalist and writer. The collection consists of research material, interview notes, transcripts, and tapes, books and articles Lichtenstein wrote on early women Olympians, professional women tennis players, women artists in the Southwest, and an unfinished project on women entrepreneurs.
Life and Equality Collection, 1974-1981 (S0131)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
This collection contains newsletters, newspapers, speeches, and correspondence produced and collected by Life and Equality, a St. Louis, Missouri-based women’s organization that was dedicated to the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment and pro-life legislation.
LifeBridge Partnership Records, 1952-2021 (S0280)
2 cubic feet, 1.9 GB
The LifeBridge Partnership Records contain meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and histories documenting its mission to help individuals with disabilities become independent and active members in their communities. Materials of interest include a feasibility and need analysis commissioned by LifeBridge in 1983 to evaluate and recommend a centralized recreational facility for the St. Louis Region’s disability community. Also included in the collection are LifeBridge Partnership's born-digital files, including board meeting minutes and resolutions, newsletters, and strategic plans. Topics of interest consist of LifeBridge's reevaluation of its mission, name, and logo; program support services, including transportation services for clients; and LifeBridge's updated health policies and fundraising strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The materials in this collection date from 1952 to 2020.
LifeWise StL Records, 1902-2019 (S0352)
37 cubic feet
The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and VHS tapes chronicling LifeWise StL's (formerly Kingdom House) 120-year history of providing social welfare services to St. Louis's poor and immigrant population. Materials of interest include photographs of the Syrian Pioneers,' a LifeWise StL boy's club that catered to the Syrian youth in the early 1900s.
Alfred Hart Lighton Collection, 1924-1992 (K0867)
4.75 c.f.
Business and financial records of Woolford Farm and Stables, owned by Herbert M. Woolf; financial records of Woolford Realty Company; and materials concerning Woolf Brothers and members of the Woolf and Lighton families.
Stephen Limbaugh Papers, 1983-2008 (S0921)
82 cubic feet
This collection contains civil and criminal case files of Stephen Limbaugh, Sr., who served as a United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri from 1983 to 2008.
Lindsay Family Papers, 1858-circa 1980 (R0352)
0.02 cuibc foot (1 folder)
The Lindsay Family Papers consists of photocopies of correspondence, biographical material, and miscellaneous material regarding James Lindsay of Ironton, Missouri, and his sons, Joseph F. Lindsay and Robert L. Lindsay. The Lindsays were prominent early residents of Iron County and were Union veterans of the Civil War.
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1901-2020 (CA5969)
54.6 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette
Addition of records of an organization dedicated to research and publication in the analysis of language. Includes publications, programs from annual meetings and Linguistic Institutes, publicity clippings, and materials concerning affiliated organizations, various committees, and Ebonics. Also includes correspondence of George M. Bolling and Bernard Bloch, who were both editors of Language and presidents of LSA.
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1896-1998 (C3974)
27.0 cubic feet, 69 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes, 3 video cassettes, 40 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Linguistic Society of America, an organization dedicated to research and publication in the scientific analysis of language, include committee minutes, correspondence of officers and administrators, publications, grant applications, correspondence with affiliated organizations, and planning documents on Linguistic Institutes and annual meetings.
Linscott Haylett Wheat Architectural Records, 1953-2009 (K0780)
91 c.f.
Architectural drawings, job files, administrative records, and photographs created by the firm whose diversified practice included a broad spectrum of building types, both new construction and renovation work.
Lions Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1960s-1980s (CA5743)
2 cubic feet
Organizational correspondence, minutes, financial and membership records, newsletters, and promotional materials.
Alex Liosnoff Papers, 1936-2002 (C4361)
1 cubic foot (48 folders)
Biographical material, newspapers, newsletters, radio broadcasting material, and plain language program in business forms material of a 1941 graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Liosnoff was a newspaper reporter, editor and radio editor and writer, as well as a Director of Public Affairs management for the U.S. High Commissioners and U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryuku Islands. He was also head of the Plain Language Program though the Bank of America.
Winifred Lippman Papers, 1930-2007, bulk 1954-2001 (S0188)
5 cubic feet, 377 photographs, 5 video tapes
The papers of Winifred Lippman contain correspondence, photographs, video tapes, an oral history interview, newspaper clippings, and organizational records documenting Lippman's seventy-year career as a Labor activist and her work for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Robert Lipscomb Papers, 1945-2019 (SP0053)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 1 cd)
The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.
Literacy Action Corps of Columbia, Missouri Records, 1969-2022 (CA6232)
1.5 cubic feet
Administrative records of the organization including minutes, correspondence, newsletters, promotional materials, membership lists, and photographs.
Literacy Investment for Tomorrow-Missouri Records, 1989-2013 (CA6354)
4.1 cubic feet, 2 DVDs, 5 video cassettes
The records of an organization devoted to developing and promoting adult and family literacy resources include meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, publications, and miscellaneous administrative material. The organization ceased operation in 2012 after more than twenty years of providing training programs and technical assistance throughout Missouri.
Little Zion Baptist Church, Howell County, Missouri Records, 1913-1994 (R0503)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are the record books of the Little Zion Baptist Church near Trask in Howell County,
Missouri. The volumes include membership records, lists of officers and pastors, and minutes of
church meetings from 4 October 1913 through 1 June 1994. There is also an historical sketch of the
church written for its centennial in 1994.
Living Treasures Oral History Collection, 1983-1985 (S0456)
0.4 cubic foot, 32 folders, 112 photographs
The St. Louis Living Treasures Project documented the life and artwork of older folk artists in the St. Louis area. The folk artists shared techniques learned from their cultures of origin in oral history interviews conducted by OASIS. The 31 artists who participated include African Americans, Native Americans, Asian immigrants, and European immigrants.
Livingston and Traugott Families Papers, 1898-2006, bulk 1942-1959 (R1516)
1.2 cubic feet (40 folders, 13 photographs)
The Livingston and Traugott Families Papers contains personal correspondence and papers of the Traugott and Livingston families from Benton and Miller counties in Missouri, with the bulk revolving around the life of the Traugott family during Lieutenant Colonel Edgar Henry Traugott’s career in the United States Army in the mid-twentieth century.
Linda M. Locke Papers, 1969-1982 (C0839)
1.4 cubic feet (76 folders)
Papers of a Missouri National Organization for Women chapter coordinator and assistant state and state coordinator, 1978-1982; Adult Abuse Remedies Coalition lobbyist, 1979-1980; delegate to 1980 Democratic National Convention; and Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Countdown Campaign project director, 1981-1982.
Anita Boresow Loeb Jewish Cemetery Project, 1866-1999 (K0430)
14 (MR)
Microfilm of note cards prepared by Loeb recording vital data, and when available obituaries for persons buried in Jewish cemeteries in Greater Kansas City. Much of the data, but not all, appears in Mrs. Loeb's book, Gone But Not Forgotten: a History of the Burials in the Jewish Cemeteries of Kansas City, Missouri.
Anita Boresow Loeb Papers, 1921-2010 (K0659)
9.25 c.f.
An autobiographical family history entitled My Wonderful Life written by Loeb, community historian and active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Also a panoramic photograph of the Southwestern Keren Hayesod Zionist Conference, 1921.
Charles Gustavus Loesch Collection, 1862-1996 (C3931)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Newspaper clippings, photographs, and a memoir of Missouri Civil War veteran Charles G. (Gus) Loesch.