

Robert L. Dillard Papers, 1849-2016 (SP0072)
1 cubic foot (10 folders, 4 volumes, 30 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Robert L. Dillard Papers contain historical records related to the Dillard and Dennis families of Greene and Webster counties in Missouri. The records include marriage and death certificates, land deeds, pension applications, correspondence, and photographs. The collection also contains a manuscript written by Dr. Robert L. Dillard on his family history and genealogy.

John Harvey Doran Papers, 1864-1865 (R0582)
0.05 cubic foot (1 volume)

 Finding Aid

The John Harvey Doran Papers collection is the journal of John Harvey Doran, a carpenter and builder at Springfield, Missouri. The brief entries in his journal concern his business activities, news of family and friends, and events around Springfield from August 13, 1864, to September 24, 1865.


Drake and McGraw Families Papers, 1829-1918 (R1371)
0.25 cubic foot (3 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Drake and McGraw Familes Papers document the personal and professional lives of several members of Drake and McGraw families. The McGraw family lived in Greene County, Missouri, and the Drake family lived in Benton County, Missouri. The collection consists of professional documents, correspondence, and a journal collected from multiple members of these families.


Chuck and Dianne Dunlap Postcard Collection, 1908-1941 (P0028)
13 postcards

Postcards of Missouri cities, including Kansas City parks, streets, and buildings; Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City, bird's-eye view of Sedalia, Cortez Motor Court in Springfield, and St. Louis: Ead's Bridge, Shaw's Garden, and Smith Bros. Cottage and Hotel.


Randolph Harrison Dyer Letter, 1861 (C3193)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection contains a copy of a letter from Harrison, a Confederate officer, to his sister, from Springfield, MO, Aug. 12, 1861, concerning the Battle of Wilson's. Also included is a brief sketch of the Dyer family by Monroe F. Cockrell.



O.B. Eakin Papers, 1993 (K1113)
0.01 c.f. (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

Biographical information

Eisenmayer Family Papers, 1842-1983 (SP0032)
1 cubic foot (28 folders, 12 photographs)

 Finding Aid

The Eisenmayer Family Papers consist of documents pertaining to the Eisenmayer Family and the Eisenmayer Milling Company in Springfield, Missouri. The collection also includes examples of the flour sacks used by the company, genealogical research, photographs, and materials related to the history of Greene County, Missouri.    


Eisenmayer Milling Company (Springfield, Mo.) Records, 1890-1902 (C2326)
0.8 cubic feet (5 volumes)

 Finding Aid

Books recording railroad freight rates, grain prices, shipping records and wheat purchases.
Vol. 1 Cash book, 1890-1893.
Vol. 2 Purchase book, 1892-1899.
Vol. 3 Sales book, 1894.
Vol. 4 Shipping and sales book, 1896-1899.
Vol. 5 Shipping and sales book, 1899-1902.


Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection, 1905-1917 (SP0075)
.2 cubic foot (2 folders, 62 postcards)

 Finding Aid

The Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection contains postcards sent to Jennie (Raymond) Ellis and her family between 1905 and 1917. The postcards include images of various cities and landmarks throughout Missouri and the United States.

Elsey Carriage Company Photographs, 1908-1983 (SP0049)
0.5 cubic feet (13 folders, 59 photographs)

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Elsey Carriage Company Photographs collection contains images of vehicles built by the company from 1905, when the company opened, to 1927 when the name of the company changed. Missouri and Arkansas businesses commissioned Elsey to build vehicles of various designs that were decorated to their specifications. A 1983 newspaper article gives the history of the company.


H.N. Epps Family Letters, 1817-1880 (C0201)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders), 1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Letters from Estes, Lea and Cates family members discussing family matters, relatives, and unsettled political conditions.


David Eslick Photograph Collection, 1976-2001 (SP0088)
0.1 cubic foot (2 folders, 89 slides)

 Finding Aid

The David Eslick Photograph Collection contains 35-millimeter photographic color slides of people and landmarks in Springfield and southwest Missouri taken by historian and photographer David J. Eslick.


Jonathan Fairbanks Papers, 1850-1929 (R0075)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Johnathan Fairbanks Papers contain a microfilm copy of correspondence and notebooks of Johnathan Fairbanks an educator and businessman who came to Springfield, Missouri in 1866. The correspondence consists primarily of letters received from friends and family in Massachusetts and Ohio. The notebooks generally concern personal business and financial matters.


Federal Lead Company, Mining Department Records, 1907-1913 (R0520)
2 cubic feet (17 volumes)

 Finding Aid

These are letterbooks of outgoing correspondence maintained by Harry Adelbert Guess, general
manager of the Federal Lead Company's mine and mill at Flat River in St. Francois County,
Missouri. Topics include production, exploration, shipping, labor relations, and environmental pollution.

First and Calvary Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1966-1985 (R0910)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are pictorial directories (summer 1966, summer 1969, and fall 1981), a dedicatory program for a tapestry (April 7, 1985) , and a newsletter (June 16, 1985) for First and Calvary Presbyterian Church at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri.


First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1955 (R1097)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This booklet contains the revised bylaws of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Springfield, Missouri written in 1955.



First Congregational Church, Springfield, Missouri Woman's Missionary Society Collection, 1904 (R0797)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a small pamphlet that provides a meeting schedule, program topics, and a list of officers for the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Congregational Church at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, for July 1904 through March 1905.


George Flood Papers, 1900 (R0937)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a letter from George Flood at Golden City in Barton County, Missouri, to "Brother Knoll" dated June 10, 1900. The letter concerns Flood's attempts to market bicycles for Knoll, with the intention of moving to Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, to do so.


Freemasons, Republic Lodge No. 570 Records, 1914 (R1276)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a booklet containing the register and bylaws of the Republic Lodge, No. 570. A.F. & A.M. in Republic, Missouri, June 30, 1914. The "Republic Monitor Print" of Republic, Missouri published the twenty-one page booklet for the lodge on June 30, 1914.


Freemasons, Royal and Select Masters, Zabud Council No. 25, Springfield, Missouri Records, 1945 (R0755)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a program for the assembly of Zabud Council No. 25, Royal and Select Masters, held at the Masonic Temple in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri on October 30, 1945.


Friends in Council of Springfield, Missouri, 1952 (R1085)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a year book for 1952-1953 for the Friends in Council, a woman's study club at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. Included are the names and addresses of officers and members, a calendar for the club's meeting year (October 1952 to May 1953), and topics and readings for discussion a the meetings.


Frisco-Santa Fe Land and Development Company Collection, 1906 (R1004)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a certificate dated September 4, 1906 for one unit interest in the lands and towns located in Montgomery County, Texas, on sale by the Frisco-Santa Fe Land and Development Company. The company was based at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. The president was Maurice H. Meyers.


Henry Fulbright Records, 1837-1861 (R0320)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Henry Fulbright Records contain a microfilm copy of an account ledger from a general store operated by Henry Fulbright at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. William, and Ephraim R. Fulbright joined the firm as full partners on February 27, 1840. An index of the customers is available.



George Carden Circus International Collection, 1986 (R0909)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is the '1986 Official Program and Color Book' for George Carden Circus International, which had winter quarters at Willard in Greene County, Missouri.


M. E. Gillioz Collection, 1926-1994 (R0575)
0.1 cubic foot (4 folders)

 Finding Aid

The M. E. Gillioz Collection contains printed material and newspaper clippings concerning the life and career of M. E. Gillioz, a construction contractor and businessman from Monett, Barry County, Missouri.


George I. Gird Photographs, 1938-1952 (P0149)
208 photographs

B/w aerial views of Clayton, Hermann, Independence, Joplin, Kansas City, Nevada, St. Louis, Springfield, Webb City, and Weston from around 1955.

Goodwill Family Photograph Collection, 1940s (R1479)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Goodwill Family Photograph Collection contains an original photograph of KWTO Radio's Goodwill Family. KWTO hosted its own live musicians to circumvent the Federal Radio Commission's ban on playing recorded music.


Grace Methodist Church, Springfield, Missouri Centennial Collection, 1964 (R0851)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These items are associated with the centennial observance of Grace Methodist Church at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri, in May 1964. Included are a centennial story booklet, a congregational newsletter, and a church bulletin for the centennial service.



Grand Army of the Republic Captain John Matthews Post Papers, 1898-1899 (R1422)
0.1 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The collection consists of receipts documenting financial transactions made by the Grand Army of the Republic Post No. 69.


Grand Army of the Republic, John Matthews Post No. 69, Springfield, Missouri Records, 1884-1901 (R0703)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Grand Army of the Republic, John Matthews Post No. 69, Springfield, Missouri Records contain applications for membership in the John Matthews Post No. 69 of the Grand Army of the Republic in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. The applications bear the name, age, residence, and brief military history of the applicants, among whom were Charles E. Moss, John E. Phelps, and L. A. Rountree.


Grant Avenue Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1929 (R1033)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is the yearbook and directory for 1929 for the Grant Avenue Baptist Church at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. Included are photographs of the pastor and the church building, lists of officers, the church covenant, and a membership roll. Thomas Houston Wiles served as pastor of the congregation.


Grant-Davis Lumber Company Records, 1882-1949 (R0109)
6.5 cubic feet (20 volumes, 9 oversize volumes, 9 folders)

 Finding Aid

The Grant-Davis Lumber Company Records are business records of a lumber company based in Cabool, Missouri, which operated in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. The collection includes ledgers, cash books, trial balances, inventories, and correspondence with the St. Louis and San Francisco ("Frisco") Railroad Company regarding freight claims. Russelle Grant Simonsen, daughter of Paul S. Grant, the last president of the firm, donated the records of the Grant-Davis Lumber Company. Mrs. Simonsen also provided background information on the company and the individuals who operated it.

Greene County Abstracts of Title, 1846-1976 (SP0045)
.1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The Greene County Abstracts of Title collection contains abstracts of properties located in Greene County. It includes the abstract for property owned by Springfield, Missouri, attorney Henry C. Young, the abstract of a home located at 2400 S. McCann in Springfield, and a home located in the Rosewood sub division in Springfield.


Greene County Baptist Association Records, 1929 (R1034)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are the published minutes and proceedings of the 57th annual session of the Greene County Baptist Association, held with the Ash Grove Church at Ash Grove in Greenen County, Missouri, on September 3-5, 1929. C.K. Martin served as moderator of the session.


Greene County Baptist Association Minutes, 1873-1908 (C3012)
1 roll of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Minutes of the Greene County Baptist Association. Contains lists of members.


Greene County Democratic Central Committee, Jackson Day Banquet Collection, 1958-1969 (R0696)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are programs for the 35th, 37th, and 46th annual Jackson Day Banquets, held in 1958, 1960, and 1969 at the Shrine Mosque in Springfield, Missouri. The sponsors were the Greene County Democratic Central Committee, the Roosevelt Women's Democratic Club, and the Young Democratic Club of Greene County.


Greene County, Missouri Militia Exemption Records, ca. 1863 (R0321)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The Greene County Missouri Militia Exemption Records contains a photocopy of an “Assessment Roll of Exemptions from Military Duty,” for Greene County, Missouri, circa 1863. The list bears the names of individuals who paid a tax in lieu of militia service during the Civil War, the fees paid, and the units from which exemptions were granted. Most exemptions were from duty in the 72nd and 74th regiments of Enrolled Missouri Militia.


Sarah Guitar Papers, 1931-1944 (C3563)
1.2 cubic feet (87 folders, 1 card file)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence and miscellaneous information on Missouri compiled by Sarah Guitar during her employment, under the direction of Floyd C. Shoemaker, as Reference Librarian for the State Historical Society of Missouri.  Includes one card file of reference notes.



Haden Family Collection, 1940-1944 (R1095)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

These are two booklets concerning the Haden Family, a musical group that performed during this period on radio station KWTO at Springfield in Greene County, Missouri. The booklets were distributed to fans of the group.


Donald R. Hale Photographs, 1906-1951 (P0832)
7 postcards

Postcards depicting the exterior of KKK birthplace (Pulaski, Tenn) and exterior of Big Spring Inn (Neosho, MO). 2 color: exterior of Ben Franklin Hotel, Springfield, and levee scene, Cape Girardeau.


Durward G. "Doc" Hall Papers, 1946-1973 (C3389)
707 rolls of microfilm

 Finding Aid

Personal and political papers of Durward G. Hall, surgeon and U.S. Representative of the Seventh Missouri Congressional District from 1960-1972.


Leon M. Harrison Photograph Collection, 1926, 1933 (R1385)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder, 4 slides)

 Finding Aid

The Leon M. Harrison Photograph Collection consists of four slides, featuring a panoramic photograph of Springfield, Missouri employees of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company in 1926, and a certificate of appreciation for Leon M. Harrison presented to him in 1933.        


Charley Hershey Papers, 1883-1888 (R0188)
(1 roll of microfilm)

 Finding Aid

The Charley Hershey Papers contain microfilm copies of diaries written by a young itinerant peddler from Jasper County, Missouri. Charley Hershey and his brothers, Austin and Sam, canvassed the mining towns of Jasper County and in Kansas. They made a journey down the White River in Arkansas in 1884, went to California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado in 1886. The collection also includes fragments of a short story, “Goldeye’s Trip to the Hills.”

High Street Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri Collection, 1952 (R1232)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is 'Youth Trail 1952', a yearbook published by the young people of the High Street Baptist Church in Springfield, Greene County, Missouri. Included are photographic portraits, snapshots, and general information about the congregation and its programs.


Home Economics Council and Chorus, Greene County, Missouri Collection, 1948 (R1073)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a program booklet for a banquet honoring the Home Economics Council and Chorus of Greene County, Missouri, sponsored by the chain store managers of Springfield, Missouri and held on September 23, 1948 at the Kentwood Arms Hotel. Gaylord L. Durkee was the banquet chairman and Mrs. Felix Russell was chairwoman of the Home Economics Council.


Hood United Methodist Church, Republic, Missouri Collection, 1969 (R0874)
(1 folder)

 Finding Aid

This is a "History of the Hood United Mehthodist Church: 1891-1969." It includes a brief history of the congregation at Republic in Greene County, Missouri, and a photograph of the 1891 church building.



Dr. H. Lee Hoover Photograph Collection, 1961-1964 (P0614)
5 photographs

Photos of Greene County Phelps marker, Springfield square, Hazelwood Cemetery, and Danforth house (Springfield). Portrait of Virgl F. Sassman



William C. Hornbeak Papers, 1860-1873 (C0118)
0.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Business correspondence, bills, receipts, ledger, daybook and account book of Springfield, MO, general merchant.


William C. Hornbeak Papers, 1874 (R1387)
0.01 cubic foot (1 folder)

 Finding Aid

The William C. Hornbeak papers consist of a copy of an election circular asking the voters of Greene County, Missouri to vote November 3, 1874, for W.C. Hornbeak, who was running for the office of Greene County collector.
