

Miscellaneous Stone Company Records, 1959-1996 (K1320)
6 c.f.

Rolled drawings for Missouri projects of the several stone companies. Projects include Carthage Marble Corporation's work on the Miller Nichols Library at University of Missouri Kansas City.


Missouri Academic Advising Association Records, 1992-2010 (CA6226)
1.8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of an organization whose purpose is to gain recognition for academic advising and to support the development and professional growth of academic advisors in higher education in Missouri.

Missouri Academy of Science Records, 1937, 1960s-1990s (CA5714)
61.3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of an organization founded to increase and diffuse scientific knowledge include publications; correspondence; meeting minutes; reports; financial records; committee materials; membership records; annual meeting files; and miscellaneous administrative material.

Missouri Alliance For Campaign Finance Reform Records, 1995-2000 (S1164)
4 cubic feet

The records of the Missouri Alliance for Campaign Finance Reform contains petitions, meeting minutes, advertisements, and maps pertaining to the organization's mission to limit monetary contributions to political campaigns.


Missouri Alliance for Choice Records, c. 1989-1997 (CA5440)
10 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of a state-wide, coordinating organization for various pro-choice groups. Includes administrative records, financial records, minutes, correspondence, publications, newsletters, committee files, project records, and other materials.

Missouri Alliance for Historic Preservation Records, 1966-1996 (CA5973)
26 cubic feet, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

Organizational records documenting efforts to preserve and restore historical buildings and sites throughout Missouri.

Missouri Architectural Collection, 1903-2003 (K0009)
48.53 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Architectural drawings and other items from various donors relating to buildings designed by Kansas City architects and/or in the Kansas City area.

Missouri Art Education Association Records, 1939-2011 (C4721)
6.75 cubic feet (130 folders), 9 oversize volumes, 5 oversize items, 2.23 GB of born digital files, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include correspondence, photographs, publications, scrapbooks, financial records, Show Me Art, color slides, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.


Missouri Association For Adult Continuing and Community Education Records, 1980-2007 (S0726)
26 cubic feet, 207 photographs, 9 computer disks

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Association for Adult Continuing and Community Education (MAACCE) Records contain correspondence, meeting minutes, treasurer's reports, convention committee materials, programs, and a constitution documenting the organization's mission to promote the principles of and opportunities for adult continuing and community education in the state of Missouri through professional development and workshops.



Missouri Association for Social Welfare Records, 1944-2010 (CA4086)
183.7 cubic feet, 3 video cassettes, 2 audio cassettes, 5 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Addition of material on the organization’s regional divisions, committees, and task forces; annual conference material; correspondence; reports; board materials; photographs; publications; subject files relating to aging, health, children, housing, homelessness, and criminal justice; membership records; financial records; and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Records , 1956-2018 (CA6746)
1 cubic foot, 1 oversize volume

 Finding Aid

The organizational records include correspondence, meeting minutes, conference materials, histories and newsletters. Also includes one oversize scrapbook which contains histories and conference materials. 

Missouri Association of Republicans Records, 1914, 1944-2013 (C4307)
0.5 cubic feet (11 folders)

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Association of Republicans largely contain materials for Lincoln Days including programs, tickets, registration forms, correspondence, newspaper articles, photographs, and campaign materials. Included are lists of officers and vice presidents, as well as Missouri Federation of Republican Women materials pertaining to the event. The correspondence of Herbert Douglas, 1943 president and historian of the Missouri Association of Republicans, regards the history of the Association of Young Republicans of Missouri.

Missouri Association of School Librarians Records, 1942-2021 (CA5605)
59.6 cubic feet, 7 video cassettes, 8 CDs, 68 computer discs

 Finding Aid

The records of a professional association for school librarians include board minutes, correspondence, reports, membership and financial records, publications, committee work, conference materials, administrative files, and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Athletic Trainers' Association Records, 1977-1994 (C2793)
0.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of the association document annual meetings, awards, and other membership activities, including schedules and announcements of meetings, foundational documents, correspondence among members, election records, and files on inductees to the Missouri Sports Medicine Hall of Fame. Several versions of legislation requiring the registration of athletic trainers in Missouri are also included, along with related comments and correspondence.

Missouri Broadcasters Association Radio Archives Collection, 1941-2023 (CA6491)
0.2 cubic feet, 19.7 GB of digital files, 28 audio cassettes, 75 audio tapes, 20 CDs, 8 DVDs, 1 NAB cartridge

 Finding Aid

Audio recordings of radio airchecks, station IDs, promos, and broadcasts collected by the Missouri Broadcasters Association as part of a pilot program for the Library of Congress’ Radio Preservation Task Force. The collection contains audio digitized by Missouri radio stations, along with some original recordings and other miscellaneous material.

Missouri Business Education Association Records, 1959-2006 (CA5353)
4.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include president’s files, meeting minutes and agendas, constitution, conference materials, financial and membership records, correspondence, and miscellaneous material. Includes some Missouri Vocational Association materials.

Missouri Century Farm Program Records, 1975-2017 (CA6498)
15 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Century Farm Program contain applications, programs, clippings, and miscellaneous material. The program was created in 1975 to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial. Beginning in 1986, the program was administered by the University of Missouri Extension. The Missouri Farm Bureau became a co-sponsor in 2008.

Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Records, 1963-2020 (CA6574)
10 cubic feet, 6 computer discs, 1 video cassette, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include correspondence, minutes, conference materials, newsletters, reports, manuals, and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Christian Leadership Forum (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1979-2013 (CA6070)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Conference proceedings, correspondence, policy statements, publicity pamphlets, committee and assorted other business meeting minutes, assorted committee and task force materials, financial records, and miscellaneous papers. Originating in 1981, the Forum included a wide range of Christian denominations in one ecumenical body. The organization dissolved in 2013.


Missouri Church Records, 1811-2024 (C0558)
123.3 cubic feet (1424 folders), 3 computer discs

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Church Records consist of newsletters, conference proceedings, reports, directories, journals, and other publications of various religious denominations in Missouri including the Methodist, Baptist, Disciples of Christ (Christian), Presbyterian, and Catholic churches.

Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records, 1990-2021 (S0292)
6 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) Records consist of correspondence, newsletters, booklets, and flyers, documenting its efforts to ensure that prisons are reserved only for those individuals that must be incarcerated and that those individuals receive humane treatment.


Missouri City and County Government Documents Collection, 1941-1994 (C4190)
22 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records contain annual reports, budget and financial reports, city ordinances, city planning documents, audits, community development reports, and land use documents for various cities, counties, and regions in Missouri.

Missouri Coalition For The Environment Records, 1967-2007 (S0421)
256 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Coalition for the Environment was incorporated in St. Louis in 1969 as a volunteer citizen's organization whose mission includes education, communication, planning and action on issues involving the environment; notably clean air, energy, open space/land use, solid waste, transportation, and clean water. The records document the founding of the organization, its administration, and the environmental issues it studied, protested, supported, and criticized.

Missouri Community Action Network Records, 1979-2016 (CA6460)
2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of Missouri CAN, a statewide association of community action agencies, allies, and supporters who work to end poverty in Missouri, include newsletters, reports, correspondence, brochures, training materials, new releases, and project material. The organization was originally called Missouri Association for Community Action (MACA).

Missouri Conference on History Records, 1965-2008 (CA5337)
0.2 cubic feet, 2 CDs

 Finding Aid

Records of the secretary and treasurer of the conference; annual meeting materials; and newsletters.

Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers Records, 1899-2013 (CA6595)
14.5 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 2 video cassettes, 18 oversize items, 2 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Addition of records includes executive committee meeting minutes, publications, reports, photographs, scrapbooks, and miscellaneous material.


Missouri Council for Exceptional Children Records, 1940-2001 (CA6084)
6.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

Records of the state federation of the national professional special education organization. Includes conference and membership materials, awards, brochures, correspondence, strategic plans, minutes, newsletters, proclamations, publications, photographs and slides, treasurer's reports, financial records, and unit resource handbooks.

Missouri Department of Social Services, Division of Family Services, Community Services Block Grant Unit Records, 1976-1999 (CA5813)
228 cubic feet, 8 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

Records of the state office responsible for the administration of federal funds provided for poverty assistance in Missouri, consisting of correspondence, contracts, reports, and financial records of participating social service agencies, and miscellaneous material.

Missouri Environment Oral History Project Records, 1963, 1997-2021 (C3966)
0.6 cubic feet (67 folders), 55 audio cassettes, 75 compact discs, 66.6 GB of digital files

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

Interviews with Missouri land use and natural resource professionals and other individuals related to the environment in Missouri. The records include audio cassettes, CDs, audio logs, and transcripts.

Missouri Extension Homemakers Association Records, 1909-2013 (C4696)
29.3 cubic feet (919 folders) 268 audio cassettes, 5 35mm film negatives, 3 oversize items, 21 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Material pertaining to the women’s extension clubs in Missouri include meeting minutes, programs, lists of officers, annual records, handbooks, project reports, histories, publications, correspondence, scrapbooks, project files, and miscellany of the state organization and various chapters. Includes oral histories collected for the organization’s 50th anniversary.

Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs Records, 1923-2003 (C4547)
11.0 cubic feet (172 folders)

 Finding Aid

This collection contains the minutes of meetings, annual reports, financial records, manuals, programs and other convention materials for the Missouri Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc.

Missouri Federation of Music Clubs Records, 1941-2019 (CA6605)
3.4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Federation of Music Clubs include meeting minutes, scrapbooks, convention materials, directories, yearbooks, and miscellaneous material. The organization supports and promotes music education and appreciation of the arts, as well as sponsors musical events, competitions, and other performing opportunities for all ages throughout the state.

Missouri Federation of Republican Women Records, 1969-1993 (C3918)
1 cubic foot, 4 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

Minutes of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, annual conventions, and committees of the federation. The records focus on politics, fund raising, education, and lobbying. See also collection 3525, Federated Republican Women's Club, Columbia, MO, Papers, for records and scrapbooks dating from 1934 to 1969.

Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs Records, 1917-2023 (CA6745)
1 cubic foot, 1 oversize item

 Finding Aid

Addition of MFWC records. Includes records from the 4th district and miscellaneous clubs. Items include convention records, certificates, financial records, minutes, and yearbooks. See also C1172.

Missouri Fiber Artists Records, 1978-2018 (CA6512)
4.6 cubic feet, 13 computer discs, 1 DVD, 4.84 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include newsletters, meeting minutes, conference materials, financial records, membership records, slides, photographs, and miscellaneous administrative material.

Missouri Folklore Society Records, 1906-1931, 1971-2016 (C2045)
14.4 cubic feet (649 folders, 1226 photographs, 144 slides), 64.8 MB of digital files (306 jpgs), 357 audio cassettes, 10 audio tapes, 3 audio discs, 32 video cassettes, 4 DVDs, 1 reel 16mm film, 8 oversize items

 Finding Aid

The records of the Missouri Folklore Society include scattered early materials such as constitutions, programs, and publications. The bulk of the collection consists of organizational materials beginning in 1977 when the Society was reactivated, including correspondence, meeting minutes, publications, photographs, audiovisual materials, clippings, membership lists, and annual meeting materials.

Missouri Folklore Society Records, 1993-2019 (CA6567)
2 cubic feet, 2 CDs, 5 DVDs, 4 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Addition of annual meeting materials, grant proposals, correspondence, mailing lists, audiovisual material, and miscellaneous material. Also includes material pertaining to the society’s journal.

Missouri Forest Heritage Center Records, 1994-2007 (R1342)
0.75 cubic foot (13 folders)

The records of the Missouri Forest Heritage Center contain the papers the not-for-profit organization and its goal to create a heritage center that showcased the state's role in the lumber industry, the importance of forests, and to archive items relating to the lumber industry.


Missouri Forestry Records, 1929-1994 (R1341)
2.25 cubic feet (53 folders)

The records of Missouri Forestry contain materials from the administration of directors George O. White, Osal B. Capps, and Jerry Presley. This includes materials related to Smokey Bear, fire safety, and the promotion of science, practice, and standards of forestry.

Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association Collection, 1966-1997 (R0726)
(29 volumes)

 Finding Aid

These are programs for the annual show and celebrations of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, held at Ava in Douglas County, Missouri. The illustrated booklets include schedules, rules, and many advertisments for horse breeding services and local businesses.


Missouri General Assembly Portraits, 1871-1991 (P0217)
978 photographs

 Digitized Materials

Portraits of members of the Missouri General Assembly, 1871-1941.

Missouri Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Records, 1850-2009 (CA6254)
82 cubic feet, 4 oversize volumes, 8 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Records of the Missouri lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Assembly. Included are account books, minutes, annual membership and financial reports, encampments reports, petitions submitted to the state Grand Lodge, and publications about the organizations. The collection also includes records of the Modern Woodmen of America, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, and Theta Rho Girls Club.

Missouri Heartwood Records, 1965-2000 (C4209)
2.3 cubic feet (104 folders)

 Finding Aid

Records of an environmental coalition concerned with protecting and restoring the native Ozarks forests. Includes files on lead mining and poisoning, incinerator use, wood chipping, logging, forest planning, and other environmental issues in Missouri.

Missouri Historical Society Union Organizing Drive Records, 1993-1995 (S1093)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection contains meeting minutes, newsletters, memorandum, and correspondence about the unionization movement at the Missouri History Museum (MHS). Of interest is the correspondence, which revealed the divisions within MHS over the attempt to establish a union for employees.


Missouri Home Economics Association Records, 1933-2020 (CA6615)
2.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include annual meeting programs, directories, newsletters, and meeting minutes.

Missouri Humanities Council Records, 1971-2020 (S0936)
115 cubic feet, 45.4 GB

 Finding Aid

The Missouri Humanities Council Records contains grant proposals, evaluations, development meeting minutes, program guidelines, reports, and newsletters pertaining to the group’s mission to assist libraries, museums, and other organizations in promoting educational programs focusing on history, law, ethics, philosophy, and anthropology. The majority of the collection contains grant proposals submitted to the Missouri Humanities Council by various organizations in Missouri; the grant proposal files include the proposals, correspondence, and program evaluations. The Missouri Humanities Council was founded in 1971 and is affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities. It has offices in Kansas City and St. Louis. The materials in this collection date from 1971 to 2020.
