

Ralph E. Kiene Jr. Architectural Records, 1950-1992 (K1137)
21 c.f.

Architectural drawings of buildings and houses in the greater Kansas City area designed by Kiene and his associates.


Debbie Kilgore Photograph Collection, 1993-2002 (P0155)
52 photographs

Approximately 52 35mm color negatives and prints showing scenes around Macon, Missouri during the mid 1990s. Additional photo album, assembled by Ken Fryer, DOT district manager, showing the 1993 Missouri River flood in Cole, Carroll, Howard, Saline, and Livingston counties.

Charles Newton Kimball Papers, 1911-1991 (K0055)
44 c.f.

Personal and professional papers of a scientist, civic leader, and president of the Midwest Research Institute encompassing a range of economic and community development activities regionally and nationally.


Kathleen Kinderfather Papers, 1920-2020 (S0394)
8 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, reel-to-reel tapes, and photographs documenting Kathleen Kinderfather's career as a physical education professor at Harris-Stowe State University and her involvement with the Missouri Association of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (MAHPERD); Phi Delta Pi; and Pi Lambda Theta.


King's Daughters, City Union (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1966-1985; 1996 (C4676)
0.4 cubic foot (20 folders, 2 video cassettes)

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, promotional material, and other records related to the organization's annual ball and holiday event.


King's Daughters. Kate Thompson Circle (Columbia, Mo.) Records, 1894-2006 (C4699)
1.7 cubic feet (40 folders)

 Finding Aid

Minutes of meetings, 1912-1914, 1922-1923; program, 1919; constitution and by-laws, and miscellaneous pamphlets.


Kinloch Missouri Photograph Collection, 1900-1990 (S0638)
0.25 cubic foot, 4 folders, 155 photographs

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Kinloch Missouri Photograph Collection contains 155 photographs that document the history of Kinloch Park’s African-American community from the 1890s-1940s, and the all-Black City of Kinloch from its incorporation in 1948 to the 1980s. These photographs include students in school settings, housing, politicians, educators, churches, and historical buildings.


Charles R. Kinslow Papers, 1957-2002 (K0586)
12 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Kinslow was technical expert in aircraft systems and procedures, and former Flight Instructor for Trans World Airlines and Federal Express. Includes flight and maintenance training materials, transparencies, wiring diagrams; also collected materials concerning Braniff, and Air Canada.

Kirby-Ridgway-Lightholder Family Papers, 1845-1996, 2003 (C4404)
2.4 cubic feet (48 folders, 1 volume, 5 artifacts), 14 oversize items

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, photographs, wills, military records, leases, contracts, and miscellaneous material of the Kirby, Ridgway, Lightholder, and related families. The papers document the lives of a Quaker family from Shelltown, New Jersey, and the life of Col. Ellwood Kirby, who moved westward to Missouri.

Kirkwood, Missouri Oral History Project, 1995-1997 (C3962)
0.1 cubic feet, 10 audio cassettes

 Finding Aid

The Kirkwood, Missouri, Oral History Project was an attempt to supplement the book, Kirkwood, Missouri: The Greentree City. A Pictorial History, edited by Barbara J. Byerly and J.B. Lester, which was published in 1994. The interviews were to emphasize events after 1960.



Louis Kittlaus, Jr. Collection, 1888-1994 (C3908)
0.9 cubic feet (38 folders)

 Finding Aid

Booklets, pamphlets, books, and photographs concerning Turnverein history, activities, competitions in St. Louis, MO, the United States, and as part of the 1928 Turnfest and Olympic games. The majority of the material belonged to Louis Kittlaus, Sr. or Louis Kittlaus, Jr. The ephemera includes a 50 year membership card for Louis Kittlaus, Sr., and attendance medals. Also included are family photos of the Louis Kittlaus, Jr. family.


Kiwanis Club of Columbia, Golden K Records, 1985-2021 (CA6626)
9.5 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The records of the organization include newsletters, membership records, financial records, reports, club histories, meeting minutes, photographs, information on service projects, and miscellaneous material.


Carol Kleiman Papers, 1954-2015 (CA5733)
68 cubic feet, 10 oversize volumes, 36 audio cassettes, 1 audio tape, 1 video cassette, 1 film, 8 oversize items, 1 jpg

 Finding Aid

Papers of associate business editor and columnist for the Chicago Tribune. Contains columns and articles concerning employment and women in the workforce. Also includes other writings such as books, short stories, and poetry, and materials from speeches, and radio and television appearances.

Karl Hickman Klein Collection, 1901-1990 (K0048)
1 c.f.

 Finding Aid

The collection contains copies of Letters, news clippings and other items relating to the life and death of noted artist and caricaturist Ralph Barton, Karl Klein's uncle.


Charles Klotzer Papers, 1960-2009 (S1107)
159 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Charles Klotzer Papers contains correspondence, subject files, issues of the St. Louis Jewish Light and Focus Midwest, and political pamphlets pertaining to mass transit, marijuana, Metrolink, the first amendment, and crime in the St. Louis metropolitan region.


Knell Family Photographs, 1884-1967 (P0708)
42 photographs

Copy photos of and relating to the Knell family and Knell Mortuary in Carthage, MO.


Robert P. Knight Papers, 1970s-1990s (CA5209)
5.5 cubic feet, 285 video cassettes, 243 audio tapes, 311 audio cassettes, 19 films, 2 film strips

 Finding Aid

Audiovisual material, correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a University of Missouri journalism instructor. Mostly about international and minority journalism.

Knights of Columbus, Rolla Council 2627 Collection, 1936-2000 (R1119)
(4 folders)

 Finding Aid

These are newsletters, printed materials, and miscellaneous papers of the Knights of Columbus council at Rolla in Phelps County, Missouri.


Mary M. Knoblauch Papers, 1961-2014 (CA6727)
4.78 cubic feet (2 audio discs, 2 audio tapes, 4 video cassettes)

 Finding Aid

The papers of Mary M. Knoblauch, a print journalist for Chicago's American and the Chicago Tribune, include newspaper clippings, tear sheets, awards, certificates, audiovisual material, correspondence, and an unpublished manuscript. Also included are papers covering Knoblauch's time as a freelance writer, film critic, and writing coach.

Joyce I. Koch and Harold B. Koch Papers, 1934-2006 (K0757)
5 f; 2 v

 Digitized Materials

Scrapbooks for the years Koch was president of Heart of America B'nai B'rith Women (now Jewish Women International), songbooks, miscellaneous papers and photographs of Penn Valley Community College Social Sciences Department, Harold Koch Ph.D., chair.


Sol Koenigsberg Papers, 1954-2011 (K1197)
0.5 c.f.

 Finding Aid

This collection contains papers related to the Jewish Federation and Council of Greater Kansas City, including the organization's history and newspaper clippings. In addition, there are personal papers related to Sol Koenigsberg, who was Executive Director of the Jewish Federation and Council, including a memoir and personal photographs.


Gerald and Annora Koetting Papers, 1950-1994 (S0912)
4 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Gerald and Annora Koetting Papers contain correspondence, conference materials, photographs, surveys, and newsletters pertaining to Gerald and Annora Koetting's involvement with the St. Louis chapter of the American Marketing Association.


Leslie Konnyu Papers, 1945-1991 (CA5235)
16.7 cubic feet, 1 audio cassette, 3 video cassettes

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Hungarian-American author, scholar, and leader from St. Louis include correspondence, manuscripts, collected materials, articles, publications, scrapbooks, photographs and miscellaneous material.

Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Papers, 1950s-2023 (CA6637)
4.3 cubic feet, 1 video cassette, 20.26 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The papers of a journalism and communications educator at Florida International University in Miami, and executive director of the Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, contain speeches, teaching materials, publications, survey material, materials documenting her involvement in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and the Society of Professional Journalists, and miscellaneous professional material.

KOPN Radio Records, 1951-2006 (CA5984)
157.4 cubic feet (includes 2,651 audio tapes, 523 audio cassettes, 1 CD, 32 computer disk, 3 DAT tapes), 8 video cassettes, 3 oversize items, 353 GB of digital files

 Finding Aid

Records of the organization include audio tapes from the locally produced Children’s Radio Theater, poetry readings, live performances, and assorted miscellaneous recordings; correspondence; newspaper clippings; newsletters; grant materials; staff meeting minutes; brochures; digital audio files; and miscellaneous material. Also includes records of the Midwest Radio Theatre Workshop, including administrative files, grant applications, photographs, scripts, and audio cassettes from the project.


Korean War Veterans Association Records, 1953-2012 (R1498)
1.25 cubic feet (19 folders, 1 VHS, 1 VHS-C)

 Finding Aid

The Korean War Veterans Association Collection consists of scrapbook pages, photographs, audio-visual, and institutional records from the Korean War Veterans Association in Rolla, Missouri.

Joan Louis Kort Papers, 1958-1998 (K1280)
1 c.f.

Kort was International President of B'nai B'rith Women (Jewish Women International). Includes speeches, correspondence, news articles, publications, and photographs.


Cleo D. Kottwitz Papers, 1960s-2019 (CA6536)
4.4 cubic feet, 1 DVD

 Finding Aid

The papers of a Methodist minister who worked in various locations throughout Missouri include funeral programs; sermons for funeral and weddings performed; presentations on the circuit rider Jacob Lanius; and work with the United Methodist Rural Fellowship and Town and Country Ministries. The collection also includes a small amount of material concerning the nursing career of his wife, Ellen Olmsted Kottwitz, as well as material concerning the Missouri Heifer Project and the International Farm Youth Exchange.

Kountz Family Papers, 1862-2003 (S1180)
3 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Kountz Family Papers contains photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks, certificates, and 8mm home movies documenting the lives of the Kountz family.


Jacob P. Kraft Family Papers, 1950-2010 (K1040)
0.25 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Family papers of former Film Projection/Engineer for KCTV. Includes family history and genealogy of the Kravchenko/Kraft family, Jewish publications, cook book, and Yarmulkes.


Roger Bennett Kraft Architectural Records Collection, 1980-2010 (K0813)
220 c.f.

Architectural drawings, project files, photographs and supporting documents relating to new structures and renovations designed by Kraft, a Kansas City architect/artist known for his creative use of space and design.. Also drawings and files relating to furniture also designed by Kraft.


Kenneth Krakauer Papers, 1890-2000 (K0777)
9 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Research and writing relating to the history of golf in Kansas City by civic leader Krakauer, the author of the book, "When Golf Came to Kansas City."


Paul Kranzberg Papers, 1899-1994 (S0716)
3 cubic feet, 60 folders, 291 photographs

 Finding Aid

The Paul Kranzberg Papers contain correspondence, photographs, yearbooks, and newspaper clippings pertaining to his career as a St. Louis business owner and advertising executive. Kranzberg was the founder of Padco Advertising Company, co-founder of Affiliated Advertising Agencies International, and worked for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s Food Advertising Department during the Great Depression.


Bernard (Bud) Louis Krasne Family Papers, 1964-2009 (K0896)
0.75 c.f.

 Finding Aid

Correspondence, genealogical research, newspaper clippings, business cards, digital materials, and photographs pertaining to Bud and Millie Krasne and their daughter Barbara.


Krause, Elbrecht, and Woodrow Family Papers, 1917-2024 (C4623)
0.3 cubic feet (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

Collection of family materials largely containing letters to Gladys Elbrecht of Streator, Illinois, from H.E. Heineke at West Point during World War I; letters to Charles W. Woodrow of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s; and letters to Alosia Bell of St. Louis, Missouri, 1930s. Included is a Krause family photo album, 1967-2024.


Gary R. Kremer Papers, 1961-2019 (CA6143)
11.6 cubic feet, 47 audio cassettes, 4 CDs, 3 DVDs, 4 video cassettes, 329.9 MB of digital files

 Finding Aid

The papers of the Director of the State Historical Society of Missouri primarily contain correspondence, publications, research material, and audiovisual material.

Otto and Joe Kroeger Photograph Collection, 1920-1994 (P0002)
0.2 cubic feet, 455 photographs, 6 audio cassettes

 Digitized Materials

 Finding Aid

The Kroeger collection is comprised of 455 glass plate negatives, film negatives, and photographs. Photographs were taken by Otto and his son, Joseph Kroeger, both of Jefferson City, Missouri. Also included are six interviews of the Kroeger family on audio cassettes.


Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers, 1958-2021 (S0449)
11 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Young-Hie Nahm Kromm Papers consist of architectural plans, correspondence, site specifications, floor plans, photographs, and meeting minutes documenting Kromm’s career as a Korean-American woman architect with Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Inc.  

John M. Kuhlman Papers, 1953-2011 (C4738)
0.2 cubic foot (7 folders)

 Finding Aid

The papers of a professor of economics at the University of Missouri from 1961 to 1985 include his memoirs; professional correspondence and letters from students; news articles and editorials; speeches; and miscellaneous documents.

Kuk Sool Won, St. Louis Records, 1988-2010 (S0338)
7 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The Kuk Sool Won, St. Louis Records contain photographs, scrapbooks, and tests documenting the school's dedication to teaching Kuk Sool Won, a traditional Korean martial arts system founded in 1958 by In Hyuk Suh. 

Neal F. Kurz Papers, 1963-1994 (K1102)
0.2 c.f.

The Neal F. Kurz Papers contains materials related to Kurz's career as a customer service representative with Trans World Airlines. The collection primarily consists of shift change reports compiled by Kurz.


Jonathan Kwitny Papers, 1957-1993 (C4081)
17.0 cubic feet (360 folders), 1 audio cassette, 1 video cassette

 Finding Aid

The papers contain the research material and writings of Jonathan Kwitny, a Jewish American writer and investigative journalist.


La Comunidad Video Collection, 1980-1990 (K0499)
36 c.f.

 Finding Aid

3/4" professional tapes, made by Hispanic Productions, Inc., of a weekly American cablevision program about the Hispanic community in Greater Kansas City area,also includes written history of the organization


Laborvision Video Collection, 1991-1994 (S0913)
7 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

This collection contains video recordings of "Laborvision," a public access television series produced by the Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition. The show focused on labor issues affecting Missouri workers.


George E. Ladd Papers, 1890s-1939 (R1493)
0.5 cubic foot (5 volumes)

 Finding Aid

The George E. Ladd Papers include photograph albums containing images and engineering reports of landslides and property destruction caused by soil erosion including images of failed railroad lines and train wrecks in Missouri, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, California, Tennessee, New York, Ohio, and southern Italy.


Lafayette Square Collection, 1997-2006 (S0916)
0.25 cubic foot

 Finding Aid

This collection primarily contains copies of Marquis, a newspaper produced by residents of Lafayette Square.


Marilyn Hope Lake Papers, 1955-2016 (CA6627)
12.2 cubic feet

 Finding Aid

The papers of an author, instructor, and educational association executive include writings, correspondence, greeting cards, journals, and miscellaneous personal and professional material.

Lamine (Mo.) School and Community Club Records, 1887-2003 (CA6438)
0.6 cubic feet, 3 oversize volumes

 Finding Aid

Records of the Lamine School in Cooper and Pettis Counties. The school was consolidated into the Smithton School District in 1952, at which point the community purchased the building and it became a community center. The records include minutes of the Lamine Community Club.


John E. Lamy Collection, 1916-2000 (C4356)
0.2 cubic feet (5 folders)

 Finding Aid

Memoir, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material related to a Missouri physician captured in the Philippines by the Japanese during World War II. Also World War I scrapbook created by John E. Lamy's mother, Marie Elsie Lamy.
