Gene Smith Papers, 1941-1995 (K1347)
.25 c.f.
bound collection of Hallmark Military News employee newsletters, 1941-1946; one issue Hallmark NoonNews, 1986; remembrance of G. Smith; ephemera items
Nancy K. Smith Postcard Collection, 1900-1970 (P0029)
268 postcards
Postcards, all views of hospitals and clinics and some sanitariums across Missouri.
Robert C. Smith Papers, 1967-2002 (C4178)
1.6 cubic feet (55 folders)
The papers of a Columbia, Missouri lawyer involved in many civic activities. The papers include speeches from dedication ceremonies, planning documents for the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, and records of the Hinkson Investment Club.
Robert C. Smith Papers, 1950-2002 (C4179)
2.3 cubic feet (106 folders), 11 oversize items
The papers of a Columbia, Missouri, lawyer involved in politics and many civic activities. The papers include campaign material from Smith's 1958 race for Congress, subject files from his time in the Missouri House, and subject files from his time as Mayor of Columbia. The papers also document issues and bills Smith worked on while in public office.
Rose Dorf Wiggins Smith Papers, 1919-1982 (R1515)
1 cubic foot (18 folders)
The Rose Dorf Wiggins Smith Papers contain the diaries and personal papers of Rose Smith, nee Dorf. The diaries contain almost daily entries of her life in Crawford County, Missouri including her work for local newspapers.
Seymour Smith Papers, 1930s-1980s (CA4407)
25.2 cubic feet
The papers of a professor of theology and president of Stephens College include correspondence, class notes, research, writings, sermons, speeches, publications, and materials concerning Stephens College and various professional and civic organizations. Also contains material from Smith’s career prior to Stephens College.
Stanley C. Smith Papers, 1951-1971 (C3607)
0.4 cubic feet (34 folders)
Papers of a newspaper editor, tavern operator, teacher, and close friend of the poet John G. Neihardt. Smith managed one of Neihardt’s public speaking tours and the two corresponded regularly for twenty years. The papers consist primarily of letters from Neihardt to Smith, but also include records related to the 1965 speaking tour, newspaper clippings, and photographs.
Rosemary L. Smithson Papers, 1970-1982 (K0307)
3 c.f.
The organizational records of the Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition for which Smithson was an active leader. Includes correspondence, minutes, reports, working papers, and tape recordings.
Smithville and Longview Dam and Reservoir (Missouri) Projects Records, 1978-1979 (C2519)
0.4 cubic feet
The records of the Smith and Longview Dam and Reservoir contain National Architectural and Engineering Record/Historic American Buildings Survey photographs, field records, historical and descriptive data, maps, and drawings of historic architectural structures at the Smithville and Longview Lakes, MO. Included are Longview Farm, Rockford School, James Poff and Sophia Rollins residences, Reuben Ross barn, and Waddell "A" truss bridge.
Floyd Snelson Papers, 1945-1985 (R1372)
0.1 cubic foot (4 folders, 100 photographs)
The Floyd Snelson photographs are a collection of 100 photographs taken in the Pacific Theater during WWII by Floyd Snelson. Additional biographical material and many documents from Japan during the War period are included in the collection. Some of the photographs document the Japanese surrender at Okinawa.
Robert O. Snyder Papers, 1960-1987 (S0560)
10 cubic feet, 178 folders, 15 photographs
Robert O. Snyder served in the Missouri Legislature form 1960 to 1976 when he made an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Congress. He was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals in 1977. The collection contains correspondence, reports, political buttons, and photographs of Robert Snyder.
Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis Collection, 1946-1972 (S0092)
0.25 cubic foot
The Society of Independent Artists of St. Louis Collection consists of pamphlets chronicling the group’s mission to foster public interest in art in St. Louis by sponsoring art exhibitions featuring local artists.
Soil Conservation Society of America, Show-Me Chapter Records, 1950-1985 (C4516)
1.0 cubic feet (29 folders)
Records of the Missouri arm of the Soil Conservation Society of America, formed as the Alfalfa-Brome Chapter in 1950 and then reorganized as the Show-Me Chapter in 1955.
Maurice David Solomon Papers, 1950-2008 (K0583)
0.5 c.f.
Articles, correspondence, photographs, and other items relating to Solomon, Rabbi at Kehilath Israel Synagogue, and to his wife, Betty Mallin Solomon.
John W. Sondheim Papers, 1978 (K0789)
1 c.f.
Notes, minutes and letters relating to Sondheim's service on the Kansas City Cable TV Study Committee.
Noelle Soren Photographs, 1974-1975 (P0424)
18 photographs
Photos of the Missouri Theatre and Ninth Street in Columbia, MO, ca. 1975.
Leo Soriano Papers, 1930-1995 (S0581)
0.3 cubic feet
The Leo Soriano Papers primarily consist of 23 tapes containing Soriano's recounting his life story, including his military service during World War II. Also included in the collection are photographs of Soriano, dating from the 1930s to the 1980s.
Soroptimist International of Kansas City Records, 1926-2010 (K0253)
29 c.f.
Organizational records of a local professional and businesswomen's service organization, including correspondence, business and financial papers, obituaries of its members, and newsletters.
Soroptimist International of Springfield, Missouri, Records, 1942-1983 (C4435)
2.0 cubic feet (50 folders)
This collection contains correspondence, newsletters, meeting minutes, membership records, service projects, and conference materials concerning Soroptimist International of Springfield, Missouri. It also includes magazines, newsletters, and convention materials from regional clubs and the national organization.
Sorosis Club of Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1951-1984 (R0840)
(1 folder)
These are the yearbooks for 1951-1952, 1980-1981, and 1984-1985 for the Sorosis Club of Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. Included are club calendars, the constitution and bylaws, lists of departments and officers, and membership rolls.
Isabelle Sorrels Collection, 1920-1921; 1947-1989 (C4568)
0.4 cubic feet (8 folders, 1 volume)
The papers of a Columbia (Mo.) woman that outlines her participation in various community activities and women’s organizations, including the Banks Mothers Club.
Sosland Family Papers, 1930-2008 (K1277)
2.5 c.f.
Personal and professional files of the Soslands, including organizations and institutions : Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy, B'nai Brith, Beth Shalom, various Jewish organizations. Also papers of extended family: Hershman, Eisemann, and Sosland
South Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Records, 1931-2006 (K1198)
8 c.f.
Organizational records including by-laws and articles of incorporation, minutes, membership/board reports, financial records, newsletters, anniversary booklets, video, CDs, membership directories, event files, scrapbooks, maps, and photographs.
Southeast Missouri District Fair Association Collection, 1949-1976 (R0925)
(1 folder)
These are a program, premium list and catalog and a souvenir booklet (1976) for the Southeast Missouri distric fair which was sponsored by the Southeast Missourui District Fair Association and held on September 12-17, 1976 at Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri. Included are schedules of events, admission prices, and advertisements for area businesses.
Southeast Missouri Press Association Minute Book, 1893-1981 (C3646)
1 roll of microfilm (1 volume)
Annual meeting minutes of organization of newspaper publishers. Minutes reflect concern about advertising rates, postal rate and freedom of the press legislation, and contemporary issues. Includes list of organization's presidents.
The Southeast Missouri Collection, 1820-2016 (CG0001)
0.8 c.f.
The Southeast Missouri Collection is a combination of small acquisitions to the State Historical Society related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events.
Southeast Missouri, Photograph Collection, 1902-1975 (P1126)
An artificial collection of photographs depicting Southeast Missouri, including the Bootheel: Wayne, Dunklin, Pemiscot, New Madrid, Stoddard, Scott, and Mississippi counties.
Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)
The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.
Southern and Central Missouri Map Collection, 1874-2011, bulk 1930-2005 (R1466)
6 cubic feet (30 oversize folders, 145 maps)
The Southern and Central Missouri Map Collection contains highway, railroad, geological, topographical, mining, tourist, city, county, and state maps. The maps focus on the southern and central counties in Missouri including Crawford, Dent, Franklin, Gasconade, Howell, Iron, Jefferson, Laclede, Madison, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Phelps, Pulaski, Reynolds, Saint Francois, Sainte Genevieve, Texas, Washington, and Wright counties.
Southwest City, Missouri Centenntial Collection, 1970 (R0933)
(1 folder)
This is a centennial history booklet published in 1970 for Southwest City in McDonald county, Missouri. It includes a general historical narrative, historical photographs and topical sections concerning schools, churches, organizations, government and businesses.
Southwest City, Missouri City Directory Collection, 1973 (R0788)
(1 folder)
This is a city directory for Southwest City, McDonald County, Missouri. The Southwest City Lions Club sponsored its publication in December 1973.
Southwest High School Collection, 1943-2007 (K1199)
1 c.f.
Books and documents relating to Southwest High School of the Kansas City, MO, School District and its alumni.
Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records, 1957-1982 (SP0084)
1.5 cubic feet (37 folders, 2 photographs)
The Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records contain the by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, and membership papers of Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., headquartered in Bolivar, Missouri.
Southwest Missouri Map Collection, 1833-2003 (SP0047)
4 cubic feet (27 maps)
The Southwest Missouri Map Collection contains city, county, highway, geographical, topographical, and mining maps. The maps focus on the southern and western counties in Missouri including Greene, Henry, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone, and Taney counties.
Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development Records, 1964-2011 (SP0009)
28 cubic feet
The records consist of the financial documents, correspondence, project notes and publications pertaining to the operation of the non-profit environmental organization known as Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development.
Southwest Missouri Collection, 1864-2014 (SP0017)
1 cubic foot (43 folders, 34 photographs)
The Southwest Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to southwest Missouri individuals, places, organizations, and events. Material continues to be added to the collection.
Torey Southwick Collection, 1960-1970 (K0360)
3 c.f.
Audiotapes, film, and videotape of the Southwick's children's shows appearing on KMBC-TV, and other shows on radio and television.
Edward W. Sowers Papers, 1942-1980, bulk 1961-1979 (R0135)
2 cubic foot (107 folders)
The Edward Walter Sowers Papers contains correspondence, business papers, and miscellaneous printed materials of a newspaper editor and publisher at Rolla, Phelps County,
Missouri. Topics include the Sowers family, journalism and the newspaper business, the University of Missouri, and United States politics and foreign relations.
Spaldings Commercial College Collection, 1893-1976 (K1200)
.1 c.f.
Includes a diploma in Stenographic Amanuensis & Typewriter Operator and a letter relating to the school.
Speaker Services for the United Nations Records, 1959-1976 (K0792)
14 c.f.
Organizational records of a speakers' bureau which promoted the United Nations and international exchange of ideas by bringing noted diplomats and other outstanding speakers to Kansas City. Includes correspondence, research materials, public relations files, and printed material.
Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri Records, 1948-1991 (C3934)
1.3 cubic feet
Records of the association, a professional organization of speech and theatre educators that promotes education and public awareness of speech and theatre issues in Missouri. The records consist of correspondence, minutes, publications, financial records, photographs, and miscellaneous records. See also collection #2961, Speech Association of Missouri, Papers, 1942-1964.
George A. Spencer Papers, 1970-1971 (C3309)
0.3 cubic feet (16 folders)
Jeffrey Spivak Union Station Research Collection, 1880-1999 (K1432)
12.6 cubic feet
The Jeffrey Spivak Union Station Research Collection contains letters, notes, and research documents compiled by Jeffrey Spivak for his book Union Station, Kansas City.
Rose Evelyn Kurs Sporn Papers, 1943-2011 (K1166)
0.21 cubic foot (18 folders, 14 photographs)
The Rose Evelyn Kurs Sporn Papers contain writings by Sporn, correspondence, and publicity related to the Kidde Kapers productions at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. It also contains photographs, a brief history of the Dolls for Democracy project, and a scrapbook.
Albert M. Spradling Jr. Collection, c. 1935-1986 (C3959)
2 folders, 3 rolls of microfilm
Newspaper clippings, mostly from Missouri newspapers, about Democratic State Senator Albert M. Spradling, Jr. and Missouri politics. Also included are articles published in periodicals, campaign advertisements, signed petitions, photographs, and miscellaneous Federal Bureau of Investigation career documents.
J. Orville Spreen Papers, 1900-1982 (S0486)
27.7 cubic feet, 524 folders, 4690 photographs
James Orville Spreen was a Wabash employee and railroad executive for 50 years (1912-1962). Most materials in this collection pertain to Spreen's involvement with the Junior Chamber of Commerce Historic Markers Committee. The collection consists of pamphlets, tourist information, and photographs. The photographs document several areas in St. Louis, which were later razed for the Mansion House, JNEM, and Stadium project.
Orville Spreen Railroad Papers, 1830-1982 (S0485)
24.4 cubic feet, 914 folders, 3591 photographs, 8 microfilm roll
Orville Spreen was a Wabash Railroad employee and executive for 50 years (1912-1962). His papers include newspaper clippings, freight receipts, invoices, articles, patents, providing information on general railroad history, specific railroad lines, railroad museums, railroads in St. Louis, and railroad societies and associations. Also included in the collection are scrapbooks, cash books, and photographs of centennials and locomotives.
Barbara Sprenger Papers, 1867-2016 (S0281)
11 cubic feet
The Barbara Sprenger Papers contains correspondence, histories, photographs, reports, and maps pertaining to Dioxin and hazardous waste dumping of the Russell Bliss, Grover Callahan, and related properties in the Wildwood and Ellisville, Missouri, areas. The collection also contains family papers, which include correspondence, genealogical research materials, and photographs.
Spring Creek Baptist Church, Phelps County, Missouri Records, 1880-1991 (R0445)
6 volumes microfilmed
This collection includes minutes of meetings, 1880-1987, and membership records, 1880-1991, of
the Spring Creek Baptist Church in northern Phelps County, Missouri. Volume 1 includes records of
two earlier organizations: the Corinth Baptist Church, 1880-1891, and the Macedonia Baptist Church,