Tuesday Club (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1921-1977 (C2162)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of The Tuesday Club of Columbia, Missouri, contain newspaper articles, minute books, reports and scrapbooks of a women's social club founded in 1899. The records detail the history of the club, including meetings, activities, membership, finances, and projects sponsored.
Tuesday Literary Club of St. Louis Collection, 1931, 1974-1975 (S0115)
0.01 cubic foot, 1 folder
The collection contains two program books from the Tuesday Literary Club of St. Louis, a women’s club dedicated to providing “mutual culture and fellowship” for its members.
Turner-Yates Family Papers, 1912-2010 (CA6486)
2 cubic feet
The papers of the Turner, Yates, and related families of Macon and Randolph Counties, Missouri, include genealogical research, photographs, publications, and miscellaneous material.
Tuttle Family Collection, 1906-1973, 2019-2020 (CA6576)
1.7 cubic feet, 4.2 MB of digital files
The collection contains material concerning a prominent farming family in Cooper County, Missouri. Includes World War II correspondence of Joseph Tuttle; correspondence concerning the family’s ham business; farm ledgers of Morton Tuttle; a timeline and history of Woodland Farms compiled by William Ellis Tuttle Jr.; and miscellaneous material.
TWA Active Retired Pilots Association (TARPA) Records, 1932-2007 (K0563)
8 c.f.
Publications and records related to retired pilots of Trans World Airlines. Includes labor agreements, photographs of pilots, and seniority list.
Twin Lakes Duck Hunting Camp (Chariton County, Mo.) Records, 1945-1989 (C3968)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder), 2 rolls of microfilm
Hunting logs, photographs, and related materials of a private hunting camp in north central Missouri.
Robert Tyszka Slides, 1970s-2000s (CA6540)
0.2 cubic feet
Images of various Missouri locations, including many in the St. Louis area, taken by an amateur photographer.
U. S. Soil Conservation Service Collection, 1933-1978 (C4513)
1.7 cubic feet (38 folders, 1 volume, 8 oversize items)
Newspaper clippings, project reports, reference materials, and photographs from the Missouri arm of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service.
U.S. National Transportation Safety Board Report, 1976-1977 (C3480)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
Report of the board’s investigation into the airplane crash that killed Congressman Jerry L. Litton, his family, pilot Paul Rupp, Jr., and Rupp's son near Chillicothe, Missouri, on August 3, 1976. Includes reports of groups investigating various aspects of the aircraft, statements of witnesses, a wreckage distribution chart, flight tests, crashworthiness analyses, and test data.
Arthur Unger Papers, 1943-2004 (C4027)
10.8 cubic feet (756 folders), 58 audio cassettes, 2 audio tapes, 4 audio discs, 5 CDs, 1 video cassette
Arthur Unger was an entertainment journalist who reviewed movies and television shows for the Christian Science Monitor and Ingenue. He edited several magazines as wide-ranging as Mechanix Illustrated and Datebook and toured with the Beatles. The collection includes recordings, transcripts, and notes from his interviews with celebrities, his writings, Beatles publications, and personal materials.
Union Hill Baptist Church (Holt's Summit, Mo.) History, 1971 (C3277)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
History of the church from its organization in 1843 to 1971, naming deacons and pastors, giving a history of the church buildings, and describing some of the special meetings of the church.
Union Primitive Baptist Church (Boone County, Mo.) Records, 1887-1984 (C4322)
1.25 cubic feet (35 folders)
Newsletters, books, and record minute books of the Union Primitive Baptist Church Records.
United Brothers of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten Records, 1908-1980 (S0127)
0.01 cubic foot
This collection contains articles of incorporation and bylaws of a fraternal, benevolent association of African-American men and women in Missouri.
United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), Dixie Chapter #2188 Records, 1949-1989 (K1226)
3 c.f.
Scrapbooks, bylaws, minutes, reports, publications related to the Dixie Chapter, other Missouri Division Chapters in Kansas City and Clay County, and the United Daughters of the Confederacy national operations.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Betty Shelby Chapter Records, 1973-1986 (CA6190)
13 oversize volumes
Scrapbooks of the United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter #2319, founded in Waverly, Missouri, in 1962.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Confederate Dames Chapter Records, 1918-1990s (CA2986)
1.4 cubic feet
Records of a chapter in St. Louis consisting of minutes of chapter and board meetings, 1918-1988; state annual convention programs; by-laws, 1980s; membership lists, 1980s-1990s; HISTORY OF THE UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY, 1894-1955; and miscellaneous publications concerning the Civil War.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Missouri Division Records , 1898-2019 (CA3031)
2.5 cubic feet
Addition of convention proceedings, minutes, programs, and miscellaneous chapter material.
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers Collection, 1925-1995 (S0756)
0.8 cubic foot, 20 folders
The United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (UE) was founded in 1936 as a labor union, and affiliated with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) until 1948. As anti-Communist tensions escalated in post-WWII years, Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. The Act required union officers to sign an affidavit disavowing their ties to the Communist Party. Several UE officers refused to sign the affidavit, and, as a result, the CIO expelled the UE from the union and created the International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers (IUE) in its place. Many of the papers and artifacts contained herein come from the personal collection of Lloyd Austin, a former employee of Emerson Electric in St. Louis. Austin’s collection contains original copies of the Emerson Equalizer, a newsletter published by the Local 1102 UERWCIO during the Emerson Electric sit-in of 1937. The sit-in lasted 53 days and sought to gain recognition from Emerson President Joseph Newman. When the strike finally ended, Newman conceded and agreed to recognize worker’s rights under the Wagner Act of 1935. The remainder of this collection consists of World War II worker propaganda, pro/anti-Communist literature, news clippings pertaining to the Emerson strike, and a second scrapbook by Emerson employee William C. Reidel.
United Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Collection, 1934-1976 (R0526)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The United Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cole Camp, Missouri Collection contains photocopies of the Easter Cantata, church directory, and fiftieth anniversary program of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, Benton County, Missouri.
United Klans of America Collection, 1967-1973 (C4302)
0.25 cubic feet (5 folders)
The United Klans of America collection contains promotional material and literature created by the organization for the purpose of recruitment and propaganda. A college student gathered the materials for the purpose of writing a college level research paper in 1973.
United Methodist Church, Lake of the Ozarks Parish Records, 1971-1983 (C4333)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders)
The records of the United Methodist Church, Lake of the Ozarks Parish, contain printed material, programs, evaluations, pamphlets and miscellaneous material of an ecumenical ministry in the recreational area of Bagnell Dam.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1850-1977 (C3595)
12 cubic feet (592 folders)
Records in the form of minutes, journals and correspondence of boards, committees, and churches in the Missouri East Conference, United Methodist Church. Includes church histories, papers of early Methodist ministers, biographies, periodicals, books, and Hendrix Hall dormitory papers.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1813-2010 (CA5745)
107.2 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes, 10 oversize items, 3 audio discs, 87 audio cassettes, 229 audio tapes, 5 DVDs, 1 film, 34 video cassettes
Addition of annual conference journals, correspondence, newsletters, meeting programs, committee files, publications, and the records of individual churches, including Fry United Methodist Church in St. Louis.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1800-1972 (C3308)
3.4 cubic feet (161 folders, 6 volumes)
Correspondence, printed brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, journals, and books of the Missouri East Conference, United Methodist Church, including papers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Evangelical United Brethren Church.
United Methodist Church, Missouri East Conference Records, 1836-1984 (C3727)
6.5 cubic feet (317 folders), 2 rolls of microfilm, 2 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape
Records of conference, districts, and individual churches. Includes annual reports, minutes, financial and historical information, information on church-related institutions and organizations, ministerial candidate information, and histories of individual churches. Also includes some materials from antecedent conferences and other Missouri conferences.
United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1915-1999 (C4327)
3.0 cubic feet (73 folders)
The records of the United Methodist Women of the Missouri United Methodist Church contain minutes, reports, budgets, correspondence, record books, yearbooks, programs, activities, and photographs.
United Methodist Women, Missouri East Conference Records, 1936-1996 (CA2616)
9.8 cubic feet
The records include minutes, annual reports, yearbooks, by-laws, programs, correspondence, histories, clippings, printed material, brochures, material on missionary work, ephemera, journals, prayer calendars, and miscellaneous material.
United Nations Association of St. Louis Records, 1945-1999 (S0446)
29 cubic feet, 116 photographs, 2 audio tapes
The records of the United Nations Association of St. Louis contain correspondence, publications, minutes, newsletters, and programs pertaining to the group's mission to increase understanding of world problems and the United Nations' effectiveness in dealing with them. Correspondents include Edna Gellhorn, James S. McDonnell, Jr., and Eleanor Roosevelt.
United Shoe Workers International Union (USWA) Records, 1940-1985 (S1032)
55 cubic feet
The United Shoe Workers International Union (USWA) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, contracts, charters, and newsletters of the union's headquarters in St. Louis.
United States Army Mothers National Association Records, 1941-1989 (K0260)
13 c.f.
World War II era organization of mothers of men in the U.S. Army established to provide social support for each other and their sons. Scrapbooks, financial ledgers, post reports and minutes, photographs, yearly convention material, newsletters, correspondence, by-laws, roll books, various paraphernalia, and many other items relating to its everyday operation.
United States Bicentennial Collection, 1976 (CA6338)
1 cubic foot
Miscellaneous printed materials, souvenirs, and three-dimensional objects commemorating the bicentennial of the United States of America in 1976.
United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records, 1915-1996 (R1321)
17 cubic feet (372 folders, 4 maps, 3,238 photographs, 68 negatives, 936 slides, 3 volumes)
The United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records contain the records of the Bureau of Mines office and research facility established in Rolla, Missouri in 1915. The records include correspondence, operational reports, project reports, photographs, newspaper articles, program materials, and maps.
United States Daughters of 1812, Missouri Chapter Records, 1784-2008 (C4219)
7 cubic feet (222 folders), 2 oversize volumes, 2 oversize items
The papers consist of the meeting minutes, pamphlets, officer reports, and other business materials pertaining to the operation of the United States Daughters of 1812, Missouri Chapter. Also included in the collection is the correspondence of Mary Miller Smiser, who served briefly as president of the organization.
Unity Christian Church Records, 1931-2023 (S0510)
0.2 cubic feet, 10 folders, 63 photographs
The Unity Christian Church Records contain bylaws, meeting minutes, church directories, church programs, and photographs documenting the church's mission to spread the truth of Jesus Christ as interpreted by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore through the United School of Christianity and the Association of Unity Churches.
University City Residential Trust Records, 1970-2002 (S1031)
0.3 cubic feet
The University City Residential Trust Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, and newspaper clippings relating to the University City Rental Trust’s (UCRT) mission to maintain cultural diversity during the integration process in the University City area. UCRT attempted to accomplish this task by purchasing homes in University City and renting them to white families in neighborhoods where African American children outnumbered white children in the elementary district.
University of Missouri Agriculture Extension Photographs, 1970 (P1166)
Photographs by the University of Missouri Agriculture Extension program of Missouri farms.
University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1894-2022 (C3670)
4.4 cubic feet (77 folders), 34 oversize volumes, 2 card files, 1 video cassette, 3 audio cassettes
The records of the Fortnightly Club, a women’s organization for wives of University of Missouri faculty and female faculty members, which consist of materials surrounding membership and recruitment, finances, board meetings, committees and interest groups, and events and trips. Also included are bulletins and newsletters published by the group.
University of Missouri Fortnightly Club Records, 1975-2024 (CA6677)
1.2 cubic foot
The records include information on the Gourmet Study Group’s meetings, including member lists, agendas, correspondence, photographs of events, recipes, membership dues, dinner costs, and miscellaneous material from the organization. Also includes organizational agendas, budgets, membership records, minutes, newsletters, and an article written on the history of the Fortnightly Club. Also includes two photo albums, Fortnightly Celebrations, 2022-2023, and Year of Smiles, 2023-2024.
University of Missouri Photograph Collection, 1848-1995 (P0088)
272 photographs
An artificial collection of photographs of the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, its students, faculty, and administrators.
University of Missouri, Admission of Women Centennial Records, 1963-1970 (C2603)
2.3 cubic feet (82 folders)
Correspondence and lists used in preparations for commemorative activities on the centennial of the admission of women to the University. Program bulletins, posters, press releases, copies of speeches delivered, photographs, and biographical materials on distinguished alumnae.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Resident Wives Club Records, 1941-1997 (C4436)
1.0 cubic feet (22 folders), 4 oversize volumes, 2 audio cassettes
The records of the Resident Wives Club (1941-1996) of the University of Missouri College of Agriculture include financial documents, event planning materials, membership lists, meeting minutes and reports, and photographs.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Social Studies Club Records, 1914-1992 (C4166)
0.4 cubic feet (12 folders), 1 oversize volume
History, constitution, by-laws, meeting minutes, photographs, cards, and newspaper articles of a women’s club composed of the wives of University of Missouri, College of Agriculture professors.
University of Missouri, Cooperative Extension Service Records, 1946-1970 (CA5880)
4 cubic feet
Addition to the records of the University of Missouri’s Cooperative Extension Service include minutes, data on personnel and students involved in the programs, newsletters, and studies and research on extension services.
University of Missouri, Department of Physics Records, 1880s-1990s (CA4799)
54 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, departmental records, teaching and research materials, and materials related to the National Science Foundation Summer Institute and the O.M. Stewart Fund.
University of Missouri, Extension Service Records, 1912-1979 (C1042)
234 rolls of microfilm
Annual reports of county and district agents of the Extension Service, 1912-1969, and annual reports of extension activities of UMC, UMKC, Lincoln University, UMR, UMSL and university-wide offices, 1960-1979.
University of Missouri, Legion of Black Collegians Records, 1974-1993 (C4184)
0.4 cubic feet (18 folders)
The records of a Black college student organization consist of conference material, newsletters, guides, pamphlets, newspaper articles, applications, election ballots, questionnaires, flyers, notes, and artifacts.
University of Missouri, Saint Louis Black History Project Collection, 1911-1983 (S0201)
5 cubic feet, 143 folders, 415 photographs, 17 audio tapes, 7 microfilm rolls
This National Historical Publications and Records Commission funded project collected historical source material documenting the African-American experience in St. Louis. The project developed a slide presentation and held three conferences on St. Louis African-American history from 1981 to 1983. The collection includes correspondence, reports, surveys, biographical information, and a slide show.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Association of Women Students Questionnaire, 1972 (C3314)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Questionnaire regarding age, status in school, sexual/medical needs, and personal concerns.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Black Studies Program Records, 1961-1992 (C4125)
4.5 cubic feet (220 folders)
The papers of the Black Studies Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia include correspondence, programs, project proposals, articles, clippings, and photographs.
University of Missouri-Columbia, Campbell-Harrison Home Economics Cooperative House Records, 1936-1986 (CA5756)
9 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume, 4 audio cassettes
Scrapbooks containing photographs, newspaper clippings, programs and other materials related to the University of Missouri sorority. Also includes office files, financial records, minutes, audio cassettes, and miscellaneous material.