

Patricia L. Jacobs-Macdonald Papers, 1998-2005 (K1119)
4 c.f.

Macdonald was president of the Missouri Credit Union Commission. Includes applications for credit unions, cases presented before the commission, minutes and correspondence.


Larry James Collection, 1874-2019 (SP0038)
1.5 cubic feet (33 folders, 6 photographs, 239 negatives)

 Finding Aid

The Larry James Collection consists of photographs taken and collected by local historian and author Larry James. Photographs in this collection were also taken by freelance writer and photographer, Charles Townson Allonby. The books in this collection were written or co-written by Larry James and focus on the history of Newton County, Missouri.

Jameson Family Papers, 1800s-2008 (CA6741)
0.4 cubic feet

The papers of a Fulton, Missouri, family include correspondence, a travel journal, photographs, miscellaneous family papers, and a scrapbook containing obituary clippings. The bulk of the photographs are of Jameson family members and friends from the Fulton area. The correspondence contains letters from Anna Belle Jameson to her mother, Mary E. Jameson.


Walt Jaschek Papers, 1968-2019 (S0371)
0.3 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The collection contains zines and comic books written, published, and collected by Walter Jaschek, a St. Louis-area comic book and Science Fiction/Fantasy enthusiast. Materials of interest include issues of Grafan that Jaschek helped edit as a member of the Graphic Fantasy Society of St. Louis. Also included in the collection are two issues of The Green Vomit, published by Bob Gale, a St. Louis native and co-writer of the Back to the Future movie series. 


Iola Allen Jasper Papers, 1827-2020 (S0573)
8.25 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Iola Jasper Papers contain correspondence, photographs, histories, greeting cards, and a diary related to Jasper's interest in family history. Materials of interest include the correspondence and business papers of her Great-Grandfather, William Sumner Jewett, a Jefferson County entrepreneur who shipped fruit and sand to companies in St. Louis and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Kimberly Jayne Papers, 1985-2020 (S0503)
6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Kim Jayne Papers consist of meeting minutes, correspondence, flyers, posters, pin buttons, photographs, slides, and cassette tapes that document the life of Kim Jayne, a prominent peace activist within the St. Louis Metropolitan Area. The collection contains information regarding her personal life and involvement in organizations such as the Forest Park Southeast Neighborhood Association, St. Louis Women’s Support Group, and Lentz Peace Association from 1979 to 2022.


Jefferson Barracks National Register of Historic Places Research Collection, 1997-2003 (S1066)
9 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains research materials used to prepare Jefferson Barracks nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.


Jefferson City Association of Educational Office Personnel Records, 1950-2010 (CA6617)
5.4 cubic feet, 8 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include scrapbooks, meeting minutes, programs, yearbooks, correspondence, newsletter material, and miscellaneous material.


Jeffrey L. Bruce and Company Records, 1972-2008 (K1258)
146.3 c.f.

Records of landscape and city planning company.


Brunton L. Jenkins Papers, 1967-2005 (K1251)
0.25 c.f.

collected materials concerning Carroll L. Jenkins, his band and relationship with Charlie Parker, Scott Robinson, articles by Carroll and Brunton Jenkins concerning KC Black Jazz History, and Charlie Parker


Chinyere Jenkins v. Kansas City Missouri School District Records, 1977-2000 (K0762)
360 c.f.

Defendant (Kansas City School District) records for the Kansas City Desegregation Case. Also included are records concerning Liddell v. Board of Education of City of St. Louis, MO shared with the attorneys for KCSD by the SLBOE attorneys.


Jerry Pitts M-K-T Railroad Collection, 1908-2016 (CA6538)
4 cubic feet, 2 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The collection contains research material, articles, photographs, and miscellaneous material largely concerning the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad collected by railroad enthusiast Jerry Pitts.

Randall Smith Jessee Collection, 1929-2015 (K1417)
12.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Randall Smith Jessee Collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, papers, photographs, speeches, and writings related to the career and life of Randall Smith Jessee, radio and TV personality in Kansas City. The collection also covers topics including his friendships with Harry S. Truman and Thomas Hart Benton, as well as his involvement with politics and travel.


Jewish Community Archives of Greater Kansas City Records, 2004-2006 (K1275)
4 c.f.

Organizational records for the Jewish historical society. Includes meeting minutes, correspondence, promotional materials, and materials relating to exhibits.


Jewish Community Center, Department of Cultural Arts Records, 1994-2007 (K0744)
9 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, committee minutes, artist portfolios, performers' information sheets, newspaper clippings, financial statements, event programs/flyers, and film press reviews relating to the activities of the Cultural Arts Department.


Jewish Veterans Museum Association Records, 1944-2007 (K1010)
5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the Association including business and financial records, books, veterans' questionnaires, exhibit photographs, artifacts, and plaques.


Jewish War Veterans Mo-Kan #605 Post and Auxiliary Records, 1990-2008 (K1089)
0.45 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Records of a local veterans group, and a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of veterans in the Greater Kansas City area. Includes photograph albums, burial flag, commander's hat, pin, and seal.


John G. Neihardt Corral of the Westerners Collection, 1993-2000 (C4357)
0.2 cubic feet, 5 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

Programs, announcements, articles, audio recordings, correspondence, talks, speakers, lists, storytellers-folklore, and research material of the Columbia, Missouri, John G. Neihardt Corral of the Westerners Group.


John W. Gregory and Company Collection, 1950-2010 (S0351)
14.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The collection contains site plans, sales brochures, floor plans, photographs, and appraisal reports for home developments in the St. Louis area, including LaSalle Park, Chateau Country Club, and Lake Saint Louis.

John William Boone Heritage Foundation Collection, 1869-1929, 1961-2014 (C4487)
1.4 cubic feet (65 folders), 5 piano rolls, 1 audio disc, 1 audio tape, 2 jpgs, 13 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Materials pertaining to musicians John W. “Blind” Boone and “Blind” Thomas Green Wiggins Bethune.  Includes  biographical material, publicity items, contracts, correspondence, clippings, programs, royalty statements, photographs, piano rolls, sheet music, and audio recordings. Also contains material on the foundation’s Blind Boone Ragtime and Early Jazz Festival, including grant material.


Niel Melvin Johnson Papers, 1830-2007 (K0963)
4.2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research, oral histories, and manuscript materials collected and created by Johnson, archivist and historian, on Swedish-Americans in Kansas City.


Louisa Poteet Johnston Papers, 1850-2000 (K0650)
30 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Letters, newspapers, clippings, research and writings, and other materials from great-granddaughter of Alexander Majors concerning the Russell, Majors, and Waddell Freighting company and the Majors Home.


Mona Darlene Jones Collection, 1969-2011 (R1343)
3 cubic feet (35 folders, 1 DVD, 14 audio tapes, 8 vinyl records)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains awards, plaques and certificates; playbills, fliers, programs, magazine and newspaper articles; photographs including pictures of featured performers, bands on stage, of the crowd, and of impromptu jam sessions; 17 photo albums; audio recordings on reel-to-reel, vinyl, and a 90 minute DVD, "Dixon Bluegrass Festival; Bluegrass Picking' Time: Through All These Years," 2012, by Mona Jones.


Jones-Lemon Family Papers, 1865-2006 (CA6587)
1.2 cubic feet

The papers of a family from the Nodaway County, Missouri, area include photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks, family Bible, clippings, postcards, small artifacts, and miscellaneous material. Includes material on James H. Lemon and Kathleen Jones; World War II correspondence of Frank Paul Jones who was stationed in Arkansas during the war; and photographs of the related Cowden family.


Harris S. Joseph Papers, 1924-2000 (K0954)
0.5 c.f.

Joseph was active with the Boy Scouts of America for over thirty years, serving as a scoutmaster for Troops 61 and 2. Includes photographs, anniversary booklets, programs, flyers, pins, and clothing related to Boy Scout troop 61.


Journalism and Women Symposium Records, 1975-1977, 1985-2024 (C4489)
7.0 cubic feet. (169 folders, 12 artifacts), 59 audio cassettes, 3 video cassettes, 2 DVDs, 187 MB of digital files (14 docs, 11 pdfs), 4 oversize items

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include correspondence, newsletters, symposium programs and planning materials, financial records, photographs, and audiovisual material.

Junior League of Kansas City, Missouri Records, 1914-2000 (K0365)
35 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of this philanthropic and service organization. Includes minutes, newsletters, directories, yearbooks, information on various community agencies supported by the organization through the work of its members.


Junior League of St. Louis Records, 1914-2005 (S0628)
25 cubic feet, 616 folders, 2 phonograph records, 1 audio tape, 1 16mm film, 2406 photographs

 Finding Aid

The Junior League of St. Louis is an educational, charitable organization that started in 1915, evolving out of the Junior Equal Suffrage League. Their mission is to promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women, and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The collection contains board minutes and committee minutes; material relating to the many programs and projects the League has sponsored over the years; the League's publications, including "Topics," "League Letter," and membership directories. Also included are a small artifact collection and an extensive photograph collection depicting all aspects of the organization.



Norman Benjamin Kahn Papers, 1939-2011 (K1270)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Kahn was a businessman, entrepreneur, community leader, supporter of the arts, and contributor to Jewish and community causes. Includes correspondence, reports and other materials relating to the Kansas City Philharmonic and Kansas City Symphony and other organization in which he was involved.


Albert Kalikow and Betty Pucker Kalikow Papers, 1961-2001 (K0858)
0.2 c.f.

Cookbooks, stationery, business cards, labels, a sign, a bag, an apron, and photocopies of a menu and magazine clippings for the Betty Kalikow Catering Company.


Kansas City Area Archivists (KCAA) Records, 1978-2007 (K0066)
11 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organization records including, constitution and bylaws, financial records, correspondence, and minutes and proceedings, committee files, and publications for a local professional association of archivists.


Kansas City Century Box Collection, 2001 (K0386)
1 c.f.

Duplicates of documents, media, and items placed into the Century Box to be opened at the beginning of the 21st century.


Kansas City Chapter, Missouri Society-Sons of the Revolution, 1776 Records, 1896-2006 (K1264)
12 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational records of the chapter including membership applications, scrapbooks, correspondence, minutes, photographs, and publications.


Kansas City Consensus Records, 1984-2003 (K0761)
37.75 c.f.

Consensus provided a citizen voice in public policies discussions. Organizational files dealing with the method and content of the various initiatives explored and undertaken by Kansas City Consensus. Included are Executive Committee and other committee minutes, reports, and working data; information on task forces that focused on topics; background research data; and financial reports and working papers.


Kansas City Food Circle Records, 1981-2004 (K1031)
2 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Project of the Heart of America Action Linkage (non-profit arm of Green Party), the Circle's purpose was to "educating the public about the environmental and health dangers of industrial scale, petrochemical dependent agriculture". Includes membership lists, research materials, publications, organizational records and clippings.


Kansas City Interfaith Peace Alliance Records, 1981-2004 (K0552)
11 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, publications, membership information, financial records, event information, photographs, audio recordings, and educational materials for an organization devoted to interfaith cooperation and peace.


Kansas City Jewish Chronicle Records, 1920-2006 (K0529)
40 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Notes, photographs, negatives, and publications of a regional Jewish newspaper.


Kansas City Jewish Museum, 1994-2006 (K0766)
3 c.f.

Organizational records including board minutes, administrative files, correspondence, financial records, newsletters, newspaper clippings, publicity, exhibit flyers, brochures, magazines, calendars, audiotape, visitors registers, and an posters.


Kansas City Musical Club Records, 1899-2011 (K0276)
12 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Minutes, correspondence, financial records, reports, yearbooks, bulletins, and newsletters. Scrapbooks include the Junior Department, publicity, and yearly activities and events, and many photographs. The Club provides performance opportunities for musicians and scholarship assistance and financial aid to large musical organizations



Kansas City Symphony Records, 1934-2007 (K0556)
150 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Organizational documents, including programs, contracts, sound recordings, public relations and advertising, and various administrative files of the Kansas City Philharmonic and its successor, the Kansas City Symphony.



Kansas City Women's Chamber of Commerce Records, 1921-2000 (K0259)
46 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Board and executive council minutes, historians' scrapbooks, financial records and ledgers, and the files of various committees and activities, and photographs. Among the projects documented are the Chamber's work with the American Royal, the Citizenship Forum, and the Safety Committee's work with the Drive-O-Rater (with the Soroptimists). Also their publication Civic Woman.


Kansas City Young Audiences Inc. Records, 1962-2005 (K0512)
100 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Administrative records of an arts education organization. Includes minutes, correspondence, program announcements, performance information, financial records, fundraising efforts, and scrapbooks.


Kaplan's Fabrics Collection, 1960-2003 (K0786)
0.01 c.f.

photographs (digital scans) and newspaper articles about Kaplan's Fabrics, founded in 1948 on the Country Club Plaza


Sybil R. Kaplan Papers, 1932-2004 (K1212)
3 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Kaplan was an active member of Beth Shalom, book editor and book reviewer. Includes book reviews written by Kaplan of books published on topics related the Jewish faith and lifestyle; research on anti-Semitism in Kansas City; Jewish cookbooks, Jewish songbook, and other books on Jewish life and history; video tapes; audio records; and correspondence. Also sermons written by Rabbi William Silverman of Temple B'nai Jehudah.


Kappa Phi Sorority, Sigma Chapter Records, 1926-2019 (S0289)
3.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains bylaws, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, and scrapbooks pertaining to the Kappa Phi Sorority, Sigma Chapter, founded in 1926 by St. Louis-area women who had attended the Elmhurst Evangelical Training School at Elmhurst College (later Elmhurst University) that same year. Membership expanded in the following years to include women who belonged to the United Church of Christ and other Protestant denominations. The group initially focused on awarding young women scholarships to attend Evangelical Leadership Training Schools throughout the country and evolved into raising funds for St. Louis Metropolitan area charities, including the Emmaus Homes and the United Way. The collection contains scrapbooks compiled yearly by Sigma Chapter members, consisting of newspaper clippings, photographs, and correspondence, documenting their social activities and charitable endeavors. Items of interest in the scrapbooks include photographs of the Sigma Chapter's visits to the St. Louis Colored Orphans home in 1941.


Diane Kassel Papers, 2005-2006 (S0319)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

The papers contain correspondence, newsletters, surveys, reports, and flyers collected by Diane Kassel documenting her career as the principal of George M. Null Elementary in the City of St. Charles school district.

Paula Kassell Papers, 1931-2007 (C4091)
3.5 cubic feet (88 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of the director for New Directions for Women include personal and professional material, including her material concerning involvement in various feminist organizations. Included in the papers are correspondence, photographs, writings, awards, research projects, news clippings, and conference notes and speeches.

Kauffman Family Papers, 1917-2009 (K1011)
0.28 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of birth and death certificates, enlistment and discharge papers from the United States Army and Navy, and genealogical and historical information on the Kauffman family. The bulk of the collection pertains to Jim Richard Kauffman and his father Clarence Elmer Kauffman.
