LifeWise StL Records, 1902-2019 (S0352)
37 cubic feet
The collection contains meeting minutes, correspondence, reports, photographs, and VHS tapes chronicling LifeWise StL's (formerly Kingdom House) 120-year history of providing social welfare services to St. Louis's poor and immigrant population. Materials of interest include photographs of the Syrian Pioneers,' a LifeWise StL boy's club that catered to the Syrian youth in the early 1900s.
Lift Every Voice and Sing, Oral History Project, 1990-1999 (S0609)
4.8 cubic feet, 47 folders, 104 audio cassettes and transcriptions, 100 photographs
The Lift Every Voice and Sing Oral History Project, conducted between 1990 and 1998, documents the lives of Black community leaders in the St. Louis area. Interviewees include politicians, such as St. Louis Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr., and political activists like Percy Green and Ora Lee Malone. The collection includes oral history tapes, transcripts, and photographs of the interview subjects.
Alfred Hart Lighton Collection, 1924-1992 (K0867)
4.75 c.f.
Business and financial records of Woolford Farm and Stables, owned by Herbert M. Woolf; financial records of Woolford Realty Company; and materials concerning Woolf Brothers and members of the Woolf and Lighton families.
Stephen Limbaugh Papers, 1983-2008 (S0921)
82 cubic feet
This collection contains civil and criminal case files of Stephen Limbaugh, Sr., who served as a United States District Judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of Missouri from 1983 to 2008.
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1901-2020 (CA5969)
54.6 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes, 1 video cassette
Addition of records of an organization dedicated to research and publication in the analysis of language. Includes publications, programs from annual meetings and Linguistic Institutes, publicity clippings, and materials concerning affiliated organizations, various committees, and Ebonics. Also includes correspondence of George M. Bolling and Bernard Bloch, who were both editors of Language and presidents of LSA.
Linguistic Society of America Records, 1896-1998 (C3974)
27.0 cubic feet, 69 audio cassettes, 4 audio tapes, 3 video cassettes, 40 rolls of microfilm
The records of the Linguistic Society of America, an organization dedicated to research and publication in the scientific analysis of language, include committee minutes, correspondence of officers and administrators, publications, grant applications, correspondence with affiliated organizations, and planning documents on Linguistic Institutes and annual meetings.
Linscott Haylett Wheat Architectural Records, 1953-2009 (K0780)
91 c.f.
Architectural drawings, job files, administrative records, and photographs created by the firm whose diversified practice included a broad spectrum of building types, both new construction and renovation work.
Alex Liosnoff Papers, 1936-2002 (C4361)
1 cubic foot (48 folders)
Biographical material, newspapers, newsletters, radio broadcasting material, and plain language program in business forms material of a 1941 graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Liosnoff was a newspaper reporter, editor and radio editor and writer, as well as a Director of Public Affairs management for the U.S. High Commissioners and U.S. Civil Administration of the Ryuku Islands. He was also head of the Plain Language Program though the Bank of America.
Carl Lipoff and Adele Goodman Lipoff Family Papers, 1991 (K0904)
0.05 cubic foot (1 folder)
The Carl Lipoff and Adele Goodman Lipoff Family Papers contain a bound book titled ""Carl and Adele Lipoff: A Family History"" which details history of the Lipoff family.
Winifred Lippman Papers, 1930-2007, bulk 1954-2001 (S0188)
5 cubic feet, 377 photographs, 5 video tapes
The papers of Winifred Lippman contain correspondence, photographs, video tapes, an oral history interview, newspaper clippings, and organizational records documenting Lippman's seventy-year career as a Labor activist and her work for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.
Robert Lipscomb Papers, 1945-2019 (SP0053)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 1 cd)
The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.
Literacy Action Corps of Columbia, Missouri Records, 1969-2022 (CA6232)
1.5 cubic feet
Administrative records of the organization including minutes, correspondence, newsletters, promotional materials, membership lists, and photographs.
Literacy Investment for Tomorrow-Missouri Records, 1989-2013 (CA6354)
4.1 cubic feet, 2 DVDs, 5 video cassettes
The records of an organization devoted to developing and promoting adult and family literacy resources include meeting minutes, reports, newsletters, publications, and miscellaneous administrative material. The organization ceased operation in 2012 after more than twenty years of providing training programs and technical assistance throughout Missouri.
Little Zion Baptist Church, Howell County, Missouri Records, 1913-1994 (R0503)
(1 roll of microfilm)
These are the record books of the Little Zion Baptist Church near Trask in Howell County,
Missouri. The volumes include membership records, lists of officers and pastors, and minutes of
church meetings from 4 October 1913 through 1 June 1994. There is also an historical sketch of the
church written for its centennial in 1994.
Livingston and Traugott Families Papers, 1898-2006, bulk 1942-1959 (R1516)
1.2 cubic feet (40 folders, 13 photographs)
The Livingston and Traugott Families Papers contains personal correspondence and papers of the Traugott and Livingston families from Benton and Miller counties in Missouri, with the bulk revolving around the life of the Traugott family during Lieutenant Colonel Edgar Henry Traugott’s career in the United States Army in the mid-twentieth century.
David A. Lockmiller Papers, 1880-1964 (C0405)
0.2 cubic feet
The papers of the biographer of General Enoch H. Crowder, administrator of the Selective Service during World War I and ambassador to Cuba, primarily consist of correspondence from the 1940s and 1950s pertaining to the biography. The papers also include correspondence written to Crowder from prominent political and military figures, publicity materials, book reviews, and miscellaneous records. See also C1046, the Enoch H. Crowder Papers.
Anita Boresow Loeb Jewish Cemetery Project, 1866-1999 (K0430)
14 (MR)
Microfilm of note cards prepared by Loeb recording vital data, and when available obituaries for persons buried in Jewish cemeteries in Greater Kansas City. Much of the data, but not all, appears in Mrs. Loeb's book, Gone But Not Forgotten: a History of the Burials in the Jewish Cemeteries of Kansas City, Missouri.
Anita Boresow Loeb Papers, 1921-2010 (K0659)
9.25 c.f.
An autobiographical family history entitled My Wonderful Life written by Loeb, community historian and active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Also a panoramic photograph of the Southwestern Keren Hayesod Zionist Conference, 1921.
Charles Gustavus Loesch Collection, 1862-1996 (C3931)
0.08 cubic feet (4 folders)
Newspaper clippings, photographs, and a memoir of Missouri Civil War veteran Charles G. (Gus) Loesch.
Robert Logsdon Papers, 1939-1992 (S1070)
0.25 cubic foot
The Robert Logsdon Papers contain newspaper clippings and photographs relating to Logsdon's labor activism as a candidate for the governor of Missouri in 1948 and a member of the executive board of the Union District 8.
Loire-Kuzmich Family Papers, 1916-2006 (C4267)
0.5 cubic feet (10 folders)
The Loire-Kuzmich family papers consists of items collected by Barbra Kuzmich, including photographs and letters, as well as documents chronicling the lives of Genevieve Loire and the Kuzmich family.
Loosely Identified Records, 1974-2012 (S1096)
0.5 cubic foot (8 folders)
The Loosely Identified Collection contains flyers, membership lists, newspaper clippings, and poems of Loosely Identified, a St. Louis-based women’s poetry group formed in 1974 to promote the cause of women’s equality through progressive and empowering poetry.
Lorenzen Family Papers, 1927-2002 (S0286)
0.5 cubic foot
The Lorenzen Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and a scrapbook, primarily pertaining to the lives of Dorothy and Robert Lorenzen and their daughter, Georgia Lorenzen Kay. The materials in this collection date from 1927 to 2002.
Serina Levin Lorsch Papers, 1963-1991 (K0094)
4 c.f.
Personal and family papers as well as materials related to various organizations of which Mrs. Lorsch was a part, including the Temple B'nai Jehudah Sisterhood, the Kansas City Chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women, her work to secure ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in Missouri
Loughlin Studios Architectural Records, 1976-2019 (K1398)
4.09 c.f.
Loughlin Studios paper drawings and AutoCAD files dated 1976 to 2019.
Helen June Knox Loughran Papers, 1948-2011 (K1256)
1 c.f.
Personal papers of former Kansas Citian, Librarian and Clerk of the United States Supreme Court. Includes correspondence, records of a trip to Europe, genealogical information and photographs of family. Also photographs of Supreme Court Justices, friends and co-workers at the Court
James L. Lowe Papers, 1940s-1990s (CA5757)
8 cubic feet, 1 oversize item, 12 computer disks
Personal papers of a Professor of Sociology, Northwest Missouri State University, consisting of correspondence and other materials concerning Democratic politics in Missouri and Arkansas, military papers, the Red Cross and other community service organizations, and Lowe's autobiography.
Bessie Lowenhaupt Collection, 1961-1999 (S0614)
0.4 cubic foot, 12 folders, 33 photographs, 2 audio tapes
This collection consists of notes, newspaper clippings, announcements, and photographs documenting the life and work of St. Louis painter Bessie Lowenhaupt. Also included in the collection is an audio cassette of an interview with Lowenhaupt conducted by Ernest and Judy Saul Stix on December 20, 1961.
Larry Lowic St. Louis Architecture Collection, 1803-1995 (S0565)
14 cubic feet, 161 folders
This collection contains secondary source material and notes Lowic accumulated for his book "The Architectural Heritage of St. Louis, 1803-1891." Subjects of interest include St. Louis neighborhoods, buildings, churches, and the cultural influences of the French and Germans on the city's built environment.
Earl H. Lubensky Papers, c. 1890s-2000s (CA6241)
50 cubic feet, 1 computer disc, 26 oversize items
Personal and professional papers of a soldier, diplomat, and archaeologist who was a native of Marshall, Missouri. Includes papers of the Biesemeyer family of Osage County, Missouri, and Missouri Archaeological Society materials.
Joann S. Lublin Papers, 1976-2022 (CA6712)
5.75 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes, 4.4 GB of digital files
The papers of Joann S. Lublin, author and longtime columnist for The Wall Street Journal, include sixteen volumes of newspaper clippings and recordings of interviews conducted for her books Earning It and Power Moms. Also included is research material and interviews which were used to write Earning It, publishing records, and drafts of the book.
Luke Sisters Collection, 1934-2003 (K0783)
0.1 c.f.
The sisters, Ida Rose and Zelda, were a singing and dancing team, specializing in tap and acrobatics during the Depression. Copies of photographs, advertisements, contracts, and clippings of many of their engagements. Also included is a listing of Zelda's dancing and singing engagements.
Gus Lumpe Papers, 1966-1990 (S1041)
1 cubic foot
This collection contains materials on the Missouri Teamsters and Ernest Calloway.
Sheila Lumpe Papers, 1974-1997 (S0926)
7 cubic feet
The Sheila Lump Papers contain speeches, legislation, photographs, and cassette tapes relating to her career as a Missouri State Representative and Public Service Commission Chair. Subjects of interest include abortion, pay equity, redistricting, and privacy.
Lupus Chili Fest Collection, 1982-2017 (C4503)
1.35 GB of digital files (54 tifs)
The collection contains posters and background material concerning an annual chili festival held in Lupus, Missouri, from 1982 to 2016.
Beth Ripley Lyon and Leslie Michael Lyon Papers, 1890-1998 (K0811)
0.3 c.f.
Papers and photographs of the Lyon/Barnett and extended families. Includes correspondence, diaries, genealogy notes, legal documents, and photographs.
M. Fred Lyon Collection, 1870-1991 (C3853)
34.0 cubic feet (1173 folders), 16 rolls of microfilm (43 volumes)
A collection of Missouri-Kansas-Texas (M-K-T or KATY) Railroad operating papers, equipment records, promotional materials, photographs and slides, publications, and newspaper clippings concerning the company. The collection also contains similar but less extensive materials of other American and foreign railroads, American railroad industry publications, and railroad enthusiast periodicals.
Lyric Opera of Kansas City Records, 1958-2013 (K0646)
39 c.f.
Organizational records of the Opera and Opera Guild including scrapbooks, photographs, printed materials, public relations files, financial records, minutes, bylaws, and newspaper clipping.
Ken MacSwan Papers, 1968-2002 (S0414)
3 cubic feet
The collection primarily contains photographs taken by MacSwan documenting his career as a freelance photographer in the St. Louis Metro region. Subjects of interest include St. Louis Cardinals Games, street scenes, and a Billy Graham Crusade held as the St. Louis arena.
Sidney Magazine Papers, 1920-1990 (K1192)
0.2 c.f.
Magazine owned Magazine, Lerner and Minda CPA and a civic leader in the Jewish Community in Kansas City, MO. Includes family photographs depicting life events and his Westport High School report cards.
Jack Dean MaGee Papers, 1957-1991 (K0463)
1 c.f.
Magee was a Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilot. Includes flight manuals and union membership files,
Barbara Ann Magerl Papers, 1978-1993 (K0559)
1 c.f.
Programs, printed materials, public relations related to Kansas City area historical and cultural activities collection by Magerl, a writer and local historian.
Brian Mahieu Papers, 1980-2016, bulk dates 1987-1999 (C4495)
0.2 cubic feet (4 folders, 2 oversize items)
Personal papers of a plein air landscape painter from Central Missouri include writings, correspondence, photographs, and miscellaneous material.
Mallin Family Papers, 1916-2009 (K1055)
0.25 c.f.
Includes articles, photographs, newspaper clippings, interviews on DVDs, and correspondence relating to the family, with particular emphasis on Mel Mallen's business in loft conversion in Kansas City, MO.
Ora Lee Malone Papers, 1940-1990, bulk 1973-1990 (S0670)
1.6 cubic feet (53 folders)
This collection documents activist and Labor leader Ora Lee Malone’s career from 1970 to 1990. Malone’s involvement in the Labor movement began in 1956 when she organized St. Louis workers to join the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). In 1970, the ACWA hired her as their first Black international business representative. Malone merged the interests of the civil rights movement and women’s rights movement into the Labor movement, and was foundational in the organization of national Labor unions dedicated specifically to the interests of female and Black workers. In the 1980s, she became a key figure in the transnational anti-apartheid movement. The Ora Lee Malone Papers include Malone’s personal notes and speeches, correspondence, organizational papers, and reference materials.
Joseph John Maloney Papers, 1924-1992 (K0423)
13 c.f.
Personal papers, research and background materials, writings and other documents from an investigative reporter for the Kansas City Star and an author and poet.
Dorothy Lee Gibbs Mamel Genealogical Collection, 1920s-2000s (CA6732)
1.4 cubic feet
The collection of Dorothy Lee Gibbs Mamel, of Mexico, Missouri, contains genealogical materials relating to the Gibbs, Hitt, Larimore, Netherton, Rothwell, and Worrell families. Items include letters, diaries, photographs, maps, books, and miscellaneous family papers. Also included are materials relating to the R. D. Worrell Jewelry Company, which was located in Mexico, Missouri.
Gerry Mandel Papers, 1958-2020 (S0393)
3 cubic feet
The Gerry Mandel Papers consists of correspondence, journals, photographs, and story drafts chronicling Mandel’s career in advertising and as a freelance writer and producer. Also included in the collection are video biographies of the elderly in St. Louis.
Ernest Manheim Papers, 1899-2009 (K1249)
110 c.f.
professional papers/collection of UMKC professor of sociology (1940-1991)
Manley Inc. Records, 1922-2002 (K0621)
0.26 c.f.
Photographs, advertisements, catalogs, for the Kansas City company, makers of popcorn and popcorn machines.