Maurice Schechter Papers, 1919-1977 (S0687)
1 cubic foot, 68 folders
The Maurice Schechter Papers include law cases from 1919-1977 and various awards given to Schecter from 1929-1976. Together they chronicle Schecter's career as a lawyer, Missouri Representative, and Missouri Senator.
Francis Scheidegger Photograph Collection, 1940-1972 (S0809)
46 cubic feet
Francis Scheidegger worked as a photographer in his native Kirkwood, Missouri, from 1940 until his death in 2000. Scheidegger was the first local photographer in Kirkwood, opening a storefront studio on South Kirkwood Road in 1941. This collection contains a large collection of photographic negatives documenting much of the local architecture and the Kirkwood appearances of many national celebrities, including presidents and members of Congress.
Elenore Schewe Collection, 1920-2002 (C4266)
1.8 cubic feet (39 folders), 3 audio cassettes, 5 oversize items
The collection of Elenore Schewe contains material of her research into refractory companies in Missouri, including both institutional records of the companies themselves and the personal papers and records of various important figures in the refractory companies. This collection was created as part of Schewe's work assisting in the research for the book Refractories: the Hidden Industry by Corinne Azen Krause.
Cliff Schiappa Papers, 1977-1983, 2002 (CA6621)
1.1 cubic feet, 399 MB of digital files
The papers of a photojournalist who graduated from the University of Missouri largely contain photographs, negatives, and clippings from his time as a student attending the university and while working for the Kansas City Times. Also contains material pertaining to a political debate held at Columbia College.
Phyllis Schlafly Papers, 1972-1982 (S0224)
0.3 cubic feet
The Phyllis Schlafly Papers contain newsletters, brochures, flyers, and newspaper clippings documenting Schlafly's opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Harold S. and Linda Donowitz Schlozman Papers, 1971 (K1051)
0.04 c.f.
Program of service entitled Weekday Evening Service, a service honoring Rabbi Gershon Hadas on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
Morris Schlozman Papers, 1953-2004 (K1092)
0.2 c.f.
Schlozman was Business Manager and General Manager of Box Office, an international film trade journal. Includes materials pertaining to Congregation Beth Shalom (commemoration books, memories of Rabbi Gershon Hadas) and a articles and other materials from renowned Jewish scholar Irving Levitas.
Liz Schmidt Collection, 1953-1984 (CA4702)
21 cubic feet
Clippings and printed material pertaining to elections, schools, fair housing, home rule, and Columbia and Boone County issues gathered by Schmidt in the course of her work with the League of Women Voters and other groups.
Vera Moore Schmitt Papers, 1970-1988 (K0450)
2 c.f.
Genealogical research of extensive correspondence and information gathered by Schmitt on various Missouri families. Also clippings, pamphlets, books, and photographs.
Dorothy Schneider Papers, 1921-1995 (S0982)
43 cubic feet
The Dorothy Schneider Papers contain correspondence, diaries, photographs, scrapbooks, and a dissertation pertaining to Schneider's experiences volunteering with the American Red Cross during World War II in the Pacific Theater, as well as her peace activism with the United Nations Day World Holiday.
Irvin Edwin Schnell Papers, 1918-1978 (CA6729)
0.8 cubic feet
The papers of Irvin Edwin Schnell, a greenhouse owner and florist from Fayette, Missouri, include daily diaries, 1918-1978; a financial ledger, 1925-1974; The Valley Farmer, v. 6 and 8, 1954, 1956; and miscellaneous papers.
Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis Records, 1923-1985 (S0083)
2 cubic feet
The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis contains meeting minutes, correspondence, bylaws, and photographs documenting the group's mission to assist St. Louis area students by providing them with interest-free loans to help further their education beyond high school.
C. Herschel Schooley Papers, 1884-c. 1971 (CA4078)
7 cubic feet
Biographical research material collected by C. Herschel Schooley in preparation for a book on Clarence Cannon. During the Eisenhower administration, Schooley served as Director of the Office of Public Information, Department of Defense, from 1953 to 1958.
Ruth B. Schowalter Papers, 1944-2006 (R1488)
0.25 cubic foot (6 folders)
The papers of Ruth B. Schowalter contain the personal papers of Norma Ruth Baxter Schowalter and genealogical materials related to the Schowalter, Bickey, and Bradford families.
Adolf E. and Rebecca B. Schroeder Collection, 1550, 1800-1804, 1913-2012 (C4483)
19.0 cubic feet (458 folders), 233 audio cassettes, 28 audio discs, 41 audio tapes, 80 video cassettes, 1 CD, 2 rolls microfilm, 1 film, 8 oversize items, 229 MB of digital files
The papers of Adolf Schroeder, professor of German at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and his wife Rebecca, editor of the Missouri Heritage Readers, including their work with European-American oral histories and Missouri folklore and folk music.
Adolf E. and Rebecca Schroeder Folk Song and Folklore Collection, 1957-1987 (C3826)
0.2 cubic feet (9 folders), 184 audio cassettes, 2 audio discs, 23 audio tapes, 2 video cassettes
The collection contains recordings and related material of Missouri and Ozark folk musicians and folklorists, primarily Max Hunter, Loman Cansler, and R.P. Christeson. The recordings include songs and discussions on many aspects of folk song collecting and folklore.
Victor J. Schroeder Papers, 1891-2010 (CA6496)
4.4 cubic feet, 2 oversize items
The papers of a Methodist minister from Troy, Missouri, contain a transcription of his journals, along with correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material. Schroeder served churches in Georgia, Ohio, and Illinois, as well as Warren, Lincoln, St. Charles, and St. Louis Counties, Missouri. The collection also includes family material, including papers concerning his father, John Ernst Schroeder, a chiropractor who served in WWI.
Walter A. Schroeder Papers, 1972-2008 (CA6385)
0.6 cubic feet
Papers contain material pertaining to Schroeder's work with Missouri place name surveys involving Adolph E. Schroeder and Don Lance, as well as the founding of the Missouri Board of Geographic Names.
Schubert Family Papers, 1834-1996 (C3005)
0.6 cubic feet
The Schubert Family Papers contain diaries, drawings, prints, and account books related to the immigration and livelihood of family members. There are also genealogical notebooks for families of Atchison County, MO, and documents dealing with the Sociality.
John C. Schuder Papers, 1964-1975 (C3915)
0.8 cubic feet
Papers of John C. Schuder, an officer of the Columbia, MO, Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and member of the Anti-War Moratorium Committee. The Schuder Papers consist of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
John C. Schuder Papers, 1969-2002 (CA6342)
3 cubic feet
Addition of papers of an officer of the Columbia, Missouri, Chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and member of the Anti-War Moratorium Committee. The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material.
Schuermann and Droll Family Papers, 1890-1976 (S0318)
0.5 cubic foot
The collection includes photographs, correspondence, death certificates, and newspaper clippings documenting the Schuermann and Droll families' lives in the Normandy, Missouri, area.
Eunice Westhusing Schussler Collection, 1944-2017 (C4594)
0.1 cubic feet (3 folders, 9.5 MB of digial files)
The papers of a resident of Henry County, Missouri, include World War II letters from Eugene "Gene" Sickman and Korean War letters from her brother Clyde "Bud" Westhusing. Also included are family photographs and obituaries.
Max Schwabe Papers, 1927-1971 (C4019)
0.8 cubic feet (27 folders), 1 oversize volume
The papers were created by Max Schwabe, who served the Second Congressional District of Missouri in the United States House of Representatives from 1943 to 1948. The collection includes political files, newspaper clippings, published materials, photographs, and a scrapbook that outlines Schwabe's political career.
Charles and Elizabeth Schwartz Papers, 1915-1990s (C2217)
0.4 cubic feet, 2 volumes, 1 computer disc
The papers of Charles and Elizabeth Schwartz document their lives as wildlife conservationists and enthusiasts in Missouri. The collection contains the manuscript of The Wild Mammals of Missouri, published articles and newspapers, artwork, research, and photographs.
Ellen Jane Schwartz Papers, 1860-1992 (S0984)
1 cubic foot
The Ellen Schwartz Papers contain photographs, a diary, and VHS and cassette tapes of oral histories pertaining to her research on the Freund family.
Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Records, 1882-1987 (S0520)
9 rolls microfilm
Founded in 1882 by German immigrant Frank Schwarz, Schwarz Studios passed through four generations to become the oldest taxidermy operation in the United States. Its clients have included L. Roos Fur Company, Adolphus Busch, Simmons Hardware, and special clients such as the Board of Education, the Boy Scouts, and the St. Louis Zoo. The collection contains scrapbooks, daily journals, and customer ledgers of the Schwarz Studio Taxidermy Company, 1882-1987.
Albert Schweitzer Centennial in St. Louis Proceedings, 1975 (S0313)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection is a record of the proceedings of the Albert Schweitzer Centennial in St. Louis, Mo, in 1975, to celebrate the life of theologian and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer.
Scotland County Genealogical Society Collection, 1841-2021 (CA6609)
2.2 cubic feet, 4 card files
The collection contains material collected by the Scotland County Genealogical Society including photographs, funeral programs, county history, court records, tax records, marriage licenses, and miscellaneous documents.
Scott, Foresman and Company Collection, c. 1958-1979 (CA5145)
109.5 cubic feet
An estimated 1.3 million 4x6 dictionary citation slips collected and used primarily for updating World Book and Thorndike Barnhart dictionaries. Arranged in two alphabetical series A-Z. Includes work of Clarence Barnhart and Ethel Strainchamps.
James W. Scott Papers, 1930-2007 (K0554)
4.5 c.f.
Correspondence, paperwork, political cartoons, various notes and booklets written and/or collected by Scott, reporter, editor, and later vice president of the Kansas City Star Company.
Janet Scott Papers, 1951-2019 (S0353)
4.8 cubic feet
The Jan Scott Papers contain correspondence, program booklets, photographs, meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, and cassette tapes documenting Scott’s career as a flutist, educator, and founder of the National Women’s Yellow Pages of Greater St. Louis. Also included in the collection are materials relating to Scott’s involvement with the Women’s Policy Alliance (formerly the Alliance for the Status of Missouri Women), which dedicated itself to developing a proactive women’s policy agenda to empower and improve Missouri women’s lives.
Joanie Melton Seale Papers, 1971-2006 (SP0098)
0.4 cubic feet (4 folders)
The Joanie Melton Seale Papers contain materials related to the Lester E. Cox Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri, collected by registered nurse Joanie Melton Seale. The collection consists of publications, a medical directory, and a calendar celebrating the hospital’s centennial. The collection also includes a program for the 1971 Missouri State Fair.
Ernest R. Sears Papers, 1928-1991 (C3892)
19.6 cubic feet (1283 folders)
The professional papers of Ernest R. Sears, a wheat cytogeneticist associated with the University of Missouri from 1936 until his death in 1991. The papers consist of correspondence, reprints of publications, reports, manuscripts, research notes, speeches, photographs, news clippings and miscellaneous items.
Ernest R. Sears Papers, 1970s-1980s (CA5428)
0.4 cubic feet
Addition of correspondence, photographs, and biographical materials. Primarily relates to his 40th anniversary at the University of Missouri and retirement.
Lotti M. Sears Papers, 1936-1991 (C4021)
2.5 cubic feet (184 folders)
The papers contain correspondence, papers, photos, research, and miscellaneous material of a University of Missouri geneticist involved with cytogenetics, a branch of genetics which is concerned with the study of chromosomes and cell division.
Second Baptist Church, Neosho, Missouri Centennial Collection, 1976 (R0821)
(1 folder)
This is "We've Come This Far by Faith", a centennial anniversary booklet for the Second Baptist Church of Neosho in Newton County, Missouri. The African-American congregation was founded in 1876.
Don Secrease Papers, 1971-2020 (S0370)
2.3 cubic foot
The collection contains St. Louis-area published stripzines, comic books, and original storyboards documenting Don Secrease's career as a comic book artist and publisher. Materials of interest include issues of Swashbucklers, a comic book Secrease published with Rick Burchett and Paul Daly, and ran for four issues from 1980-1982. Also included in the collection are original storyboards Secrease created for Swashbucklers.
Sedalia Democrat Photographs, 1942, 1977 (P0781)
9 photographs
Photos of May 1977 tornado in Sedalia, Pettis County.
Amy Bradfield Sefrit Letters, 1976-1993 (K0876)
0.3 c.f.
Sefrit's letters document the life of a rural Missouri farm family in Atchison County, MO. She writes about the daily life of her family, her husband's work and the activities and development of her children. Also her work as a substitute teacher in the local schools, condition of the crops, weather, and news of other family members.
Shirley Kenis Seigle and Sidney M. Seigle Papers, 1950-1987 (K1186)
0.1 c.f.
Seigle was an educator, actress, and playwright who produced various events for Temple B'nai Jehudah Sisterhood Incudes bulletins, education/administration papers, programs, scripts, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to Seigle's activities at the Temple.
Robert E. Seiler Papers, 1967-1982 (CA4393)
16 cubic feet
The papers of a Missouri Supreme Court Judge contain notes and summaries on various cases before the Supreme Court of Missouri, conference materials, and miscellaneous material.
Ernestine Ernst Seiter Papers, 1828-1985 (C4351)
1.75 cubic feet (23 folders), 1 oversize volume, 1 oversize item
The papers contain a transcription of James and Robert Aull letter books and daybooks from 1828-1851. Also includes an unidentified doctor’s account ledger from Lexington, Missouri, from 1872-1875; scrapbook of Ernestine Ernst Seiter; research on Lexington homes; and miscellaneous material.
Theodore H. Seligson Architectural Collection, 1950-1995 (K0545)
235 c.f.
Administrative and financial records, correspondence, notes and other documents, and architectural drawings, by Seligson, and prominent Kansas City architect and educator, and his various firms.
Sellmeyer Family Collection, 1839-1990 (C3062)
1 roll of microfilm
Deeds, wills, family trees and photographs of three 19th-century immigrant families who settled in Missouri. The Velten and Ebeling families emigrated from Germany and settled in Warren County, while the Swedish Bentleys came to settle in Howard County. Also includes probate and census records, and a "Velten Family Record" narrative.
Seneca Missouri Scrapbooks, 1898-1992 (SP0029)
1 cubic foot (13 folders)
The Seneca, Missouri, Scrapbooks were compiled by Virginia Hoare and contain photographs, newspaper clippings, and articles about the history of Seneca, Missouri.
Ben Senturia Papers, 1968-2015 (S0745)
30 cubic feet
Ben Senturia has been long active in environmental, antiwar, and political reform efforts. A graduate of Washington University in 1966, Senturia served as a research assistant for Barry Commoner, an early and ardent environmentalist, from 1966 through 1968. Senturia became a predoctoral fellow in the Environmental Field Program at Washington University at this time. Thereafter, he worked as an organizer and campaign consultant for a variety of public interest, nonprofit organizations, chief among them were the St. Louis Coalition for the Environment and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. Throughout this time and beyond, Senturia frequently acted as a consultant to numerous nonprofit organizations, assisting them in organizing and directing political or fund-raising campaigns as part of a private business, the Center for Active Citizenship, organized in 1989. The papers contain correspondence, essays, photographs, legislative materials, and reports.
Daniel Serda Papers, 1976-2011 (K0687)
21 c.f.
Research materials gathered by Serda, a local historian, city planner, and faculty in the Department of Urban Planning, University of Kansas. Includes Kansas City bibliographic research, the Kansas City Stock Yards, the 1951 Flood, and other topics of his research and writing.
Peg Serrano Papers, 1977 (S1062)
0.4 cubic foot
The Peg Serrano Papers contains literature from Univeristy City delegates pertaining to the National Women's Conference in Houston, Texas, held from November 18 to 21, 1977.
Settle Family Papers, 1857-2008 (CG0026)
1.25 c. f.
Correspondence and photographs of the Settle, O'Bannon, and Rhodes families of Wayne County, Missouri and Arkansas. Also includes genealogy records, Bible, and report cards for Virgil E. Settle.