F.B. Kennett Letter, 1914 (C3096)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains a photocopy of a letter to William G. Boyce, Plattin, MO, from Mammoth Spring, AR, Oct. 14, 1914, concerning the genealogy of the Kennett family in Washington County, MO, and the history of purchases of the Kennett property.
Lead Mining Companies (Washington County, Mo.) Records, 1809-1954 (C3893)
0.5 cubic feet, 29 rolls of microfilm (1 folder, 155 volumes)
This collection contains business records of lead mining companies and company stores in Washington County, Missouri, from 1809 to 1954. The companies include R. Smith and Company; Stone Manning and Company; Manning, Smith and Company; the Missouri and Pennsylvania Lead Company; the Palmer Lead Company; and the Renault Lead Company.
Letter Fragment, 1891 (C2024)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
To "Aunt Hannah," from Irondale, MO, Dec. 7, 1891.
Sends sympathy on death of uncle and family news.
Christopher J. Lewandowski Papers, 2003-2016 (R1358)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders)
This collection of bluegrass related materials included souvenir programs, booklets, magazines, festival flyers, personal band posters, newspaper articles, band photographs, photo albums related to bluegrass performers.
Liberty Baptist Church Records, 1884-1952 (R0196)
(1 roll)
The Liberty Baptist Church Records contian record books and miscellaneous papers of the Liberty Baptist Church northwest of Potosi in Washington County, Missouri. The records consist of minutes of meetings and membership information, 1884-1952, and a few pieces of correspondence, 1891-1936.
Robert Lipscomb Papers, 1945-2019 (SP0053)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 1 cd)
The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.
Long Brothers Account Books, 1856-1881 (C2495)
0.52 cubic feet (5 volumes)
Account books of the general stores of Alfred Long, Cadet, Missouri, and John and William Long, Bellfountain, MO.
Lula C. Long Photographs, 1920, 1953, no date (P0933)
10 photographs
Photos of Washington County
Mark Twain National Forest Local History Collection, 1930s-1980s (R0471)
(4 rolls of microfilm)
Mark Twain National Forest Photograph Collection, circa 1900-1985 (R0485)
0.05 cubic foot (2 folders, 719 negatives)
These are photographs copied from holdings of the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. Topics include National Forest facilities and projects; forest and wood industries; water mills; lakes, rivers, and springs; mines; dams; and the Civilian Conservation Corps and Youth Conservation Corps.
William E. McGready Papers, 1817-1875 (C1018)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Correspondence, legal papers, bills, receipts, and other miscellaneous items of the McGready Family of Potosi, Missouri.
Meramec Basin Resources Committee Collection, 1950 (R0777)
(1 folder)
This is "A Shameless Sham": The Army Engineer "Plan" for the Meramec Basin, published by the Meramec Basin Resources committee in cooperation with the Conservation Federation of Missouri and the Ozark Protective Association. The groups opposed plans by the Army Corps of Engineers to build three multiple purposes high dams on the Meramec, Bourbeuse, and Big Rivers in Missouri.
Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Collection, 1980-1989 (R0454)
5.75 cubic feet (86 folders, 865 photographs)
The Meramec Regional Planning Commission Historic Sites Survey Records contains the historic site surveys, with accompanying photographs, negatives, and research materials for Crawford, Dent, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, and Washington Counties. Included in the reports are houses, churches, schools, bridges, businesses, and other structures.
Mercantile Bancorporation Records, 1859-1999 (S1242)
45.5 cubic feet
This collection contains meeting minutes, property appraisal cards, annual reports, VHS tapes, and photographs pertaining to the Mercantile Bancorporation’s mission to provide financial services to customers in the Midwest. Materials of interest include property appraisal cards for residential homes in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region. The cards contain information about the lot size, construction material, and estimated value for each individual property. The materials in this collection date from 1936 to 1999.
Eddie Miller Photograph Collection, 1852-1922 (P0608)
0.23 linear feet
Photographs of the Truman Presidential Library, ca. 1974. Copy photos, the bulk of which depict DeSoto, Jefferson County, MO. Also images of Washington County and Old Mines, MO.
Missouri Baptist Associations Records, 1912-1980 (R0394)
17 folders microfilmed
This collection consists largely of printed minutes of annual meetings of United or Missionary
Baptist associations in southern Missouri. The minutes include the records of annual sessions,
committee reports, and statistical information on the associations and their constituent churches.
Also included are a few miscellaneous Baptist publications.
The Missouri Collection, 1771-2024 (C3982)
18.6 cubic feet (854 folders, 893 photographs), 37 oversize items, 9 audio cassettes, 7 audio discs, 9 CDs, 1 computer disc, 8 reels of film, 6 film strips, 9 DVDs, 3 video cassettes, 585 MB of digital files
The Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Missouri Extension Homemakers Association, Inc., Sacred Stones and Stained Glass Windows Project Records, 1977-1980 (C3723)
7.1 cubic feet (334 folders)
Statewide documentation of local churches by county. Includes cultural arts reports, church histories, floor plans, architectural details, clippings, slides, photographs, and miscellany.
Missouri Forestry Records, 1929-1994 (R1341)
2.25 cubic feet (53 folders)
The records of Missouri Forestry contain materials from the administration of directors George O. White, Osal B. Capps, and Jerry Presley. This includes materials related to Smokey Bear, fire safety, and the promotion of science, practice, and standards of forestry.
Missouri Historic Mining Photograph Collection, circa 1880s-1900s (R0620)
0.22 cubic foot (4 folders, 110 photographs)
The Historic Mining Photographs Collection contains images concerning mining industries in Missouri, with an emphasis on the Old Lead Belt of southeastern Missouri, and the Tri-State Mining District centered on Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. The subjects include surface installations of various mines, mining equipment, mills, and general views of the mining areas.
Lynn Morrow Map Collection, 1885-2016, bulk 1936-1981 (R1519)
6 cubic feet (16 folders, 194 maps)
The Lynn Morrow Map Collection contains copies and original Missouri related maps collected by Lynn Morrow. The collection includes atlases, waterway maps, road and train maps, tourist and highway maps, and geological maps.
Lynn Morrow Papers, 1804-2015 (R1000)
24 cubic feet (1051 folders, 5 oversize folders, 11,170 photographs, 852 negatives)
The Lynn Morrow papers contain correspondence and research papers, with an additional significant collection of late twentieth-century promotional and advertising items. The papers reflect major areas of Morrow’s research on the southwest Missouri region; Iron, Shannon, and Washington counties; Theodore Pease Russell and his writings; and the writings of Silas C. Turnbo. The collection also includes a large selection of promotional publications and ephemera associated with late 20th century tourism in Missouri and Arkansas.
Mount Zion Baptist Church Records, 1829-1853 (R0195)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Mount Zion Baptist Church, Washington County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the Mount Zion Baptist Church established in 1829, northwest of Potosi,
Missouri. The church was renamed Fourche-à-Renault Baptist Church in 1834. Its records include membership rolls and minutes of monthly church business meetings.
New Life Evangelistic Center Records, 1949-2022 (S1236)
64.58 cubic feet
The New Life Evangelistic Center (NLEC) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and photographs documenting NLEC’s mission to provide Christian hospitality to the poor through social service programs and spiritual care. The collection is divided into five series: Administration; Larry Rice; Penny Rice; Chronological Files; Publications; Jim Barnes; Photographs; and Scrapbooks. The Chronological Files series consists of materials Larry Rice and his son, Chris Rice, gathered during their research for their five-volume history of NLEC. This series contains Rice’s handwritten drafts of the book, newspaper clippings, meeting minutes, and photographs, arranged chronologically by year. Other series of interest include the publications series, which consists of issues of the ZOA Free Paper, which NLEC published from 1972 to 2005. The materials in this collection date from 1949 to 2019.
Ozark Rivers Oral Histories Collection, 1981-1983 (R1430)
0.25 cubic foot (7 folders, 7 cassettes, 7 CDs)
The Ozark Rivers Oral History collection consists of interviews done by Alex Primm of eight individuals living in Crawford, Franklin, Phelps and Washington counties in Missouri and their corresponding newspaper articles.
John Perry Records, 1839-1840 (R0197)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The John Perry Records contain a microfilm copied daybook of a mercantile operation in Washington County, Missouri, attributed to John Perry, Jr. The trade included dry goods, groceries, hardware, lumber, and blacksmithing services. The Springfield Iron Furnace, Cedar Creek Forge, Samuel T. Dunklin & Company, and Rozier & Desloge were among the customers.
Pleasant Grove United Baptist Church, Iron County, Missouri Records, 1856-1972 (R0400)
3 volumes microfilmed
These are record books of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church near Viburnum in Iron County,
Missouri. The records include minutes of meetings and membership rolls beginning with the organization
of the church on 12 April 1856 and continuing through its dissolution on 15 October 1972.
Potosi Civic League Records, 1921-1961 (R0187)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Potosi Civic League Records contain a microfilm copy of meeting minutes, financial and membership records, miscellaneous papers, and yearbooks of a woman’s club in Potosi, Washington County, Missouri. The records include a set of yearbooks from a similar organization, the Potosi Woman’s Study Club dating from 1927 to 1943.
Potosi, Missouri Board of Trustees Records, 1826-1851 (R0186)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Potosi, Missouri Board of Trustees Records contains a microfilm copy of meeting minutes for the Board of Trustees of Potosi in Washington County, Missouri. The minutes include resolutions and ordinances regarding taxes, public nuisances, streets, slave meetings, and theatrical performances.
Potosi, Missouri Photograph Collection, crica 1875-1935 (R0234)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 25 35mm negatives)
The Potosi, Missouri Photograph Collection contains 35mm black and white negative copies of photographs of prominent citizens, commercial buildings, and street scenes in Potosi, Washington County, Missouri.
Alex Primm Oral History Collection, 1981-2000 (SP0054)
1 cubic foot (113 audio cassette tapes)
The Alex Primm Oral History Collections contain audio cassette tapes with oral history interviews conducted by Alex Primm in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. The interviews cover a range of Ozark related topics such as Grasshopper Hollow in Reynolds County, Missouri; Palmer, Missouri; Ozark rivers; and Fort Leonard Wood. The project on Ozark rives includes interviews with individuals lived and made their livings on or near the Current, Jacks Fork, Little Piney, and Big Piney rivers. Primm interviewed local residents, many of whom had lived in the Ozarks their entire lives.
Providence Baptist Church (Washington County, Mo.) Record Book, 1831-1894 (C3023)
1 roll of microfilm
Records of Providence Baptist Church, Washington County, MO. Contains minutes and lists of members.
Ramsay Place Names File, 1928-1945 (C2366)
6 cubic feet (12 boxes), 4 rolls of microfilm
Card file of origins of Missouri place names, compiled by students of Robert L. Ramsay, University of Missouri professor of English. Cards are in alphabetical order by place name.
U.S. Ramsey Account Book, 1879-1882 (C1214)
0.04 cubic feet (1 volume)
Account book of a Sunlight, Missouri, man. Farm and general accounts, 1879-1882, and merchandise and business accounts of the Enterprise Store, started by Ramsey in 1882.
Mabel Reed Collection, 1847-1872 (R0044)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Mabel Reed Collection contains letters of the Dace family in Missouri from relatives in Texas and Wisconsin.
Renault Lead Company Records, 1900-1917 (R1300)
(1 oversize volume)
This is a record book showing lead ore received by the Renault Lead Company, from mines at Palmer in Washington County, Missouri. Entries record the date, mine origin, miner, hauler, and price paid per thousand pounds of mineral from April 3, 1900 through March 4, 1917.
Reuben Smith & Company Records, 1836-1865 (R0645)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Reuben Smith & Company Records contain a ledger from Reuben Smith & Company, a mercantile firm at Selma in Jefferson County, Missouri. The volume contains a listing of lands patented and rules for mining in Harmony Township in Washington County, Missouri, 1836-1845, and invoices for goods purchased by Reuben Smith & Company, primarily at Selma in Jefferson County, Missouri, 1837-1846.
Paul R. Richeson, "The Perrys of Potosi" Collection, 1977 (R0376)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Paul R. Richeson “The Perrys of Potosi” Collection contains a photocopy of a transcript of a speech concerning a prominent early family in Washington County, Missouri, delivered at a reunion of the Perry family at Brazoria, Texas. The Perrys were associated through business and by marriage with the family of Moses Austin.
Richwoods Mining Company Collection, 1911 (R1042)
(1 folder)
This is a certificate for four shares of stock in the Richwoods Mining Company, whose chief office was at Richwoods in Washington County, Missouri. The certificate was issued to Harley Ballard on August 30, 1911.
Rock Springs School, Washington County, Missouri Records, 1892-1935 (R0228)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Rock Springs School, Washington County, Missouri Records contain a microfilm copy of the record books of the district clerk of the Rock Springs school district.
Rotary Club International District 6060 Records, 1946-2021 (S0233)
11 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, memos, yearbooks, directories, anniversary programs, and conference materials documenting Rotary District 6060's mission to support local rotary clubs through club visits and organizing yearly district conferences. Organized in 1910 with the founding of the St. Louis Rotary Club, District 6060 is an administrative body that oversees Rotary Clubs in the Eastern part of Missouri, from Hannibal to the Missouri Bootheel.
Francis Claude Rozier Records, 1871-1919 (R0461)
0.5 cubic foot (1 oversize volume)
The Francis Claude Rozier Records contains a ledger with lists of real estate owned by Francis Claude Rozier of Sainte Genevieve, Missouri. The listings are for properties in Missouri, Iowa, and Texas. Also included in the records are assessments of the real, personal, and intangible property owned by Rozier, his widow and his estate.
Charles W. Rubey Papers, 1857-1914 (R0200)
0.25 cubic foot (15 folders, 2 rolls of microfilm)
The Charles W. Rubey Papers contain the personal, business, and military papers of Charles W. Rubey, a businessman and militia officer from Lebanon, Missouri. Included are personal, family, and business papers, and records from militia organizations raised in Laclede County during the Civil War. The military records include correspondence, orders, equipment, and ordinance returns, certificates of enrollment and exemption, and muster rolls.
Saucier Family Genealogy Papers, 1969 (R0012)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Saucier Family Genealogy Collection contains a photocopy of "A List of Descent from Marie Jeanne Saucier by Her Marriages to Antoine Decelle Duclos and Jean Baptiste du (des) Martin," compiled in part by Walter J. Saucier. The compilation includes all of the Duclos/Declue family of Washington County, Missouri through the nineteenth century.
Jesse N. Self Papers, 1860-1863 (R0304)
0.02 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Jesse N. Self Papers contain photocopies of letters to his family by Jesse N. Self, a schoolteacher at Irondale, Missouri, and captain of Company F, 32nd Missouri Infantry. The collection includes letters from Irondale, 1860, and from camps in Rolla and Benton Barracks in St. Louis, 1861-1862. Capt. Self died of erysipelas at Memphis, Tennessee, on February 25, 1863.
John James Sitton Papers, 1860-1913 (R1286)
(1 roll)
The John James Sitton Papers consists of a three volume journal, scrapbook, miscellaneous papers, and photographs, 1860-1913 of a Missouri confederate soldier and postwar resident of Oregon Coounty, Missouri. The journal, 1860-1882, documents service in the Missouri State Guard and other confederate units in Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi during the Civil War. It also includes his veterans activities and other aspects of Sitton's life.
South-West Railroad Records, circa 1914-1916 (R0516)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The South-West Railroad Records are notes, maps, and draft of a pamphlet concerning construction of a railroad from Saint Louis, Missouri, to Lewisville in Lafayette County, Arkansas.
Southeast Missouri Lead District, Photograph Collection, 1870-1950 (P1130)
An artificial collection of photographs from Missouri's Lead Belt: Washington, St. Francois, Madison, Iron, and Reynolds counties.
Southeast Missouri Medical Association Records, 1877-1967 (CG0003)
0.5 cubic feet
The Southeast Missouri Medical Society Records include a minute book ledger from 1877-1896, issues of the Cape County Journal, an anniversary booklet for the Southeast Missouri Hospital, advertising materials, publication n the history of medicine in Southeast Missouri, and various papers from 1877-1967.
Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)
The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.