T. J. Shelton, Southwestern Miner, 1892 (R0873)
(1 folder)
These are four issues from June, August, and October 1892, of the " Southwestern Miner", a newsletter "devoted exclusively to the Lead and Zinc mines of Missouri and Kansas." Published every week at Carterville, Missouri, by "Campbell & Shelton" and managed by T. J. Shelton, and the journal included production statistics and mining news items from southwestern Missouri and southeastern Kansas, and particularly from Jasper County, Missouri.
Short Creek Zinc and Lead Company Collection, 1916 (R1069)
(1 folder)
This is certificate number 125 for ten shares of capital stock in the Short Creek Zinc and Lead Company at Joplin in Japser county, Missouri. The certificate was registered to Fieldsteel & Company on October 27, 1916, and signed by President F. A. Hornaday and Secretary C. Scott.
SHSMO-KC Postcard Collection, 1908-1956 (K1345)
.24 cubic foot (22 folders)
The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City Postcard Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous postcard acquisitions related to Missouri places, individuals, organizations, and events. The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City Postcard Collection continues to have material added to it. New additions are added at the end of the collection.
Jesse Russell Simonson Papers, 1894-1901 (R1249)
(1 folder)
These are six teacher's contracts and a teacher's certificate for Jesse Russell Simonson in Jasper County, Missouri. There are three contracts for rural schools, and three contracts for Carterville Public School.
Harriet Cockefair Skinner Postcard Collection, 1900-1916 (P0549)
38 postcards
Postcards, the bulk of which depict Higginsville and Odessa. Additional postcards of St. Louis, Butler, Central Methodist University, Schell City, Joplin, and St. Joseph.
Nancy K. Smith Postcard Collection, 1900-1970 (P0029)
268 postcards
Postcards, all views of hospitals and clinics and some sanitariums across Missouri.
Smithfield School, Jasper County, Missouri Records, 1870-1896 (R0783)
(1 folder)
This collection contains photocopies of the subdistrict record for the Smithfield School, in Jasper County, Missouri. The volume includes minutes of meetings of the district and board of directors, estimates of school expenses, teachers' contracts, and annual enumeration of residents and children.
Songs From the Ozarks Childhood, Music Manuscript, 1924-1942 (SP0003)
.25 cubic feet (2 folders) 1 audio tape
The Songs From an Ozarks Childhood, Music Manuscript consists of the lyrics of Ozarks folk songs, as well as an audio recording of Sybil Irene (Shipley) Jobe singing the songs.
South Joplin Christian Church Woman's Council Collection, circa 1925 (R1132)
(1 folder)
This is "The Household Digest and Directory," a membership directory and recipe book published by the Woman's Council of the South Joplin Christian Church at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. Mrs. William Belford served as president of the Council.
Southern and Central Missouri Collection, 1856-2015 (R1442)
5 cubic feet (236 folders, 2 VHS, 7 CDs, 1 45 record, 1 cassette)
The Southern and Central Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining acquisitions related to individuals, places, organizations, and events. The collection mostly covers the Missouri counties of Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski, Shannon, Oregon, Barry, Miller, Taney, Jasper, and Laclede, among others.
Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records, 1957-1982 (SP0084)
1.5 cubic feet (37 folders, 2 photographs)
The Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records contain the by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, and membership papers of Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., headquartered in Bolivar, Missouri.
Southwest Missouri Map Collection, 1833-2003 (SP0047)
4 cubic feet (27 maps)
The Southwest Missouri Map Collection contains city, county, highway, geographical, topographical, and mining maps. The maps focus on the southern and western counties in Missouri including Greene, Henry, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone, and Taney counties.
Southwest Missouri Railroad Company Records, 1891-1941 (R0052)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Southwest Missouri Railroad Company Records contains microfilm copies of corporate minute books of the Southwest Missouri Railroad Company and its predecessors, the Joplin and Galena Electric Railway Company, and the Southwest Missouri Electric Railway Company. There is also one folder of miscellaneous correspondence between A.H. Rogers and Edgar Z. Wallower regarding financing of the road.
Southwest Missouri Region Photograph Collection, 1900-1953 (P1110)
An artificial collection of photographs of Missouri's southwesternmost counties: McDonald, Newton, Jasper, Dade, and Lawrence.
Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development Records, 1964-2011 (SP0009)
28 cubic feet
The records consist of the financial documents, correspondence, project notes and publications pertaining to the operation of the non-profit environmental organization known as Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development.
Southwest Missouri Teachers' Association Collection, 1941 (R1135)
(1 folder)
This is an official program booklet for the annual meeting of the Southwest Missouri Teachers' Association, held on October 22-24, 1941 at Jasper County, Missouri. R.W. Anderson of Neosho served as president of the organization.
Southwest Missouri Collection, 1864-2014 (SP0017)
1 cubic foot (43 folders, 34 photographs)
The Southwest Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to southwest Missouri individuals, places, organizations, and events. Material continues to be added to the collection.
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Photographs, 1890-1940 (P0816)
8 photographs
Photos of Southwestern Bell Telephone offices and properties in St. Louis, Joplin, Slater, and Manchester, ca. 1940
Mabel Spielman Papers, 1888-1968 (K0182)
1 c.f.
Photographs, diaries, and legal documents, but mainly correspondence to and from Spielman, a resident of Webb City, Jasper County, MO, to her husbands and friends. These letters contain information on the day to day lives of the correspondents.
Spring River Baptist Association Collection, 1937 (R1214)
(1 folder)
These are the minutes of the 98th annual session of the Spring River Baptist Association, held with the First Baptist Church of Joplin in Jasper county, Missouri, on September 22-23, 1937. B.A. Pugh served as moderator, and C. T. Sanders was clerk of the session.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Promotional Booklet Collection, 1925 (R0816)
(1 folder)
These are "Dairying in the Ozarks" and "Fruit Growing in the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas along the Frisco Lines", published by the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" Railway company to promote economic development along its routes in southern Missouri and northern Arknasas.
St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Records, 1859-1980 (R0362)
(178 cubic feet)
These are corporate minutes and financial account books, and other records of the St. Louis-San Francisco ("Frisco") Railway Company (1916-1980) and predecessor, subsidiary, and constituent companies, most notably the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway (1876-1896) and the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad (1896-1916). The "Frisco" operated in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It became part of the Burlington Northern Railroad in 1980. Also of note are four architectural drawing boxes that include the blueprints for structures along the St. Louis-San Francisco Line. A detailed inventory of the drawings is included in each of the four boxes.
Dillard Surbrugg Papers, 1925 -1931 (R1448)
(4 folders)
The Dillard Surbrugg Papers contain letters of correspondence between the Order of the Eastern Star, Webb City Chapter and other chapters in the United States, correspondence between the Springfield Republican and Dillard Surbrugg, correspondence from the Joplin Globe Publishing Company and Mr. Surbrugg and miscellaneous papers.
Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers, 1862-1872 (R0190)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Benjamin Guy Sweet Papers contain a bound typescript of four journals kept by Benjamin Sweet. They describe his experiences in the 74th Illinois Infantry during the Civil War, removal to Jasper County, Missouri, in 1867, and operation of a newsstand and bookstore in Carthage in 1872. The typescript includes a subject-name index to the journals.
Gene Taylor Collection, 1971-2001 (SP0066)
1 cubic foot (4 folders, 3 volumes, 117 photographs)
The Gene Taylor Collection consists of photographs, scrapbooks, and congressional materials related to Congressman Gene Taylor, in addition to Sarcoxie, Missouri.
The Communist Newsletters, 1868-1877 (S0430)
0.01 cubic foot
The collection consists of monthly newsletters originally published by the Reunion Community in Jasper County, Missouri, devoted to the establishment of common property and cooperative labor in business and political relations. Founder Alcander Longley established the Friendship Community in St. Louis in 1871 and continued to publish the newsletter.
The Mirror Collection, 1952-1953 (R0866)
(1 folder)
These are four issues of 'The Mirror: Reflections from the Sports, Entertainment and Other Fronts,' from 1952 and 1953. Edited by Paul Stubblefield, 'The Mirror' was published weekly at Joplin in Jasper County, Missouri. It contained television schedules, listings for dances, concerts, meetings, recreational activities and sporting events, and advertisments for local businesses.
The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection, 1950-1960 (SP0043)
1 cubic foot (2 folders, 2 oversize)
The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection contains brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, and restaurant menus from locations across southwest Missouri. Material continues to be added to the collection.
W. S. Tower Papers, 1885 (R0879)
(1 folder)
This is a letter of July 1, 1885 from W. S. Tower of Carthage in Jasper County, Missouri, to Thomas W. Gleason in Hartford, Connecticut. It concerns the payment of interest and a possible investment in land.
Tri-State Health and Housing Committee, "The Menace of the Slime Pile", no date (R1181)
(1 folder)
This collection contains a photocopy of an undated pamphlet that addresses the problem of dust from the slime piles in the Tri-State Mining District of Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. It is subtitles, "Disposal of Mill Tailings in the Tri-State Zinc and Lead District."
Tri-State Mining Superfund Site, 1945-2018 (SP0019)
1 c.f.
The Tri-State Mining Superfund Site records contain the research of Shanen Givone into the environmental impact of nuclear contamination and mining in the Joplin area and into Kansas.
Tri-State Rebekah Association Records, 1911-1941 (R0574)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are the record books of the Tri-State Rebekah Association. The Association, founded in 1904, was composed of lodges of the Daughters of Rebekah in southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma, and southwestern Missouri. The records include printed programs and minutes of the annual sessions of the Association.
Claude Turner Papers, 1942-1944 (SP0027)
.25 cubic feet (5 folders, 6 photographs)
The Claude Turner papers consist of letters written by Claude Turner to his family in Webb City during World War II. Claude served on the USS Spence.
U. S. Highway 71 Celebration Collection, 1930 (R0763)
(1 folder)
This collection includes a letterhead, program, and pin-back button with ribbon concerning the celebration of the completion of United States Highway 71 into Carthage in Jasper County, Missouri, on June 4-5, 1930.
U.S. Work Projects Administration, Historical Records Survey of Missouri, 1935-1942 (C3551)
302 cubic feet (24,282 folders); also available on 817 rolls of microfilm
Correspondence, records, and working files. Originally designed to survey and inventory all county government records, the survey finally included inventories of church records, manuscript collections, vital statistics, American imprints, and federal archives. Incorporates records of the Federal Writers Project for Missouri.
United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records, 1915-1996 (R1321)
17 cubic feet (372 folders, 4 maps, 3,238 photographs, 68 negatives, 936 slides, 3 volumes)
The United States Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center Records contain the records of the Bureau of Mines office and research facility established in Rolla, Missouri in 1915. The records include correspondence, operational reports, project reports, photographs, newspaper articles, program materials, and maps.
Frank C. Wallower Papers, 1877-1966 (R0057)
6 folders
The Wallower papers consist primarily of materials connected with his unfinished autobiography,
"A Review of Sixty Years," which he began writing after his retirement. There are three
separate versions of the autobiography in this collection, each containing both original pages and
carbons. Each version is incomplete and differs slightly from the others. Taken as a whole, they
provide a composite of the intended form of the autobiography
Wilson Waltz Diary, 1891 (SP0093)
0.1 cubic foot (1 volume)
The Wilson Waltz diary contains daily entries written by Wilson Waltz, a farmer near Carthage, Missouri, during 1891.
Webb City Chamber of Commerce Records, 1920-1924 (R0550)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Webb City Chamber of Commerce Records are minutes of meetings of the Webb City Chamber of Commerce, Jasper County, Missouri, for the years 1920 and 1924.
Webb City Community Chest Records, 1939-1955 (R0551)
(1 roll of microfilm)
The Webb City Community Chest Records are records of contributions, minutes of meetings, and miscellaneous papers of the Webb City Community Chest in Webb City, Jasper County, Missouri.
Webb City Factory Holding Corporation Collection, 1938 (R1117)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
This collection contains certificate number 105, dated January 19, 1938 for 80 shares of preferred stock in the Webb City Factory Holding Corporation at Webb City in Jasper County, Missouri. It was issued to the Webb City Bank and signed by W. C. Ball, president, and Harry Easley, secretary.
Western Missouri Good Roads Association (Joplin, Mo.) Minute Book, 1912-1915 (C0648)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Bylaws, financial statement, and minutes of meeting of the association, which was organized in July 1912.
Whitaker Family Collection, 1902-1972 (SP0076)
2 cubic feet (22 folders, 116 photographs, 2 oversize boxes)
The Whitaker Family Collection contains materials related to Whitaker Printing and Manufacturing Company, a family-owned business that was located in Joplin, Missouri. The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, photographs, publications, and records pertaining to Sar-Tol pharmaceutical products. The collection also contains artwork by Joplin artist Robert Higgs.
Wight and Wight Architectural Records, 1904-1952 (K0825)
40.04 c.f.
Architectural drawings, business papers, and photographs from the premier pre-World War II architects of Kansas City, MO. also of furnishings designed by W.D. Wight.
Clara L. Wilber Papers, 1885-1933 (SP0100)
0.4 cubic foot (8 folders, 1 photograph)
The Clara L. Wilber Papers contain the personal papers and handwritten poems of Carthage, Missouri, woman Clara Luella Wilber.
E. L. Williams Mining Papers, 1912 (R0741)
(1 folder)
This is a mining lease between E. L. Williams, the lessee, and Harriet E. Etheridge, the lessor, for property in Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri. The ten-year lease stipulated a 10% royalty on the value of lead and zinc mined from the site.
Jack Williams Photograph Collection, 1900, no date (P0711)
11 photographs
Photos of Bradford Zinc Company, Oronogo Circle, and zinc and lead mining in Jasper County, ca. 1900.
Suzanne Wilson Papers, 1959-2009 (SP0004)
9 cubic feet (382 folders), 1 oversize
The Suzanne Wilson Papers consist of the fiction, nonfiction, and personal correspondence of free-lance writer Suzanne Wilson (1937- ). The papers cover a variety of topics, but many deal with nature. The bulk of her work was created for Scouting Magazine.
L. L. Wittich, "Joplin News Herald’s Zinc and Lead Handbook" Collection, 1916 (R0275)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)
The L. L. Wittich, “Joplin News Herald’s Zinc and Lead Handbook” Collection contains a pamphlet concerning the zinc and lead industries and mineral production in the Joplin District of Missouri, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Included are production figures for mines and mining companies in the Joplin District, and statistics on the international production, pricing, and consumption of zinc and lead.