Project Cavern Report Records, 1951 (R1437)
0.2 cubic foot (2 folders)
The Project Cavern Report Records contains the evaluation and survey of voids within a fifty-mile radius of Rolla, Missouri, for use as a jet propulsion laboratory or industrial and civilian defense use.
Ramsay Place Names File, 1928-1945 (C2366)
6 cubic feet (12 boxes), 4 rolls of microfilm
Card file of origins of Missouri place names, compiled by students of Robert L. Ramsay, University of Missouri professor of English. Cards are in alphabetical order by place name.
Robert L. Ramsay Papers, 1918-1953 (C3230)
2.5 cubic feet
Correspondence, notes, rough drafts, revisions, and proof sheets for place names series with emphasis upon Missouri place names. Newspaper clippings about Ramsay and the place name articles. Small volumes of notes and prints pertaining to his academic classes, and sample student themes and bibliographies.
"Remembrances of a Franklin County Farmer," William Wilke, 1935 (C1293)
0.03 cubic feet (1 volume)
Memoirs of boyhood spent in vicinity of Washington, MO.
Rotary Club International District 6060 Records, 1946-2021 (S0233)
11 cubic feet
This collection contains correspondence, memos, yearbooks, directories, anniversary programs, and conference materials documenting Rotary District 6060's mission to support local rotary clubs through club visits and organizing yearly district conferences. Organized in 1910 with the founding of the St. Louis Rotary Club, District 6060 is an administrative body that oversees Rotary Clubs in the Eastern part of Missouri, from Hannibal to the Missouri Bootheel.
Franz Schwarzer Papers, 1840-1951 (C3484)
0.8 cubic feet (14 folders, 5 volumes)
Correspondence of the Schwarzer family; factory records, catalogs, and photographs of zithers and other stringed instruments manufactured at the zither factory in Washington, Missouri, founded by Schwarzer in 1869.
Deb Sheals Photographs, 2005 (P0222)
70.1 MB of digital files (1 computer disc; 82 JPGS)
Digital photographs taken by Deb Sheals of the St. Albans Farms Stone Barn, which was located in Franklin County, Missouri.
Nathan Lipscomb Smith Letters, 1838-1869 (C3823)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains photocopies of personal letters from Franklin County, Missouri, farmer Nathan L. Smith to his brother William D. Smith in Todd County, Kentucky. Includes Smith family genealogy to 1858, a list of census and church references to Nathan Smith, and one letter from John and Mary Frances (Smith) Fox to William D. Smith and his sister Caroline.
Russell E. Smith Photographs, 1957 (P0465)
39 photographs
Photos of Missouri scenes, primarily small Missouri river towns and rural scenery, ca. 1957
Southern and Central Missouri Map Collection, 1874-2011, bulk 1930-2005 (R1466)
6 cubic feet (30 oversize folders, 145 maps)
The Southern and Central Missouri Map Collection contains highway, railroad, geological, topographical, mining, tourist, city, county, and state maps. The maps focus on the southern and central counties in Missouri including Crawford, Dent, Franklin, Gasconade, Howell, Iron, Jefferson, Laclede, Madison, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Phelps, Pulaski, Reynolds, Saint Francois, Sainte Genevieve, Texas, Washington, and Wright counties.
St. Louis Regional Library Network Records, 1978-1987 (S0975)
1.5 cubic foot, 59 folders
The State of Missouri incorporated the St. Louis Regional Library Network (SLRLN) in 1977 as a not-for-profit dedicated to providing access to educational opportunities and shared resources for libraries and librarians in the greater St. Louis area, including St. Louis City and County, St. Charles, Franklin, Warren and Lincoln counties. The records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and workshop materials related to SLRLN's administration, finances and networking activities from 1978 to 1987.
James Stebbings Photograph Collection, 1968-2008 (S0811)
1 cubic foot, 532 photographs
This collection contains photographs taken by James Stebbings between 1968 and 2008. The images depict the National Stockyards Company of National City, Illinois, St. Louis Soulard market, and Times Beach and Gray Summit, Missouri.
Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection, 1890-2002 (SP0068)
3 cubic feet (67 folders, 2 volumes)
The Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection contains correspondence, genealogical research, family charts, photographs, and manuscripts related to the Fulbright and Stout families.
Stumpe Family Collection, 1908-2019 (CA6545)
0.2 cubic feet
The collection contains genealogies compiled by Ruth Stumpe Brent Tofle on the Stumpe family of Franklin County, Missouri, and related Horstick and Wagner families. Includes Dale Carnegie course material; information on Myrtle Wagner, Ruth Tofle, and Lester Stumpe; and miscellaneous material, 1908-2019.
Tibbe-Cuthbertson Family Papers, 1846-1986 (C3711)
1.2 cubic feet (59 folders), 2 oversize items
The papers of a Washington, Missouri, family whose patriarch, Henry Tibbe, and his son, Anton, founded the Missouri Meerschaum Company, include family and business correspondence, genealogy, property deeds, an early history of the Missouri Meerschaum Company, material on a patent infringement dispute, pipe catalogs, clippings, and photographs.
Charles Trefts Photographs, 1903-1963 (P0034)
3690 photographs
This collection contains images from 1900 to 1963 depicting St. Louis City and County people, public buildings, riverfront scenes, bridges, churches, catastrophes, houses and parks. Trefts photographed many historic events such as the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition; the 1934 World Series; and aviation in St. Louis including the Wright brothers at Kinloch Field in 1908 and Charles Lindbergh's return from Paris in 1927. A number of images focus on Crawford and Iron Counties and the Lake of the Ozarks region in the early 1930s.
U.S. Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey of Missouri, 1935-1942 (C3551)
302 cubic feet (24,282 folders); also available on 817 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, records, and working files. Originally designed to survey and inventory all county government records, the survey finally included inventories of church records, manuscript collections, vital statistics, American imprints, and federal archives. Incorporates records of the Federal Writers Project for Missouri.
United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records, 1915-1996 (R1321)
17 cubic feet (372 folders, 4 maps, 3,238 photographs, 68 negatives, 936 slides, 3 volumes)
The United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records contain the records of the Bureau of Mines office and research facility established in Rolla, Missouri in 1915. The records include correspondence, operational reports, project reports, photographs, newspaper articles, program materials, and maps.
Charles Van Ravenswaay Papers, 1841-1990 (C3873)
21.8 cubic feet (1,359 folders), 1 audio cassette
Correspondence, research notes, photographs, and literary manuscripts of historian and author Charles van Ravenswaay, former director of the Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis; Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts; and the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum and Gardens, Wilmington, Delaware.
Washington Savings and Loan Association (Washington, Mo.) Records, 1871-1925 (C3663)
0.45 cubic feet (1 folder, 3 oversize volumes)
Records of a German savings and loan association in Washington, Missouri, organized in 1871 and rechartered twice before it received a permanent charter and took its present name in 1908. Includes charter, bylaws, minutes of board meetings, and lists of stockholders. Minutes were kept in German until September 4, 1918.
James L. Wilkinson Papers, 1877-1913 (C0187)
0.25 cubic feet (12 folders)
Papers of a Franklin County, MO, area teacher. Includes personal account books, 1884-1911; Grange Mutual Aid Society account book, 1877-1885; Missouri teaching certificates, 1878-1905; a "Manual of Ironton Public Schools;" a pamphlet entitled "Silver Nuggets" by Lon V. Sephens; and miscellaneous pamphlets and essays.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams Photograph Collection, 1871-1945 (P0535)
45 photographs
Copy photo of Presbyterian Church, ca. 1871, Boonville. Photos of Phelps, Franklin, Carter, Greene, and Crawford counties, focusing particularly on caves and other natural features.
James Wilson Papers, 1864-1951 (C1994)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The papers of James Wilson contain documents pertaining to the death of Major Wilson, U.S. Army, who was shot by Confederate forces near Union, MO, in 1864.
Paul A. Wobus Papers, 1918-1989 (R0008)
2.5 cubic feet (58 folders, 89 notebooks, 79 photographs)
The Paul A. Wobus Papers contain the personal and professional papers of Reverend Paul A. Wobus of Manchester, Missouri. The papers include Wobus’s uncompleted and unpublished memoirs, photographs, correspondence, materials concerning Mount Zion Community Church and the Ozark Community Council, historical notes concerning Wobus’s avocational interest in the mills and railroads in the regions, miscellaneous newspaper clippings and other printed materials, narrative accounts of many of his trips into the Ozarks. Also included are 89 small notebooks, dated from 1938-1972, in which he kept records of his mileage, routes, schedules, expenses, and places and person visited.
Duane and Judith Woltjen Meramec Dam Collection, 1952-1984 (S0210)
0.4 cubic feet
The collection contains correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, and bumper stickers documenting Duane and Judith Woltjen's involvement with the Sierra Club, Ozark Chapter's efforts to prevent the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ plan to dam the Meramec River near Sullivan, Missouri, in Franklin County.